University of Arizona Questions

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Hey thanks. You too!

And for the record, should I get an email on Monday morning, I'm definitely up for the frosty drinks mentioned earlier in this thread! :)

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Hi Bloodynutty,

Wow, our profiles are really similar. I hope what elder jack said about the GPA inflation gets some consideration by the adcom. I mean, my friends and I all graduated top of our high school class in AZ and went to schools around the country. A good number got full rides to go to U of A and ASU and their GPA--to a one--are like through the roof. And these guys were engineers and like blazed through with a trail of A's--not A-minuses. Two others and I went to the UC (Cali) system and were hammered. I mean we did well, but not that 3.75 and above stuff.

I don't doesn't seem totally fair to hold us to the same standard. I don't know.. maybe I would have had a 3.65 at U of A, but I have no reason to believe that. I do hope they consider the school, to some extent. I mean my schools science classes really were a bucher shop. I've been told it's on a level with Cal Tech and MIT. Can ASU and U of A say the same?
I guess the other weird thing about this GPA business is that last year, their GPA shot up like more than a full point over the prior year's GPA. In 05' I think--the year prior to last--the average admitted GPA was 3.59 or something. So they haven't always been GPA obsessed, though maybe they are now.

In any case, it's pretty bizarre, especially when you're increasing the schools number of slots. Maybe there was some administrative shift that brought on someone whose mind is on the US News list above all else--a ridiculous concern for a state school propped up by tax-payer money.

Another thing connected to this was the most alarming part of the statistics from last year that they showed. They lost fully 40 pecent of their original acceptances and had to go to the waitlist. This probably means that they slipped up on considering what was actually good for the school and Arizona and probably did something closer to lining up GPA and MCAT scores and picking the sequentially from the top of the list. That is so unfair to do, especially when the result is that a large percentage of the people that result don't have any interest in attending the school anyway. Plus, that also, at least statistically, cuts out the family and rural medicine and primary care crowd. I hope this statement is statistically more false than true. I mean I wish the high-numbers people tended to go for primary care and community med, but I doubt it.

Plus, as I've posted before, Arizona is physician starved and, especially, primary-care starved. U of A should actively do something about this.
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Plus, that also, at least statistically, cuts out the family and rural medicine and primary care crowd. I hope this statement is statistically more false than true. I mean I wish the high-numbers people tended to go for primary care and community med, but I doubt it.

Plus, as I've posted before, Arizona is physician starved and, especially, primary-care starved. U of A should actively do something about this.

I think the UofA does a fair deal for the primary care crowd, they have that sweet scholarship/loan for people willing to commit to primary care (wish I knew exactly what type of medicine I want to practice). And I am sure they have taken into consideration the DO schools up in Phoenix that pump out primary care docs as well. AZ probably needs specialists just like any other state as well...who knows though.

I think that your guess is as good as anyone else's in reference to how they select their students. Complete and absolute mystery!!!! :)
BTW The friday thing reminds me of in Office Space when the "Bob's" were like:
"We always find it's better to fire people on a Friday. It's statistically shown that there's less chance of an incident if we do it at the end of the week. Anyway, Peter, what we would like to do is put you into a position where you would have as many as four people working right underneath you."

That's great. I love that movie. :)

Does anyone who interviewed recently know if PHX ever figured out where next year's class would have lectures since their current classrooms on campus weren't big enough for 48? Also, when I interviewed they hadn't yet started charging for parking there at the school, has that changed as well if so how much does it cost?

Maybe they'll use the main lecture hall. They'll probably start using it soon because next year the class size will double again to 96. I don't know about the parking. Traffic and parking will be the main downside to the Phx campus. If I end up going there, I plan to use the light rail when it opens in December.
Hey guys, does anyone have any idea what time the emails will be sent on Monday? I'm so nervous.
I guess the other weird thing about this GPA business is that last year, their GPA shot up like more than a full point over the prior year's GPA. In 05' I think--the year prior to last--the average admitted GPA was 3.59 or something. So they haven't always been GPA obsessed, though maybe they are now.

