Cthulhu & Friends: A Lovecraftian Tale - 9th Annual Noob WW Game

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Theoretically we could keep it like this and tie everyone just to see what happens (jk)

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Okay. So this might be my most outlandish tin foil yet, or I cracked the code. Not sure yet. Anyways. I've spent so much time, and had to pull a LOT of evidence for this. I can't believe we've been swayed this much away from someone who seems to hold all the strings in their hand.

unyeet zuri, yeet Wondalfy

@kaydubs @WildZoo

Warning. LONG post ahead.
This feels a lot more original and much less blending into the background compared to the others.
Pulley was calling out people who were laying low, then compliments zuri on not doing this.
I'm liking your analyses, pulley. 🤔
Wonda agrees with vocal players being more trustworthy than quiet ones. And she doubles down this by voting for HW.
This is pretty sus to me because pulley's logic makes sense...this is not the defense I'd go for lol
HW questions pulley's logic, and rightfully so, because at this point, the only argumemt against HW is being quiet, which HW saw fault with.
Yes, if they seem inactive, they may be silenced. Because of this, again, I think we should leave voting out "inactive" players up to the mods. I'm not sure about the second question, but if I had to guess a role/ability like that exists in the game, they don't know the other roles beforehand, so it can be someone with an important ability or someone with maybe a less important one as well.
But at the same time, she doesn't think we should vote for quiet players? Seems like a wolf trying to sound indecisive so they can feign ignorance.
I'm not suspicious of anyone who changed their vote, as it seemed like the only option at the time, I'm suspicious of the people who voted very quickly for rider initially.
As part of this train, she isn't suspicious of anyone who was late switching to rider, but critical of those early voting. Who early voted for rider? Moth, mighty, miranda, veggie, HW, matt. THEN Wondalfy jumped on the wagon.
I didn't mean much by that part other than there's nothing you've said that's been targeted, or out there theories or strats. Everything you've sent has had a very thorough/neutral explanation, maybe overexplaining a bit each decision, which can be good as a villager, but also in my experience in ToS can be a sign of an evil player trying to overcompensate and seem like a villager/town. Again, this is just speculation, and my main suspicion is from your quick choice of rider. Zuri explained it well.

And honestly, again sort of a tinfoil hat here, the "remember, I'm a noob" kinda throws me off because almost all of us are noobs lol.
Is suspcious of those who seem "too village-y" all the while utilizing this same tactic. No one would suspect a person that most of us had low on the poe, especially one accusing others of the same right? Redirection.
Is the only person who hasn't messaged today pulley? They had some good investigative skills yesterday, so I'm intrigued if they say nothing today (perhaps there is a role that can block messages...?)

I'd also like to note that @beepboopbop1 has been a very passive player so far.

Sounds like a role block for sure.
Wonders why pulley hasn't messaged (not sure if this was planned) as they had "good investigative skills," but in the SAME post, calls out beep for being passive? Why is pulley not sus, but beep is? Bc wonda already knows pulley is ww and beep is not.
Okay, I'm going to give my full thoughts out here just in case I die or someone wants to add. I could be completely wrong lol

Good vibes - eleanor, plum, pulley, veggie, HW, chic, & zuri. All have really good contributions imo or good defenses.
Sus based on passiveness and/or how they send messages - gs38, futuredogtor, beepboopbop, pxton (don't kill me for this please lolol)
I forgot who brought this up, but it is very wolfy to bring up a list of people you deem as "good" and throw in some wolves in the mix. She felt good about BOTH pulley and eleanor, despite them being pretty passive other than responding to her? But all of her sus based on passiveness are ALL confirmed villager.
I don't think a wolf would have the hider ability, but rather the more I think about it, it's like a perfect role to claim as a wolf. You can't ask them anything to prove themselves. They don't die because they're hiding. Still, it's not enough for me to vote HW_88. Just something to keep in mind for the future
After HW is up for vote again, she thinks they may be lying, but doesn't vote HW because I mean, once they flipped village, anyone who questioned HW at that point was sus.
Yeah, but that actually makes me more likely to believe them because if I was a wolf, I'd just lie and say I hid N1 lolol

Wait why are we doing this again??? A silencer role is possible that could prevent pulley from speaking. And again, an actual afk player will be kicked out or subbed by the mods!
Questions HW's role credibility. Then proceeds to ask why we're focusing on quiet players again. Who this time? Again, pulley. If we're sus of a villager being quiet, fair game. A wolf being quiet? "Oh there's a silencer!" Or "mods will take care of them!" And guess what happens? They inevitably chime in right before the EOD to vote as shown here:
looks like a silencer may not be part of the game after all?

True but then the "hideous" person that blocked them would have to out themselves if they are an non-village role, which is why I believed them. But now my belief is waning
This is when pulley chimes in and Wondalfy is acting surprised that they weren't silenced.
Ah, I'm afraid I might regret this, but

unyeet mightyrunner7, yeet HW_88

they still haven't claimed the confirmed villager.
She was the last person to switch onto the HW yeet train, which makes her seem reluctant to vote a villager. Or a wolf trying not to be caught voting similarly to zuri and Nemo, who she's been sus of this whole time.

This whole interaction is sus to me:
Wait how does that clear mighty?

