Uhcop 2009

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I am also accepted :)

Congrats!!! :) When did you interview?

I wonder when people who interviewed on the 6th will hear back from UH...sometimes next week perhaps?

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Hey just a suggestion to the accepted. But last year there was a Facebook page made for the class of 2012. It really was quite interesting to see who you will me going to school with for the next four years. Also we got to know some of the second years that would add us as friends. I just thought someone might want to start one.
I would like to start a UHCOP class of 2013 group on fb but I don't know how!!?? If anyone starts one please post on SDN. :love:
I would like to start a UHCOP class of 2013 group on fb but I don't know how!!?? If anyone starts one please post on SDN. :love:

It is not hard to create one. You just have to click on groups and then create tehn name it "UHCOP class of 2013". and pick what category of group it is. Thats it.
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I just wanted to say I was very impressed yesterday during the interview process. Everyone went out of their way to make us feel comfortable and at ease.Thank you UH for your hospitalty and professionalism!
Come join the facebook group acceptees! I made the group- "UH College of Pharmacy class of 2013" :D I look forward to facebook stalking all my future classmates...i mean come join! haha
I just wanted to say I was very impressed yesterday during the interview process. Everyone went out of their way to make us feel comfortable and at ease.Thank you UH for your hospitalty and professionalism!

I completely agree with you, USPharmer. I interviewed this weekend, too. The interview process really impressed me!
I know i've asked this already, but how many total interview days do they have? Do you know how many are left? 2? 1?

I've kind of given up hope for this year :(:scared:
I know i've asked this already, but how many total interview days do they have? Do you know how many are left? 2? 1?

I've kind of given up hope for this year :(:scared:

There should be one on March 18th
one on April 24th
One on May 1st.
And they reserve one date in May if they feel they need to do more interviews.
I think they have sent out invites for only the March 18th interview.
I interviewed the other day on the 18th and I must say I feel like I did really well. I'm hoping I get in and if so I'm going to be looking for a roommate to stay with preferably somewhere around the medical center (where our interview was). I'm a male and if anyone is interested you can email me at [email protected]. Like I said I just interviewed so I don't know if I got in or not but I just want to start getting an idea of what I can do if I get in.
I interviewed the other day on the 18th and I must say I feel like I did really well. I'm hoping I get in and if so I'm going to be looking for a roommate to stay with preferably somewhere around the medical center (where our interview was). I'm a male and if anyone is interested you can email me at [email protected]. Like I said I just interviewed so I don't know if I got in or not but I just want to start getting an idea of what I can do if I get in.

HilariousBomb I think you might be a little off on your dates. The next interview is on the 18th. Did you interview last friday on the 13th?
just got an acceptance email :) interviewed on 3/6. that was super fast!
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just got an acceptance email :) interviewed on 3/6. that was super fast!

me too! It really made my day! I also interviewed on the same day...i was expecting to hear back by the end of the week...congratulations btw :)
Well, I didn't get accepted. :(:( Hope to see that there is another board around for next year.

Does anyone know if they offer to tell you what you need to try and improve if you contact them? I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but I'd like to hear it from them. I am also moving to Houston and establishing residency to try and boost my chances.

Congrats to all who got in. I hope you all will be P2's helping me as a lowly P1 next year. :oops:
Well, I didn't get accepted. :(:( Hope to see that there is another board around for next year.

Does anyone know if they offer to tell you what you need to try and improve if you contact them? I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but I'd like to hear it from them. I am also moving to Houston and establishing residency to try and boost my chances.

Congrats to all who got in. I hope you all will be P2's helping me as a lowly P1 next year. :oops:
how did you find out? did you get a letter in the mail today or by email?
:scared: Does anyone know if it is too late to get an interview invite?


Not it's not to late. There are still a few more interview spots left so don't freak out :)
I just wanted to say I was very impressed yesterday during the interview process. Everyone went out of their way to make us feel comfortable and at ease.Thank you UH for your hospitalty and professionalism!

Well we appreciate that USPharmer. We really do try to make this experience as comfortable as possible for all the interviewees :D
Well, I didn't get accepted. :(:( Hope to see that there is another board around for next year.

Does anyone know if they offer to tell you what you need to try and improve if you contact them? I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but I'd like to hear it from them. I am also moving to Houston and establishing residency to try and boost my chances.

