
  1. N

    Adult client remembers father french kissing her at a young age, but nothing else? Does french kissing qualify as sexual trauma/abuse?

    Client says she thinks she was 5 or 6 when her father and her french kissed, she believes more than once. Does not remember it being traumatizing or forced at all. Did not understand it was inappropriate until much much later. Despite claiming the memory is not traumatic to her, client appears...
  2. D

    Client attachments to diagnoses/concepts like "narcissism"

    I'm of two minds on "Tik Tok mental health discourse." On the one hand, it's great that people are talking about mental health; on the other hand, there's a lot of work to be done in the room with clients when it comes to exploring their attachments to diagnostic labels and concepts. "CPTSD" and...
  3. P

    PhD/PsyD Child Trauma Ph.D Programs/Mentors

    I am currently a masters student in a clinical psychology program. I plan to apply to doctoral programs in December and am hoping to get some recommendations for doctoral programs/mentors focusing on child trauma. I am open to clinical or counseling psychology Ph.D programs, for me the fit with...
  4. N

    So what is EM really like?

    Hi all EM attendings and residents, I'm a final year medical student in INDIA planning on an EM residency in the US in a couple of years. I have been reading online about all the specialities and EM has piqued my interest the most. Upon further research on forums and websites I've come across...
  5. P

    Clinical Psychology PhD - Trauma/PTSD Focus

    Hello, I am looking to apply to Clinical Psychology PhD programs and am interested in finding faculty that have research focuses in PTSD, trauma, and emotion dysregulation. Even better would be a PI that also utilizes MRI. Any guidance/information would be appreciated!
  6. P

    How helpful are your on-call general surgeons in trauma, in EDs that are NOT trauma centers?

    New-ish attending here just picked up a side gig at a medium sized community hospital without any trauma designation. The general surgeons there typically want all trauma patients transferred to the nearest trauma center, which I agree with for the high risk cases. But I don't quite understand...
  7. C

    Chicago Programs questions

    I didn't want to create a whole new thread, but I had some questions. I'm not originally from Chicago but will be ranking it highly 2/2 wife's family and job. I liked Rush, and I understand the previous issues have largely been resolved. That being said, I'm having trouble comparing it to other...
  8. BeenThereDoneThatOrtho

    Osteopathic Orthopedic Residency 2019 Match

    All the other threads were a little dated. Any thoughts on going to Riverside or Modesto, where would you go? Thanks.
  9. S

    Army HPSP, good or bad choice for surgical residency/training?

    I have received the Army HPSP scholarship, but just recently received a full tuition scholarship from my state school. It is an expensive state and I'll need to take out some loans for living expenses (20k or less a year), but now with the money incentive gone I am reevaluating if I should take...
  10. F

    PhD/PsyD Clinical Psych PhD Programs with Trauma Treatment Centers and/or Certificates

    Hi everyone! As a future clinical psychologist, I am hoping to specialize in PTSD treatment. The SDN forums about programs with advisors doing trauma research and the APA Division 56 list of programs have been very helpful. I am curious if you all know of any PhD clinical programs that have...
  11. S

    Global Mental Health - PhD programs

    Hi, I'm hoping to find people currently enrolled in Global Mental Health PhD programs anywhere on the globe. I want to get a sense of the kind of experiences they've had within the program and the balance of cross-cultural perspectives within. On a more logistical note: A sense of how...
  12. D

    Inservice Ideas for acute care in trauma ICU

    I'm currently a student in a large hospital mainly on the shock trauma ICU and step down floors. I'm looking for ideas for a good inservice to give. They have lots of students come through every year and all have to give an inservice so I'm looking for something that hasn't been done a ton, like...
  13. H

    PhD/PsyD victim mentality

    Hi, I'm considering doing a small research project on the side, on victim mentality/victim identity, and I don't know how to get started. Most research I've come across are either regarding the politics of collective victimhood, legal aspects of of victimhood, and psychology of victim blaming...
  14. slowthai

    Indoctrination in Medicine

    I already asked this question in the med students forum, but I wanted to hear you guys' take. I hope this is allowed, lol. I was curious. Most fields that require very intense amounts of training require some form of indoctrination or programming. I assume that's true for the field of medicine...
  15. D

    Canada: Best places for Trauma Surgery rotation?

    So I want to do a trauma surg away elective, after some research and asking around, I've compiled the following list (in no particular order): Montreal general hospital Vancouver general hospital Sunnybrook (Toronto) Foothills (Calgary) ... Any other suggestions for great trauma surgery...
  16. P

    U Chicago Level 1 Trauma Center - how will it affect Chicago EM residencies?

