University of Appalachia School of Pharmacy

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Well...i'm finally home after the 14 hour drive from grundy to ft. myers!!! The school was nice but the town was a lot worse than what I expected. The people are really nice, but there is literally nothing to do there...or anywhere near there for that matter. It would be like joining the peace corps for 3 years. I guess the good part is that you would have no choice but to concentrate on school!!! 35 people showed up to the interview, 5 were no shows... hopefully it will not take long for them to tell us if we are accepted.

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I've been driving ever since I was 16. I've never had a car problem before. Then all of the sudden, I was in the middle of nowhere and something happened to it. Thank goodness it was nothing major. The people here are really simple. One of the guys checked the oil for my car and he just used his shirt to wipe didn't even care. They told me that if I would ever come back here, look them up so we can party cute is that.

The guy who interviewed me was the Chair of the Committee, he has the final saying of who gets in and who doesn't. I can't even tell if I did good on my interview or not. I heard he was a very serious person, but he kept telling me that he liked my answers while the other interviewer had no facial expressions.

I saw Wendy's, McDonald's, KFC, Subway. I don't remember what else was there. I don't really care about going out, but I must have my internet. I cannot live without my internet.

Hey collegegirl...did you get lost? lol
I've been driving ever since I was 16. I've never had a car problem before. Then all of the sudden, I was in the middle of nowhere and something happened to it. Thank goodness it was nothing major. The people here are really simple. One of the guys checked the oil for my car and he just used his shirt to wipe didn't even care. They told me that if I would ever come back here, look them up so we can party cute is that.

The guy who interviewed me was the Chair of the Committee, he has the final saying of who gets in and who doesn't. I can't even tell if I did good on my interview or not. I heard he was a very serious person, but he kept telling me that he liked my answers while the other interviewer had no facial expressions.

I saw Wendy's, McDonald's, KFC, Subway. I don't remember what else was there. I don't really care about going out, but I must have my internet. I cannot live without my internet.

Hey collegegirl...did you get lost? lol

I feel the same as you...I don't know how my interview went...they were really nice and smiled at my answers, but I don't know if that is good or if they are just nice people!! haha. We got lost a little bit on the way there and on the way home, but nothing major because my dad has navigation on his laptop. When we got lost we pulled it out and found our way. I definately would not like to drive through those mountain roads at night- no way...thats too dangerous and its dark. How long do you think it will take to hear from them??
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kellybean: If you get accepted, will you go to UACP??
If I get accepted, I plan on attending UACP- overall I think they offer a good package. And I agree with you, I neeeeeed my internet!!! Did your cell phone work?? I have verizon and my only worked 1/2 the time, hopefully they will get better service as they begin to develop the area more!!
they said my answers were good too and i ended up being put on hold.. so i really dont know. how long were your interviews? 1/2 hour? hour?
My interview was almost 45 minutes, we just kept talking and talking and talking...
I didn't know that your p3 year you can do rotations elsewhere?? How does that work? Does that mean you can spend your whole p3 year outsde of UACP? That would be really interesting, tell me what you know!!
I agree, not having a reliable phone would be a pain, I am very, very close with my parents I talk to them atleast once a day I can't imagine taking to them less, like only when my phone would work!! ALso the nearest airport being almost 3 hours away would really suck...I like being with my family for holidays and I would have to have to drive that far to an airport to see them.
yeah i got a business card as well. i dont like how the airport is so far away either. but, a far airport is given for a secluded town. we can get used to it. besides.. we are going to be studying all day everyday anyway.

my interview was for about an hour. i went to a weekday interview so there werent a lot of people there. after asking each other questions, we just went to talking. like i said before, they said my answers are good, but that landed me as good as on hold. so i dont know.
so now that you guys have been to the interview, what do you think your chances are? our chances? theres 180 interviewees, about 30 accepted (who sent in their deposits) already, some rejected and some declined their acceptance.. odds looking good? I know you didn't listen to the Dean. Actually I couldn't hear much since I was sitting in the back. But I knew about this long ago. You can do your rotation somewhere else. It depends on where your school has the "connection" with. The dean was talking about how you can only do rotations on the East side it means you won't be able to do it in you won't have to be in Oakwood that last year. Not bad huh? Only have to be there for 2 years. Not bad at all. It's actually less than 3 years. The total is 2 years 10 months. 2 years in the classroom and 10 months for rotations.

I did hear her say that but I thought that she was implying that they were trying to get that program together in the future. That is really exciting!!! So after your 1st 2 years you can go anywhere on the east coast to do the last 10 months of rotations?? Thats really awesome. Now I really want to go there!!
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so now that you guys have been to the interview, what do you think your chances are? our chances? theres 180 interviewees, about 30 accepted (who sent in their deposits) already, some rejected and some declined their acceptance.. odds looking good?