Congrats to all who got in. I hope you all will be P2's helping me as a lowly P1 next year. :oops:

You'll nail it next year my friend. And yes you can call the office and get some feedback on what you need to improve on. I think you may have to set up an appointment but I'm not too sure about that.
You'll nail it next year my friend. And yes you can call the office and get some feedback on what you need to improve on. I think you may have to set up an appointment but I'm not too sure about that.

Thank you very much Achilleus. I'm glad someone has confidence in me right now, cause I don't. haha. I hope that being an in state resident and improving my PCAT score will help. I have a year to work on it.
Thank you very much Achilleus. I'm glad someone has confidence in me right now, cause I don't. haha. I hope that being an in state resident and improving my PCAT score will help. I have a year to work on it.

Were you interviewed?
Nope, apparently I suck too much to begin with lol

Ay now, lets not think that way. Improving your PCAT scores will definitely help but make sure you do call the office to see what else you can improve on. Also, getting involved in extracurriculars and volunteer work will go along way. Outside of school, I did martial arts and soccer and volunteered with Habitat for Humanitry, UNICEF, and other organizations. In addition, if your not sure that the people who wrote your LORs did a good job, you may want to find others to write your LORs next year. These are things that you can do to improve your chances next year. The one thing you can't do is get down on yourself because that won't help anything. Think of this as an opportunity rather than a failure because it is just that :). Remember, we are here to help you all. If you all need any advice, send us a PM and we will be more than happy to lend you a helping hand (this does NOT include telling you interview questions or group discussion topics :p). Hope this helps LSUCPhT :)
Hello fellow SDNers! I've been a long time lurker, first time poster.

Congrats to all that have been accepted so far!! It must feel amazing!
As for myself, I just got deferred at UT, tabled at UH. Needless to say, not feeling all too hot about myself.
Anyone know what the chances are of getting accepted after this and what it could be that kept me from getting an acceptance? I did not think I was all that bad of a candidate.. I have around a 3.2 gpa (kinda low, i know), 93 PCAT, 1+ year of experience, good recs, and i thought i did fairly well on the interview..

I don't know.. maybe next year.. =/
Hello fellow SDNers! I've been a long time lurker, first time poster.

Congrats to all that have been accepted so far!! It must feel amazing!
As for myself, I just got deferred at UT, tabled at UH. Needless to say, not feeling all too hot about myself.
Anyone know what the chances are of getting accepted after this and what it could be that kept me from getting an acceptance? I did not think I was all that bad of a candidate.. I have around a 3.2 gpa (kinda low, i know), 93 PCAT, 1+ year of experience, good recs, and i thought i did fairly well on the interview..

I don't know.. maybe next year.. =/

Tabled is not all that bad. I had a friend that was tabled this year at UH and 2 weeks later got accepted! Weird how it works so do not let it get you down!
Hello fellow SDNers! I've been a long time lurker, first time poster.

Congrats to all that have been accepted so far!! It must feel amazing!
As for myself, I just got deferred at UT, tabled at UH. Needless to say, not feeling all too hot about myself.
Anyone know what the chances are of getting accepted after this and what it could be that kept me from getting an acceptance? I did not think I was all that bad of a candidate.. I have around a 3.2 gpa (kinda low, i know), 93 PCAT, 1+ year of experience, good recs, and i thought i did fairly well on the interview..

I don't know.. maybe next year.. =/

Being tabled doesn't mean that you don't have a shot of getting in. A good number of my fellow classmates were tabled and ended up getting in... so no worries. And just because you were tabled doesn't mean that you're a bad candidate. It just that the college wants to compare you to other applicants that's all.

As far as what could've gone wrong, that it a more difficult question to answer. It could've been a number of different things but don't stress yourself over it. If you do not get accepted, simply call the office and ask them to go over your interview process with you to see what area(s) you need to improve on.

Honestly guys, the whole interview experience is different for everyone. I remember coming out of my interview 90% sure that I DIDN'T get it. I thought I totally bombed it but ended up getting accepted. One of my good friends was telling me that he knew he nailed the interview and was 100% certain he was going to get accepted. But then he was tabled (he eventually did get accepted tho). So it's just different for everyone.