In any case, it's pretty bizarre, especially when you're increasing the schools number of slots. Maybe there was some administrative shift that brought on someone whose mind is on the US News list above all else--a ridiculous concern for a state school propped up by tax-payer money.

I didn't realize that, this is interesting. But with such a small applicant pool as compared to other places, it is possible this is just standard variation. Perhaps for some reason some new teachers at ASU were easier graders than in years past.

Another thing connected to this was the most alarming part of the statistics from last year that they showed. They lost fully 40 pecent of their original acceptances and had to go to the waitlist. This probably means that they slipped up on considering what was actually good for the school and Arizona and probably did something closer to lining up GPA and MCAT scores and picking the sequentially from the top of the list. That is so unfair to do, especially when the result is that a large percentage of the people that result don't have any interest in attending the school anyway. Plus, that also, at least statistically, cuts out the family and rural medicine and primary care crowd. I hope this statement is statistically more false than true. I mean I wish the high-numbers people tended to go for primary care and community med, but I doubt it.

That may not be bad for us, depending on where we stand when the chips finally fall on monday!

Plus, as I've posted before, Arizona is physician starved and, especially, primary-care starved. U of A should actively do something about this

True, but the rate limiting factor in career networking and new doctors is residency, not medical school. What UA really needs to do in the long run is increase more training slots. (Although nobody in the country is even thinking of this right now). Hopefully that new hospital in PHX (whenever they can get the thing built) can start pumping out more new residents each year. Otherwise all these new graduates are just going to go out of state for training.
Hey guys, does anyone have any idea what time the emails will be sent on Monday? I'm so nervous.
I don't think anyone knows. Last year they didn't have a single release, they did it in waves over the month. It is possible that they could still send out acceptances in batches over the day, say alphabetical order of the last name or something. To avoid any unnecessary anguish, I'm just gonna check mine at the end of the day and stay away from SDN until then.
Hi Bloodynutty,

I don't doesn't seem totally fair to hold us to the same standard. I don't know.. maybe I would have had a 3.65 at U of A, but I have no reason to believe that. I do hope they consider the school, to some extent. I mean my schools science classes really were a bucher shop. I've been told it's on a level with Cal Tech and MIT. Can ASU and U of A say the same?

Its clear that you do believe that AZ schools to hand out grades easier, but you want to avoid being flamed. I am an AZ student and I cant imagine my school grades as harshly as some prestige-seeking schools. But, for a school that claims an integral part its mission is to produce physicians who will stay in AZ, logically UofA should punish those who go off to school somewhere else, the further the harsher. Claim what you want about residencies determining the actual number of physicians who stay, but the willingness to leave the state for 4 years says something about your commitment to staying in AZ. Also, like others have said, UofA should have less interest in national rankings than most other schools, which enables them to further discriminate against those who left for school. Finally, the favoritism is a zero sum game. Although you guys lose, I win!!
I realized my post wasnt as lighthearted as intended, sorry. I am just digging for ways to kill the time until monday.
I guess the other weird thing about this GPA business is that last year, their GPA shot up like more than a full point over the prior year's GPA. In 05' I think--the year prior to last--the average admitted GPA was 3.59 or something. So they haven't always been GPA obsessed, though maybe they are now.

In any case, it's pretty bizarre, especially when you're increasing the schools number of slots. Maybe there was some administrative shift that brought on someone whose mind is on the US News list above all else--a ridiculous concern for a state school propped up by tax-payer money.

Another thing connected to this was the most alarming part of the statistics from last year that they showed. They lost fully 40 pecent of their original acceptances and had to go to the waitlist. This probably means that they slipped up on considering what was actually good for the school and Arizona and probably did something closer to lining up GPA and MCAT scores and picking the sequentially from the top of the list. That is so unfair to do, especially when the result is that a large percentage of the people that result don't have any interest in attending the school anyway. Plus, that also, at least statistically, cuts out the family and rural medicine and primary care crowd. I hope this statement is statistically more false than true. I mean I wish the high-numbers people tended to go for primary care and community med, but I doubt it.

Plus, as I've posted before, Arizona is physician starved and, especially, primary-care starved. U of A should actively do something about this.

