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RVUCOM Discussion Thread 2009-2010

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Anyone had any luck getting off the waitlist?

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Anyone had any luck getting off the waitlist?

Nope, just trying to keep in contact with the admissions office without pestering them, and will be updating with my final grades when they come out.
For those of you moving to CO from out of state, when are you planning on being in CO? I can't decide if I want to spend my summer mostly in CO, or at home. Anybody found cheap housing (rent) near RVU?
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I just read that students may not be eligible for Title IV loans come 2014. Do any of you have information about this? Did the school make an internal announcement?
I just read that students may not be eligible for Title IV loans come 2014. Do any of you have information about this? Did the school make an internal announcement?

No official announcement that I've heard. The dean just said that we MAY not get Title IV loans in 2012 because there are two different accreditation bodies that we go through to get them. He wasn't able to speculate exactly when they will be available. He just said that they want to get them as soon as possible because the school's money is frozen in loans, which isn't desirable to them.
I wonder if we will be eligible for an interest-free deferment of any undegraduate loans we have if the school does not have both accreditations.

Well, I spoke with the RVU lending bank, and it's a very likely "No".
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So after reading a portion of this thread I decided to give some insight about the school from my point of view.

No schedule is up for the first year rotations; in fact most students don't even know what their first rotation is going to be. But the school has until Aug 1st to inform the class what hospital they will be going to. So there is a positive side. Some in the class have been told what rotations they are doing while others are left in the dark. They even allowed certain people opportunities to go places that were not in the lottery. Well, lottery is a broad term; it was more like we are sticking you here. No bias was given to class ranking, family, or the phase of the moon. Just the bias of the professors. There are rumors of hospitals coming and going but no one really knows for sure. I am sure Dubin will address the class again in his lawyer speak and say nothing for an hour while trying to make the jury well good.

Wait till AUC students begin to filter in.

Board scores are going to be skewed as Dean Dubin is mandating the lower portion of the class take their COMLEX step 1 in August.

RVU is so worried about their image after the political upheaval and firing of the initial dean that there has been retribution against students who have spoken out. That is why they tell everyone to use facebook as the info can be monitored and censored (this has happened already), the person posting is not anonymous, and the school will discipline students for being unprofessional by speaking up and pointing out inconsistencies that were told to them when they were in the interview room being fed food and other stuff from the sales team.

It doesn't look like RVU will be getting Title IV any time soon. But why? Well when Mr. Tien has his private loans set at 8.5% on the 40K you will be paying for tuition each year; why get Title IV? (Stafford loans are on their way back down again) http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/studentloans.jsp

He just increases tuition 8.5% and will get a return on the money. There is even a clause in the Loan agreement that states if you stop attending, or transfer you have to start paying it back immediately. There will be very few ways to get out of being an indentured physician by taking one of these loans.

There is a reason there has been an exodus of professors!! (Willingly or not)

Ex-President Black was asked to resign by COCA as he is a true example of a Conflict of Interest being Tien's lawyer. There are about 5 lawyers running the school to include Dubin who has not made many friends amongst the faculty (many have left) and the students. Yes he has many accolades, but why the Dean's position at TCOM not offered to him if he was "so good".

On the bright side RVU will produce some good doctors who will be paying Tien a lot of money for a long time. Yes some schools do pull in a profit, but most schools out there with a reputable name put back into the community. It would be nice to see Rocky Vista open its clinic to the local community and provide health care, not just collect insurance premiums.

So if you come here by all means do your research!!

Nice post seems like I have read this bashing of RVU somewhere else??

Aw yes right here and it seems to be word for word


And the TROLL is dead
How many professors have left, which ones, and when?

So after reading a portion of this thread I decided to give some insight about the school from my point of view.
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Nice post seems like I have read this bashing of RVU somewhere else??

Aw yes right here and it seems to be word for word


And the TROLL is dead

Not dead, but I do appreciate you having my opinion reposted after it was deleted.

