
  1. S

    School list Help...please!

    DAT: 20 AA, 19 TS, 21 OC, 18 GC, 18 BIO, 20 RC, 21 QR, 21 PAT oGPA: 3.5 sGPA: 3.4 Shadowing Hours: 115 (general dentist) Volunteer Hours: ~100 Age: 25 Working in pharmaceutical Quality Control for 1.5 years. Please advise whether I should leave list as is or add/delete schools? Thanks! School...
  2. Y

    Apply Early with bad DAT or Late with Updated DAT

    Really need help making this decision! I have my AADSAS application finished and ready to send out, but I'm sending it with a low DAT score. I'm retaking it in mid July and was wondering if I should send my application now or wait until the new updated score. Please weigh in on what I should do...
  3. shellsterpie

    Experience Section

    Hey guys! I had a couple questions pertaining to the experience section on the AADSAS. 1) For shadowing experiences, most of the shadowing I did were with local dentists for ranging from a few days to a few weeks. Would I put "per diem" or "temporary" for the status of my experience date? I...
  4. 6

    How to list current research?

    I'm wondering if anyone knows where I would put research that I'm currently doing over the summer? Should I just update schools as I finish up at the end of the summer? It's a paid position if that changes things. Thanks!
  5. S

    2018 AADSAS Question

    I've searched the other threads but no one has answered this yet. Since we have to complete all the "Program Materials" before we can submit the application, is it alright to delete all schools except for one for now? This way, I can finish the supplemental Q's quicker, submit, and at least get...
  6. nsumma1

    Pre-req Replacement

    Quick question about a pre-requisite. My university I am graduating from offers Gen Chem 1 and 2 with lab however for engineering majors (me) they have us take a combined Gen Chem with a lab. This resulted in me only having 4 semesters hours of gen chem with lab. My school doesn't offer any...
  7. jya5ab

    AADSAS: Max number of entries for Experiences?

    Before I even started the application, I called AADSAS to see if there was a max # of entries we can input for the Experiences section. The lady said there wasn't and said we can put in an unlimited # of entries. However, I currently have 14 entries and it's not letting me add anymore. (Even...
  8. shellsterpie

    Yes...Another AADSAS Question

    There probably is an obvious answer to this question, but I want to make sure everything is right when filling out the app. There is a question that asks how many people other than our parent(s) lived in my primary household during the majority of my life. I don't have any siblings so do I say...
  9. TeethAreMyThing

    Random AADSAS Questions: 2017-2018 Edition

    Well, it's that time again- AADSAS opens tomorrow, and the inevitable flood of questions will soon follow. Instead of spamming the board, I thought it would be nice to carry on the tradition of a centralized thread for random questions you may have. I will do my best to answer questions, but I'm...
  10. G


    Hi! I'm wondering about any last minute DAT test day tips. It can be anything useful at all. (E.g. Using the optional tutorial time to set up hole punching is an awesome idea). I take my test this Friday (6/2/17) :)
  11. T

    Entire AADSAS Application Broken Down

    I break down the dental school application so you can save time by compiling necessary information BEFORE the application opens in June. I pinned the guide on my page here: The Predent Life Also, be sure to LIKE the page if you found the guide helpful and want to get more...
  12. predental808

    Submitting my AADSAS before taking DAT and submitting LOR

    Hello! I will be applying this cycle and will be submitting my application as early as possible (within the first week of June) However, I won't be taking my DAT until mid June. I know it takes a few weeks for my DAT score to be verified and most school won't really look at my application...
  13. T

    Study Hard, Have Fun, Do Good.

    I have some time before dental school starts, so I started a Facebook page where I will post videos, tips, essays, and resources every day for predent students. The posts will hopefully encourage you to study hard, have fun, and do good along the way to becoming a DDS. The Predent Life Please...
  14. K

    AADSAS payment?

    Sorry if this seems too simple, but I'm doing my best to be fully aware of the application process this summer I know the costs associated with AADSAS ($245 first school, $99 for each additional), however when exactly will this need to be paid? In my case: I am taking the DAT June 22nd (might...
  15. ireallyloveteeth

    Academic Renewal

  16. caffeine jitters


    Hello everyone, I have tried looking for similar threads, but I cannot seem to find much regarding my particular question. I am wondering how AADSAS asks about volunteering? Is it just a lump sum of hours that they're asking for - like they do with shadowing; or, do they want to know how and...
  17. D

    Does anyone know exactly how AADSAS averages retakes?

    When I started school in 2010, I got 3 C's (9 credits total). I figured things out and have averaged a 3.9 ever since (about 110 credits later). I retook those classes and got A's. At my university, a retaken class replaces the first grade, so my GPA is pretty high, but I know that AADSAS does...
  18. W


    hello, during the update period. Can I add to my hand skills. I have not idea why, but I never put down an impressive and unique skill set I have with my hands (and body).
  19. Toothout

    Withdrew before action

    Hey, After been accepted to a school I consider perfect, I withdrew my application in some schools that told me that I was being considered for a post-December interview. I'm 100% sure that I wouldn't go there since their tuition is double what I'm going to pay at UMKC. However, every time I...
  20. D

    SDN Tips: Publication

    Hey all, Looking for help from the community! I'm looking for general tips, advice, and things you wish you had known in general when completing the AADSAS application. I will be publishing this on my site as a part 2 to "What is AADSAS?", with credit and shout out to you and any pages you want...
  21. A

    What to fix for next cycle?

