UBC 2008 Applicants

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I just read that there are 300 interviews this year... that sucks a lot. Now I am even more nervous, although I am trying really hard not to be!

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Yeah it's pretty scary. I usually do pretty well in interviews, but I hope they don't ask a lot of specific questions. Also, second year organic plus lab SHOULD be equivalent to what is required for a BSc pharm, right? I'd hate to have to take that course again *shudder*
I just read that there are 300 interviews this year... that sucks a lot. Now I am even more nervous, although I am trying really hard not to be!
just be glad that theres 10 more spots this year. the FAQ stated that last year had 140 spots
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just be glad that theres 10 more spots this year. the FAQ stated that last year had 140 spots
but are you positive that there's going to be 150 spots this year? If so, that is good news.
Hey Ogo I'm pretty much in the same spot. I live in Kelowna and have an interview on the 25th at 11 am. I'm just wondering how the hell I even got this since my first year and relevant courses GPA works out to about 70% or a bit less. I did get an 87% PCAT though. Also I have a BSc already. Do you think that makes a difference? The organic chem, micro and stats you take in a BSc program...if I've done those already does it mean I don't have to take them in the pharmacy program if I get accepted???


I don't think having a degree matters. My friend got in straight out of first-year BSc. But he says that the majority of the class has two or more years of post secondary. Organic chem and stats credits are tranferable credits but I dont know if introductory microbiology is transferrable. I hope it is because I took that one. Hey that's awesome, I live in Kelowna too and that our interview is pretty much the same time. It's weird how they told us in the email that there will be approximately 250 applicants interviewed and then have almost 300. A bit misleading I think.
I think there are 144 spots. If you go look at the details of some of the courses, you will see many have 144 reserved for pharmacy students only. The thing I don't get, is GPA still seems to count for a lot after the process. Why be shortlisted for the interview then? Surely since GPA still counts for 50% us low 70 people will be beaten.
I think there are 144 spots. If you go look at the details of some of the courses, you will see many have 144 reserved for pharmacy students only. The thing I don't get, is GPA still seems to count for a lot after the process. Why be shortlisted for the interview then? Surely since GPA still counts for 50% us low 70 people will be beaten.

where do you get the 144 figure?

i saw 150 on the website faq.

i don't think that the reserved seats are a good measure, for example, phar 220 001 has only 1 total seat remaining. obviously, they're not just going to admit 1 person

edit: it might be 144 as it does say approx 150
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Actually it's more like 140. Go to the student service center site, courses, and check Anat 390 for instance. It says 140 seats are reserved for pharmacy only.
they can't lie to us, right? :mad: isn't that against pharmacist's code of integrity? :confused:saying that ~150 students get admitted, but only ~140 are actually accepted...10 people make a huge difference!:(
Actually it's more like 140. Go to the student service center site, courses, and check Anat 390 for instance. It says 140 seats are reserved for pharmacy only.

Hey Matt, I don't think you should base the acceptance number on the ssc course website, since from what I recall, the reserved spots for pharmacy last year was also exactly 140 (for Anat 390).

You're forgetting that a lot of people might have taken Anat 390/391 already (and other high level courses for pharmacy), so the actual reserved spots needed might be even lower than that. :)
they can't lie to us, right? :mad: isn't that against pharmacist's code of integrity? :confused:saying that ~150 students get admitted, but only ~140 are actually accepted...10 people make a huge difference!:(
Yeah even though they said "approximately" 150, 10 people difference really is a huge deal in my opinion. Especially with my not-so-good GPA and all...
Do I realistically have a shot if my first year average is around 68%? I'm pretty good at interviews but man...no volunteer XP either except one 8 hour job shadow.
Do I realistically have a shot if my first year average is around 68%? I'm pretty good at interviews but man...no volunteer XP either except one 8 hour job shadow.
Don't lose hope! Interview plays a huge part in the admission process. I've seen several high GPA students get rejected because of the interview.

Speaking of interview... I can't help but get really nervous during interviews... do you have any tip for that? hehe
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Don't lose hope! Interview plays a huge part in the admission process. I've seen several high GPA students get rejected because of the interview.

Speaking of interview... I can't help but get really nervous during interviews... do you have any tip for that? hehe

2 shots of vodka :)
With the interview, just act like it's a job interview. Be honest, be friendly, embellish a bit when you have to but don't BS. Just come across as likeable.
Anybody taking biochem 300 in the summer session?
how the flip am i supposed to prepare? i've been trying, but it's so tedious...
and UBCO career services either doesn't exist or never picks up their phone. so much for mock interview.
how the flip am i supposed to prepare? i've been trying, but it's so tedious...
and UBCO career services either doesn't exist or never picks up their phone. so much for mock interview.
ooh, they do mock interviews over the phone?

