Vietnamese Roll Call

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Just wondering... did anyone from VIETNAMESE ROLL CALL get accepted to RX school for 2005 yet?.... im running out of patience... such a dragging process... hopefully it is worth it at the end... So how are the PCAT scores looking?.. I took mines in OCT and didn't receive any scores yet...!!~* what about you guys????

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ilovelylaydee said:
Just wondering... did anyone from VIETNAMESE ROLL CALL get accepted to RX school for 2005 yet?.... im running out of patience... such a dragging process... hopefully it is worth it at the end... So how are the PCAT scores looking?.. I took mines in OCT and didn't receive any scores yet...!!~* what about you guys????

i'm never gonna get into pharmacy school. wahhhhhhh :scared:

Don't give up, try to apply to pharmacy schools.
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Do you girls have the problems of nerdy white guys trying to get with you just because u are a Vietnamese female? I hate it, but I hate it even more when i look and vietnamese girl has a nerdy white guy boyfriend because then other nerdy white man thinks i will get with him.
RiceApple said:
Do you girls have the problems of nerdy white guys trying to get with you just because u are a Vietnamese female? I hate it, but I hate it even more when i look and vietnamese girl has a nerdy white guy boyfriend because then other nerdy white man thinks i will get with him.

What's up with the white guys stealing our women? ;)
Huh?......Nerdy white guys? There's nothing wrong with nerdy white guys. I have problems with fobby Vietnamese guys who tried to hit on me and think they can impress me with their money.
WildOrchids27 said:
Huh?......Nerdy white guys? There's nothing wrong with nerdy white guys. I have problems with fobby Vietnamese guys who tried to hit on me and think they can impress me with their money.

haha man oh man. i'm glad i'm not fobby. :D
WildOrchids27 said:
Huh?......Nerdy white guys? There's nothing wrong with nerdy white guys. I have problems with fobby Vietnamese guys who tried to hit on me and think they can impress me with their money.

Maybe we can hook up WildOrchid b/c I am not the typical fob...I am fobby and I don't have any money$$$.

Unrelated subject:

Anyone in here having an interview at Univ. of Southern Nevada (1/22/05)? Maybe we can meet up and gamble or something.
goheel said:
What's up with the white guys stealing our women? ;)

Nothing..Maybe they treat a girl better....?
fob12 said:
Maybe we can hook up WildOrchid b/c I am not the typical fob...I am fobby and I don't have any money$$$.

Unrelated subject:

Anyone in here having an interview at Univ. of Southern Nevada (1/22/05)? Maybe we can meet up and gamble or something.

troi oi gina, you're getting hit on left and right! =D
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Wow, you guys still have finals? I took my last one yesterday. It's relax time now. :D
WildOrchids27 said:
My last final is tomorrow. Thank goodness. I need a vacation. Anyone doing anything fun over winter break?

I hope that you will ace your finals. I guess California schools finish their finals later than Texas. This Christmas..lets see..I probably do nothing b/c I am too broke to do anything.. :(
Hanging out w/ friends maybe the best bet...So what is your plan for this Xmas?
WildOrchids27 said:
My last final is tomorrow. Thank goodness. I need a vacation. Anyone doing anything fun over winter break?

If by fun you mean lighting up some fireworks then yes!!! So, who else loves foreworks?
you only have 2 weeks of break? whoa. it's like high school all over again. we have 1 month....i need it.
WildOrchids27 said:
I have a few things plan but overall it's mostly going to be relaxation. No school for two weeks and I'm going to take a few days off of work. I might take a trip to Vegas.....Vegas anyone????

gina, are we still going to vegas? :D
WildOrchids27 said:

Let's go to Vegas! I want to go to the Celine Dion concert.

oh yeah? when is she going to be in concert? i wanna see! =D
wwwlongcom said:
oh yeah? when is she going to be in concert? i wanna see! =D

I think she performs at Caesar Palace 5 days a week. Tickets are expensive though.
WildOrchids27 said:
Yes they are. I paid $200 for her tickets but didn't get to go. I had to cancel the last minute. I'm sure who ever ended up getting those tickets are very happy. :smuggrin:

$200 for a ticket?! wowzers. were they even good seats gina? dang, should've given them to me! =D
WildOrchids27 said:
They were ok seats. Luckily I was able to return them. Let's go to VEGAS! :laugh:

haha oh my gina. i don't think you'll be able to hang! imma go buck wild when i get to vegas! 10 more days until 21! whoo hoo! vegas! =D
wwwlongcom said:
haha oh my gina. i don't think you'll be able to hang! imma go buck wild when i get to vegas! 10 more days until 21! whoo hoo! vegas! =D

Let's go! Since you're turning 21, more reasons to celebrate. =)
WildOrchids27 said:
Let's go! Since you're turning 21, more reasons to celebrate. =)

Yea, 21 is a right age for Vegas. I'm definitely not going back to Vegas until I turn 21.

Vegas sounds interesting...I guess you guys are driving huh?
About a 3 and a half hours drive?
fob12 said:

Vegas sounds interesting...I guess you guys are driving huh?
About a 3 and a half hours drive?