Drs. Grimes (neuro), Martin (Dean), Smith (asst. Dean), Colle (Mirco), Harrison (Clinical Med), Hurtt (Phys), Glaubinsklee(Phys), Dailey (BioChem & Genetics) not to mention the entire board of directors who Tien fired inorder to get the votes to have Dr. Martin removed and replace by Dr. Mohr. If you look all those professors had a lot to offer.
Thanks for the response. It is indeed sad to see some good talent go. It seems all of these individuals left at the same time as Dr. Martin, is that correct?

Drs. Grimes (neuro), Martin (Dean), Smith (asst. Dean), Colle (Mirco), Harrison (Clinical Med), Hurtt (Phys), Glaubinsklee(Phys), Dailey (BioChem & Genetics) not to mention the entire board of directors who Tien fired inorder to get the votes to have Dr. Martin removed and replace by Dr. Mohr. If you look all those professors had a lot to offer.
Thanks for the response. It is indeed sad to see some good talent go. It seems all of these individuals left at the same time as Dr. Martin, is that correct?


Dr. Grimes was fired once Dr. Mohr took over

Dr. Martin was fired and Dr. Smith left.

Dr. Colle left, Drs. Hurtt and Glaublinsklee were fired, Dr. Harrison joined the military to get out, and Dr. Dailey recently left. So it was over a period of time.

There are still professors here that are unhappy with the whimsical antics of the administration. Things change really fast here. If you like stability this may not be the place

Dr. Grimes was fired once Dr. Mohr took over

Dr. Martin was fired and Dr. Smith left.

Dr. Colle left, Drs. Hurtt and Glaublinsklee were fired, Dr. Harrison joined the military to get out, and Dr. Dailey recently left. So it was over a period of time.

There are still professors here that are unhappy with the whimsical antics of the administration. Things change really fast here. If you like stability this may not be the place

Wow. You're angry.

So keep in mind, while reading these posts, that cMyc's extreme opinions are not the majority. And I use the word opinions, because the 'facts' are quite skewed.

Allow me to point out some fallacies, exaggeration, and some actual truths.

1. Rotation schedules: True, they aren't up. Frustrating indeed. But who cares? I know that each rotation has a different schedule so it doesn't do me any good to know where I'll be going yet. I'd rather them polish it up and let me know after boards.

2. Skewed board scores: Absurd. If a student is in the bottom quarter of the class, they need to study more than the other students. Why have them waste $500 on a test they probably won't pass? I agree with the school's policy here. They're just setting us up for success, not failure.

3. Loans: This one I'll partially agree with. The amount we pay is stupid. The interest we pay is stupid. We did expect to have Title IV in the fall of 2012 and they seem to be unsure of that now. Tough to address this one any further except to reiterate that almost ALL DO schools charge too much, and it is stupid.

4. This one will be fun. Let's discuss the real reasons these profs left.
neurologist: Medical reasons. We needed a neurologist who would be on campus, not recovering.
Drs. Martin/Smith: old news.
the physiology professors were fired based on student feedback.
Clinical med prof: joined military. i'm guessing if he didn't like the school, he would just quit.
Micro prof: has been at 4 schools in the past decade. did you really expect him to stay?
biochem: not sure.

5. Change: Yeah, things do change around here. It's a new school, they're trying to make it as good as it can be. That doesn't happen by leaving broken things broken. Did we mention all of the new professors who have recently joined who have helped immensely?

Let's not let our emotions allow us to dissipate inaccurate information.
Nice post seems like I have read this bashing of RVU somewhere else??

Aw yes right here and it seems to be word for word


And the TROLL is dead

If the bit about not getting Title IV anytime soon is true then they may have a point.

Especially considering that the healthcare reform passed earlier this year does not allow anyone to fill your private loans except for the gov. Last year we all used discover as our lender bc they were the cheapest, however many schools had their own programs to lend students the money. I wonder why it was it is no longer allowed? aka who was benefiting or who was being exploited and what actually changed?

Were schools providing these loans using loopholes to gain money?

