MUO Class of 2010

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I was curious about other sports that are available at MUO since I'm not big into biking. Are there any intramural sports or any pick up games of football? Also does anyone play raquetball?

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kskuwik said:
I was curious about other sports that are available at MUO since I'm not big into biking. Are there any intramural sports or any pick up games of football? Also does anyone play raquetball?

I'm big into tackle football and hockey (I'm a goaltender). I'd DEFINITELY be willing to play in pick-up games. We play football pickup games all the time here and everywhere else I go.
Camel said:
I'm big into tackle football and hockey (I'm a goaltender). I'd DEFINITELY be willing to play in pick-up games. We play football pickup games all the time here and everywhere else I go.

Thats awesome. I play tackle football with my friends all the time in the fall and winter and was hoping I would be able to do the same at MUO as well.
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Camel I was reading through some of your posts and realized you live in the Dayton area. I was curious as to where you live since I live in Fairborn and work in Dayton.
kskuwik said:
Camel I was reading through some of your posts and realized you live in the Dayton area. I was curious as to where you live since I live in Fairborn and work in Dayton.

Hey wow! Yeah, I'm from Centerville; I went to UD. Perhaps we can carpool home from MUO next year :) on the rare occasions that we have breaks. Can't wait to play some football!
73 days until orientation. Anyone else starting to get excited?
Hey guys,
There's plenty of EC sports going least with our class. During the warmer times of the year we'd bring footballs/frisbies to throw during lunch break, and after school was out we'd drive over to one of the parks and play football or ultimate frisby. There are basketball and volleyball leagues that play in the morse center for students and employees. Last year a group of us also formed a team to play indoor soccer at a place in Maumee. We had a game once a week, but it wasn't affiliated with MUO at all. On Wed. nights there is a group of students/faculty/employees that plays soccer in the morse center as well.

What I would recommend is that once school starts just go down front and make an announcement. There will be microphones laying around, so just pick it up and tell people you want to get together after class for soccer/frisby/football/basketball/etc.
10-4, thanks as always, Hall.

Hey kskuwik, do you take part in any of the rides that are organized around Xenia or Young's Dairy? I'm thinking about maybe getting involved in a couple of them. I get my bike tomorrow, woohoo!
Camel said:
Hey kskuwik, do you take part in any of the rides that are organized around Xenia or Young's Dairy? I'm thinking about maybe getting involved in a couple of them. I get my bike tomorrow, woohoo!

No I have never done that before. It's a nice area though and sounds like it would be fun. You'll have to let me know how it is if you go.
Rgr that; got my recumbent today. I rode 35 miles in the first few hours I had it; I'll never use a regular bike again :)

So does anyone else know where they'll be living yet? Or are most people waiting to see if MUO plans an early look day?
I read this today and thought some of you might want to know about it while searching for an apartment. I'm sure this could happen at any apartment in any city, but still thought you all might want to know about it when narrowing down your choices.

Arlington South apartments are adjacent to MUO and are pretty popular with students, postdocs, and other employees at MUO.
Camel said:
Rgr that; got my recumbent today. I rode 35 miles in the first few hours I had it; I'll never use a regular bike again :)

So does anyone else know where they'll be living yet? Or are most people waiting to see if MUO plans an early look day?

Whats an early look day, I have never heard of that.
BTW, I am always down for a pickup Bball game.
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So I just got back from Toledo where I went on a whirlwind tour looking at 11 apartment complexes. Of the ones I saw I am deciding between Andover Apartments, Glendale Village Apts, and Heathbriar Apts. Anyone on the forum have any knowledge of theses places?

For users of Google earth, the attached file is all the apartments by MUO and their websites. The file is in a .zip so I could post it.


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UofC2006 said:
So I just got back from Toledo where I went on a whirlwind tour looking at 11 apartment complexes. Of the ones I saw I am deciding between Andover Apartments, Glendale Village Apts, and Heathbriar Apts. Anyone on the forum have any knowledge of theses places?

For users of Google earth, the attached file is all the apartments by MUO and their websites. The file is in a .zip so I can post it.

Refer to my previous posts about Heathbriar apartments- I lived there all four years at MUO.
Freakedout said:
Whats an early look day, I have never heard of that.
BTW, I am always down for a pickup Bball game.

