PCSOM Class of 2008

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We were starting to fall off of the page, so I thought I would bump us up. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

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Hey Pikeville people! I just wanted to tell Lola that I'll keep my eyes and ears open for any current female med students that might want a roommate next year. I was in the same boat you are in last year, I talked to Angel who hooked me up with my current roommate so if you're really interested, you should contact her. I definately prefer living with somebody over living alone not just for the living costs, but also I like having the company.

Well I hope you all are having a great March! Pikeville is currently spring break this upcoming week! whohooo I get to sleep in again!

Just to bump the thread up, my interview is a week from today. I'm more anxious than nervous at this point.
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Dont be nervous about your interview. If you need any question answered or would like an idea of what the interview is like, just let me know.

Good luck to you my friend.


Don't be nervous about your interview. Just relax and good luck (we hope to see you in aug 2004.)
I am going to be visiting Pikeville at the end of this month to start looking for aparttments/spouse job/school etc... Have any of you stayed at the Pinson Inn? This is a cheap hotel only a couple of blocks from the college, but I don't know if it is a decent motel (ie not roaches or leaks).

Originally posted by simtech
I am going to be visiting Pikeville at the end of this month to start looking for aparttments/spouse job/school etc... Have any of you stayed at the Pinson Inn? This is a cheap hotel only a couple of blocks from the college, but I don't know if it is a decent motel (ie not roaches or leaks).



I am not sure about the Pinson Inn. Sorry, I would help you out if I could. I have researched some of the apartments in Pikeville and have some info on them if you would like. Maybe that would help you narrow your choices before you go there. Let me know if you would like that list.


How was everyone's weekend?? I had to work the entire weekend and it wasn't a normal weekend:scared: .
Two quick questions for current PCSOM students:

1.What kind of laptops will us newbies be getting when we start? (specs would help here)

2. What kind of high speed internet is available in Pikevegas?

Willie B

We got the Latitude D600 and high speed internet is anything you want. Some of the people that live close to campus actually pick up the wireless which would be awesome. You can get DSL/ cable depending what you prefer. Which the school does pay for a dial up account.
I dont know if there are any 4th year PCSOM students on here, but just wanted to know how the match was for you this year. Hope you all got the programs that you wanted.

How has everyone else been? Hope you had a happy B-day hossofadoc!

What is a good eating place in Pikeville?

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for my interview, and I would like to find a good place to eat tomorrow night. Any suggestions?

Oh, anyone know if I will be able to get the Mississippi State/Monmouth basketball game tomorrow night as well?
Originally posted by skb21
What is a good eating place in Pikeville?
El Azul - Mexican

Chirico's (within the Pinson Hotel) - Italian

Applebee's :p

and there some new BBQ place along Hambley that I've heard is pretty good too...
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My Bulldogs are playing tomorrow night in the NCAA tournament, and I hope the regional coverage in Pikeville has them on tomorrow night.
You know what would be great?

They tell me that I'm in at the interview!! That would be sweet.

Hopefully, I'll at least find out sometime next week.

If you get in you will probably find out the Monday following your interview i.e. less than 48 hours. If you are anything like me, you will need to have an answering machine hooked up to the phone, so that you can re-play Dr. Strosnider's messsage over again until it finally sinks in what he is saying:laugh:.

You should hear something very quickly. Just be yourself and you will do just fine. I wish you luck. The day starts at 8:00 and ends between 10:30 and 11:00. Have fun!

Well, I interviewed with Dr. Murphy and Dr. Laurich (micro professor), and they put me through the grinder. I had some grades questions to answer, and I don't know that gave them what they were looking for with my answer. I'm one of those with a mediocre GPA but an above average MCAT score.

So, I'm in a wait and see situation right now.
Originally posted by skb21
Well, I interviewed with Dr. Murphy and Dr. Laurich (micro professor), and they put me through the grinder. I had some grades questions to answer, and I don't know that gave them what they were looking for with my answer. I'm one of those with a mediocre GPA but an above average MCAT score.

So, I'm in a wait and see situation right now.


I am sure that you did fine bud. I remember Dr. Murphy from the interview. You should hear something soon. I wish you good luck.

BTW, what the heck happened to Mississippi State? My fantasy bracket has been butchered this weekend!

Xavier went 13 for 17 from beyond the arc. Any team with that kind of luck will win 9 times out of 10. I think my boys let their energy level drop at the end as well.