Were some schools legit but other sources claiming to do the same thing exploiting students so the gov put a stop to it?

Are the rates and the amounts of the loans high enough with low enough risk that the gov wanted to take control of this source of income?

Just food for thought...
So keep in mind, while reading these posts, that cMyc's extreme opinions are not the majority. And I use the word opinions, because the 'facts' are quite skewed.

Allow me to point out some fallacies, exaggeration, and some actual truths.

1. Rotation schedules: True, they aren't up. Frustrating indeed. But who cares? I know that each rotation has a different schedule so it doesn't do me any good to know where I'll be going yet. I'd rather them polish it up and let me know after boards.

2. Skewed board scores: Absurd. If a student is in the bottom quarter of the class, they need to study more than the other students. Why have them waste $500 on a test they probably won't pass? I agree with the school's policy here. They're just setting us up for success, not failure.

3. Loans: This one I'll partially agree with. The amount we pay is stupid. The interest we pay is stupid. We did expect to have Title IV in the fall of 2012 and they seem to be unsure of that now. Tough to address this one any further except to reiterate that almost ALL DO schools charge too much, and it is stupid.

4. This one will be fun. Let's discuss the real reasons these profs left.
neurologist: Medical reasons. We needed a neurologist who would be on campus, not recovering.
Drs. Martin/Smith: old news.
the physiology professors were fired based on student feedback.
Clinical med prof: joined military. i'm guessing if he didn't like the school, he would just quit.
Micro prof: has been at 4 schools in the past decade. did you really expect him to stay?
biochem: not sure.

5. Change: Yeah, things do change around here. It's a new school, they're trying to make it as good as it can be. That doesn't happen by leaving broken things broken. Did we mention all of the new professors who have recently joined who have helped immensely?

Let's not let our emotions allow us to dissipate inaccurate information.

Solid post, I'm not trying to argue one side or the other. Simply the loan thing made me curious.

Does anyone know is there a limit to how long the school can put off obtaining the accreditation to save their private loans? (If that's the case)


Not angry just pointing some things out that you seemed to agree with.

I know the school is going to put out some great doctors. I know this because of what they put you students through.

Especially the way Dubin expects everyone to study. Just because someone studies 16+ hours a day does not mean they will be a good physician.

As for Dr. Grimes, he is a great professor and would have served the RVU community well. Dr. Mohr fired him due to his stance with Dr. Martin, just like many others who have left. There is still some really good faculty left from the original few. The one who joined the Military did quit: did he not? Student feedback huh? Even those reports were skewed. They didn’t take into consideration the grades in comparison with the evaluation, thus skewing the whole process. Then only focused on the bad and told them to continue teaching in the manner in which they did to gather more bad evaluation. Low grade high eval and High grade poor eval mean a lot more than typical student bicer

I can understand your stance as you may just see it from a student’s stand point, but there are about 300 pawns there hoping to get an education from an individual who is about to take real advantage of the majority who are not financially independent or on a military scholarship

I think you were given the feeling things were broken by a select few who desired position. You might want to look into the past of some of the people running this place.

The problem is that a majority of today’s students feel they are entitled and want things now. There was an unwillingness to work the issues out which was only sparked by some calculated actions by that select few I mentioned (not by name - for a reason). Look back and when the stress levels were high, various faculty turned up the heat, changed the schedule, wanted mediasite removed, mandated attendance all to just make it appear broken. They really played off the students.

Oh, how many of the new professors lecturing are from a Tien School? How many are DOs? Don't miss the forest for the trees; they are there to take your money. No title IV = more money for Tien.

As for board scores – do you know when the initial scores have to be in? I think it is absurd to force a student to study for 2 extra months. What rational theory is this?

I’ll make a bet with you right now, $20, that Dubin tries to alter in some form the way the scores are reported to make him look better. Just remember that your education was a product of Dr. Martins curriculum design. The deficiencies in Biochemistry, Microbiology and some Pharmacology were due to the undoings of those who have come to rule RVU.