With my driving, I can get there in 3 hours. :laugh:
WildOrchids27 said:
With my driving, I can get there in 3 hours. :laugh:

we all know what a harum-scarum driver you are gina! since both of our birthdays are coming up, i say we should go sky diving next week! LOL
WildOrchids27 said:
With my driving, I can get there in 3 hours. :laugh:

Sounds like you are a speedster.... :cool:
wwwlongcom said:
we all know what a harum-scarum driver you are gina! since both of our birthdays are coming up, i say we should go sky diving next week! LOL

Sky diving???? YES! Let's Go. I've been wanting to for the longest time now. They have a place in San Diego. I heard the view is just gorgegous. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
fob12 said:
Sounds like you are a speedster.... :cool:

I get road rage. I hate slow drivers, and I espeically hate driving in "Little Saigon." It's horrible. I don't know how in the world those people got their license. They go where ever they please and ignoring every street sign. My blood pressure sure goes up when I'm in that area. Driver's beware. :smuggrin:
WildOrchids27 said:
I get road rage. I hate slow drivers, and I espeically hate driving in "Little Saigon." It's horrible. I don't know how in the world those people got their license. They go where ever they please and ignoring every street sign. My blood pressure sure goes up when I'm in that area. Driver's beware. :smuggrin:

Wow. you are a road demon and a hot potatoe head.....j/k...I know what u mean...some of the old asian folks sure do drive pretty slow...Sometimes I just want to flip them off...but when I drove by and saw the little old man or woman... I just couldn't do it....I guess I love old folks.... :D
fob12 said:
Wow. you are a road demon and a hot potatoe head.....j/k...I know what u mean...some of the old asian folks sure do drive pretty slow...Sometimes I just want to flip them off...but when I drove by and saw the little old man or woman... I just couldn't do it....I guess I love old folks.... :D

LoL. Same here. I would get extremely mad and then when I pull up next to them and noticed that it's an old man or woman, I up feeling bad for getting mad at them in the first place. I love old old folks too.
What a funny thread. I'm viet, but am a pre-dent. All my viet friends that are girls are pre-pharm or in pharmacy school though. They are hot too, so that's good for all you pharm guys. lol
WildOrchids27 said:
Likewise Long! Where have you been? :confused:

haha i've been back at home. i know you miss me dearly gina :D i have been so unproductive this break. school starts again this wednesday =/ how are things over there?
WildOrchids27 said:
I'm taking winter quarter off to go back to Vietnam. I can't wait. I'm kind of scared with the chicken flu thingy and the Tsunami diaster. I just really hope I won't get sick. No school until March....YAY!

Wow, awesome, I'm planning to go back in the summer. Good luck on your trip and bring back some pics. :)
today was a really gusty and cloudy day at school. my paleobiology professor said this in class today: "today is a wind-wind situation." LOL :laugh:
goheel said:
Wow, awesome, I'm planning to go back in the summer. Good luck on your trip and bring back some pics. :)

Thank! I'll definitely take lots of pictures. :)
wwwlongcom said:
theres pho everywhere! =D

I hope I am on the correct forum, which is Pho :clap:
Does anyone know where is the best Pho shop in San Jose, so i can chow down while my other half is going to pharmacy school? I am pretty disappointed with all the Pho shop that I've been to in Austin, Houston, San Jose, Portland, Seattle, Phoenix, and SoCal. They're all barely edible because of MSG or similar stuff, or inconsistent. I noticed that we sweared many times we were not going to go back to certain places, but we ended up there anyway, because there was no other choices.

The only 2 Vietnamese restaurants that I was really satisfied with in the US so far were Ca 9 mon and Huong Giang both in So Cal. I am willing to pay $10 or more for a perfect bowl of perfect Pho if you can point me to them. The only good Pho i had was some Pho Ga shop in Saigon a long time ago.
Sorry for the off-subject post. I promise to talk more about Pharmacy in the future, once i got my Pho out of the way.

By the way, how did some of you were able to post your picture as your avatar?
Margaret_2003 said:
I hope I am on the correct forum, which is Pho :clap:
Does anyone know where is the best Pho shop in San Jose, so i can chow down while my other half is going to pharmacy school? I am pretty disappointed with all the Pho shop that I've been to in Austin, Houston, San Jose, Portland, Seattle, Phoenix, and SoCal. They're all barely edible because of MSG or similar stuff, or inconsistent. I noticed that we sweared many times we were not going to go back to certain places, but we ended up there anyway, because there was no other choices.

The only 2 Vietnamese restaurants that I was really satisfied with in the US so far were Ca 9 mon and Huong Giang both in So Cal. I am willing to pay $10 or more for a perfect bowl of perfect Pho if you can point me to them. The only good Pho i had was some Pho Ga shop in Saigon a long time ago.
Sorry for the off-subject post. I promise to talk more about Pharmacy in the future, once i got my Pho out of the way.

By the way, how did some of you were able to post your picture as your avatar?

I know what you mean. The only Pho I like is my mom's. I think when I move to SF for school I am just going to eat frozen food or whatever is open still when I get out of lab. Sure gonna miss the home cooked food.

To post your pic, just go into user CP. Top left in the blue header. Then I think it has an option for avatar pic.
yeah, i concur, mom's DO make the best pho! =D
For some reason, I'm not that big into Pho. I'm more into south vietnamese dishes like bun mam, chao long, com tam, etc... :) mmmm, thinking about those dishes makes my mouth waters. :D
For all it worths, Ca Mau in SJ, has great and consistent Bun Bo Hue. Waiting time was close to 1hr last time i was there on new year, but it was not bad during normal bus hrs.
You damn Asians :laugh: .........Here in da's 1.....2......3......pho. Reppin the kimchi eatin fools!!!
This thread is really irritated me!. :mad: Damn a bunch of showing-off Viet!
rxforlife2004 said:
This thread is really irritated me!. :mad: Damn a bunch of showing-off Viet!

Are you okay? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
rxforlife2004 said:
This thread is really irritated me!. :mad: Damn a bunch of showing-off Viet!

They're not that different from any others. Looking into any crowd, and you see same statistics. Lighten up.
rxforlife2004 said:
This thread is really irritated me!. :mad: Damn a bunch of showing-off Viet!

umm, whats irritating you again? :confused: