midwestern ccp

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Sorry to hear about the waitlisters. :( Makes me feel very lucky because I didn't have the greatest of stats! I think that some of the people that have been accepted to CCP will choose to go to UIC once UIC start accepting people since UIC is cheaper. So hope is still there for many of you that want to go to CCP! :thumbup::thumbup:
yeah i really hope so too....everyone just go to UIC! thanks :D
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geez, people already getting thrown on the waitlist, and here i am who just applied. i feel so late!
Yeah, got my letter yesterday and I am waitlisted too. That's OK though because I still have my interview coming up with my first choice school. :sleep:
I have a question for those who got accepted.
While reading my acceptance letter(Yay~~), I found that they require a pharmacy technician license to be sent to school prior to matriculation.
What is that?
Does that mean I need to be a certified technician?
i don't have that either...what..
I have a question for those who got accepted.
While reading my acceptance letter(Yay~~), I found that they require a pharmacy technician license to be sent to school prior to matriculation.
What is that?
Does that mean I need to be a certified technician?

Type this in google... Illinois Pharmacy Tech license... Fill out form and send it to the address that they want you to... pay $40(i think that's how much it is) and get your license.. very simple... no exams to take... and no you don't need to be certified...
Oh I see.. Thank you guys.

I'm not sure about this so please correct me if I'm wrong, but they run a short background check on you before they approve your technician license. Any technician behind the counter of a pharmacy must either have a technicians license or must be waiting for their license to come in. :thumbup:
Just fyi, the Illinois Pharm tech licensing requirements just changed in October. The major change is that certification will be required within two years of being employed starting January 1, 2010. If you were hired before January 1, 2008, you'll be grandfathered in.
After you apply for your license, you can work without the license for 60 days.
Last time I checked, the IDFPR still haven't updated their information.
i think that if u paid the deposit for one of the two schools, the other one will not accept you. i dont think people who got waitlisted into one and got accepted into anther should be disappointed.
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I just realized I forgot to congratulate Notcoy and Dooberxl for their acceptance to CCP! So, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
I just realized I forgot to congratulate Notcoy and Dooberxl for their acceptance to CCP! So, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: There is a facebook group if you guys wanna join. The link was posted by Hello 18.

LOL thnx dude, congrats to you and everyone else that got in too! :thumbup:
Lol I got that same letter about a a month ago, stating that they would review it in March or something. Funny thing was that I got another letter the following week and went to the interview. Did really well and got accepted in less than 2 weeks! So I am definatley going next year, dont worry about it. The same thing happen to me at UOP, Western, and USC. Interviewed at USC and UOP was accepted but liked Glendale more.
Woohoo!! I've been accepted--Midwestern is my 1st choice school-due to location--now I'm happy I won't have to fly out to USC in Jan for more interviews-- I'm broke! :D

Can anyone recommend any apartments near there? I'm moving in from out of state...
Woohoo!! I've been accepted--Midwestern is my 1st choice school-due to location--now I'm happy I won't have to fly out to USC in Jan for more interviews-- I'm broke! :D

Can anyone recommend any apartments near there? I'm moving in from out of state...

Congrats timbutt2! :thumbup::thumbup: Welcome to the posse. About the apartments...It all depends on how much you wanna spend. Look on apartments.com or rent.com. I know that Bristol Club is really nice, not too far from the school, and is within a do-able budget if you find a roommate.
Ah-yes-the Bristol Club--unfortunately the roommate is my wife...:rolleyes: So I can't split the cost...I mean fortunately the roommate is my wife. ;)
Ah-yes-the Bristol Club--unfortunately the roommate is my wife...:rolleyes: So I can't split the cost...I mean fortunately the roommate is my wife. ;)

Ah, well good luck on the search
I'm wondering if anyone got rejected post-interview from CCP. I'm waitlisted and wondering if that is a huge list of rejections they are procrastinating on. :(
Hey guys... I was curious to know if being put on the alternate list is the same thing as being waitlisted?
hahah delightful news :p.. do you guys know what happens now?

a) rejected in April/may
b) accepted in April
c) accepted sometime in between
hey guys! congrats on getting in!!! For those of you on the alternate list, two years ago i applied, interviewed in march, and was placed on the alternate list. I was pulled off it in early july (but i didn't go-didn't finish a prereq in time). it happens!! and it really happens all summer, as people make different decisions, fail classes, etc. and can no longer matriculate. So don't give up!
interview on monday, hope to see a couple of you guys there!!! any news from the people who interviewed on the 13th DEC??
this might sound random, but for those who are or have been to the interview that are comming from out of state where did you but your luggage. I mean should i take it to school and have admin hold it or leave it at the hotel at the counter?? I mean its just a small carry on bag but still i dont want to walk around with it all day during the interview!!!
this might sound random, but for those who are or have been to the interview that are comming from out of state where did you but your luggage. I mean should i take it to school and have admin hold it or leave it at the hotel at the counter?? I mean its just a small carry on bag but still i dont want to walk around with it all day during the interview!!!

you can bring it along... I saw people bring there luggages to the interview... it won't be a problem.. they will have a place for you to store it...
I'm going to blow up the interview tomorrow for the funniest reason: There is a snow storm in the Northeast area so my flight to Chicago is canceled :( And yeah, I'm dead serious
wow, my flight was delayed 8hrs but i seriously went around the world and got here. You got to yell at them to get them to put you on a another airline.
All the flights in my airport are canceled. The airport is small and they have been closing for 5 consecutive days. But I'm all good, I've already got a rescheduling on another date for my mandatory campus visit. How was the visit by the way. Did you like the people and the campus there?
For those who have been accepted to CCP, is anyone posting on the "Team Room" on Interact Now? The dates of postings seem to be old so I wanted to see if my fellow classmates are on it now. :)
did anyones interviewers not take any notes during their interview? I thought they were supposed to? I saw the sheet in front of them but none of them ever wrote a thing while anyone was talking
My interviewers took lots of notes. They did have plenty of blank sheets so you might just seen those blank ones. I kinda got a glance of mine and it was filled, so hopefully it was a good sign. Yet i did notice a lot of people in my group not answer the question but drifted into other realms. So when you drifted off the question they didnt write so much.
My interview is next week, what questions did they ask you at the interview?
My interviewers took lots of notes. They did have plenty of blank sheets so you might just seen those blank ones. I kinda got a glance of mine and it was filled, so hopefully it was a good sign. Yet i did notice a lot of people in my group not answer the question but drifted into other realms. So when you drifted off the question they didnt write so much.

Thats how it was in Glendale...but here they didnt write anything, for anybody..oh well..guess we'll have to wait and see :)
Its a huge list of questions, so there is a very slim chance that you will get the same questions. Also i think i should refrain from telling you till i actually find out if i get in or not, because you are still competition. No hard feelings.

But i can advise to look over the interview feedback section, that would be enough to prepare you for the TYPES of questions they will ask you. Just be relaxed and honest in your responses and youll be fine. Its a pretty chill (no pun intended) environment. Just remember dress professionally. Along with that bring a very warm coat (came from cali so a bit of shock) and if your traveling expect delays into Chicago. As for me i barely made it to my interview because of snow during my visit. I got in at 1am the day of the interview. :eek:

Oh yeah eat a nice breakfeast because all you get is water and coffee and i was starving. Because you start out your day at 830 and don't get to eat till about 1 ( given you stay for the tour).

Hope that helps
....anytime now lol....anyone hear anything??
DOes anyone know what is going on with the people who interviewed on Dec. 17th? when are we ever going to find out? waiting is so not cool.:mad: this is our 4th week!?
For those whose interview date was on Dec. 17th...did anyone call them yet? And what's the word on the decision date? Please share some info if anyone know.

Weren't you on the waitlist for CCP??? what happened? Did they start pulling people off the list already?
well i just got accepted to ccp... interesting ccp or cpg... wat to do...

Go to CCP. Arizona is too hot, but they do have the 3 year program.....hmmm. Chicago is too cold over the winter; snow, ice crappy drivers. That's a tough one!
When did you interview? how did you find out? (email , snailmail, or interact acct changing?)

I interviewed on Nov. 13th and got waitlisted in December... then i checked my online Midwestern acct that I got after being accepted (P.S) not interact acct), checked it today and it said you have been accepted to both programs... and so now i have to decide... all online... but i'm sure i'll get snail mail soon to finalize it...

Weren't you on the waitlist for CCP??? what happened? Did they start pulling people off the list already?

Yes, I was waitlisted.. but not sure why I got pulled to honestly tell you the truth... I haven't really seen CCP do this before... but maybe they will start pulling people who knows... to my knowledge I'm the only one who got pulled off the waitlist...