But anyways, bottom line, getting tabled doesn't, in any way, signal the end of the road for you. As I stated before, there are a good number of current P1s who were tabled and ended up getting accepted in the end. Just have hope and stay optimistic my friends.
Thanks for the encouragement whooppharmmd and achilleus, you guys rock! Quite honestly I do no know what i'd do without SDN! I guess all i can do now is wait...
how important are our documents that we send in before the interview?
I know that they are used for our interviewers, but are the answers reviewed over in the admissions committee at all?
Nope, apparently I suck too much to begin with lol

I didn't know they're sending reject letters already. Crap! I've been so anxious to check my mail and email every day. Now I don't even want to check my mail anymore. I still haven't heard from UH. No interview. Nope. Zip. Nada. :eek:
Nope, apparently I suck too much to begin with lol

Hey does your online status say you are rejected? I am out of town and cant check my mail box so I am wondering if there is any other way to find out.
Thank you Achilles! You are too kind. I know I'm being too hard on myself right now, it's just hard not to be the day you find out you're rejected. All I can do this year is work on making myself better. I already do Relay for Life every year and was on committee for it for 3 years, but I do need to do more I guess. I really appreciate your feedback. I really hope there is another site like this for next year because I'm not giving up just yet!:cool::rolleyes:

My online status does not say rejected. I just got the letter in snail mail. They were VERY, VERY nice about it. They made you feel important. I'm excited about trying again and hopefully getting in next year. :xf:
Thank you Achilles! You are too kind. I know I'm being too hard on myself right now, it's just hard not to be the day you find out you're rejected. All I can do this year is work on making myself better. I already do Relay for Life every year and was on committee for it for 3 years, but I do need to do more I guess. I really appreciate your feedback. I really hope there is another site like this for next year because I'm not giving up just yet!:cool::rolleyes:

My online status does not say rejected. I just got the letter in snail mail. They were VERY, VERY nice about it. They made you feel important. I'm excited about trying again and hopefully getting in next year. :xf:

You should also consider applying to more than one school so you keep your options for open.
You should also consider applying to more than one school so you keep your options for open.

I did. Texas A&M didn't get my PCAT scores on time (thanks to Pearson) and Xavier in New Orleans didn't get my teacher's letter on time. So I was kind of screwed this year. Oh well. :thumbdown:
I did. Texas A&M didn't get my PCAT scores on time (thanks to Pearson) and Xavier in New Orleans didn't get my teacher's letter on time. So I was kind of screwed this year. Oh well. :thumbdown:

oh m sorry, may be this just wasn't you year, next year make sure you turn in your applications early.
how important are our documents that we send in before the interview?
I know that they are used for our interviewers, but are the answers reviewed over in the admissions committee at all?

Not really sure about this question but I'll throw in my 2 cents. The whole point of the interview is for the committee to see if you're right for their school. The more they know about you, the better. Even if the interviewers are the only ones who read it, they base their score on how well they think you fit in (among other things like how you present yourself, which ultimately determines if your right for the school or not so it's all connected). So if your interviewer feels like they have a good grasp of who you are, they will be able to make a more accurate and educated decision. Plus, answering those questions thoroughly and to the best of your ability can really help you because it gives you a chance to tell the interviewer something about yourself that he or she may not have gained from the interview. I remember during my interview, I didn't have the opportunity to discuss my extensive community service experience and humanitarian involvement but I'm sure that made an impact when my interviewer was reading through my questionnaire. So it's important and is definitely not something you should just blow off. But again that's my 2 cents. Other P1s, P2s, and P3s may tell you differently. Hope this helps
Thank you Achilles! You are too kind. I know I'm being too hard on myself right now, it's just hard not to be the day you find out you're rejected. All I can do this year is work on making myself better. I already do Relay for Life every year and was on committee for it for 3 years, but I do need to do more I guess. I really appreciate your feedback. I really hope there is another site like this for next year because I'm not giving up just yet!:cool::rolleyes:

That's the spirit :) And no worries, I'm sure CPhTtoPharmD will start up a UHCOP thread for next year :D
Thanks for the encouragement whooppharmmd and achilleus, you guys rock! Quite honestly I do no know what i'd do without SDN! I guess all i can do now is wait...