If I don't get in this go around, I'm just going to try again next year. I'll go back to Mississippi State, take about 18 hours of classes in the fall, and apply again. With the PCOM campus scheduled to open up in Atlanta next year, that's very attractive.
Hey guys....Just got back from convo in Colorado Springs, CO and it was awesome. Must say Pikeville is really far ahead in many of the schools that I talked to/ worked with in OMT. I was really impressed skills I've gotten from Dr. Stiles over the past months...

Aaron- thanks for the birthday shout...I was in CO going through county roads in the Rockies...great experience.

Skb21-yeah I know how you fill. I had Miss St. in the Final Four and then my beloved Wildcats took a nice one on the chin from UAB. Sunday was a bracket buster for me.
Hey y'all,
Had my interview in Pikevegas this weekend. Hope I get in. I was the only one from CT what happened to the other guy. Good luck skb21.
Originally posted by dcratamt
Hey y'all,
Had my interview in Pikevegas this weekend. Hope I get in. I was the only one from CT what happened to the other guy. Good luck skb21.


I wanted to wish you good luck as well. I hope your trip to Pikevegas was great. It is a nice little town. I thought that there was another from CT also, maybe they decided on a school closer to their home. Anyway, good luck and let us know when you hear something.

I wanted to wish all of you who recently interviewed, Good luck. Dr. Strosnider called me on the Wednesday following my interview, so approximately 4 days after my interview. I was scared that I didnt get in, because they said we would know on monday or the latest tuesday. I wanted to share this with you so that if you dont hear today, it may just be a day or so later.

I hope you all get accepted and we are classmates in the fall. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Word to that. Good luck. The Monday after my weekend in Pikeville was the longest Monday of my life. I didn't get the call till well after 3pm. I even had a friend call my cell phone just to make sure it was still working around noon.

Hey Aaron,
Looks like i will be the lone Yankee at Pikevegas this year. I got the call from Dean Schosnider this afternoon on my answering machine. It was great. Well I guess I will meet all of you in a few months. Thanks for the info and advice. Thanks to Hossafadoc too.
I guess I'll be seeing you guys as well. I got the call around 2 pm today at work. I honestly didn't think I was going to get in, but I apparently said something in the interview that convinced them to take a chance on me.

I've gone all over the hospital I work at, telling people that I got in. Everyone tells me that I better not turn into some dingus when I get back. I tell them, they have nothing to worry about. I'm already an dingus. Just Kidding!!

It should be fun, and one of the core sites is in Tupelo, MS, so there is a good possibility that I will get to do my 3rd and 4th years (with the exception of O.P. & P.) about 40 minutes from where I live.
Congrats dcramant and skb21!

I was hoping you both would get in! I'm so happy for you! I tried to post earlier and wish you guys good luck at the interview, but I was having some computer trouble. Also, I just got back from my spring break trip to Las Vegas and San Francisco, and I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep! I can't wait to meet you all! Congratulations again!

Thanks for the congratulations. I look forward to meeting you. You seem very friendly just like the rest of the people at Pikeville.
Congratulations dcratamt and skb21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy for you both! This is awesome! I cant wait till I get to meet you guys. Pikevegas is going to be cool!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Yep. I saw yesterday on the weather that it snowed some in Pikeville. I'm from Mississippi. I'm not used to that, so I'm glad I left on Saturday. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do if it snows in those mountains. Someone may have to pick me up for class, or I'll just have to sleep in the lecture hall.

As far as Pikvegas being cool, you got that right. If it snows, it's going to be damn COLD there!!!
Originally posted by skb21
Yep. I saw yesterday on the weather that it snowed some in Pikeville. I'm from Mississippi. I'm not used to that, so I'm glad I left on Saturday. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do if it snows in those mountains. Someone may have to pick me up for class, or I'll just have to sleep in the lecture hall.

As far as Pikvegas being cool, you got that right. If it snows, it's going to be damn COLD there!!!


There was about 3 to 4 inches of snow on the ground when I interviewed in December. I am not going to lie, it gets cold up here sometimes. hahahahaha

Dont worry buddy, I will pick you up for class if it snows. I am an expert in driving in snow! Later.

Congratulations to both of you.

SKB, what do yo do at the hospital? So far, we've got a Med Tech (myself) and an exercise physiologist (Aaron) in our class.
Originally posted by Willie B
Congratulations to both of you.

SKB, what do yo do at the hospital? So far, we've got a Med Tech (myself) and an exercise physiologist (Aaron) in our class.