Wow..I agree with this to a T. I have heard of so many people getting into UA that I applied there as backup and didn't even consider. There's this rumor that UA rejects "overly qualified" candidates to prevent this but I've heard of way more examples of the vice versa. I do have one friends with stellar numbers who didn't get in (wound up at Pritzker -- bummer huh?) but I have at least 5-6 friends who all got in and never even considered to pick UA over higher ranked programs.

UA needs to look past GPA, see the folks like me that fit their philosophy (hopefully :) and realize that we may 1)actually attend UA and 2)practice in AZ.

Damn it. I'm nervous too.
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Last year all of the acceptance emails came out at around 9 a.m.

Why doesn't someone just call down there really quickly, and kindly ask them when the decisions will be sent out?

(by the way, 1, 2, 3 not it!):D
Why doesn't someone just call down there really quickly, and kindly ask them when the decisions will be sent out?

(by the way, 1, 2, 3 not it!):D

For your convenience :thumbup:
PHX campus: (602) 827-2201
Tucson campus: (520) 626-6214
Maybe they'll use the main lecture hall. They'll probably start using it soon because next year the class size will double again to 96. I don't know about the parking. Traffic and parking will be the main downside to the Phx campus. If I end up going there, I plan to use the light rail when it opens in December.

At my interview in Jan. they said the class size would remain at 48 for a couple of years until the there is alittle more room. I think they also said that they were going to add desks/tables to the room that is already used, but tests would be in the "auditorium." I remember that more tables would fit in the rooms.

Anyways, I wish I was in AZ right now because 12 degrees is way too cold for me. I need the acceptance so that I don't freeze for 5 months. ( and it is my #2 choice with the expectation that I will go there because I don't think I will be accepted to my first choice)
FYI, I emailed the Phoenix campus today and was told that acceptance emails would be sent out beginning at 8AM Monday morning.
Its clear that you do believe that AZ schools to hand out grades easier, but you want to avoid being flamed. I am an AZ student and I cant imagine my school grades as harshly as some prestige-seeking schools. But, for a school that claims an integral part its mission is to produce physicians who will stay in AZ, logically UofA should punish those who go off to school somewhere else, the further the harsher. Claim what you want about residencies determining the actual number of physicians who stay, but the willingness to leave the state for 4 years says something about your commitment to staying in AZ. Also, like others have said, UofA should have less interest in national rankings than most other schools, which enables them to further discriminate against those who left for school. Finally, the favoritism is a zero sum game. Although you guys lose, I win!!

If they were "punishing" people who went to college out of state than why do they bother accepting some of those people? I know some people in this years MS1 class who went to college as far away as the eastern seaboard.

But based on your logic; Do you think that when people who, say, were born and raised in another state, came to ASU for college, and then accepted into UofA Med is "fair" to the state's interests? I find it hard to believe they have any more commitment to the state than someone who was born and raised in Arizona and went to college elsewhere (like me). Where you go to college has nothing to do with your commitment to your state of domicile. I went to a small, private and well reputable liberal arts college because I like smaller classes and more interaction with my professors. These kinds of schools are nowhere to be found in Arizona, so I really had no choice. Yet never once did I try and change my state of residence. Even after working OOS for two years I didn't attempt to. And I am sure plenty of people who went to UofA or ASU don't give anything about the state's "best interests." Nobody decides what college they goto for such reasons. I just don't see logic in that.

I think this is why UofA says you are either a resident or not. It is yes or no. There are too many variables once you go past that.
But, for a school that claims an integral part its mission is to produce physicians who will stay in AZ, logically UofA should punish those who go off to school somewhere else, the further the harsher. Claim what you want about residencies determining the actual number of physicians who stay, but the willingness to leave the state for 4 years says something about your commitment to staying in AZ. Also, like others have said, UofA should have less interest in national rankings than most other schools, which enables them to further discriminate against those who left for school. Finally, the favoritism is a zero sum game. Although you guys lose, I win!!

Wow...easy there. Let's keep it light-hearted and civil...we are fellow Arizonans.