    Hey all! I'm a student at a US MD school that's super interested in EM, and Chicago is a city that seems to be a great spot for an EM residency. I know for a while now U Chicago, which is located near the South Side, refrained having a level 1 trauma center to avoid trauma overload and...
  17. SLCpod

    August 2017 Journal Club (CALC FRACTURES)

    Journal club overview: - An article will be selected and posted each month. Please PM me an article you are interested in. Please keep them as recent as possible. - We will discuss how we can use what we learned from the selected article in practice and perhaps share some clinical experiences...
  18. Ghareeb

    TEAM vs ATLS For A Medical Student 0

    Greetings, I'm a fourth year medical student at Kasr Al Ainy - Cairo University, and I'm very interested in Trauma care. I'm doing a summer training in our Trauma department in August and a Traumatology elective in Graz-Austria in September. So I was thinking about attending one of the ACS's...
  19. T

    What could I expect when exiting a surgical residency and fellowship in my late 40s?

    I begin medical school in a couple months, and I am beginning to think about surgical specialties, so I can get on board with relevant research projects during my preclinical years. I have a couple years of experience working in the emergency department of a trauma center, and I am very...
  20. L

    Quick survey for psych doctoral students about trauma training

    Dear Potential Participants, Hello, I hope this message finds you well! I am a fourth year Psy.D. candidate in Clinical Psychology at Rutgers Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. I am in the process of collecting data for my doctoral dissertation project (IRB approved...
  21. drpatelplasticsurgery

    UC Davis PRS (NorCal) - SubIs wanted for 2017!

    Open invitation to U.S. medical students: (1) To graduating MS4s looking for a month of plastic surgery to hone suturing skills, scrub into reconstruction cases, or simply to avoid being bored toward the end of medical school; AND (2) To rising MS4s who may be fortunate enough to be starting...
  22. B

    Can vascular surgery perform embolizations for trauma or are these cases reserved for ir

    Can vascular surgery perform embolizations for trauma or are these cases only performed by ir? Ex: solid organ, pelvis
  23. surely

    Pursue EM even if you don't love trauma?

    Edit: In case anybody finds this thread in the future, wanted to report back that my nervousness with critical patients was indeed temporary (and now I'm seriously leaning toward EM with an emphasis on CC). The advice I got here was solid and I appreciate everyone taking the time to help me...
  24. G

    I've read three books and one research article about subconjunctival hemorrhage no luck. Help!

    A 10 year old male child presented with pain and loss of vision in the right eye after getting blunt trauma with a cricket ball a few minutes ago. There is subconjunctival hemorrhage in the temporal quadrant, the visual acuity is hand movements, and the pupil is not visible in the right eye. a...
  25. M

    Other OT-Related Information I could use some advice

    have been wanting to be an OT for ten years but I have not gone because of the loans. Does anyone have any advice about whether this wAs the right decision?
  26. J

    Doctoral Professors/Universities and Early Childhood Trauma

    Hi All- This is my first post! I am looking to start applying to doctoral programs in order to do research involving early childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences. Can anyone recommend a university that has a strong back ground in that area of research on who has a doctoral...
  27. S

    Trauma Surgery Clerkship Question: Cooper vs Rutgers @ Newark?

    Hello all-- I need your help! I was accepted into both the Cooper and the Rutgers @Newark Trauma Surgery clerkship programs, 1 month at each. I don't know which one to pick-- does anyone know which one is better/busier? Or which one would allow me to see the most intense/crazy stuff? Where I...
  28. B

    Who should and who does run traumas?

    Who should run traumas and who does at your institution? Does one specialty do a better job than the other? How does in house vs home call effect your outcomes?
  29. headshrinkingking

    Rape/Sex Trafficking Trauma Programs

    Alright, I searched the threads, but didn't come up with much. One post from 2011 suggested doing a literature search to find people who are doing this right now.... But since it hasn't been brought up in five years, I'll have another go. I'd like to dedicate my clinical work to victims of sex...
  30. Y

    Doctoral Candidates of Psychology, Win $50 Amazon gift card: Impact of Providing Therapy on Trainee

    Impact of Providing Therapy on Trainees (Dissertation Research) Description: This research study will investigate the relationship between mindfulness and the positive/negative impact of providing therapy on the therapist trainee. To participate: - Must be age 18+ - Must be a doctoral...