Official: Harvard 2006

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Thanks man, I have already bought season tickets - if you want to go when I arrive let me know!!!

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I'll be starting the diploma program in the fall.
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To celebrate the end of Physics e1-b I bought myself a front row ticket to the Radiohead concert. Yes, I almost pooped myself.
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Sundarban1 said:
To celebrate the end of Physics e1-b I bought myself a front row ticket to the Radiohead concert. Yes, I almost pooped myself.

Lucky bastard. Didn't know you were a Radiohead fan. I've only been lucky enough to catch them once live in Cleveland, OH. I guess, however, there "there are no plans for a Radiohead album release any time in 2006" say a press release.

Everything in its right place.
Anyone joining me for chemistry this summer?
prav said:
Lucky bastard. Didn't know you were a Radiohead fan. I've only been lucky enough to catch them once live in Cleveland, OH. I guess, however, there "there are no plans for a Radiohead album release any time in 2006" say a press release.

Everything in its right place.

I know, I was haphazardly searching ebay this morning and there happened to be a front row ticket being sold for a relatively cheap price, so I decided grab it faster than an electron traveling perpendicular to a B field :eek:

The absrud thing is that I come home from work today and I don't know what to do with myself now that there is no problem set or reading due. I guess I can get a head start and read the first few chapters of Ochem at the Coop, buy a molecular model set, etc :love:
usethe4ce said:
Anyone joining me for chemistry this summer?

Sorry, anyone that crazy does not have time to post on a message board.
Mr. Adventure said:
I'll be there in the fall. Count me among the chosen ones. ;)

I guess I'll be seeing you guys as well. I am totally up for any sort of study group/commiseration group/etc. See you in September :)

Some questions for my senpai on this forum:

1. How easy/difficult is it to find housing?
2. Those of you who work part time or full time, what kind of jobs do you do?
3. When are lab sections held for classes that require lab work? During the day? In the evenings? On weekends?
4. Is there general camaraderie among the students in the program or is everyone out for him/herself?

:luck: EvilAngelfish
Sundarban1 said:
I know, I was haphazardly searching ebay this morning and there happened to be a front row ticket being sold for a relatively cheap price, so I decided grab it faster than an electron traveling perpendicular to a B field :eek:

The absrud thing is that I come home from work today and I don't know what to do with myself now that there is no problem set or reading due.
I guess I can get a head start and read the first few chapters of Ochem at the Coop, buy a molecular model set, etc

You are seriously the quintessential gunner!
For those of you still hungover from your N2 (l) five spice ice cream....

Good Luck on Chemistry Tonight!!! :scared:

(Yes, my collar will be popped...)

booradley5 said:
For those of you still hungover from your N2 (l) five spice ice cream....

Good Luck on Chemistry Tonight!!! :scared:

(Yes, my collar will be popped...)


final was horse****
booradley5 said:
[final was horse****]^2

It's 7:30 AM, I'm still really ****ed up from post-chem-final drinking, and YES, that was definitely several moles of horse feces. :mad: :mad: :mad: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
Members don't see this ad :)
prav said:
It's 7:30 AM, I'm still really ****ed up from post-chem-final drinking, and YES, that was definitely several moles of horse feces. :mad: :mad: :mad: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

First of all, Janis Joplin wrote a song for all you whiners, It's called CRY BABY!

Second, Prav, who were you drinking with? Yourself? You certainly were not at John Harvards with 99% of the class. You get a big :thumbdown: for that stunt.
Sundarban1 said:
First of all, Janis Joplin wrote a song for all you whiners, It's called CRY BABY!

Second, Prav, who were you drinking with? Yourself? You certainly were not at John Harvards with 99% of the class. You get a big :thumbdown: for that stunt.

i stopped in for a quick provision ale, there were some numb people coming out of that final, 70 median, that's about what i got, i barely clung to an A- overall, i think a lot of people ended up with B's this semester
Morb said:
i stopped in for a quick provision ale, there were some numb people coming out of that final, 70 median, that's about what i got, i barely clung to an A- overall, i think a lot of people ended up with B's this semester

Actually, according to Dr. Tucci, a larger percentage of people got A's this semester than last. Congratulations on your A-, that's awesome.
Unfortunately for us par students, our class has been breaking grade records all year. Damn gunners.
Sundarban1 said:
Unfortunately for us par students, our class has been breaking grade records all year. Damn gunners.