Jessly: I am really, really hoping that my odds are good, my gpa is a little below their average, but my pcat is above, my interview was good and I have great pharmacy experience and extracurriculars...I guess all I can do now is wait!! I am really hoping that I get accepted, if I do I will attend UACP.
I didn't say anywhere in the East Coast. But you can do rotations outside of UACP area :) So it might be the neighboring states. Actually, the other side of VA (near DC) is not bad at all. Yeah...2 years is not bad at all. I think I did ok on the interview, but mine was so short...hmmm....oh all we can do is wait and see.
I didn't say anywhere in the East Coast. But you can do rotations outside of UACP area :) So it might be the neighboring states. Actually, the other side of VA (near DC) is not bad at all. Yeah...2 years is not bad at all. I think I did ok on the interview, but mine was so short...hmmm....oh all we can do is wait and see.

This is gonna be the longest 2 weeks everrrrrr!!! I hate the wait, maybe it won't take that long...wishful thinking- I know! I think it is interesting that they are moving the slate creek campus to the garden would think that it would be the other way around!! The new apartments and the nicer sections of the town seem to be near the slate creek campus. When we were at the garden campus I didn't understand where they were gonna have the room to expand but I guess they are, and soon too. I think that when the walmart goes in other businesses will also go to the area, hopefully that will be soon. I think that the town looked so blah because its winter too, when it warms up it will be more inviting.
is it 2 weeks? ive been emailing sheri and she said committee usually meets the monday after the interview.. so since tmr is presidents day, im assumming tues. if accepted, i dont think the walmart will be operating until after graduation. they didnt even start the building yet. they just have the layout. given that it would take a year or two at LEAST to build the store. i hear it is going to be 3 stories high...
If there is a Walmart near by, it will be so wonderful. I talked to one of the P1 and he said that he pays $80 of interest every month. He said he takes their money to pay them back. But now they have SaleaMae something and there is no interest while in school. But even with interest, $80 a month is not bad at all. I was thinking it would be more. They might get federal loans for the second semester, so money is not really the issue. I didn't even go to the other campus, so I don't know anything about it. I guess 2 years is not bad.
If there is a Walmart near by, it will be so wonderful. I talked to one of the P1 and he said that he pays $80 of interest every month. He said he takes their money to pay them back. But now they have SaleaMae something and there is no interest while in school. But even with interest, $80 a month is not bad at all. I was thinking it would be more. They might get federal loans for the second semester, so money is not really the issue. I didn't even go to the other campus, so I don't know anything about it. I guess 2 years is not bad.

The gentleman who did my interview said that this walmart is gonna be one of the most expensive, if not the most expensive walmart yet to be built. This is because of the limited space the parking structure has to be built underneath and then elevators will take you up to the store. It seems for everything that is to be built they have really short quotes of building times. The school hasnt begun their addition but they think that it will be done in a year or so. So maybe they will not be done with these improvements soon...but the people of the town begin to think that they will be!!
I got my acceptance letter today. They work fast!!!
Thanks Comet!!! Now waiting to hear from other schools. It really sucks to apply late.
congrats kellybean! where do you live? Im still waiting. waiting waiting waiting. i hope i hear something soon...
thanks for the advice! i live in california so i guess ill have to wait. either that or wait until april :-( my hold letter said they will review my app after every committee meeting so im hoping that last one was the one. ive been emailing ms sherri baldwin for information. a few weeks ago, sherri told me about 24 have been accepted. they usually meet the monday after an interview. kellybean, are you holding out for another school? or is uacp your first choice.

what makes you say i will get in?
They've only accepted 24 students?? I guess students are declining their offer. I know they've accepted more than that, but students just end up going somewhere else.

Someone got in with lower stats than you last year and the town hasn't changed, so don't worry.

I had my heart set out for UACP before I went to the interview. I really love their program. That's the reason why I didn't even do the supplemental application for some of the schools and one of them was Midwestern Chicago. I went home and finished the application real fast. I still like the school a lot and the people, but I was really turned off by the fact that there is no wireless internet and I'd have to change my phone provider?? Yikes!!!
They've only accepted 24 students?? I guess students are declining their offer. I know they've accepted more than that, but students just end up going somewhere else.

Someone got in with lower stats than you last year and the town hasn't changed, so don't worry.

