2010-2011 Yale University Application Thread

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Tier 2 as well...and the wait continues.

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sounds like everyone and their mom is in tier 2. hardly seems worthwhile

The letter says that Tier 3 is the largest, so being in Tier 2 isn't so bad.

EDIT: LOL, I posted this and then realized that I wasn't on the last page of posts. I guess there *are* many people in Tier 2.
I'm on the wait list also but didn't receive an email... :confused:
I'm on the wait list also but didn't receive an email... :confused:

They said that they would send separate emails to applicants in each tier. Maybe you're in Tier 1 :thumbup: or Tier 3 :thumbdown:
tier 2 as well...i wonder how many people withdrew and how many are waitlisted..just wondering if its going to be one of those years where they move quickly through tiers 1, 2 and touch into 3 or where they barely take a few people off tier 1 and thats it.
Congrats! Did you hear anything about financial aid packages?

No, but only because I hadn't expected to get in (and thus didn't turn in my tax returns, etc). Director Silverman said that the fin aid office would process everything quickly if I got it in asap though.

Honestly though, I will probably be sticking to Pritzker.. so I hope one of you folks on the waitlist gets my spot. :)
I wish they gave us an indication about the size of the tiers. Judging by how many are on SDN and posted within a few hours of the email coming out, I think the chances of getting off tier 2 are very low just because its a large group.
Have some optimism if Yale is really where you want to go. From what it looks like it appears that they only emailed tier 2 today. Like they said, tier 1 is 10% of the waitlist and tier 2 is a little larger. Tier 3 is the largest. If they've gone into three sometimes there's no reason to assume tier 2 is Overly large.
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Have some optimism if Yale is really where you want to go. From what it looks like it appears that they only emailed tier 2 today. Like they said, tier 1 is 10% of the waitlist and tier 2 is a little larger. Tier 3 is the largest. If they've gone into three sometimes there's no reason to assume tier 2 is Overly large.

I'm trying to remain optimistic. Its just that I'm currently matriculating into a med school that starts mid-end of June, so when they say that tier 2 will hear back mid-June, its a bit disheartening. Yale is still my number one, but just trying to get a realistic idea of how things might go.
That sucks buddy, I didn't even think that might happen to people. What a ridiculous process this has been. I thought the tiers would alleviate some of the waiting, but they came up with a system as inefficient and silly as can be.
I'm trying to remain optimistic. Its just that I'm currently matriculating into a med school that starts mid-end of June, so when they say that tier 2 will hear back mid-June, its a bit disheartening. Yale is still my number one, but just trying to get a realistic idea of how things might go.

You should take advantage of the calling hours they mentioned and tell them your situation.
So did anyone receive an email today?
I'm trying to remain optimistic. Its just that I'm currently matriculating into a med school that starts mid-end of June, so when they say that tier 2 will hear back mid-June, its a bit disheartening. Yale is still my number one, but just trying to get a realistic idea of how things might go.

What school starts in the heart of summer? That seems rather rude, haha.
Oh man, just got accepted! I'm thrilled as can be!!
Congratulations!!! OMG and you're in Tier 2 as well...so exciting, my heart just went up to my throat!!
Congrats, Naijaba! Gives those of us in Tier 2 reason to hope at this point! Do you think that they have already finished going through the Tier one group? And then once they've exhausted that applicant pool, they reach out to applicants in Tier 2?
naijaba, can you please confirm that you're in tier 2?
Tier 2 as well!

This quote above should confirm it for you excel1 :D! Though us tier 2 people shouldn't get too excited for ourselves as this does not guarantee us getting pulled off the waitlist, it is definitely an encouraging sign that the tier 2 actually might have a realistic chance in terms of getting accepted off the waitlist. I can't wait to make my phone call and hopefully get to talk to Richard Silverman about why Yale would be a great mutual fit :D!
Does anyone else think it's odd that nobody has posted either their Tier 1 or Tier 3 status, yet people are getting accepted from Tier 2?
naijaba, can you please confirm that you're in tier 2?

Yes, I received the Tier 2 email on May 18th, and I was accepted on May 21st.

Just for some background, I may be a unique case in that I applied to the MSTP and the PhD program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. I was rejected by the MD/PhD program, but I interviewed *separately* for both the MD and the PhD.

I was accepted into the PhD program a while back, but deep down I wanted to be a research *doctor*. Fortunately, the weekend I spent interviewing for the PhD gave me the opportunity to meet medical faculty whose research closely aligned to my interests. I wrote about my desire to work with these faculty members in my update letter.

It also appears that my little Cronote iPhone App / Website made it all the way to the admissions office in New Haven!
To be honest, call me a cynic but the facts aren't adding up. Other people have stated that admissions is giving those accepted off the WL one to two weeks to make a decision about whether to attend. It's been less than a week since we were even notified about tiers, and it seems like the tier 1 and 3 emails haven't even gone out yet. Not everyone who applies to med school uses SDN, true, but we had a string of tier 2 people posting just a few minutes after that email was sent (and tier 2 wasn't even the biggest group). We should at least have a few people from tiers 1 and 3 posting as well if they were in fact notified.

