WWedding at the End of the WWorld: Game Thread

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The other person we haven't really talked about much is Barks, but I'll do a dive on her posts tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow, and see what I come up with.
I really can't see her bussing here.
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Day 3

With one bride dead so suddenly, chaos erupted in the venue. Wedding goers spilled onto the streets. Most seemed panicked, but a keen eye could spot a few that seemed overly composed. Almost as if they were in on some bad plans the entire time. Maybe the man who likes to talk to himself on the corner knew something. Someone should ask him.

It didn’t take long before one could smell smoke. Minutes later, flames licked across the well-manicured landscaping and towards the infrastructure of the city. All this work for a dream wedding, only to go up in flames.

Maybe they weren’t meant to be together after all. The city burning down certainly made a statement…

@Cyndia - Athens, GA - vanillager
9 players remain

1. @supershorty
4. @The_Breadmann
5. @Crayola227
6. @genny
7. @cubsrule4e
8. @Dinashadow
11. A spooky ghost
13. @Barkley13
14. @Animal Midwife
14b. @Melchizedek

12. @vetschoolsletmeinplease - The Storm of the Century - Wolf Action Delayer

2. @Zenge142 - MJ - village tinkerer
10. @PhiloslothicalStudent - COVID - Delayed blocker
3. @alleycat03 - Sporty - PMer -> MASON
9. @Cyndia - Athens, GA - vanillager

It is now Night 3. Day Close 7 am or sooner if you guys are fast and I’m fast and Dubz ever shows up again
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Because I got burned once keeping people out of the POE when they haven't given me a good solid reason to do so.
Is Barks as anti-bussing as you and I are?
I'm not certain, but her timing on sloth when please was already a wagon makes 0% sense to bus. If you're going to bus, why encourage two wolves deaths, especially on the wolf who was less likely to go over? I think the last wolf is not on either D1 wagon.
I'm not certain, but her timing on sloth when please was already a wagon makes 0% sense to bus. If you're going to bus, why encourage two wolves deaths, especially on the wolf who was less likely to go over? I think the last wolf is not on either D1 wagon.
I would go genny and cubs first and only seriously consider Barks if we were still going at that point.
What good solid reason did Mel give you?
I've felt like Mel's efforts today, when he was here, were like the game solving I expect to see from village!Mel. And he really just hasn't pinged me this game - I mentioned it to Barky earlier.

If someone wants to make a case for/against Mel in the POE, I'm all ears.
yeah, that's the point. narrows the pool of potential protectors/seers/etc for wolves.
I don't think someone deep in the POE would be considered for an NK anyway, so I doubt that my saying you PMed me actually did anything to narrow the pool.

And I have no idea what mechanic is behind the PM. It could be an item for all I know. I don't care.

Where do you think the last wolf is, genny?
I don't think someone deep in the POE would be considered for an NK anyway, so I doubt that my saying you PMed me actually did anything to narrow the pool.

And I have no idea what mechanic is behind the PM. It could be an item for all I know. I don't care.

Where do you think the last wolf is, genny?
Like this post, I just can't see ever coming from a wolf. I'd eat my fist if it were. alley wasn't even a viable wagon.
Yeet sloth

Because the thing with the genny read feels off to me. I'm hesitant to vote please or alley because they're two that I find sketchy every single game but I do see things that make me side eye
I've felt like Mel's efforts today, when he was here, were like the game solving I expect to see from village!Mel. And he really just hasn't pinged me this game - I mentioned it to Barky earlier.

If someone wants to make a case for/against Mel in the POE, I'm all ears.
I disagree. He makes those posts as a wolf too. Nothing said is outside of his wolf range.
I'm not certain, but her timing on sloth when please was already a wagon makes 0% sense to bus. If you're going to bus, why encourage two wolves deaths, especially on the wolf who was less likely to go over? I think the last wolf is not on either D1 wagon.
Yeah okay, I went back and looked at the tracker and agree with this.

Let me think on some things.
I can totally see you with some inexperienced/noob wolves though being like "do what you want guys, have fun, just dont implicate me." :lol:
I mean.
Trial by fire is the best way to learn
Night 3


Fires still burned throughout Athens late into the night. The guests, with no wedding to attend, took refuge in the least-flammable looking buildings they could find. The spooky ghost offered some assistance, but they eyed him suspiciously. They were beginning to think he wasn't real after all.