True! SDN is vital to your sanity after you've applied to pharmacy school :p
Not really sure about this question but I'll throw in my 2 cents. The whole point of the interview is for the committee to see if you're right for their school. The more they know about you, the better. Even if the interviewers are the only ones who read it, they base their score on how well they think you fit in (among other things like how you present yourself, which ultimately determines if your right for the school or not so it's all connected). So if your interviewer feels like they have a good grasp of who you are, they will be able to make a more accurate and educated decision. Plus, answering those questions thoroughly and to the best of your ability can really help you because it gives you a chance to tell the interviewer something about yourself that he or she may not have gained from the interview. I remember during my interview, I didn't have the opportunity to discuss my extensive community service experience and humanitarian involvement but I'm sure that made an impact when my interviewer was reading through my questionnaire. So it's important and is definitely not something you should just blow off. But again that's my 2 cents. Other P1s, P2s, and P3s may tell you differently. Hope this helps

This is what I tell people as well. Don't take the supplemental questionnaire lightly.
Not really sure about this question but I'll throw in my 2 cents. The whole point of the interview is for the committee to see if you're right for their school. The more they know about you, the better. Even if the interviewers are the only ones who read it, they base their score on how well they think you fit in (among other things like how you present yourself, which ultimately determines if your right for the school or not so it's all connected). So if your interviewer feels like they have a good grasp of who you are, they will be able to make a more accurate and educated decision. Plus, answering those questions thoroughly and to the best of your ability can really help you because it gives you a chance to tell the interviewer something about yourself that he or she may not have gained from the interview. I remember during my interview, I didn't have the opportunity to discuss my extensive community service experience and humanitarian involvement but I'm sure that made an impact when my interviewer was reading through my questionnaire. So it's important and is definitely not something you should just blow off. But again that's my 2 cents. Other P1s, P2s, and P3s may tell you differently. Hope this helps

Thanks for answering. :) I spent a long time answering the questions. I was just hoping it would not be overlooked because I really expressed as much of my experience as possible in those questions. Thanks, again!
Did anyone hand deliver all the documents they need you to return after you get accepted? I'm thinking of just giving it to them in person.

Hello fellow SDNers! I've been a long time lurker, first time poster.

Congrats to all that have been accepted so far!! It must feel amazing!
As for myself, I just got deferred at UT, tabled at UH. Needless to say, not feeling all too hot about myself.
Anyone know what the chances are of getting accepted after this and what it could be that kept me from getting an acceptance? I did not think I was all that bad of a candidate.. I have around a 3.2 gpa (kinda low, i know), 93 PCAT, 1+ year of experience, good recs, and i thought i did fairly well on the interview..

I don't know.. maybe next year.. =/

Did you by any chance interview on the 27th?
Did anyone hand deliver all the documents they need you to return after you get accepted? I'm thinking of just giving it to them in person.

Did you by any chance interview on the 27th?

Yes actually I did. Why?
Good luck to all those who have their interview tomorrow!!!
I didn't know they're sending reject letters already. Crap! I've been so anxious to check my mail and email every day. Now I don't even want to check my mail anymore. I still haven't heard from UH. No interview. Nope. Zip. Nada. :eek:

Great... I jinxed myself. :(
I have a question. If you were accepted, how long do you have to decide? I understand that there is no deposit, but if you commit and say yes, what if you are still waiting for another school to reply?
Hushh, I received my acceptance email/docs that thursday and turned in the documents that following friday in person. I received a follow-up email confirming I turned the documents in two days later.:thumbup:
Hushh, I received my acceptance email/docs that thursday and turned in the documents that following friday in person. I received a follow-up email confirming I turned the documents in two days later.:thumbup:

Thanks for the answer :)
oh m sorry, may be this just wasn't you year, next year make sure you turn in your applications early.

I know. I did my part early. It was things I had little control over. Oh well, like you said, it just wasn't my year.

It is all kind of bitter-sweet. I'm moving to Houston anyway and if I get in next year, then I'd have in-state tuition instead of nasty out of state tuition. :thumbup: :oops:
I know. I did my part early. It was things I had little control over. Oh well, like you said, it just wasn't my year.

It is all kind of bitter-sweet. I'm moving to Houston anyway and if I get in next year, then I'd have in-state tuition instead of nasty out of state tuition. :thumbup: :oops:

sorry... i just had to make one small correction (see below):

It is all kind of bitter-sweet. I'm moving to Houston anyway and whenI get in next year, then I'd have in-state tuition instead of nasty out of state tuition. :thumbup: :oops:

optimism is a great thing :D