What if mighty is a wolf but their packmate performed the kill?
That's what I said at the end of the message. Being cleared as a killer for a night does not mean being cleared as a wolf.
Oh I missed that but you also mentioned as leaning safe.
Yeah because it's hard to go after someone who was cleared as not a killer for a specific night. It just seems more productive to investigate other people for now.
They seem very comfortable going head to head with each other.
I'm also still sus of pxton and with the new reveal that they haven't used their ability successfully at all is sus to me as well. However, they were roleblocked N1 and N3, and no one else is claiming those exact roleblocks those nights, which makes me believe them the rb is true. And if I was evil and them as mayor, I would have said I tried N1 and it failed like N3 lol. I wouldn't have said I forgot
The mayor is an obvious wolf target for a role blocker. And especially so if you're trying to frame them by seeming like a liar and unreliable mayor.
In retrospect, it seems very wolfy haha. Whoops. But ngl I felt a lot of guilt about HW LOL
Still trying to warrant villager sympathy for the HW train.
It's a super good role. If I was a wolf I'd go after pulley or if a wolf has a rb power, same thing. And it sounds like our jail (protect) power roleblocks at the same time lol. It'll be very difficult to use it (probably). Lots of gambles between the wolves and villagers at night
Still trying to make pulley seem less wolfy.
Oh sorry I wrote your name on accident. I meant I'd go after pxton
She accidentally said pulley instead of pxton. Innocent enough itself, but within all the context, seems like a slip
I've made several name mistakes throughout the thread 🥲 and I am very sorry for each, it is a flaw of mine haha. If I see a name on the screen or think of it I'll probably type it
Trying to cover her tracks for saying pulley instead of pxton
Starting to question if I'm bad at this game 🤔

Also, I want to say, pxton still isn't clear in my head bc pulley didn't want to vote for pxton (only voted for self preservation) and pxton didn't vote for pulley. It's very unlikely though. But I don't think it's a hard clear yet unless someone is resurrected
Tries to get others to think they're just a really bad villager. Finds it sus that pxton and pulley didn't vote for one another, but she voted for pxton. This is all set-up to make us think pxton is sus
I definitely agree with not resurrecting the protector. It's a GREAT role if you don't know who it is, once you do, they're an immediate target/easily killed. I'm not sure what all a tinker does. The watcher role is very very good, but I feel like rider may have to be subbed for that if they were truly afk. (?) They'd also need to be protected. If the hider truly doesn't die if they are behind a wolf (they only die if their shield dies), they have the best survivability if they can guess who wolves are. The negative to a hider, though, is if they hide behind a villager who dies...it's 2 down in one night.
Didn't want protector revived. Probably because this was a really good role to resurrect.
Yes, I know. 🥲 but tbf I said later that my theory that applied to gs38 also applied to pulley (voting neutral players). I just thought the last minute change by gs38 was extra suspect

Not sure what to say here without repeating myself, but I would not have volunteered as the first person to point out pulley's odd voting patterns if I was on the same side/a wolf. Also, not sure how ot came across, but I was saying I agree with the sus votes for pulley, I just didn't want to change my vote due to more sus for gs38. The only way I'd change it at that point is if I wanted to break a tie & vote for pulley with someone who I really didn't think was sus, but I did think pxton was sus. So I didn't break it to see what would happen. 🤷‍♀️ unless pxton is also a wolf, I would have voted pxton instead to get pxton kicked out rather than pulley. If pxton is also a wolf I do look very bad lmao
This is a good way to also cover your tracks. Claims she called out pulley for being wolfy; however, still votes for gs38? Seems like she didn't want to look wagony-y. This is also weird to me considering her anti-wagon theory. Go after those who aren't wagon-y. Well, she was very wagon-y in the beginning. But then switched over to this theory until she was ready to bus eleanor. And also frame more villagers who were quiet, late voters, and on the fence:
Imo the most sus to me are dogtor, eleanor, and (less so) pxton. If dogtor is a wolf, I don't think pxton is and vice versa because of the votes. If pxton is a wolf, eleanor and myself are the the most sus based on the votes (didn't vote for either). I'm not a fan that futuredogtor's investigations are all things that are already known or known to wolves so they're still my #1. Very unfortunate if a villager.

I will say the one thing that makes me question dogtor as a wolf is this

Since HW is confirmed villager and this was said after the claimed role check. Also that fluff was one of the first to vote for pulley so a likely villager
Someone mentioned the rule of thirds. Her list of sus is 2 village and 1 wolf, eleanor. Who does she eventually bus to gain village trust? Eleanor. And especially the only wolf who could ONLY die by yeeting? How convenient!
Huh. That's very similar to what pulley always did
As you can see prior, she always spoke well of pulley until they flipped wolf. After that? Pulley was always sus. It's just not adding up.

Wonda's ALWAYS talking about patterns. These are the patterns the wolves have established and set us up to believe. I can't believe I'm only seeing it now.
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I'm currently doing something so it may be a bit before I reply 💀
Okay. So this might be my most outlandish tin foil yet, or I cracked the code. Not sure yet. Anyways. I've spent so much time, and had to pull a LOT of evidence for this. I can't believe we've been swayed this much away from someone who seems to hold all the strings in their hand.

unyeet zuri, yeet Wondalfy

@kaydubs @WildZoo

Warning. LONG post ahead.

Pulley was calling out people who were laying low, then compliments zuri on not doing this.

Wonda agrees with vocal players being more trustworthy than quiet ones. And she doubles down this by voting for HW.

HW questions pulley's logic, and rightfully so, because at this point, the only argumemt against HW is being quiet, which HW saw fault with.

But at the same time, she doesn't think we should vote for quiet players? Seems like a wolf trying to sound indecisive so they can feign ignorance.

As part of this train, she isn't suspicious of anyone who was late switching to rider, but critical of those early voting. Who early voted for rider? Moth, mighty, miranda, veggie, HW, matt. THEN Wondalfy jumped on the wagon.

Is suspcious of those who seem "too village-y" all the while utilizing this same tactic. No one would suspect a person that most of us had low on the poe, especially one accusing others of the same right? Redirection.

Wonders why pulley hasn't messaged (not sure if this was planned) as they had "good investigative skills," but in the SAME post, calls out beep for being passive? Why is pulley not sus, but beep is? Bc wonda already knows pulley is ww and beep is not.