I wish you well in your studies! Enjoy your break, I’ll see you in the halls.

Oh one more thing, can you tell me who your preceptors are? What rotations you are scheduled for? Where you need to be for your first day of clinical rotations? You are not at all concerned that the way they change the schedule; that one month you may be here in Denver, then another month out somewhere else?

I can only hope that insight I have to offer will encourage RVU to take the higher road or just ask everyone to use Facebook so they can monitor and censor the flow of information.
cMyc, as a soon to be matriculate of RVU, it is very upsetting to hear much of the negativity you are saying. While it might be accurate, it certainly cannot paint an entire picture of life at the COM.

Could you please also perhaps share some of the positives that you see at RVU, including perhaps anything that Dr. Dubin has brought to the University?
cMyc, as a soon to be matriculate of RVU, it is very upsetting to hear much of the negativity you are saying. While it might be accurate, it certainly cannot paint an entire picture of life at the COM.

Could you please also perhaps share some of the positives that you see at RVU, including perhaps anything that Dr. Dubin has brought to the University?

People will always have something negative to say about a program you're at. While some are worse than others the bottom line is you have some control of the situation. If you choose to push yourself harder and further then you will succeed no matter what.
cMyc, as a soon to be matriculate of RVU, it is very upsetting to hear much of the negativity you are saying. While it might be accurate, it certainly cannot paint an entire picture of life at the COM.

Could you please also perhaps share some of the positives that you see at RVU, including perhaps anything that Dr. Dubin has brought to the University?

I too, would like to see your question answered.

In the mean time, don't worry about one person's point of view. Just remember what it was like when you interviewed and how many people are positive about the school.

I'll respond to Myc (which is coincidentally a cancer gene) tomorrow when I get time.
I too, would like to see your question answered.

In the mean time, don't worry about one person's point of view. Just remember what it was like when you interviewed and how many people are positive about the school.

I'll respond to Myc (which is coincidentally a cancer gene) tomorrow when I get time.

The positives:

You will get a good education if you put in the work. Colorado is beautifull. A majority of the students seem to really put thier heart into the place.

Don't get me wrong, the school will give you the education you need. My concern is with those running the place. Things change fast if you like that.

RVU could be better if it were not for the select greedy few who control it.

"The c-Myc protein is now known as a transcription factor or a regulator of other genes. It is a protein that binds DNA at specific sites and instructs genes whether or not they should be transcribed into messages for cells to make additional or other new proteins."

Not angry just pointing some things out that you seemed to agree with.

I know the school is going to put out some great doctors. I know this because of what they put you students through.

Especially the way Dubin expects everyone to study. Just because someone studies 16+ hours a day does not mean they will be a good physician.

As for Dr. Grimes, he is a great professor and would have served the RVU community well. Dr. Mohr fired him due to his stance with Dr. Martin, just like many others who have left. There is still some really good faculty left from the original few. The one who joined the Military did quit: did he not? Student feedback huh? Even those reports were skewed. They didn’t take into consideration the grades in comparison with the evaluation, thus skewing the whole process. Then only focused on the bad and told them to continue teaching in the manner in which they did to gather more bad evaluation. Low grade high eval and High grade poor eval mean a lot more than typical student bicer

I can understand your stance as you may just see it from a student’s stand point, but there are about 300 pawns there hoping to get an education from an individual who is about to take real advantage of the majority who are not financially independent or on a military scholarship

I think you were given the feeling things were broken by a select few who desired position. You might want to look into the past of some of the people running this place.

The problem is that a majority of today’s students feel they are entitled and want things now. There was an unwillingness to work the issues out which was only sparked by some calculated actions by that select few I mentioned (not by name - for a reason). Look back and when the stress levels were high, various faculty turned up the heat, changed the schedule, wanted mediasite removed, mandated attendance all to just make it appear broken. They really played off the students.

Oh, how many of the new professors lecturing are from a Tien School? How many are DOs? Don't miss the forest for the trees; they are there to take your money. No title IV = more money for Tien.