    Hey everyone, you have probably seen me around here lately. Unfortunately I have only got 1 interview invite (at UNLV) so far and that is set for January.. so it's not looking too great for me. I'm trying to stay positive and am hoping that I will do well on that interview and maybe even get...
  22. A

    What percent of dental school class's fill up on Dec 1?

    Hey guys, so we all know how December 1st is a big day for applicants. I was wondering if anyone had a general estimate of what percent of dental school class's fill up from acceptances on that day. I am located in California so I am asking mainly for California schools and possibly UNLV...
  23. A


    Hey guys, Quick question regarding transcripts. How do you send out a new transcript after your application has been submitted? Thank you!
  24. A

    Allowed to do suctioning, setting up trays, and hand tools in CA w/out certification?

    Hey everyone, Just like the title says, if I live in California am I allowed to do basic suctioning, setting up trays and handing tools to the dentist? I do not have certification but I have been given permission by the dentist and was supervised at all times by the dentist. I want to know...
  25. CanadianTortoise

    Canadian Applicant Needing Help for Small Correction

    Hello everyone, I'm a Canadian citizen applying through AADSAS this cycle. I was not sure how I should fill out the background information on AADSAS. I believe I may have entered information incorrectly and wanted to update it. Under the citizenship status would I put down that I am a "foreign...
  26. M

    DAT "Tested" status by no scores on AADSAS

    I took my DAT 7/19 (almost 3 weeks ago). On my ADEA account my DAT status is "tested" and "posted" and under Score Report Requests it says "There are no data records to display." When I click on "Display" under Details it says that my Processed Date was 8/10/16 (a week ago). But when I go into...
  27. autumnfairy

    DAT on AADSAS?

    Hey guys so I took my DAT a little over 2 weeks ago on July 29th and they still aren't uploaded onto my app. I'm getting a little paranoid and I'm wondering if there's a way to check on them? Please let me know thanks!!
  28. A

    Should you follow up with dental schools after submitting applications?

    Hey everyone, I submitted my AADSAS application about a week ago and had a question about following up on the status of my apps with the dental school. I know some dental schools specifically say "please refrain from calling or emailing our office regarding your application status", so I'm...
  29. aiaoicho

    Questions About Summer Coursework on ADEA AADSAS

    I was planning on submitting my application earlier, but I felt like I wasn't ready and was gone for a month in a study abroad program. I sent my transcript out beforehand, and it was received on June 29th. Should I update my grades for the summer classes/study abroad before I submit my...
  30. DreamingOfDentistry

    issue posting statement to AADSAS

    Is anyone else having trouble when they copy and paste their statement? When I save it, it doesn't actually save. Just curious if anyone else is experiencing that. Thanks
  31. OnlyIfICouldTurnBackTime

    Do I notify schools of DAT score or wait?

    Most of the schools I applied to would like to see the official score posted via AADSAS. I took my DAT yesterday. I don't wanna bother each school just to say, "Since I took the DAT you should be receiving the official score in few weeks" or something along that line. Do schools check promptly...
  32. mroerdh22

    Score Question

    I took my DAT today. Thankful to be done!! Quick question: I have already submitted my ADEA AADSAS application and at the time put my projected date of testing. Do I go back in and enter my unofficial scores and save it or will the scores just automatically populate. This may have already been...
  33. toothdriller1

    2016-2017 AADSAS Application Cycle

    Hi guys, I'm not sure if this was already addressed but how do you know what batch you are in for this year's cycle? If I submitted on 6/25/16 am I in the first batch? Sorry if this is a repeated question.
  34. J

    Fee Waivers for Dental School Supplements

    Hey all! So, I got my AADSAS Fee Assistance Program approved and I used it to pay for my primary applications. Some schools sent me an email saying that if I was approved for a fee waiver, then I should email that to them to use FAP as a payment for my supplement. Does that only apply if I...
  35. J

    AADSAS won't let me esubmit

    So I tried to submit my application... And for some reason my School Designations is still listed as Incomplete. I chose a bunch of schools. But it still says incomplete. I tried to hit e-submit, but it won't let because I have this area incomplete! Anyone else run into this issue?
  36. Toothout

    What percent applied more than once?

    Do we know what percent of dentist were reapplicants?
  37. J

    Taking Prereqs Post Grad

    Hey all! So I just graduated from undergrad this past month... but I'm planning on taking a few prereqs (microbio and human anatomy) next summer (as in may 2017) at a local university. So do I just list the school under universities attended and then just fill out the classes I'm going to take...
  38. E

    AADSAS Professional Experience Questions

    I was something called a "peer mentor" for biochemistry and I was wondering what category this should go under. My role was similar to a TA except I did not grade. I attended all class sessions as well as a weekly team meeting to go over what as to be taught that week. Also should the brief...
  39. Ollivander

    How much money would applying to 28 schools cost in total?

    How much money would applying to 28 schools cost including supplementals?
  40. nornton

    college credit in high school

    So I just found out that if I took a class through a community college when I was in high school that I have to include that in my application. I took the class in 2010 (summer of my freshman year in high school) and I took another class through the same community college in 2014 (while I was in...