Given that they allow us at least a week to make a decision after being pulled off the WL, and given that tier 1 (and 3) emails seem to have not even gone out yet, it's hard to believe they've made offers to all of tier 1, received a response, and are now onto tier 2. Things just dont move that fast.

Naijaba's already said he's (she's?) a bit of a unique case, and truthfully, nobody knows whats going on behind those doors. I think they're being a little disingenuous about how they use these tiers - look how cryptic the email was regarding admissions chances. They gave us tiers to provide a very general insight into where we stand, but they are cherry picking at whim among tiers according to their convenience/needs.

Would welcome other people's thoughts
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I think they're being a little disingenuous about how they use these tiers - look how cryptic the email was regarding admissions chances. They gave us tiers to provide a very general insight into where we stand, but they are cherry picking at whim among tiers according to their convenience/needs.

Waitlists are all about specific needs: those of the school. It's not as rigid as picking the most qualified applicants (whatever that means) in numerical order: schools are really looking to smooth out their classes' demographics. They look at all sorts of things like whether they have enough URMs in the class, people from certain areas of the country, students matriculating from top universities, a 50:50 male/female ratio, etc...

I agree with you: they likely haven't gone through all of the Tier 1 people yet. My best guess is that when they run out of one particular type of applicant, they reach into tier 2 to find someone who meets their needs.

As a fellow tier 2er, I think the best we can do is try to get excited about whatever school we've already committed to. Though I'd love to go to Yale, I'm not going to hold my breath for a "realistic possibility of acceptance" on a "statistically average year."
I agree with you: they likely haven't gone through all of the Tier 1 people yet. My best guess is that when they run out of one particular type of applicant, they reach into tier 2 to find someone who meets their needs.


I think this is absolutely right, and exactly what's been going on lately. The tier system helps the school keeps its options open while providing us a glimmer of information, but its not something they adhere to strictly, as many of us might (logically) think.
Most MSTPs (MD/PhD) begin lab rotations in the summer. But I've not come across any regular MD programs that begin that early.

Hey! Its a 5 year MD/MS program that starts off with lecture in the summer to make sure we can finish the MS and get into clinical rotations on time. If you have questions PM me I guess
Super hard decision, but I turned down my acceptance offer off the waitlist. Yale will always be dear to me. :) Good luck all you waitlisters!
Accepted from Tier 2 this morning. Looks like the waitlist moves quickly.
hey coreankim did you apply mstp as well? and i should also add, CONGRATS!
Thanks everyone! No, I did not apply MSTP. I'm headed to Yale for sure.
Thanks for the reply. Ok, so is anyone else confused as to why admissions are already accepting students off of the tier 2 waitlist? Could they have gone through the entire tier 1 waitlist by late May? I mean, I suppose its good for us tier 2 folks...
Thanks for the reply. Ok, so is anyone else confused as to why admissions are already accepting students off of the tier 2 waitlist? Could they have gone through the entire tier 1 waitlist by late May? I mean, I suppose its good for us tier 2 folks...

I am confused about that as well. I still find it weird that so far all of us who have posted are on tier 2. Doesn't make sense. Could they have made a mistake in the emails? Who knows. But I guess we will find out more when we call in during calling hours, assuming we can get through. Nonetheless, congrats to all the fellow "tier 2ers" accepted!
Thanks for the reply. Ok, so is anyone else confused as to why admissions are already accepting students off of the tier 2 waitlist? Could they have gone through the entire tier 1 waitlist by late May? I mean, I suppose its good for us tier 2 folks...

As someone else mentioned, I highly doubt that people are taken off the tiers consecutively. There are probably a myriad of factors that go into taking someone off the waitlist, the tier an applicant is assigned being one of them. I wouldn't overthink it.

I am confused about that as well. I still find it weird that so far all of us who have posted are on tier 2. Doesn't make sense. Could they have made a mistake in the emails? Who knows. But I guess we will find out more when we call in during calling hours, assuming we can get through. Nonetheless, congrats to all the fellow "tier 2ers" accepted!

If there was a mistake, they probably would've corrected it by now.
hey coreankim did you apply mstp as well? and i should also add, CONGRATS!

Are you referring to me? I was not accepted into the MSTP, just the MD and PhD *separately*. I chose to do the MD, but I may apply internally for the MSTP.
Ohhhhhh.... I got it now naijaba. Thanks for the clarification. Well I think its awesome nonetheless! Congrats!
Hello guys! I called Yale today during their call-in hours. Mr. Silverman said that they are "pretty much done with tier 1" so maybe that's why tier 2 has been moving! Also he let me know where I am on the tier 2 wait list. Still seems like it's up in the air whether on not I'll be accepted, but I'm taking it in stride. Wherever I end up is where I belong!!! (or so I say to make myself feel better lol)
wow so they are ranking us within the tiers as well?
Hello guys! I called Yale today during their call-in hours. Mr. Silverman said that they are "pretty much done with tier 1" so maybe that's why tier 2 has been moving! Also he let me know where I am on the tier 2 wait list. Still seems like it's up in the air whether on not I'll be accepted, but I'm taking it in stride. Wherever I end up is where I belong!!! (or so I say to make myself feel better lol)

lol, I've been trying since 1:30, but still haven't been able to get through to him.
hey also, would you mind stating where you were generally on the tier, so we have an idea of how many he expects will get off it?
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