LOL. Yeah, we have a particularly brainy group this year in the program.
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A few late night thoughts:

This program is really organized and well-run; I'm proud to be part of it. HEPPS is a huge resource. What I try to tell my class-mates (and myself) is that we're all in this very successful program together, and we all are going to get into med school as long as we work hard. HCP is also great in that you have the opportunity (by virtue of location and affiliation) to make contacts at one of the five hundred Harvard hospitals in greater Boston. Chances are you'll be working with a clinical professor in medicine. Couldn't hurt.

Blue train is the best studying music. Ever. Next to WCPE.

Working full-time with 2 hard sciences is conducive to mild heart attacks. (I think I'm on number three now). When are these John Harvard events happening? This is what happens when you shuffle from work to school to sleep and back to work again. :sleep:

Summer is for re-charging. Except for the crazies who are doing this in one year. Godspeed.

I hope people didn't get killed by the Chem final... Does anyone know if Ron N. is definately teaching Phys next semester? I don't have a choice, I guess, but is he hard / unfair enough to warrant a tutor?
LiveinChicago83 said:
I don't have a choice, I guess, but is he hard / unfair enough to warrant a tutor?

Yes and yes. I don't think he is unfair, just not great at teaching material in the same fashion as the book outlines. He uses different equations and some people get it, but I didn't find his lectures or reviews helpful. The book is your best resource and unfortunately he goes into more detail than is required.
Sundarban1 said:
I have an excellent tutor for chem/physics. I'll pass his information along if anyone is interested. He teaches summer chem/physics at harvard summer school and has TFd each class for years. He's great.

Hey Sundarban....I will be starting the HES program in the fall. Would you mind passing along your tutor's contact information? Thanks!
jms622 said:
Hey Sundarban....I will be starting the HES program in the fall. Would you mind passing along your tutor's contact information? Thanks!

Could you also pass along his info to me as well? Thx!
OlyUCLA said:
Could you also pass along his info to me as well? Thx!

If anyone else is interested in a great chem/physics tutor (he was TF for chem/physics at the extension school for a long time, tutors full time now, taught MCAT review for Princeton Review and Kaplan) just PM me.
Sundarban1 said:
If anyone else is interested in a great chem/physics tutor (he was TF for chem/physics at the extension school for a long time, tutors full time now, taught MCAT review for Princeton Review and Kaplan) just PM me.

LOL.. I hope your tutor is giving you some sort of referral bonus for all the new clients you're sending his way. You've become a pimp of sorts :laugh:
microgin said:
LOL.. I hope your tutor is giving you some sort of referral bonus for all the new clients you're sending his way. You've become a pimp of sorts :laugh:

Maybe I am the tutor MUHAHHHAAAAAHAA!!!

In that case, you all will be in big trouble :smuggrin:
Dude, Sundarban is a pimp, tutor or not.
Sundarban1 said:
Iain, TMI buddy.

HA HA HA - it is a Saturday Night Live skit with the Spartan Cheerleaders. I am super cheesey FYI - you will find out in under 3 months.
I will be a full-time post-bac student this fall. I'm not sure whether I should take a class this summer, and if so, which class it should be. According to a rep. for UPenn's post-bac, taking 3 sciences a semester is doable as a full-time student, though this of course depends on individual capability. Is it fair to assume that the sciences at Penn are comprable in difficulty to those at Harvard?

If I were to take a class over the summer and thus reduce my load to 2 classes a semester at Harvard, what should I take over the summer--ochem, physics, or biology?

Does taking 3 classes a semester (and doing well) look considerably more impressive than doing 1 class over the summer followed by 2 during the academic year? I know that medical schools are looking for students to have 'challenged' themselves.

Will doing research and/or volunteer work during the academic year while I take 2 classes a semester make me as promising a med school applicant as if I devoted the summer to research/volunteer work and took 3 classes a semester during the academic year? I don't think I could do research/volunteer work if I took ochem over the summer, for instance.

Thanks for considering the above permutations.
Iain said:
HA HA HA - it is a Saturday Night Live skit with the Spartan Cheerleaders. I am super cheesey FYI - you will find out in under 3 months.

Looks like you are pre vet from your website. Was that a picture of you in surgery with Barbaro :p
Fixsen usually recommends students do not take classes over the summer because of the accelerated pace. At most universities, summer courses are covered in 2 sessions over a 12-week period. Harvard covers 1 course in 7 weeks and the final is in week 8. So really, you will be covering the first semester of a science course in 3 and 1/2 weeks.

