University of Maryland Class of 2011

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Hey guys,

I gave a tour today and was reminded to check on how the 2011’s are doing plus, I have some free, actually lots of free, time today (fourth year ROCKS). I want to extend an invitation for anyone to PM me with any questions you might be afraid to ask on the forum about UMD. Since I'm graduating in May I will be able to give you a perspective on all four years - and believe me I will tell you the truth. I want you to be happy where you decide to matriculate and lying would not be conducive to that.

I saw the link to those videos - I've never seen them before and they are HILARIOUS! They are actually from the class that graduated last year and I have a feeling they were probably made either for match day or for one of the sillies presentations (we have freshman and sophomore sillies where the whole class gets together and makes funny videos/presentations/ect).

Also, I just wanted to comment on the study time. Please, please, please don't start freaking out about how much you are going to have to study during med school. I'm not going to lie and tell you its easy - because it's not. But, at the same time, it's not going to be the worse thing you will have to do in your life and it’s very doable. During first and second year I would study about 4 - 6 hours a day (depending on how close to the exam we were) and most weekends I would not study at all. I wasn't at the top of my class but, I did better then average and both of my USMLE scores were decent.

The thing about studying is you have to be disciplined. No matter what med school you go to, you will not be spoon fed the material – you have to learn it on your own. It wouldn’t be worthwhile if you didn’t learn the material because you WILL use it for the rest of your life. If you can sit down and totally devote a few hours each day and be productive them you will be fine. If I can give you any advice, it would be to keep reminding yourself that you got into med school for a reason, not by accident. And, if you were not smart enough to pass the tests, then you wouldn't be here. That being said, I can remember many times when I was studying for an exam and totally freaking out. It happens but, for the most part studying isn't that bad. Then during third and fourth year you are in the hospital and only have a shelf exam at the end of rotations which means you only have to study like an hour each night (MUCH better).

If anyone has questions, please ask. Don’t be afraid because none of us have any influence on your application (plus this is a anonymous forum). This is a big decision in your life and you want to make sure you make the right one. Since match day is this Thursday, I will be partying Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday but, if you PM me I will do my best to get you an answer.

Congrats to all of those who have decided to come to UMD - you have made a great decision!

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hey everyone,
as of now, i will be going to maryland next year :)

i was wondering if anyone knew when financial aid info and/or scholarship stuff comes out? thanks guys!
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Our group session with Dr. Foxwell was pretty cool. He is a down to earth kind of guy—very professional—but definitely down to earth. While we were going around the table introducing ourselves a girl said her name, and Dr. Foxwell asked her if she was Greek. When she confirmed that, he mentioned that his 1st wife was Greek and that her family didn’t like him for the first 2 years so they spoke around him in Greek. All you could do is laugh at that.

Haha, that was me :laugh:
Describe yourself!!! The only people I remember now was a Indian/East Asian? guy, a girl who's last name was Greek (you know the one that Dr. Foxwell went on a tanget about mentioning that his wife's greek family didn't like him); I remember one girl from James Madison University, and that is pretty much it.
I was the girl from JMU on oct 2nd :)
Hey all. Someone mentioned on the pre-allo board that Maryland has a dress code. True? If so, what do most people wear to class?

Also, my mom is coming into town this weekend and I was thinking about showing her the school since she lives far away and most likely won't be back for a few years. Any chance that the med school/lecture room or library area is open and we can go in there on Sunday?

Hey all. Someone mentioned on the pre-allo board that Maryland has a dress code. True? If so, what do most people wear to class?

Also, my mom is coming into town this weekend and I was thinking about showing her the school since she lives far away and most likely won't be back for a few years. Any chance that the med school/lecture room or library area is open and we can go in there on Sunday?


Technially you will be given a presentation during orientation that stresses that since you are in PROFESSIONAL school now, you should dress a little bit better even for class than just jeans and a t-shirt. That being said, people wear whatever they want. I'd say not many come in pajamas, but jeans are frequently seen along with all the other casual fare, though sometimes people are a little more dressed up to. When you have ICM you are expected to dress professionally to go with your white coat as you are usually learning to interview patients and such. They do stress professionalism while I'd say there might be some on the faculty that wished we'd dress up for class, it doesn't really happen.

As for the lecture hall, etc being open, I'd say yes. But the building itself may not be assessible without an ID badge. I don't know about the library - normally it would be open but spring break starts today.
have you decided where you are going?
95% sure it's UMD for me especially since I've had quite enough of VCU jerking us around- Maryland wanted me right away and I loved it when I visited :)
Aww.. how cool that so many of us who interviewed together are planning on Maryland.