My fault; I don't really remember what the official term was, but MUO sent a questionnaire thing out about whether people would be interested in a visit in June or July or something to bring parents up and find housing and meet the class, etc. I was referring to that.

Dangerous situations can develop in any place in any city... I guess part of it comes down to luck, and of course being careful. I hope the place I rented from isn't too bad. The area near the hospital by walmart and kroger seems pretty nice (well, it did the couple of days I've been there).
Hey Camel when are you (and any other first years) moving up to Toledo?
kskuwik said:
Hey Camel when are you (and any other first years) moving up to Toledo?
I'll be moving around July, 1.
does anyone know exactly where Dr. Kleshinski's office is located? I had scheduled a meeting with him but he didn't write where his office was located and he hasn't returned my emails asking him where it is :rolleyes: thanks for the help guys. you can just pm me so we don't take up more thread space.
Blue, since I'm responding anyway: Dr. Kleshinski's office is right next to Dr. Burns' office. They're both in the admissions office in Mulford Library.

I'll be moving in the weekend of August 5th since I'll be in Israel until late July. It'd be awesome to meet you guys if you're gonna be in town already!
I was wondering if anyone knows if we will have access to the UT gym next year? I heard that it's a nice facility.

I'll play whatever sport (maybe not tackle football ;) ) anytime. I'm really looking foward to making a soccer team next year!
From the merger website I think I read that we will have access to facilities on UT's campus. Makes sense... if we are officially UTCOM, then we will have access to everything UT. We're going to be the Rockets. I would expect it'll be the same relationship that OSUCOM and UCCOM have with their respective undergrad institutions.

Soccer sounds fun, too :) But tackle football rocks my socks.
Hey is anyone looking for a roomate?

I just finished filling out the roomate survey but it seems that it will at least take three more weeks before we receive some of kind of roomate list. I would like to start getting my apartment and roomate lined up sooner than that if possible. So if anyone is interested, pm me so we can see if our personalities and study habits click.
Yeah... I didn't do a lot of the things that they advise apartment-hunters to do. I hope I don't end up being unpleasantly surprised. I liked the place when I visited, though, so I hope it always gives me that impression :)

kskuwik, I rode 30 miles on the Little Miami yesterday and 30 miles on the Great Miami today. I hope Toledo's trails are comparable to what we have down here in Dayton. Good luck in the roommate hunt!
Found a couple of useful links:

That's a link to the Toledo Police. MUO and the surrounding area are in the Scott Park District. Glendale and Byrne intersect at the southern point. It looks pretty standard for last week, the area around my undergrad was the same and I felt safe.

That's an interesting little forum/posting area with news and such for the community. I like looking over stuff about where I'm going to live, so for those with the same desire, I thought I'd post it.

Peace all!
Hello all...

Finally got into MUO... of course, I'm overjoyed. I've been teaching for the last year, and because I waited to send in THIS year's AMCAS to see if I got in off any wait lists last year, I had trouble again this year as well (what with late interviews, etc). Just sent in my acceptance offer return sheet, and am definitely looking forward to becoming friends with a great deal of you in the not-to-distant (58 days) future.

I'll be commuting from Detroit, where my fiance and her friend will be rooming with me and attending Wayne... anyone else coming from Detroit? Thank God I like long drives...

Talk to you all soon.

Kyle (everyone just calls me "Coop" though)
Congrats! Did you just hear this past week?
Maybe that list is starting to move...
Sounds like you are going to enjoy the commute from Detroit.
I'm sure that there are some others out there looking to get a computer for this school year. To the current MS1's, would you suggest a laptop? I'm leaning that way. Also, do macs work well with the network on campus, or is PC the way to go? I'm considering getting the macbook but I don't want to have issues with it or be the only one with a mac.

Any advice from future MS1's or current students would be great. Thanks!
Its been a long time, future MUO-ers---greetings from the windy city! And congrats on the acceptance Coop :)

Regarding the computer issue, I was worried that I would be in need of a laptop before I came here. If you like to use them to type instead of write notes, bring it to the library to study, etc. then your best bet is to get one. I personally have never owned one and found that you DO NOT need a laptop by any means, even for histo lab (they are provided for you). For many students laptops serve mainly to keep them occupied during lecture, which I am sure I would be guilty of if I had one.