You are new to this program so it's important for you to hit the ground running. You do not want to jeopardize your GPA for the sake of anxiety. Your idea of taking 2 courses this fall while volunteering is excellent. After you complete your first two prerequisites next academic year and you feel you could handle a summer class, then go for it!

If you don't want to take my advice you can always call Dr. Fixsen and leave a message. He usually calls back within a day. Hope this helps.

Jays2cool4u :cool:
Yes, I'm still cooler than you
For good advice, check your PM.
Sundarban1 said:
For good advice, check your PM.

Sundarban, you better be getting some kind of incentive from your tutor since you have been plastering the message boards with how great he is. "May I erase?"
BobLJ99 said:
Sundarban, you better be getting some kind of incentive from your tutor since you have been plastering the message boards with how great he is. "May I erase?"

Haven't you been following this thread?? He's a pimp I tell you!!! :p Although I'd better behave myself or I won't be getting dinner :love:
Diueine said:
Hello everyone,

I was just wondering, what is the equivalent of Biochemistry at HES?

The equibvlent to biochem, is biochem. It is offered.
Diueine said:
Hello everyone,

I was just wondering, what is the equivalent of Biochemistry at HES?

Additionally, I want to start at least a couple of classes by Spring 2007. Does anybody recommend anything? I know that ch I,bio I,org I or phy I are not available.



BIOC E-110 Biochemistry I and BIOC E-111 Biochemistry II. Here is the link:
microgin said:
Haven't you been following this thread?? He's a pimp I tell you!!! :p Although I'd better behave myself or I won't be getting dinner :love:

You better behave yourself or no soup for you!!! :D
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JMAT said:
So some you are in the program currently. Anybody care to share their undergrad stats to give me a good idea of whether or not i fit the bill? I have a 3.0 so think i could use this sponsorship. So its 800 per course x 2 semesters x 2 years = 6400 dollars + books/fees.? I thought i read somewhere that no financial aid is available. is this true?

Thanks guys.


There are loans/funding out can apply as a "5th year undergraduate" for Federal (FAFSA crap)...and there are also "Continuing Education Loans" which are private (interest rates are higher than Federal but more borrowing capability) which you may borrow up to 15K a year on as long as you show proof of enrollment. Google private education loans on the net and you will find many offers. Compare interest rates and stuff. I'm in the private education loan business now (yeah, can ya tell???? Get me out!)...Couldn't tell you about "free money" clue there.

Let me know if you have other questions! :)
Sundarban1 said:
Looks like you are pre vet from your website. Was that a picture of you in surgery with Barbaro :p

Yeah I am pre-vet - animals do not smell as bad!!

Nope that is not Barbaro, was just a foal peeing through its belly button!
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Random question for those of you already in the Boston area.... I'll be headed up there June 18-21 for interviews, apartment searching, etc. Can any of you recommend a place to stay that is relatively inexpensive and centrally located to allow for easy travel to/from the airport, Mass General & Harvard campus areas?? Any info is greatly appreciated :D
jms622 said:
Random question for those of you already in the Boston area.... I'll be headed up there June 18-21 for interviews, apartment searching, etc. Can any of you recommend a place to stay that is relatively inexpensive and centrally located to allow for easy travel to/from the airport, Mass General & Harvard campus areas?? Any info is greatly appreciated :D

I believe there is a holiday inn right off of cambridge street, right across from MGH. It's about 5 minutes to the airport via taxi and 10 minutes to Harvard via subway. I'll get the info today and pass it along as I work right there.
Sundarban, thanks for the Radiohead call(s)! I don't know if the 2nd and 3rd one were intentional (my pocket sometimes has the tendency to dial my phone) but I was rockin' out to my voicemails today on the T! :thumbup: :thumbup:
Many Harvard Ext. Students live in this apartment complex

Apartment Available July 1st.

1 Bedroom Apartment

Plenty of Sun
wall to wall carpet
walk in closet in Bedroom
Modern kitchen
Separate coat and linen closet

Rent $1,100
Free onsite Parking!
Fitness center!
Swimming Pools!
2 Tennis Courts!
24 hour onsite security
24 hour onsite maintenance

Harbor Point Apartment

Jogging Trail along Boston Harbor

On # 8 bus route to BUMC (BU Medical/Dental School)

Walking Distance to JFK/UMASS Red Line T stop (MGH on redline and Harvard main campus)

Walking Distance to Longwood Medical Area Shuttle (Harvard Medical/Dental Schools, Bostons Childrens Hospital, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Beth Isreal Hospital and More)

If interested please PM