I forgot who brought this up, but it is very wolfy to bring up a list of people you deem as "good" and throw in some wolves in the mix. She felt good about BOTH pulley and eleanor, despite them being pretty passive other than responding to her? But all of her sus based on passiveness are ALL confirmed villager.

After HW is up for vote again, she thinks they may be lying, but doesn't vote HW because I mean, once they flipped village, anyone who questioned HW at that point was sus.

Questions HW's role credibility. Then proceeds to ask why we're focusing on quiet players again. Who this time? Again, pulley. If we're sus of a villager being quiet, fair game. A wolf being quiet? "Oh there's a silencer!" Or "mods will take care of them!" And guess what happens? They inevitably chime in right before the EOD to vote as shown here:

This is when pulley chimes in and Wondalfy is acting surprised that they weren't silenced.

She was the last person to switch onto the HW yeet train, which makes her seem reluctant to vote a villager. Or a wolf trying not to be caught voting similarly to zuri and Nemo, who she's been sus of this whole time.

This whole interaction is sus to me:
They seem very comfortable going head to head with each other.

The mayor is an obvious wolf target for a role blocker. And especially so if you're trying to frame them by seeming like a liar and unreliable mayor.

Still trying to warrant villager sympathy for the HW train.

Still trying to make pulley seem less wolfy.

She accidentally said pulley instead of pxton. Innocent enough itself, but within all the context, seems like a slip

Trying to cover her tracks for saying pulley instead of pxton

Tries to get others to think they're just a really bad villager. Finds it sus that pxton and pulley didn't vote for one another, but she voted for pxton. This is all set-up to make us think pxton is sus

Didn't want protector revived. Probably because this was a really good role to resurrect.

This is a good way to also cover your tracks. Claims she called out pulley for being wolfy; however, still votes for gs38? Seems like she didn't want to look wagony-y. This is also weird to me considering her anti-wagon theory. Go after those who aren't wagon-y. Well, she was very wagon-y in the beginning. But then switched over to this theory until she was ready to bus eleanor. And also frame more villagers who were quiet, late voters, and on the fence:

Someone mentioned the rule of thirds. Her list of sus is 2 village and 1 wolf, eleanor. Who does she eventually bus to gain village trust? Eleanor. And especially the only wolf who could ONLY die by yeeting? How convenient!

As you can see prior, she always spoke well of pulley until they flipped wolf. After that? Pulley was always sus. It's just not adding up.

Wonda's ALWAYS talking about patterns. These are the patterns the wolves have established and set us up to believe. I can't believe I'm only seeing it now.
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Day 8 Vote Tally: Who Knows the End?

zuri (2) - Wondalfy, PlumPoppy
chic (2) - zuri, fluff
Gecko (2) - runner, chic

6/8 votes
A three-way? :naughty:


Deadline: 10pm EST (~4.5 hours)


Can mayor tie break if they’re dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Omg.... 3 pages of text to read through. Yall are killing me.
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Y'all. I've been working on this theory so long that my coworkers thought I was fighting for my life in a toxic group text or something. Once I connected everything, I was like "holy ****". Especially since I've agreed with a lot of Wondalfy's logic thus far. But she flip-flops constantly and plays both sides but never sticking out too firmly as one or another. I might be crazy, or I might be right. I have no idea yet.
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Came here to share this picture of the real life Fluff and Azure (aka Zuri) under the Christmas tree and now I have a full-blown Poppy dissertation I’ve got to parse


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Came here to share this picture of the real life Fluff and Azure (aka Zuri) under the Christmas tree and now I have a full-blown Poppy dissertation I’ve got to parse
Y'all are actually rabbits!? What else have you been lying about?!

I just clocked out of work and am about to drive home, so... I'll catch up once I'm at my computer and not hangry lol. Looks like Poppy wrote a whole mystery novel haha.
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My head is spinning, I'm now question large parts of the analysis I put together, so I'm going to fallback on a classic:

My deadline to vote is 7:30 pm EST (1.5 hours away)
To begin, I was at the mall looking for more interview clothes so. I always get notifications of this thread on my phone so I can check frequently but not always reply.

I'm not sure where to begin other than the easiest, I've gotten like 5 names mixed up this entire game, getting names mixed up is something I'm worst at both online and irl. I've made several edits instead of separate posts to fix them. One even happened today and I mentioned again that I'm bad about it. I was definitely not trying to make pulley seem less sus. What I said didn't even make sense with pulley in the message.

To start, I've specified more than once I didn't mind going after quiet players, I just minded going after completely inactive/afk players. If they're truly afk, the mods will kick them out. Being quiet does not equate being afk. Pulley's logic made sense to me at the time, not sure what to say there. Pulley and eleanor ended up being some of the more quiet players themselves so it's not exactly crazy logic. Yeah I saw other village did not agree with not voting for an inactive player. This is literally part of my argument against eleanor. This logic is ALSO why I wanted to see if pulley would message at ALL that day, since I thought they were afk/silenced. I still thought maybe rider was silenced initially. Eleanor was quiet that day, not afk.

I still don't really know why eleanor didn't change their vote to pxton instead of pulley. Pxton/pulley/eleanor made a lot of sense. Maybe she ran out of time, maybe she thought it'd make her look bad.

I also specifically mentioned a lot of my sus that applied to eleanor applied to me so that's not really a surprise.

No, a protector is not a good role to res. They die very quickly because they can kill wolves. A wolf would just go after a protector instead of someone else, since going after someone else could result in death. Matt agreed with this and was village as well.

Not sure how to respond to the rule of thirds since it's a psychological theory. Like either you believe it or don't. I haven't seen evidence of it this game.

