University of Cincinnati 2017-2018 Application Cycle: Interviews

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Sep 1, 2016
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I just received an invite for an interview at UC! Are there any current medical students or students who have interviewed with them already this cycle that can shed some light on the interview process? Do you have any suggestions/comments regarding the MMI format and how to prepare?

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I just received an invite for an interview at UC! Are there any current medical students or students who have interviewed with them already this cycle that can shed some light on the interview process? Do you have any suggestions/comments regarding the MMI format and how to prepare?

I was accepted earlier this month. I would say just prepare by knowing your app so that you can draw on personal experiences during any MMI scenarios where that is applicable. It is very low stress! They really prepare you on the day. If you want more info, you might have more luck asking in the school specific page for UC. Good luck!!
Has anyone that interviewed Nov 2 hear back yet? I know a wave of decisions came the night before Thanksgiving. Anyone else hear anything?