Would hate to be punished because I "left the state" to serve in the Army in Iraq and Afghanistan. Still paid taxes to AZ...despite not being enrolled in any the state supported schools...ironic isn't it?

I doubt UofA has much interest in national rankings, if it did it would, ironically, accept students from out of state to really boost those stats...sad but true.

I think this is my last post until Monday....cheers and a great weekend to everyone! :luck: for Monday.
If they were "punishing" people who went to college out of state than why do they bother accepting some of those people? I know some people in this years MS1 class who went to college as far away as the eastern seaboard.

But based on your logic; Do you think that when people who, say, were born and raised in another state, came to ASU for college, and then accepted into UofA Med is "fair" to the state's interests? I find it hard to believe they have any more commitment to the state than someone who was born and raised in Arizona and went to college elsewhere (like me). Where you go to college has nothing to do with your commitment to your state of domicile. I went to a small, private and well reputable liberal arts college because I like smaller classes and more interaction with my professors. These kinds of schools are nowhere to be found in Arizona, so I really had no choice. Yet never once did I try and change my state of residence. Even after working OOS for two years I didn't attempt to. And I am sure plenty of people who went to UofA or ASU don't give anything about the state's "best interests." Nobody decides what college they goto for such reasons. I just don't see logic in that.

Right I should probably clarify, I think UofA's admissions process is very inefficient. But if we can identify the irrational assumptions they operate on it gives me something to do. The things about your school are desirable to the majority of pre-medical students. If you were to have gone to an AZ school, sacrificed those attributes, and described your reasoning to your interviewer as your undying love for AZ (or whatever) I think it would undoubtedly help convince an adcom (or at least the interviewer) of your intention to stay in practice in AZ, and if their intention is to produce AZ practitioners....well then yea it should make a difference to them. Try putting yourself in their shoes, and all else equal, between two candidates and the deciding factor is who is more likely to stay, it could make the difference. I dont really think it should, everyone needs to get out and about the country at some point in their lives.

As for the "why bother accepting them" part, the likelihood of practicing in AZ is highly uncertain, thus given little weight in the grand scheme of admissions decisions at UofA.
Wow...easy there. Let's keep it light-hearted and civil...we are fellow Arizonans.

Would hate to be punished because I "left the state" to serve in the Army in Iraq and Afghanistan. Still paid taxes to AZ...despite not being enrolled in any the state supported schools...ironic isn't it?

Sorry again for the blunt post. The army is a different story, you cant exactly choose where you are going to serve in the same way you can choose a school. I hope to god the adcom can see the difference or we might as well have an admissions lotto.
How about anybody in the phx area who gets an acceptance on Monday... check back in and we'll rally a group to go out and celebrate sometime next week. Or maybe several times next week.
Or ceaselessly all week.
I hope you guys are ready to rock.
Also, those who do not get an acceptance can tag along, too. Wouldn't want anyone to feel left out. I'll even buy you a beer to cry in.
I doubt UofA has much interest in national rankings, if it did it would, ironically, accept students from out of state to really boost those stats...sad but true.

This doesn't affect any of you in the current application cycle (good luck next week!), but I read in one of the dean's communiques that they are planning to open a few slots to OOS applicants in the future. I'm home know, but when I get back to work I can find the pdf if anyone is interested.
How about anybody in the phx area who gets an acceptance on Monday... check back in and we'll rally a group to go out and celebrate sometime next week. Or maybe several times next week.
Or ceaselessly all week.
I hope you guys are ready to rock.
Also, those who do not get an acceptance can tag along, too. Wouldn't want anyone to feel left out. I'll even buy you a beer to cry in.

I think once next week, then once on march 12. Anyone in the top 80 on the wait list has a near certain acceptance coming.
i am soooo nervous for you all!!! gooooood luck i hope you all get in! :luck::luck:
ah good luck everyone :luck:

I live in az too!!! so in a few years i'll be where you are now :p
The countdown begins, only 24 hrs away now. I just wanted to send you all my best wishes and I hope that, regardless of what happends with UofA, you all end up fine physicians one day.