I find this part interesting because it is what sparked my whole eleanor theory in the first place:
"This is a good way to also cover your tracks. Claims she called out pulley for being wolfy; however, still votes for gs38? Seems like she didn't want to look wagony-y. This is also weird to me considering her anti-wagon theory. Go after those who aren't wagon-y. Well, she was very wagon-y in the beginning. But then switched over to this theory until she was ready to bus eleanor. And also frame more villagers who were quiet, late voters, and on the fence"
I did not like that I bandwagoned the first couple times and wanted to stick to my guns that time. Obviously I was wrong. Then I started thinking - why do bandwagons look bad? --> we were told near the beginning typically wolves use them = bad --> maybe then this game the wolves want to appear neutral like I did --> eleanor theory

I also didn’t cover my tracks. Why would i point out pulley's voting pattern at all when no one had even brought it up. If I wanted to "cover my tracks" as a wolf, I would have done a little bit of sus supporting what others had already said. I mean I'm not entirely sure what I would have done, but I also don't think I would have let it tie if I was a wolf (I explicitly mentioned realizing it was a tie)

Also after pulley was just yeeted, why would I ever build an entire case against eleanor that early in the game? I at least would have given it more time.

Pulley was not always sus. Eleanor's logic, though, was the same logic as pulley's voting patterns.

That's it I think
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I’m having a hard time following both poppy’s accusation and wondalf’s defense… Im also semi-fever-brained so might take a nap and try to make sense of this if I can get some time before vote close. It would explain why wondalfy hasn’t stopped pushing me even though I proved my role by protecting her last night. idk what to believe anymore tbh.
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I'm not completely caught up with the recent accusation/defence debacle but I'm going to

Vote Chicandtoughness @kaydubs @WildZoo

Just because I'm not sure why you're accusing me. Once I get caught up I will rethink this because I do think that it is possible Beep acted on me or something so you may not be lying out of nowhere. It wouldn't make much sense for you to do that when it would just put the sus on you if I did die.
I’m having a hard time following both poppy’s accusation and wondalf’s defense… Im also semi-fever-brained so might take a nap and try to make sense of this if I can get some time before vote close. It would explain why wondalfy hasn’t stopped pushing me even though I proved my role by protecting her last night. idk what to believe anymore tbh.
I'm sorry. I really tried to be concise yet thorough. I've seen repeated mentions of Wondalfy playing 4d/5d chess and we're all just peons in comparison. Why have we just assumed she's village all this time? Why is everything falling into place? It'd be very easy to control the game, if you already know who your opponents are. We've all pretty much revealed our roles, yet I don't remember hearing hers? And considering if you did in fact jail her last night, there's still another wolf at large. Which I'm tempted to think is chic. I'm thinking that rojo was meant for wolf chat with Wondalfy. I know it all seems like a stretch, but we haven't yeeted a single wolf following Wondalfy's theory except for eleanor.

I kept wondering, why was zuri never killed this whole time? He's very sharp, yet controversial. PERFECT bait for a misyeet. If zuri is truly villager, he's been framed. If he's wolf, okay.
Dang, why do I work so hard for naught lol
If it makes you feel better, my dissertation wouldn't have been possible without it. ToC been my life line :biglove:
Zuri is the only one that's said 4D/5D chess and I honestly think everyone is thinking way too highly of me like it was one correct theory I've voted wrong every other time 😭

We haven't yeeted a single wolf since eleanor because there's only been one day to yeet.

plum, you and I have also voted the exact same every time except the pxton/pulley tie. And your theory about me pushing to initially kill a wolf to make myself look innocent literally applies to you being the first vote for pulley so I'm not sure if you're self inserting here or what
To begin, I was at the mall looking for more interview clothes so. I always get notifications of this thread on my phone so I can check frequently but not always reply.

I'm not sure where to begin other than the easiest, I've gotten like 5 names mixed up this entire game, getting names mixed up is something I'm worst at both online and irl. I've made several edits instead of separate posts to fix them. One even happened today and I mentioned again that I'm bad about it. I was definitely not trying to make pulley seem less sus. What I said didn't even make sense with pulley in the message.

To start, I've specified more than once I didn't mind going after quiet players, I just minded going after completely inactive/afk players. If they're truly afk, the mods will kick them out. Being quiet does not equate being afk. Pulley's logic made sense to me at the time, not sure what to say there. Pulley and eleanor ended up being some of the more quiet players themselves so it's not exactly crazy logic. Yeah I saw other village did not agree with not voting for an inactive player. This is literally part of my argument against eleanor. This logic is ALSO why I wanted to see if pulley would message at ALL that day, since I thought they were afk/silenced. I still thought maybe rider was silenced initially. Eleanor was quiet that day, not afk.

I still don't really know why eleanor didn't change their vote to pxton instead of pulley. Pxton/pulley/eleanor made a lot of sense. Maybe she ran out of time, maybe she thought it'd make her look bad.

I also specifically mentioned a lot of my sus that applied to eleanor applied to me so that's not really a surprise.

No, a protector is not a good role to res. They die very quickly because they can kill wolves. A wolf would just go after a protector instead of someone else, since going after someone else could result in death. Matt agreed with this and was village as well.

Not sure how to respond to the rule of thirds since it's a psychological theory. Like either you believe it or don't. I haven't seen evidence of it this game.