Hey how'd VCU jerk ya around?.. I didn't like their interview day
Hey all. Someone mentioned on the pre-allo board that Maryland has a dress code. True? If so, what do most people wear to class?

Also, my mom is coming into town this weekend and I was thinking about showing her the school since she lives far away and most likely won't be back for a few years. Any chance that the med school/lecture room or library area is open and we can go in there on Sunday?


Like LucidSplash said, there's no dress code, but if you go to class in pajama pants Id say you'd be in the minority, if not the only one. For the most part I'd say people look like they spent a little bit of time getting ready in the morning, even if it is sweatpants a tshirt and no makeup (for the ladies of course, although I've been known to dab here and there occasionaly :laugh:) I dunno where ya'll went to college, but I came from college park, and if you went to morning class you were used to seeing people that looked like they woke up two minutes prior and gargled toothpaste in water. You won't find that so here...personally I like it.

I'm of the camp that thinks we don't need one, but its cause Im a student obviously. Those posts about a dress code are actually referring to the dental school at Maryland. Before I got here I heard about a dress code too, but its really for our friends across the street. One of my college roomates is a dental student there. Sucks for him. But at least they get a fresh new building, you should all check it out...its FRESH.

Sadly, I dont think the lecture hall will be open. I took my girlfriend there to show her campus one Friday evening (I mean before the sun went down) and it was locked. I've tried a few times on the weekend, Sundays included, and its always been locked after hours. The library will be open during the day, 10-5 I believe??? I don't really know since I rarely go there to study...

Our whitecoat ceremony this year was held in early November and Im sure it will be the same for you, will your mom be able to make it to that? Thats when I showed my parents the school, and its good that way because its a weekday and everything will be open for them to see. It will be slightly more difficult for you to get around the school without an ID card. The only way to do it is to walk into the main hospital entrance and 'check in' with security and walk around. There's a way to get into the medical school from there, but its pretty complicated your first time through without someone showing you...

I apologize for the long message. We just had our exam today :thumbdown: and there's nothing really better to do right now :thumbup: Fine by me!!! :sleep:
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VCU just keeps telling us they're going to make offers on certian days and then they never stick to them it's very frustrating- I understand that they're busy but this is our lives they're dealing with . . .
Thanks for the info guys :)
not to be a total nerd but I made the class of 2011 a group on facebook :) all are welcome- it's called Maryland Medicine 2011
Lol, I've already been dubbed a nerd so I'll join!

By the way yall, I was fooling around with Maryland's finaid page, and I figured out how to log in.
1) You plug your info in on the following link to figure out what your UMD userid is:

2) Take that userid and plug it on this the following link:
Your pin is supposed to be your birthday (MMDDYY).

Once you are in there, you can down load some of the finaid forms that they want you to download and mail in.

Also, has anyone check out our tuition for this upcoming year...I love being instate!!!
Also, below is a pic of the type of laptap we might get. I took this pic of a UMD student's laptop like 2 years ago, so hopefully we will get a newer IBM.

Also, below is a pic of the type of laptap we might get. I took this pic of a UMD student's laptop like 2 years ago, so hopefully we will get a newer IBM.

yeah that looks like it. Class of 2010 has a Lenova IBM Thinkpad T60p. We have a slightly updated version over the class ahead of us, so its safe to assume you'll get a version slightly ahead of what I'm typing on right now.
I wonder if our laptops will have Window's Vista? I was coveting my friend's vista the other day...
I wonder if our laptops will have Window's Vista? I was coveting my friend's vista the other day...

We actually asked the IT guys about this, and he said they had no plans as of yet because they don't know how it works with the test software and whatnot. Probably a blessing in disguise, new operating systems are a freaking nightmare until they get a few service packs on em.
A question for the current students- So I’m an aspiring neurosurgeon and I know for these competitive fields it’s a good idea to do some research to help you stand out when you’re applying for residencies- How hard is it to do research as an MI and how do you go about finding a lab to work in?
A question for the current students- So I’m an aspiring neurosurgeon and I know for these competitive fields it’s a good idea to do some research to help you stand out when you’re applying for residencies- How hard is it to do research as an MI and how do you go about finding a lab to work in?

I don't do research, but its not hard. Most people's research interests are on the website somewhere, so if you just shoot some emails or talk to Student Affairs, you can get set up rather easily. Anyone I know who got into research seemed to have no problems.
Also, below is a pic of the type of laptap we might get. I took this pic of a UMD student's laptop like 2 years ago, so hopefully we will get a newer IBM.

ah i fondly remember those days of barely containable excitement with a little anxiety thrown after getting into med school and waiting for it to start. lol kinda wish i could go back:laugh:
Also, below is a pic of the type of laptap we might get. I took this pic of a UMD student's laptop like 2 years ago, so hopefully we will get a newer IBM.

awwww.. no macbook??!!
hey everyone,

does anyone know what the parking situation is at Maryland? is it hard to get a parking spot in a garage?
Parking - Not a problem. Even if the main student garage (Lexington) gets full, which is will depending on when you get there and what day of the week it is, there are overflow lots they'll send you to. You'll never get turned away without a place to park at the student rate.

Match List - this wasn't circulated to us (2010) but loveumms might have it. If not, it'll be posted eventually. Some previous (2003-2006) matchlists can be found here:
I don't do research, but its not hard. Most people's research interests are on the website somewhere, so if you just shoot some emails or talk to Student Affairs, you can get set up rather easily. Anyone I know who got into research seemed to have no problems.

How true it is. We practically get research thrown at us. If only we got the fellowship funding thrown at us too :laugh:
Dumb question, but can someone tell me exactly which building are lectures at? I'm trying to estimate walking distances when I go hunt for apartments
Dumb question, but can someone tell me exactly which building are lectures at? I'm trying to estimate walking distances when I go hunt for apartments

Dumb question? Nope, I dont think so...after you read this you'll have the answer ~5 months before I did at this time. Most of our lectures are in Taylor Lecture Hall (youll also hear it referred to as Freshman Lecture Hall, because Sophomore lecture hall--SLH--is right next to it) which is Located in the Bressler Research Building.

This is not as important, but sometimes we also have lectures and some small groups in the Medical Student Teaching Facility building (also known to all us as MSTF) as well as the PODS (located in the Health Sciences Facility II--HSFII). But MSTF and the PODS are right next to Bressler and can be reached by connecting hallways.
when should we start looking for apartments? Do you have to sign up for places like university suites earlier than you would look for a normal apartment? Can you guys tell us which neighborhoods are withing walking distance to UMD? Looking at Craigslist ab 800 neighborhoods come up and I'm not sure which are the closest- thanks!
Small point - the Pods are actually in Howard Hall.

Haha thanks for the clarification. I never know where damn Howard Hall ends and HSF begins. Should have paid more attention on the orientation tours, and the rest of 1st year that matter :laugh:
when should we start looking for apartments? Do you have to sign up for places like university suites earlier than you would look for a normal apartment? Can you guys tell us which neighborhoods are withing walking distance to UMD? Looking at Craigslist ab 800 neighborhoods come up and I'm not sure which are the closest- thanks!

Earlier on the suites, yes. How far do you consider walking distance?
um definitely less than a mile- any suggestion ab when to apply for the suites?
Those of you already at UMD, what do you guys think of living at the Redwood?
I don't think I want to live in the dorms if I can live somewhere nicer and still nearby. Also I heard that the rooms are really small in Fayette, and the furniture isn't so great. Frankly I'd rather have my own bed anyway.
I know that a lot of people say you meet more classmates if you live in Fayette, and I wouldn't want to miss out on that opportunity. Also, any idea if the redwood is a further or scarier walk? (heh.. can you tell I'm a girl?)
I know that a lot of people say you meet more classmates if you live in Fayette, and I wouldn't want to miss out on that opportunity.

I couldn't tell you anything about where to live around the school, but since I commute, I can say that I wouldn't worry too much about meeting people if you live by yourself, or in a place where many of the other students are living. You will definitely be able to make friends wherever you live, its just that you wont be able to walk down the hall and say hi or anything. And thats quite alright because we dont have much time to do that anyway (or shouldn't have the time, lol). Live in the arrangements which will make you most comfortable! That's one of the most CRUCIAL things to my happiness in med school to be honest.

Also, any idea if the redwood is a further or scarier walk?

Is the redwood on redwood street? If so it should be of the better paths to walk. If I'm wrong though, Im sure my classmates will quickly correct me, lol. You'll be better off if you stay on the school's side of MLK Blvd. The university shuttle is always an option too, even for the dudes. Trust me, I'll be the first to laugh if one of my boys thought its a good idea to walk alone at night because they decided machismo trumped street smarts. :thumbdown: Okay, maybe laughing is a bit harsh...a lecture would ensue though, that is a promise :thumbup:
If memory doesn't fail me, it's on the corner of Eutaw and Redwood.

I'm still iffy about moving to Baltimore.. it'll have to be a few more years before I cross MLK heh.

Is it that bad walking at night? even on the school's side of MLK?..
Right around the immediate vicinity of the school tends to be safer, but unfortunately there are areas (like the other side of MLK :scared:) that the potential for crime is a bit higher, and some of those places are a bit nearer than we would like them to be. I know a few people (not just our classmates, dental, pharm students, etc) that have told me stories about the deals that go down on their street corner in different parts of the city. As much fun as we have talking about it sometimes, its something to be aware of.