:luck: Good luck!
I think once next week, then once on march 12. Anyone in the top 80 on the wait list has a near certain acceptance coming.

Where are you getting this from. I mean I sure hope it is true, but that would mean that pretty much half the class comes from the waitlist.
Where are you getting this from. I mean I sure hope it is true, but that would mean that pretty much half the class comes from the waitlist.

US News paid subscription to US med schools, MSAR prolly has it too. When the class size was 110, they accepted a total of 159 => 1.45 acceptances per seat. If the same trend applies, 1.45*158 (Phx and Tuc) => 229.1. That leaves about 71 seats available, and Im thinking this year more people will withdraw than before Phx opened because now people may be applying, selecting Phx as their 1st choice, but only getting into Tucson then withdrawing and going somewhere else (basically just drawing more applicants who have no intention to fill 110 of the 158 seats). Its very crude, but I hope reasonable. Also, I either read or asked at interview that they accepted 70 peeps off the wait list last year, and theres 24 more seats this year. UofA's site is down right now i think otherwise id dbl check
Another thing connected to this was the most alarming part of the statistics from last year that they showed. They lost fully 40 pecent of their original acceptances and had to go to the waitlist. This probably means that they slipped up on considering what was actually good for the school and Arizona and probably did something closer to lining up GPA and MCAT scores and picking the sequentially from the top of the list.

A little lower than my estimate but yeah, it seems as though they are having trouble finding the ones who are gonna matriculate
But also keep in mind the record # of applications this year (or so say the thin envelopes in my mailbox) there might be a few more students that didn't get in anywhere else..then the economy factor; some students might not want to spend the extra money to go OOS.
But also keep in mind the record # of applications this year (or so say the thin envelopes in my mailbox) there might be a few more students that didn't get in anywhere else..then the economy factor; some students might not want to spend the extra money to go OOS.

Depending on how you look at it, the record number of applications could also indicate that AZ resident premeds applied to more OOS schools than ever before, thus more likely to get in OOS. I too have received a disturbing number of thin envelopes detailing the number of applicants but somebody has gotta get those seats. The economy factor has little to do with the decisions about where to go to medical school, assuming the applicants are going to practice. Historically, applications to graduate schools have spiked during times of economic recession so there may be a number of non trads enrolling in prereqs but not applying yet. The demand for physicians is gonna skyrocket once all these baby boomers start falling apart.

Summary: Nuh uh! Stay positive, only 18 hours to go
US News paid subscription to US med schools, MSAR prolly has it too. When the class size was 110, they accepted a total of 159 => 1.45 acceptances per seat. If the same trend applies, 1.45*158 (Phx and Tuc) => 229.1. That leaves about 71 seats available, and Im thinking this year more people will withdraw than before Phx opened because now people may be applying, selecting Phx as their 1st choice, but only getting into Tucson then withdrawing and going somewhere else (basically just drawing more applicants who have no intention to fill 110 of the 158 seats). Its very crude, but I hope reasonable. Also, I either read or asked at interview that they accepted 70 peeps off the wait list last year, and theres 24 more seats this year. UofA's site is down right now i think otherwise id dbl check

They didn't accept 70 people off the waitlist last year. If they had, I would be in Tucson right now. They had 70 people on the waitlist, but only accepted about 50 of them. Still, a high number.

My question is how many people are going to get an acceptance email tomorrow? If Tucson accepts 110 and Phoenix accepts 48, it is likely that all 48 on Phx's list are also on the Tucson list. So that would only be 110 acceptances. On the other hand, maybe Tucson is assuming that at least 48 people on their list will want to go to Phoenix. In that case, will Tucson accept 158 people tomorrow?
They didn't accept 70 people off the waitlist last year. If they had, I would be in Tucson right now. They had 70 people on the waitlist, but only accepted about 50 of them. Still, a high number.

My question is how many people are going to get an acceptance email tomorrow? If Tucson accepts 110 and Phoenix accepts 48, it is likely that all 48 on Phx's list are also on the Tucson list. So that would only be 110 acceptances. On the other hand, maybe Tucson is assuming that at least 48 people on their list will want to go to Phoenix. In that case, will Tucson accept 158 people tomorrow?