The guests mostly tried to avoid each other, paranoia leading to isolation, and isolation leading to more spirals of paranoia. A few hung together, but then a fight broke out. Someone brandished a stick, which was smashed into pieces with a chair. The chair was then flung against a wall, where it bent into an unnatural shape and fell to the ground. The remaining bride, if we may still call her that when her wedding had gone up in flames, wept in a nearby corner. Those fancy folding chairs had been expensive to rent, and now she wasn't going to get her deposit back.

@Dinashadow, who was Fancy Folding Chairs, the village protector.

8 players remain

1. @supershorty
4. @The_Breadmann
5. @Crayola227
6. @genny
7. @cubsrule4e
11. A spooky ghost
13. @Barkley13
14. @Animal Midwife
14b. @Melchizedek

12. @vetschoolsletmeinplease - The Storm of the Century - Wolf Action Delayer

2. @Zenge142 - MJ - village tinkerer
10. @PhiloslothicalStudent - COVID - Delayed blocker
3. @alleycat03 - Sporty - PMer -> MASON
9. @Cyndia - Athens, GA - vanillager
8. @Dinashadow - Fancy Folding Chairs - protector

It is now Day 4. Day Closes at 10pm EST/9pm CST/8 MST/7pm fantasyland TOMORROW 12/20
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What clearance does Bread have besides D1 VCA? I barely remember any actual game solving posts, and his votes have just been "i feel the worst about this person."
There were 2 semi-viable wagons besides please when she voted for Bread - him and AM. At the time, Sloth only had 1 vote on her, and was already bussing please. please chose to put her vote on Bread, pushing him to 3 votes (which was only 2 behind her at the time) and putting him within range of a yeet.

In a world where it's a please/sloth/Bread pack and all 3 were on the board, with please already being essentially outed, I just don't see the pack - even a pack of noob wolves - making that choice.

It would also mean that Bread bussed 2 out of 3 days so far. I'll go look at WWizards to see if he bussed in that game*, I don't know if it's part of his wolf meta or not.

Tbh Bread's lack of engagement with the thread is NAI.

Edit: he did not bus at all in WWizards. There was even a day where the ONLY people who didn't vote for a particular wolf were the remaining wolves. That's the only time I've played with wolf!Bread, I think, so I don't have other spreadsheets I can go look at.
There were 2 semi-viable wagons besides please when she voted for Bread - him and AM. At the time, Sloth only had 1 vote on her, and was already bussing please. please chose to put her vote on Bread, pushing him to 3 votes (which was only 2 behind her at the time) and putting him within range of a yeet.

In a world where it's a please/sloth/Bread pack and all 3 were on the board, with please already being essentially outed, I just don't see the pack - even a pack of noob wolves - making that choice.

It would also mean that Bread bussed 2 out of 3 days so far. I'll go look at WWizards to see if he bussed in that game, I don't know if it's part of his wolf meta or not.

Tbh Bread's lack of engagement with the thread is NAI.

I definitely see the points on the D1 vote. But again, if we're sugesting inexperienced wolves, maybe they had a strategy that went awry. As for D2, if everyone is considering me or genny as bussing on votes 1 and 2 then I dont think anyone is getting a pass there, regardless of bussing history, knowing where that vote was going.

Im just trying to look outside of the narrow range of POE as I am want to do when we start misyeeting. Generally I catch flak for it, since it HAS to be this player or that one. I still have nightmares about RWWB (sorry, cooler name 🙃 )
I definitely see the points on the D1 vote. But again, if we're sugesting inexperienced wolves, maybe they had a strategy that went awry. As for D2, if everyone is considering me or genny as bussing on votes 1 and 2 then I dont think anyone is getting a pass there, regardless of bussing history, knowing where that vote was going.

Im just trying to look outside of the narrow range of POE as I am want to do when we start misyeeting. Generally I catch flak for it, since it HAS to be this player or that one. I still have nightmares about RWWB (sorry, cooler name 🙃 )
I don't disagree, I woke up this morning thinking about the same things.
I have to update tallies still but I somehow doubt it'll change my opinion of wolves (except sloth) being offwagon.