I'm in the middle of AAAH'ing too! Apparently all my answers sound stupid to my brother....
ooh, they do mock interviews over the phone?

not over the phone, i was just trying to schedule one...

so... help a fellow student out... what resources do you find useful right now?
I would actually advise against doing mock interviews. I have 100% track record. Every job interview I've had, I've gotten. This is a little different, granted, but it's not something you can study for like the PCAT. If you prepare too much, your answers are going to sound rehearsed. Speak honestly and from the heart when they ask you questions. Embellish while being careful not to lay on the BS because they see right through it. Try to be funny, calm, and come across as confident. If you aren't sure of what they're asking of you, ask them to clarify. It really shouldn't be too bad. If they want you in the faculty, it will come through.
I agree with Matt123 that you should not have lines memorized. It sounds too rehearsed. Better off just come across as honest and usually the first thing you think of is the best thing to say. I dont know about the "being funny" part. If you can pull it off, then great! Just remember, dont memorize lines because in case you forget them, they'll know you're BSing because you're rambling from then on.
Yup, the reason they're meeting us is to get to know who we are as people. They have to see that we have good people skills. They won't be impressed by rattling off drug knowledge or vocabulary nearly as much as a warm smile and a firm handshake.
By the way ogo, what part of town are you from? Dilworth here. Does it bother you at all to leave your friends behind in order to go to school? Sometimes it gets me down until I think about how much money I'll be making :laugh:
By the way ogo, what part of town are you from? Dilworth here. Does it bother you at all to leave your friends behind in order to go to school? Sometimes it gets me down until I think about how much money I'll be making :laugh:

hahahah oh wow. Pharmacy isn't a job you should be getting into for the money. Cause they aren't paid that well. If you want to work in Van you'll be making around 60,000 starting and you may move up to 100,000 once you have some experiance. Is that really that great? Your not even in the highest tax bracket. Maybe 120,000 in hospital pharmacy.
well it's sure alot better than a teacher gets paid. that's for sure. I'd be pretty happy making a hundred grand a year. Plus if you work up North its more like 80 grand starting, and since I'm from the North i'd be pretty happy with that

(not that I'm in it for the money either)
By the way ogo, what part of town are you from? Dilworth here. Does it bother you at all to leave your friends behind in order to go to school? Sometimes it gets me down until I think about how much money I'll be making :laugh:

I live down in the lower mission by OKM. No, I dont think it would bother me to leave my friends behind for school. A few of my buddies are actually in Pharmacy right now at UBC so it shouldnt be bad at all. Look on the upside, you will be making friends too! Are you just finished first year? Too lazy to read your posts above again hahah.
ha, i'm in the upper mission. you should give me rides to school. but that's over already.
nuts, when is your interview, radiostar?
hahahah oh wow. Pharmacy isn't a job you should be getting into for the money. Cause they aren't paid that well. If you want to work in Van you'll be making around 60,000 starting and you may move up to 100,000 once you have some experiance. Is that really that great? Your not even in the highest tax bracket. Maybe 120,000 in hospital pharmacy.

Sorry to say, but your numbers are a little wacked up.

In Vancouver, the lowest paid CHAIN pharmacist (i.e. safeway/shoppers) is $38/hr which is roughly an annual $80,000/year PLUS benefits/vacation AND stock options. Superstore/Costco Pharmacists get paid ~43/hr (in vancouver) which is around $90,000 annually.

Wages are slowly increasing yearly/biyearly. The SDM pharmacists just got raised from 36 to 38$/hr just within the last 6 months.

Hospital pharmacists traditionally have made LESS than community pharmacies.. mainly because our healthcare system can not afford to pay pharmacists that much money, where as the big money making chains can. Hospital pharmacists are the only pharmacists with a range in salary, all the other pharmacists are pretty much set at that salary for life (with inflation bumps of course). Some pharmacists are predicting that by 2010 the starting wage of pharmacists even in SDM's will be 45/hr.

The hospital pharmacists current salary can actually be found at any health authority website by doing a simple job search. Ranges from 36-52/hr.

In the states I believe, starting wage for pharmacists are 45/hr and I have heard some places even starting at 55/hr + sign on bonuses etc.

100,000$/year may not seem like a lot to some of you, but there are definately ways of making BIG money. Starting your own private pharmacy (I have a friend who's parents own a BIG independant (no-name) pharmacy, their house is valued at 4.3million$. I can imagine that his house would be envied even by some MD's.

Running a pharmacy like SDM is also quite lucrative also. 110,000$/year BASE salary + bonuses for being an associate of a day time store. 160,000$/year BASE + bonuses for being an associate of a 24hr store. When you guys get into the pharmacy program at UBC, be sure to check out the shopper drug mart presentations because they are quite informative, especially if you want to go on into their associate training program. Go to every lunch time lecture that you guys can.. trust me.. even the Military Lecture is very enticing.. 10,000$ cash into your bank account just for signing on with the canadian forces and then 2,600/month x 12months JUST for going to school and passing all your courses (with a 2-3 year commitment as the catch).