Oh, sorry man. i didnt think of it that way, now im worrying even more about not finding out until may 15 that I need to fill out a new amcas... Can anyone verify that they are holding off on waitlists and rejections until the 12th to see how far down they will have to dig on their list for the waitlist? Even if thats true, why not wait the full 2 weeks they give people to get in their deposits?? Garhaahdgnklnl
If both schools make decisions independently (right?), then Tucson should only give out 110 tomorrow. I think those that get double accepted will have to withdraw from one
They didn't accept 70 people off the waitlist last year. If they had, I would be in Tucson right now. They had 70 people on the waitlist, but only accepted about 50 of them. Still, a high number.

My question is how many people are going to get an acceptance email tomorrow? If Tucson accepts 110 and Phoenix accepts 48, it is likely that all 48 on Phx's list are also on the Tucson list. So that would only be 110 acceptances. On the other hand, maybe Tucson is assuming that at least 48 people on their list will want to go to Phoenix. In that case, will Tucson accept 158 people tomorrow?

I would imagine this is why they had us fill out the campus preference they probably went down the waitlist alread and are making 158 acceptance offers. I don't think you'll receive an offer from both schools; just the one you picked if you were accepted to both.
Just speculation
Oh, sorry man. i didnt think of it that way, now im worrying even more about not finding out until may 15 that I need to fill out a new amcas... Can anyone verify that they are holding off on waitlists and rejections until the 12th to see how far down they will have to dig on their list for the waitlist? Even if thats true, why not wait the full 2 weeks they give people to get in their deposits?? Garhaahdgnklnl

It was in the announcement section on the admissions page, but the website is down right now or I would have posted the link. I don't know why they didn't wait the full two weeks. The only thing I can think of is that they are hoping most people won't wait until the deadline to send deposits.

Proteinpowda: it is possible to be accepted to phx and tucson if you chose phx as your preference. (at least that is what they had been telling people)....I guess we will find out tomorrow.
I would imagine this is why they had us fill out the campus preference they probably went down the waitlist alread and are making 158 acceptance offers. I don't think you'll receive an offer from both schools; just the one you picked if you were accepted to both.
Just speculation
As both committees are acting independently of each other this year, they told us it is possible to have two acceptances this year, but it appears only those who preferenced phx have that option. If you are accepted at both you preferenced Tucson, they automatically defer you down there. But if you preferenced PHX and you get into both you get to pick and choose.
Oh, sorry man. i didnt think of it that way, now im worrying even more about not finding out until may 15 that I need to fill out a new amcas... Can anyone verify that they are holding off on waitlists and rejections until the 12th to see how far down they will have to dig on their list for the waitlist? Even if thats true, why not wait the full 2 weeks they give people to get in their deposits?? Garhaahdgnklnl

Yes that is ture. Their website is indeed down right now but when it is back up it states that under "news," for the same entry they announce initial acceptances will be given out the 3rd. They say waitlist/reject emails will go out on the 12th.
Yes that is ture. Their website is indeed down right now but when it is back up it states that under "news," for the same entry they announce initial acceptances will be given out the 3rd. They say waitlist/reject emails will go out on the 12th.

Thank you but i was more interested in the reasoning for doing it that way, any insights?
Good luck to you all tomorrow morning! :scared:
Tonight's going to be like the night before the MCAT for me..I won't be sleeping.

So if I tell someone their blood pressure is 80 over 120 tommorow (in that order) we'll know why.
3.65 gpa 25 mcat (not a single 7 or lower on any subsection)...anyone think I have a fighting chance to get in? :cool:
IMHO, if you have really excellent clinical experiences/ research and good interviews, then you should have a chance. I'm pretty sure that you're above the MCAT cutoff.
3.65 gpa 25 mcat (not a single 7 or lower on any subsection)...anyone think I have a fighting chance to get in? :cool:

While there are a ton of other factors to consider, YES. UofA seems to like the "soft" factors more than most schools, and technically your mcat is above the national average, and UofA has a limited applicant pool and growing # of seats. Helpful?
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