I find this part interesting because it is what sparked my whole eleanor theory in the first place:
"This is a good way to also cover your tracks. Claims she called out pulley for being wolfy; however, still votes for gs38? Seems like she didn't want to look wagony-y. This is also weird to me considering her anti-wagon theory. Go after those who aren't wagon-y. Well, she was very wagon-y in the beginning. But then switched over to this theory until she was ready to bus eleanor. And also frame more villagers who were quiet, late voters, and on the fence"
I did not like that I bandwagoned the first couple times and wanted to stick to my guns that time. Obviously I was wrong. Then I started thinking - why do bandwagons look bad? --> we were told near the beginning typically wolves use them = bad --> maybe then this game the wolves want to appear neutral like I did --> eleanor theory

I also didn’t cover my tracks. Why would i point out pulley's voting pattern at all when no one had even brought it up. If I wanted to "cover my tracks" as a wolf, I would have done a little bit of sus supporting what others had already said. I mean I'm not entirely sure what I would have done, but I also don't think I would have let it tie if I was a wolf (I explicitly mentioned realizing it was a tie)

Also after pulley was just yeeted, why would I ever build an entire case against eleanor that early in the game? I at least would have given it more time.

Pulley was not always sus. Eleanor's logic, though, was the same logic as pulley's voting patterns.

That's it I think
@Wondalfy, I'll be honest, I did not even suspect you for a minute. However, given Poppy's callout, I have to ask:

Is there a reason you are the only player without a role reveal?

I've already revealed tracker, which I'd say is the strongest role remaining, and putting a giant target on my back.

Would you be willing to reveal your role to help build credibility?
it is possible Beep acted on me or something so you may not be lying out of nowhere
Beep is a protector, so they didn't act on you.

I know nothing more than what my night text told me. The most direct answer, of course, is that you did in fact kill beep. The second answer is that someone else killed beep while you tried to interact with her.

I'm still catching up (although have a dinner date in half an hour so ahhhhhh I will try to explain what's going on so I can be engaged in two places at once lol). I will drop this though: we've been discussing this entire time the possibility of a manipulator or a wolf having the ability to proxy kill or some other unknown power that hasn't shown up yet....

What is Wonda's power?

Zuri - Kirby
Runner - tracker
Fluff - swapper
Gecko - post restrict
Poppy - vig
Kat - mason
Me - survivor
Wonda - ???
@Wondalfy, I'll be honest, I did not even suspect you for a minute. However, given Poppy's callout, I have to ask:

Is there a reason you are the only player without a role reveal?

I've already revealed tracker, which I'd say is the strongest role remaining, and putting a giant target on my back.

Would you be willing to reveal your role to help build credibility?
Oh yeah there's a reason. I actually thought pointing it out today but decided against it.

If I say what it is, it'll basically be impossible to happen. I can only do it under very special circumstances. Sorry, that's the best I got. 🤷‍♀️ I know how bad that looks but I refuse to say it lol. I decided this long ago
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Zuri is the only one that's said 4D/5D chess and I honestly think everyone is thinking way too highly of me like it was one correct theory I've voted wrong every other time 😭

We haven't yeeted a single wolf since eleanor because there's only been one day to yeet.

plum, you and I have also voted the exact same every time except the pxton/pulley tie. And your theory about me pushing to initially kill a wolf to make myself look innocent literally applies to you being the first vote for pulley so I'm not sure if you're self inserting here or what
That's why I never questioned you since you seemed to understand my logic. This led me to develop early trust and soft clear you as villager. But everything in context doesn't make sense unless you're wolf. I would expect someone with plenty of ToS knowledge to know strats to develop trust early to establish credibility late game.

If misyeeting me and flipping green is what it takes, so be it. I'm genuinely shocked I haven't been killed already, but I think I was easy enough to hide behind as I justify my votes. But I'm also a dumb af vig, so either use me for cred, or frame me was the goal I guess.
That's why I never questioned you since you seemed to understand my logic. This led me to develop early trust and soft clear you as villager. But everything in context doesn't make sense unless you're wolf. I would expect someone with plenty of ToS knowledge to know strats to develop trust early to establish credibility late game.

If misyeeting me and flipping green is what it takes, so be it. I'm genuinely shocked I haven't been killed already, but I think I was easy enough to hide behind as I justify my votes. But I'm also a dumb af vig, so either use me for cred, or frame me was the goal I guess.
Everything in context does make sense, I just explained it. But alright.
To begin, I was at the mall looking for more interview clothes so. I always get notifications of this thread on my phone so I can check frequently but not always reply.

I'm not sure where to begin other than the easiest, I've gotten like 5 names mixed up this entire game, getting names mixed up is something I'm worst at both online and irl. I've made several edits instead of separate posts to fix them. One even happened today and I mentioned again that I'm bad about it. I was definitely not trying to make pulley seem less sus. What I said didn't even make sense with pulley in the message.

To start, I've specified more than once I didn't mind going after quiet players, I just minded going after completely inactive/afk players. If they're truly afk, the mods will kick them out. Being quiet does not equate being afk. Pulley's logic made sense to me at the time, not sure what to say there. Pulley and eleanor ended up being some of the more quiet players themselves so it's not exactly crazy logic. Yeah I saw other village did not agree with not voting for an inactive player. This is literally part of my argument against eleanor. This logic is ALSO why I wanted to see if pulley would message at ALL that day, since I thought they were afk/silenced. I still thought maybe rider was silenced initially. Eleanor was quiet that day, not afk.

I still don't really know why eleanor didn't change their vote to pxton instead of pulley. Pxton/pulley/eleanor made a lot of sense. Maybe she ran out of time, maybe she thought it'd make her look bad.

I also specifically mentioned a lot of my sus that applied to eleanor applied to me so that's not really a surprise.

No, a protector is not a good role to res. They die very quickly because they can kill wolves. A wolf would just go after a protector instead of someone else, since going after someone else could result in death. Matt agreed with this and was village as well.

Not sure how to respond to the rule of thirds since it's a psychological theory. Like either you believe it or don't. I haven't seen evidence of it this game.

I find this part interesting because it is what sparked my whole eleanor theory in the first place:
"This is a good way to also cover your tracks. Claims she called out pulley for being wolfy; however, still votes for gs38? Seems like she didn't want to look wagony-y. This is also weird to me considering her anti-wagon theory. Go after those who aren't wagon-y. Well, she was very wagon-y in the beginning. But then switched over to this theory until she was ready to bus eleanor. And also frame more villagers who were quiet, late voters, and on the fence"
I did not like that I bandwagoned the first couple times and wanted to stick to my guns that time. Obviously I was wrong. Then I started thinking - why do bandwagons look bad? --> we were told near the beginning typically wolves use them = bad --> maybe then this game the wolves want to appear neutral like I did --> eleanor theory

I also didn’t cover my tracks. Why would i point out pulley's voting pattern at all when no one had even brought it up. If I wanted to "cover my tracks" as a wolf, I would have done a little bit of sus supporting what others had already said. I mean I'm not entirely sure what I would have done, but I also don't think I would have let it tie if I was a wolf (I explicitly mentioned realizing it was a tie)

Also after pulley was just yeeted, why would I ever build an entire case against eleanor that early in the game? I at least would have given it more time.

Pulley was not always sus. Eleanor's logic, though, was the same logic as pulley's voting patterns.

That's it I think
You bussed eleanor to establish village credit. At that point, we had no reason to believe you since you've misyeeted and wagoned every vote. Since then, we haven't questioned you?

I get I was similar in my hunt for pulley, but I've already been thoroughly put under the microscope (thanks zuri...) and have outed myself as vig
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You bussed eleanor to establish village credit. At that point, we had no reason to believe you since you've misyeeted and wagoned every vote. Since then, we haven't questioned you?

I get I was similar in my hunt for pulley, but I've already been thoroughly put under the microscope (thanks zuri...) and have outed myself as vig
Pleaseee no one has questioned you since you were the first vote for pulley. All this logic also applies to you. No one knows you are actually vig. Just that you've killed 3 town. A vig would be an excellent claim to explain those and decrease sus. Maybe you're a wolf who can also kill 3 extra people in the game. But I've believed you until maybe now? I'm still inclined so, but like what

I feel like we're doing this matt/zuri thing all over again
Pleaseee no one has questioned you since you were the first vote for pulley. All this logic also applies to you. No one knows you are actually vig. Just that you've killed 3 town. A vig would be an excellent claim to explain those and decrease sus. Maybe you're a wolf who can also kill 3 extra people in the game. But I've believed you until maybe now? I'm still inclined so, but like what

I feel like we're doing this matt/zuri thing all over again
Were you not paying attention yesterday to zuri coming for me?

Like I've said, if y'all need to yeet me to prove I'm vig, alright. But me, zuri, and matt were constantly going at each other's throats and none of us were wolf-killed. Why? My theories are that a) we were good late game misyeet fodder, and b) once we flipped green, where's your credibility anymore? This whole time you've been able to point the finger at zuri knowing he wasn't going to be killed. It just seems all too convenient. Zuri could be wolf, but this still doesn't clear you in my mind.
🤷‍♀️ I know how bad that looks but I refuse to say it lol. I decided this long ago
Everything changes throughout the game. At this point why keep your role a secret, especially when you say it may not happen? Why did you decide not to?
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Because it might help the village very significantly if it happens but if I say what it is, it more than likely would not happen. Take that as you will
Everything changes throughout the game. At this point why keep your role a secret, especially when you say it may not happen? Why did you decide not to?
Gecko, it's getting hard to keep calling you a wolf when you say things I agree with
bajeezus this is also pretty strongly argued. Wondering if you think that matt13 is a wolf or if you’re just defending yourself here? I’ve been feeling good about matt13, plum pop and gandwolf today but now I’m feeling 1 of the 3 might be wolf? That said if any of them are a wolf then the other 2 are almost certainly village??
I'm also bringing up this post from zuri on Sunday. No one questioned Wonda after eleanor flipped red.

Wondalfy claims that I've never been questioned, but I've been fighting for my life against zuri. Which is why I'm also curious why he hasn't questioned Wondalf for similar reasons?
ppl who call out/ vote wolves before anyone else are cleared in my book. It would be a hell of a deepwolfing attempt if Nemo called out pulley and Plum Poppy decided to throw her partner under the bus without them being in danger.
FWIW I do suspect chic of lying about this stuff, but I did not do the swap last night. My plan did involve swapping though… basically i was feeling pretty confident that Chic and Poppy were wolfing together after the rojo and poppy’s defense (this is still my top theory, because I’ve never bought the talons=village vigilante). I did believe poppy was the talonkiller tho and I felt like after their 3 bullet claim they would be very unlikely to kill tonight leaving chic a likely killer. So the secret plan I was working on was to post restrict chic and also swap myself with them which if I’m right would have led to chic killing themselves and post-restricting whoeve they were trying to kill. Tho it looks like someone else swapped them so idk
I feel like chic is scrambling on here and I don’t follow their version of what happened last night. I think it’s either chic and poppy or chic and mighty now so in either case
im honestly not sure what really happened. It does sound like mighty and you really roleswapped so it probably wasnt you who did the kill itself but I feel like there’s a good chance that you’re working with another wolf… poppy? Fluff? Mighty? Idk just this bananas argument catching gecko when you could have just caught them post-restricting feels like a wolfy leap in logic. Plus the rojo yesterday.

idk tho @GeckoKD6 would love to hear your version of what happened last night.
Like I said poppy or mighty or you Or fluff. All feel like long shots but idk. Like at this point we still haven’t seen the flavor text to know about talons being involved and even if they aren’t it’s possible that you have The talons and poppy has some other way of killing. I don’t know what to believe I just have suspected you for a while and this whole thing doesn’t make much sense to me.
Look here’s what we know about each of us

Me: bad vote record and worse theorizing, was able to pr
Gecko: a little quiet tho has been upfront and mostly friendly about their post restrictions, negative interactions with pulley
Wondalfy: caught a wolf using 5d logic
Mighty: an early and consistent push on pulley, you both claim has a tracking power, supported by poppy
Poppy: helped catch pulley, also killed 3 villagers, claims noobvig
I mean this wouldn’t fully clear a mighty/chic pack. I don’t know. Also it does say harpooned from the sky? Which is kind of bird like? Maybe poppy was able to request a change to the flavor text since it’s not supposed to be part of a gamesolve??
Evidence that plum can make any kind of kill as long as it comes from the sky 🤔🤔🤔🤔
I’m having a hard time following both poppy’s accusation and wondalf’s defense… Im also semi-fever-brained so might take a nap and try to make sense of this if I can get some time before vote close. It would explain why wondalfy hasn’t stopped pushing me even though I proved my role by protecting her last night. idk what to believe anymore tbh.
Because it might help the village very significantly if it happens but if I say what it is, it more than likely would not happen. Take that as you will
How come this is your iron defense, but all the others we've misyeeted for not revealing their ~mystery~ role not okay in your mind? Everytime I go back, you're contradicting yourself.
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I've pointed out myself zuri has been very nice to me throughout the game, especially recently after attacking them, which makes me even more sus.

It was a hyperbole. Zuri is the only one I've noted. And the fact you're using him questioning you as a defense does not help you (for me, at least). It almost looks planned since zuri keeps going after chic anyway. Not saying it is, just this is not helping things.

I'm also not sure I've ever yeeted anyone myself for not revealing their role. In fact, I voted HW for revealing their role that I found suspicious.
Also changing opinions throughout a game as new information comes to light is not contradicting myself 💀
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I'm also bringing up this post from zuri on Sunday. No one questioned Wonda after eleanor flipped red.

Wondalfy claims that I've never been questioned, but I've been fighting for my life against zuri. Which is why I'm also curious why he hasn't questioned Wondalf for similar reasons?
Honestly after I ate so much humble pie from the Eleanor thing I felt like I shouldn’t question wondalfy’s wisdom… tho the more I think about it it is weird that she’s been pushing me nonstop and that experience kinda make me give up on independently wolfhunting as hard as I was before. And pushing a villager who might start questioning you is a classic wolf tactic. Gosh if wondalfy is a wolf I’d be amazed. Tho also since you’ve been pretty high on my poe I’ve been taking this whole argument with a grain of salt…
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How come this is your iron defense, but all the others we've misyeeted for not revealing their ~mystery~ role not okay in your mind? Everytime I go back, you're contradicting yourself.
Is there any way you could hint at it @Wondalfy that would help clear you??
Okay. So this might be my most outlandish tin foil yet, or I cracked the code. Not sure yet. Anyways. I've spent so much time, and had to pull a LOT of evidence for this. I can't believe we've been swayed this much away from someone who seems to hold all the strings in their hand.

unyeet zuri, yeet Wondalfy

@kaydubs @WildZoo

Warning. LONG post ahead.

Pulley was calling out people who were laying low, then compliments zuri on not doing this.

Wonda agrees with vocal players being more trustworthy than quiet ones. And she doubles down this by voting for HW.

HW questions pulley's logic, and rightfully so, because at this point, the only argumemt against HW is being quiet, which HW saw fault with.

But at the same time, she doesn't think we should vote for quiet players? Seems like a wolf trying to sound indecisive so they can feign ignorance.

As part of this train, she isn't suspicious of anyone who was late switching to rider, but critical of those early voting. Who early voted for rider? Moth, mighty, miranda, veggie, HW, matt. THEN Wondalfy jumped on the wagon.

Is suspcious of those who seem "too village-y" all the while utilizing this same tactic. No one would suspect a person that most of us had low on the poe, especially one accusing others of the same right? Redirection.

Wonders why pulley hasn't messaged (not sure if this was planned) as they had "good investigative skills," but in the SAME post, calls out beep for being passive? Why is pulley not sus, but beep is? Bc wonda already knows pulley is ww and beep is not.

I forgot who brought this up, but it is very wolfy to bring up a list of people you deem as "good" and throw in some wolves in the mix. She felt good about BOTH pulley and eleanor, despite them being pretty passive other than responding to her? But all of her sus based on passiveness are ALL confirmed villager.

After HW is up for vote again, she thinks they may be lying, but doesn't vote HW because I mean, once they flipped village, anyone who questioned HW at that point was sus.

Questions HW's role credibility. Then proceeds to ask why we're focusing on quiet players again. Who this time? Again, pulley. If we're sus of a villager being quiet, fair game. A wolf being quiet? "Oh there's a silencer!" Or "mods will take care of them!" And guess what happens? They inevitably chime in right before the EOD to vote as shown here:

This is when pulley chimes in and Wondalfy is acting surprised that they weren't silenced.

She was the last person to switch onto the HW yeet train, which makes her seem reluctant to vote a villager. Or a wolf trying not to be caught voting similarly to zuri and Nemo, who she's been sus of this whole time.

This whole interaction is sus to me:
They seem very comfortable going head to head with each other.

The mayor is an obvious wolf target for a role blocker. And especially so if you're trying to frame them by seeming like a liar and unreliable mayor.

Still trying to warrant villager sympathy for the HW train.

Still trying to make pulley seem less wolfy.

She accidentally said pulley instead of pxton. Innocent enough itself, but within all the context, seems like a slip

Trying to cover her tracks for saying pulley instead of pxton

Tries to get others to think they're just a really bad villager. Finds it sus that pxton and pulley didn't vote for one another, but she voted for pxton. This is all set-up to make us think pxton is sus

Didn't want protector revived. Probably because this was a really good role to resurrect.