I'm a surgery technician. I scrub in with the surgeons as a first assistant, second assistant, and mayo.
Originally posted by skb21
I'm a surgery technician. I scrub in with the surgeons as a first assistant, second assistant, and mayo.

Good. The more people with actual hospital experience, the better I say.
Originally posted by Willie B
Good. The more people with actual hospital experience, the better I say.

Working in a hospital and outpatient clinic was very helpful for me. I have learned a great deal about hospital procedures, among other things. I would think that it will help me when we do third and fourth year rotations, especially keeping me from being so nervous initially.

skb21, I am glad to see that I will not be the only Mississippi native in Pikeville this year.
Originally posted by simtech
skb21, I am glad to see that I will not be the only Mississippi native in Pikeville this year.

Great! Will you be first year or second year, and if you don't mind me asking, what part of Mississippi are you from?

There was another person from Mississippi at the interview on Saturday.
Man, its hard to believe it is almost April. Seems like the time has been flying the past few weeks. I am glad to see spring here, more time for golf. Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying their first week of spring.

Hey Misty, how was your trip, I have missed talking with you. See you soon.


I am from Collinsville (close to Meridian). I will be a first year student also.

I also just found out that I will be having child #2 this fall (or rather my wife will). This should be interesting......
Originally posted by simtech

I am from Collinsville (close to Meridian). I will be a first year student also.

I also just found out that I will be having child #2 this fall (or rather my wife will). This should be interesting......


Congratulations on baby #2! It seems like a lot of students are married at PCSOM. I admire you guys, that is a huge responsibility. See you soon.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Originally posted by Aaron Earles
Man, its hard to believe it is almost April. Seems like the time has been flying the past few weeks. I am glad to see spring here, more time for golf. Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying their first week of spring.

Hey Misty, how was your trip, I have missed talking with you. See you soon.



Yeah, it does seem like the time is a flyin'. Last night I actually realized that it was already late March. I've been searching for a new computer and been thinkin of getting a PS2. (Atleast I should be able to afford these right now. I doubt I would be able to if we were in school though:laugh: .) That is where my head has been lately. So, it took my by surprise that we have less than five months left until school starts.
Originally posted by simtech

I am from Collinsville (close to Meridian). I will be a first year student also.

I also just found out that I will be having child #2 this fall (or rather my wife will). This should be interesting......


Congratulations on baby #2.:clap: :clap:
Originally posted by Willie B

Yeah, it does seem like the time is a flyin'. Last night I actually realized that it was already late March. I've been searching for a new computer and been thinkin of getting a PS2. (Atleast I should be able to afford these right now. I doubt I would be able to if we were in school though:laugh: .) That is where my head has been lately. So, it took my by surprise that we have less than five months left until school starts.

What's Up Willie? I bought a PS2 a couple of years ago. Definately has some great games with it. Last year I made a huge mistake and played my brother's XBOX. Needless to say, I got hooked and had to buy one myself. I enjoy the football games and some of the action games like Splinter Cell and Knights of the Old Republic.

I dont know if I asked this yet, but how is everyone's financial aid quest going? I talked with Teresa about 2 weeks ago and she said that our budget was set at around 46,700. I called access group and applied for another loan in addition to the subsidized and unsubsidized that the government offers.

As of right now, it looks like I will be living in Ridge Cliff Apartments. Janet said that she expected to have a vacany sometime in June, so that would work out nicely. Lots of stuff to do prior to starting. See you guys soon.


Yeah, I know about that getting hooked thing. I tried playing a PS2 game when I was at my brother's a few weeks ago. This is what started me thinking of getting one myself. Also, I still don't know where I will be living come time to start school. I haven't even been down to look at places yet. I know, I'm little behind on things, but I've had other more pressing things lately.

Is the financial aid figure of 46,700 that you quoted just for single students, or for families as well?
Originally posted by simtech

Is the financial aid figure of 46,700 that you quoted just for single students, or for families as well?

Hey Simtech,

When I talked with Teresa, I was under the assumption that was for the single student. If tuition is going to be 27,000, then that would give us about 20,000 for living expenses. Pikeville has some pretty expensive apartment properties, but I guess that they are reasonable in the grand scheme of things. The place that i am looking to rent from is $510.00 a month.

I talked with a second year student about a month or so ago, and they told me that the 38,500 in federal subsidized and unsubsidized loans was enough for them, but they had to be very frugal with spending.

Sorry that I could not be any more help than this. When i did an estimated budget for myself, I came up with a figure very close to what Teresa state. However, i am single without any dependents.