I say this stuff not to be scary at all, but just as a precaution so you know to look out for certain things. Its not so much that its Baltimore, it's because it's a city. For the most part, the students stay safe, you just have to take a few extra precautions, due to the whole city thing. If I plan to stay late to study, I just make sure someone walks with me to my car, and then I'll drive them back. I apologize if I make it seem all crazy and stuff, I dont find it to be that way, its just that things happen from time to time.

I tend to blab a lot I know, but no worries, around school is a bit safer (and likely quite a bit so). I actually do know a few people over in Redwood, I'm pretty sure you can look at the building from the hospitals main entrance, so it should be pretty straight. I'm not the best to answer on apartments since my parents are trying to make money off my living situation from elsewhere. But I think you could even stay safe in the ghetto, its just a matter of knowing how to play it.
Is it that bad walking at night? even on the school's side of MLK?..

Its not that its "that bad" its just that its a city. The safest course is to take the shuttle or walk with a group. The area around the school is relatively safe but there is an occassional mugging, etc, though I haven't heard of any lately. However, this is pretty much status quo for any school located in a metropolitan area. I have never felt unsafe walking around the school in the daytime, and I usually feel fine after dark if I'm walking to the parking garage. If its really late when I'm done studying, I will take the shuttle home rather than bike.

Note that the campus has its own police force. Not rent-a-cops/security guards, but an actual police force with actual cops. The school does a lot to keep the area safe for students and as long as people are smart, the risk is very low.
Ditto on what MSK is saying here. I bought a house west of MLK. Not just a few streets west, where many students live, but far enough west that I like to call it a "transition" neighborhood. Its not for everyone. The reasons my husband and I chose to buy our house and live here are numbered and varied, but I'm the first person to say it isn't for everyone. I've got some fabulous stories, which scare the crap out of some people but I think are just great story fodder for when I have kids some day. I am comfortable living here, and for us its an investment so we're ok with it.

However, the area around the school is fine for pretty much anyone. If you're used to living in a gated community (Ok, I totally admit I am addicted to the real housewives of Orange Country) then Baltimore is going to be very different and probably a bit of a shock. But I'd hate to see anyone decide not to go to Maryland because of the area immediately around the school as there are so many great things about the school. Please trust us when we say that while it is a city, it is not really that bad and though I have no immediate experience with med schools in other cities, I would venture that around the campus (remember there are 7+ schools/programs here, not just us med students) we are on par with other city med schools.
True that :thumbup:. Besides, our good friends across town got the short end of the stick when it comes to location!
Those of you already at UMD, what do you guys think of living at the Redwood?
I don't think I want to live in the dorms if I can live somewhere nicer and still nearby. Also I heard that the rooms are really small in Fayette, and the furniture isn't so great. Frankly I'd rather have my own bed anyway.
I know that a lot of people say you meet more classmates if you live in Fayette, and I wouldn't want to miss out on that opportunity. Also, any idea if the redwood is a further or scarier walk? (heh.. can you tell I'm a girl?)

The Redwood is super nice. And like 2 blocks from the hospital. Just as safe as going to the suites, just east instead of northeast. Its also one of the more expensive places around, but if you can swing it - do it. Quality is the best in the area that isn't like 2k a month. As for meeting classmates, I mean I suppose this could be true, but you meet so many people in orientation, post-test parties, small group, etc that its not necessary. Not like a college dorm type deal. These are apartments, not big communal places like that. There are a lot of benefits to being there, but I would pretty much toss that one out.

I live on the BAD SIDE (dun dun dun) of MLK right near school. During the day, its perfectly fine, and no different then walking around in suburbia. I've walked home quite late at night on occasion, even past midnight, and haven't run into any problems yet. While that probably wasn't very smart, I lived. You'll be fine. If you are worried, take the shuttle or call a cop for a ride. You are never forced to walk alone in the dark.

PS: Secret bonus to coming to UMD - LUCID SPLASH can get you a crack hookup any day of the week if you're feeling blue. Holla!
One last thing to add, if you think about it, most of the best medical schools in the country are located in the middle of cities -- there are exceptions, but quite few. I believe that is because cities give you the best variety of pathologies for you educational purposes. You might see and hear some crazy s*** even in your first year (I know I have!). That and all the partying opportunities so close by (if you're into actually pretty boring and dont indulge). A couple things to look forward to about Ballmurr.

Dammit PM! You're tellin' everyone our secrets of how we stay up nights studying! You were supposed to say how LW bakes a lot from scratch and lets us borrow that "cup of flour" from time to time ;)