This is a good way to also cover your tracks. Claims she called out pulley for being wolfy; however, still votes for gs38? Seems like she didn't want to look wagony-y. This is also weird to me considering her anti-wagon theory. Go after those who aren't wagon-y. Well, she was very wagon-y in the beginning. But then switched over to this theory until she was ready to bus eleanor. And also frame more villagers who were quiet, late voters, and on the fence:

Someone mentioned the rule of thirds. Her list of sus is 2 village and 1 wolf, eleanor. Who does she eventually bus to gain village trust? Eleanor. And especially the only wolf who could ONLY die by yeeting? How convenient!

As you can see prior, she always spoke well of pulley until they flipped wolf. After that? Pulley was always sus. It's just not adding up.

Wonda's ALWAYS talking about patterns. These are the patterns the wolves have established and set us up to believe. I can't believe I'm only seeing it now.
That’s a very well thought analysis! But it only works if Wonda is wolfing with Zuri and they ve come up with the fake jailing, and none of them was actually jailed on N6 and N7. Which is risky as a plan; Zuri was publicly asking for ideas on who to jail.
Unless the last wolf is also a strongman so jailing/ blocking won’t work and both wondalfy and zuri are up for discussion again. Zuri could have tried to jail wonda and wonda lied. Or Nemo tried to jail Zuri on N6 and Zuri lied that he was jailed when he wasn’t…
Now I’m starting to wonder if Wonda’s power has something to do with creating illusions or something? They were the first one to bring up an appearance power which we’ve seen as a tell in Matt’s and Poppy’s case. that could explain the chic / gecko confusion? Tho I did jail her last night… but maybe it has a delayed reaction or something???
accuse the hunchback of notre dame GIF
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I mean I've said something in the past that might help guess what it is? But like that's it. There's really no way to hint at it that I haven't already said without revealing it.

Or Nemo tried to jail Zuri on N6 and Zuri lied that he was jailed when he wasn’t…
I've also thought about zuri lying about being jailed when he wasn't, but then I don't know how he has the power. Unless he does get it by killing someone. Or a different wolf killed that night and there's two wolves left. Honestly I really don't know. He's just my best guess based on previous history
I will shrug to any and all theories haha
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I'm not completely caught up with the recent accusation/defence debacle but I'm going to

Vote Chicandtoughness @kaydubs @WildZoo

Just because I'm not sure why you're accusing me. Once I get caught up I will rethink this because I do think that it is possible Beep acted on me or something so you may not be lying out of nowhere. It wouldn't make much sense for you to do that when it would just put the sus on you if I did die.
I think @katykat2222 confirmed beep acted on her last night. So I really don’t understand how you interacted with beepboop when you didn’t do anything and weren’t role-swapped. That’s what I don’t get, why would chic lie.

And if you re the killer, why didn’t you just say “oh yeah I tried to post restrict beepboop but now she’s dead oops”. Which is why I’m inclined to believe your version of the story instead of chics.
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I mean I've said something in the past that might help guess what it is? But like that's it. There's really no way to hint at it that I haven't already said without revealing it.

I've also thought about zuri lying about being jailed when he wasn't, but then I don't know how he has the power. Unless he does get it by killing someone. Or a different wolf killed that night and there's two wolves left. Honestly I really don't know. He's just my best guess based on previous history
If he’s a strongman he could still get the jailing power by Nemo acting on him but not be jailed? But 2 strongman wolves is a lot : /
And it still doesn’t solve why chic said she saw gecko interact with beepboop when gecko didn’t.
That’s a very well thought analysis! But it only works if Wonda is wolfing with Zuri and they ve come up with the fake jailing, and none of them was actually jailed on N6 and N7. Which is risky as a plan; Zuri was publicly asking for ideas on who to jail.
Unless the last wolf is also a strongman so jailing/ blocking won’t work and both wondalfy and zuri are up for discussion again. Zuri could have tried to jail wonda and wonda lied. Or Nemo tried to jail Zuri on N6 and Zuri lied that he was jailed when he wasn’t…
If zuri is telling the truth about his absorber role, and wonda is telling the truth about being jailed, another wolf could still perform the faction kill. It's not a coincidence zuri jailed wonda. He mentioned wanted to jail a "likely villager."
No if it works you wouldn’t have to take my word for it.
Zuri, I very honestly believe you have that role, I just think it's a wolf role. It will not help clear you in my perspective. The only thing it would indicate to me is that there's another wolf or that you have some sort of roleblock immunity (perhaps why you can "absorb" the roleblock power).

Kat is basically the only confirmed village unless we're vastly misunderstanding one of the death write-ups so I'd do Kat.
They probably would conflict if Zuri does Kat. I see Kat offered me so I'd take it as would anyone I think 😅 but not sure if I'm 100% cleared in everyone's head

Also, if zuri chooses anyone but Kat and there's no death, I will assume that was on purpose to put blame on someone else. I am so sorry zuri if you are village but there is no winning in my head haha. Whether I die or not tonight, my opinion doesn't change off zuri (including my ghost opinion!!! My death can be manipulated for or against zuri so it is meaningless)
Hey y’all ok I got it. I’ll lean safe rather than sorry and jail rather than tinfoil. I can explain what I was thinking of in the morning if I’m able to. It really is enough of a long shot and I’m realizing there’s enough uncertainty with it that its better to just keep a likely villager safe.

Wonda was openly asking zuri to prove his role. So why wouldn't he jail her to prove he did in fact have the ability? If he chose to jail someone else, wonda could claim to have no proof to fire a misyeet. He was in a lose-lose no matter what.

I've been highly suspicious of zuri, but with the course of events last night, you and chic being wolves makes the most sense to me.

Edit: format
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