I had my heart set out for UACP before I went to the interview. I really love their program. That's the reason why I didn't even do the supplemental application for some of the schools and one of them was Midwestern Chicago. I went home and finished the application real fast. I still like the school a lot and the people, but I was really turned off by the fact that there is no wireless internet and I'd have to change my phone provider?? Yikes!!!

hehe you are like me.. the whole phone thing and wireless.. however, when i was at comfort inn, there was wireless.. just not fast wireless...

but yes thanks, that is what i meant.. 24 accepted their acceptance. i dont know about after the last meeting.. im emailing vickie right now!
I know when I interviewed there they were saying about 30 had been accepted. I am going to decline my acceptance to there(after paying the deposit :(). So there will be another spot open for someone else.
hehe you are like me.. the whole phone thing and wireless.. however, when i was at comfort inn, there was wireless.. just not fast wireless...

but yes thanks, that is what i meant.. 24 accepted their acceptance. i dont know about after the last meeting.. im emailing vickie right now!

It was not wireless, it was "high speed" internet :)
i emailed vickie about a waitlist.. i didnt know there was one. thought they just hold you and read your app again at the next com meeting. i asked her how long it is. anyone else got accepted?
Can someone tell me whether or not the final question on the supplemental is optional? Yes I realize I'm late in getting this in, but was informed that I needed to turn this in a few days ago from an e-mail I received. The final question looks like it's asking if you can't follow a healthy lifestyle, what kind of community activities would you support? If you can follow a healthy lifestyle, do you still have to answer it?
Can someone tell me whether or not the final question on the supplemental is optional? Yes I realize I'm late in getting this in, but was informed that I needed to turn this in a few days ago from an e-mail I received. The final question looks like it's asking if you can't follow a healthy lifestyle, what kind of community activities would you support? If you can follow a healthy lifestyle, do you still have to answer it?

I actually called and asked them about it one time and was told to answer the question even if you can follow a healthy lifestyle. I just put down something about not having problem with the community service and such.
I was told to answer even if you could do their activity. I just said that of course I could help promote a healthy lifestyle or something really short like that.
I was told to answer even if you could do their activity. I just said that of course I could help promote a healthy lifestyle or something really short like that.

it is always best to answer all the questions not matter what (unless its a question about reapplying and you are applying for the first time). Look for a part of you that might not promote a healthy lifestyle. Im sure we all have at least one. Then you can build on there.
I left question 11 blank. I didn't even understand it when I read it.

How come I don't remember any question about healthy life style? I just looked at the supplemental application. The last question is about spending a day with a famous person. I don't see any question on their asking about lifestyle.
i dont remember that question either...

op time for my spanish exam. wish me luck!
Good luck Jessly!!!

My friend just looked on the UACP website and they do have wireless internet :) hehehe
Thanks guys. This supplemental is freaking ridiculous. What will they ask at the interview? LOL. And I was a little frustrated with the fact that they ask if you drink alcohol. I mean seriously, I can't think of more than 5 people I knew throughout college that didn't.
Oh, just curious...who did you guys put that you'd want to spend a day with? I said Miles Davis because he is physically like me and revolutionized the jazz industry and always pushed it to the next level, infusing elements of jazz and rock. I said that paralells could be drawn to pharmacy in trying to create new opportunities for pharmacists rather than the traditional one.
Actually I don't drink and a lot of my friends don't.

I think they ask everybody the same questions on a particular interview date, but the sets of questions are different for different groups. So everybody interviewed with me that day had the same questions, and everybody that will interview with you will have the same questions, but they are 2 different sets of questions. They like to ask ethical questions. You can go to the interview feedback and check out the questions posted from students that already went to the interview.
Jessly56- "it is always best..." Um, thanks for the advice, but I did answer it, Mom.
So we got 2 new members today eh??

Jessly...your kid sure is grown :)
KellyBean- How did you receive your acceptance? Was it just a regular-size letter? Congrats.
It was just a regular size letter. I only saw the word "congratulations!!" and I started calling people. I didn't even read the rest until later on.

Are you still working on your application?
I Interviewed 2/17, but I am all the way in Washington, so I haven't heard back yet.
It takes that long for the mail to get there? I got mine on Friday and the mail was dated 2/20 (Tuesday). People in Florida got theirs already. So must wait for that

What are your stats?
My wife's parents live in Virginia and it usually takes 6 days or so to get a letter to us. My stats aren't great. 3.0 gpa with a 98 percentile on the pcat. Here's to hoping!
I wish I had a 98%tile on my PCAT. I'm waiting for my Jan PCAT too, and I think it's coming tomorrow for me.
They accepted you before they got your PCAT results?! Your gpa must be awesome!