As for board scores – do you know when the initial scores have to be in? I think it is absurd to force a student to study for 2 extra months. What rational theory is this?

I’ll make a bet with you right now, $20, that Dubin tries to alter in some form the way the scores are reported to make him look better. Just remember that your education was a product of Dr. Martins curriculum design. The deficiencies in Biochemistry, Microbiology and some Pharmacology were due to the undoings of those who have come to rule RVU.

I wish you well in your studies! Enjoy your break, I’ll see you in the halls.

Oh one more thing, can you tell me who your preceptors are? What rotations you are scheduled for? Where you need to be for your first day of clinical rotations? You are not at all concerned that the way they change the schedule; that one month you may be here in Denver, then another month out somewhere else?

I can only hope that insight I have to offer will encourage RVU to take the higher road or just ask everyone to use Facebook so they can monitor and censor the flow of information.

I don't know who you are but I doubt you actually work for Rocky Vista. Some of what you're saying doesn't even make sense!!! My guess is that you were either turned down for a job there or were fired. Which was obviously a good decision on their part and makes me like them even more.
I don't know who you are but I doubt you actually work for Rocky Vista. Some of what you're saying doesn't even make sense!!! My guess is that you were either turned down for a job there or were fired. Which was obviously a good decision on their part and makes me like them even more.

Wow your substantial amount of evidence and explanation of the logic behind your thought process is phenomenal! You've got me convinced ;)

Not angry just pointing some things out that you seemed to agree with.

I know the school is going to put out some great doctors. I know this because of what they put you students through.

Especially the way Dubin expects everyone to study. Just because someone studies 16+ hours a day does not mean they will be a good physician.

As for Dr. Grimes, he is a great professor and would have served the RVU community well. Dr. Mohr fired him due to his stance with Dr. Martin, just like many others who have left. There is still some really good faculty left from the original few. The one who joined the Military did quit: did he not? Student feedback huh? Even those reports were skewed. They didn’t take into consideration the grades in comparison with the evaluation, thus skewing the whole process. Then only focused on the bad and told them to continue teaching in the manner in which they did to gather more bad evaluation. Low grade high eval and High grade poor eval mean a lot more than typical student bicer

I can understand your stance as you may just see it from a student’s stand point, but there are about 300 pawns there hoping to get an education from an individual who is about to take real advantage of the majority who are not financially independent or on a military scholarship

I think you were given the feeling things were broken by a select few who desired position. You might want to look into the past of some of the people running this place.

The problem is that a majority of today’s students feel they are entitled and want things now. There was an unwillingness to work the issues out which was only sparked by some calculated actions by that select few I mentioned (not by name - for a reason). Look back and when the stress levels were high, various faculty turned up the heat, changed the schedule, wanted mediasite removed, mandated attendance all to just make it appear broken. They really played off the students.

Oh, how many of the new professors lecturing are from a Tien School? How many are DOs? Don't miss the forest for the trees; they are there to take your money. No title IV = more money for Tien.

As for board scores – do you know when the initial scores have to be in? I think it is absurd to force a student to study for 2 extra months. What rational theory is this?

I’ll make a bet with you right now, $20, that Dubin tries to alter in some form the way the scores are reported to make him look better. Just remember that your education was a product of Dr. Martins curriculum design. The deficiencies in Biochemistry, Microbiology and some Pharmacology were due to the undoings of those who have come to rule RVU.

I wish you well in your studies! Enjoy your break, I’ll see you in the halls.

Oh one more thing, can you tell me who your preceptors are? What rotations you are scheduled for? Where you need to be for your first day of clinical rotations? You are not at all concerned that the way they change the schedule; that one month you may be here in Denver, then another month out somewhere else?

I can only hope that insight I have to offer will encourage RVU to take the higher road or just ask everyone to use Facebook so they can monitor and censor the flow of information.

Do you actually work for RVU or are you a student? Just curious...I'll be a 1st year this Summer.