Anyhow, good luck getting into pharmacy guys! Hope to see you around next year
Do the interviewers ask us about 10 questions or is it more like 20?
ogo, my interview is monday at 10:00am

and i'm going to make a good guess that it's 20 questions, i might have read that somewhere...
so i doubt we'll help each other much here after the interviews start, eh? i want you all to get in too, of course, but me first
Well not to mention it's against the rules to disclose the questions.

And we're all just cyber-buddies at this point- care is not expected :)
we COULD brain storm possible questions BEFORE interviews start. i'll start =]

Describe a work or school project where you had to work as a team.

Describe a time where you had to resolve a conflict.

Describe a time where you had to deal with constructive criticism.

I'm not sure if these count as "behavior" type questions ( i guess they do) and if the rumours that they took out "behavior" type questions are true =/ can't really think of non-behavior type questions other than "why did you choose pharmacy" -.-
we COULD brain storm possible questions BEFORE interviews start. i'll start =]

Describe a work or school project where you had to work as a team.

Describe a time where you had to resolve a conflict.

Describe a time where you had to deal with constructive criticism.

I'm not sure if these count as "behavior" type questions ( i guess they do) and if the rumours that they took out "behavior" type questions are true =/ can't really think of non-behavior type questions other than "why did you choose pharmacy" -.-
Took the behavior questions out? From this year on? I'm pretty sure they were there for last year.. I hope someone can confirm this.

And yeah, other than the behavior questions... there are pretty much the typical "Why pharmacy? Tell me about yourself" stuff that I can think of...
Hmm where did you hear those rumors? Maybe we should ask Marguerite?
Um, pretty sure Margaret isn't going to give away any part of the interview or give hints to what type of questions there will be. Best bet is to just browse on the internet. I bet there are some good sites that tell you what questions can be expected at job interviews, and this is basically one, believe it or not.
did you guys check out the "interview feedback" section of SDN? i'm pretty sure they have a section for UBC applicants where they submitted their comments about their interview experience, what questions were asked, etc. If not you could always go to the link for states schools and get interview ideas there
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ah looking at all the past forums and other sites just stressed me out immensely.
Hey guys
I would REALLY advise against anyone CALLING Margaret to find out what type of QUestions there are. 1) i don't think she will tell you because that would put you at an advantage 2) if she finds out who you are, i'm sure you'll be baked cause that's really unprofessional and also i don't think you're suppose to be "planning" your answers and so forth
Just my 2 cents. You guys can still do it but it doesnt' sound right to me and i don't want you guys to screw up your chances just because of a stupid rumor or whatnot. No on has had their interview yet so no one should know unless SOMEHOW the pharmacy admissions staff who have been doing it for years told others which I think is highly unlikely.

Just prepare for whatever questions they ask.
I'm going to prepare for the behavioural ones just because i don't really know my experience as well as i should.

But honestly don't screw up your own chances by being stupid and lazy. Just prepare for whatever comes your way.

Although you guys are my competition, i want it to be fair which is why i'm even saying this stuff and I want to get in knowing that the pharmer interviewers see something in me not because some ****** decided to ask a stupid question.

Anyways good luck and hopefully i'll see you next year in white coats.
ahh, white coats... i hope mine has TWO pockets. if not, i'll use the one i had to buy for bio and never used. 26 dollars.... ugh bureaucrats.
ahh, white coats... i hope mine has TWO pockets. if not, i'll use the one i had to buy for bio and never used. 26 dollars.... ugh bureaucrats.

They could make mine pocketless for all I care! Just give me a coat!!
The interviews are just around a corner...
Good luck to everyone on SDN and I really do hope to see all of you next yr ... IN PHARMACY.:p
The interviews are just around a corner...
Good luck to everyone on SDN and I really do hope to see all of you next yr ... IN PHARMACY.:p

YEAH!! we can do it!!:thumbup::luck::)
I heard that interviews are not limited to 30mins but can last up to 40~45 mins for those who have longer answers than others... I heard the interviewers try to go through all the standard questions. So it could last longer that 30 mins... !!:rolleyes:;;;
i haven't heard of anyone's interview lasting for that long, all of them actually less than 25, one even 15 mins.
At a Superstore drugstore, I met a current pharmacy student (he's going into 3rd year) who said his interview was 40 mins... But he had prepared moderate-long answers to virtually all the questions they asked him, and that's maybe why his interview lasted longer than usual??:D
i haven't heard of anyone's interview lasting for that long, all of them actually less than 25, one even 15 mins.

Hey! we have the same interview date & time!
I'll see you then :)