I am a little concerned about your long commute, especially in the winter which is when anatomy will be taking place and class will be 8-4:30 ish. Detroit is not far, but its far enough; hopefully with the podcasted lectures and intranet things will work out well with the commute.

Feel free to PM with any questions, I look forward to meeting everyone in August!

Whats up all my fellow future MUOers,

I just got my award letter in the mail today... nothing too spectacular, I'm just glad the thing is finally here. I went through the Nelnet pamphlet and pulled one of their spreadsheets off of it and combined it with my award letter and the estimated cost of attendance that MUO provided us with. I made a blank spreadsheet so I thought I'd upload it so anyone who wants it can use it, it might save a little bit of time. All the formulas are in it already, all you should have to do is put in your numbers. It doesn't calculate interest on loans or anything fancy like that. I tried to attach it as an excel file but studentdoctor won't let me attach a .xls extention so I pasted the spreadsheet into a word .doc. All you should have to do is copy the spreadsheet out of the .doc and paste it into excel... if you want the normal file PM me and I'll e-mail it.

Best wishes everyone, let me know if this helps you or if you think there is something I overlooked!


  • MUO Budget Spreadsheet.doc
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reedgw said:
Whats up all my fellow future MUOers,

I just got my award letter in the mail today... nothing too spectacular, I'm just glad the thing is finally here. I went through the Nelnet pamphlet and pulled one of their spreadsheets off of it and combined it with my award letter and the estimated cost of attendance that MUO provided us with. I made a blank spreadsheet so I thought I'd upload it so anyone who wants it can use it, it might save a little bit of time. All the formulas are in it already, all you should have to do is put in your numbers. It doesn't calculate interest on loans or anything fancy like that. I tried to attach it as an excel file but studentdoctor won't let me attach a .xls extention so I pasted the spreadsheet into a word .doc. All you should have to do is copy the spreadsheet out of the .doc and paste it into excel... if you want the normal file PM me and I'll e-mail it.

Best wishes everyone, let me know if this helps you or if you think there is something I overlooked!

I am now an MUO alum and I want to pass along a little advice. Take it or leave it, I dont mind as I am now finished. Anyways, I will be honest in telling you that the Financial Aid office at MUO has been known to not give students the most financial leeway in regards to budgeting and funding. As you will all soon find out. Instead of giving you financial advice they seem much more like financial babysitters. Telling you that you can't take out any more money even though you're below the proposed MUO budget, and many other scenarios too numerous to list. It has been the complaint of many many students in the past. I dont know if this is the rule at other med schools but some of my friends at other med schools say the same thing while others say their depts are much more liberal. Anyways, you haven't heard it here but if you fill in the numbers on your initial budget sheet at the beginning of each year so that your budget is close to the "MUO allowed budget" then you will be able to take out the full budget amount. Even if you are living at much below budget it would behoove you to do this so that in case of emergency, desperate need of a vacation, or whatever, you will have the financial freedom to access that money. Nothing like thinking your budget is great because it is 30,000 and the MUO budget is 36,000, and you go to the ladies wanting to take out the remaining 6,000 and they say sorry. Just giving you a heads up. I am sure that many of your classmates will run into this frustrating situation as myself and many of my classmates did around Anatomy time when your super stressed since its the first "real tough class at MUO for many".

Nevertheless, GOOD LUCK to all of you as you embark on the long journey of learning the profession, career, and lifestyle that is medicine!!! PM me with any further questions!
This might sound like a really stupid question, but does anyone actually know what the official name of MUO will be in the fall? I have heard a number of things. The Cadecus says we will be called the University of Toledo College of Medicine, but the Toledo Blade and a couple of people on here have said the official name will be the Medical University of Ohio: The Health Science Campus of the University of Toledo. What a name... I still think I prefer that to UTCOM. I'm just really confused. What should I tell my family and friends when they ask what medical school I am going to? Regardless, I'm still excited for August to roll around!
reedgw said:
This might sound like a really stupid question, but does anyone actually know what the official name of MUO will be in the fall? I have heard a number of things. The Cadecus says we will be called the University of Toledo College of Medicine, but the Toledo Blade and a couple of people on here have said the official name will be the Medical University of Ohio: The Health Science Campus of the University of Toledo. What a name... I still think I prefer that to UTCOM. I'm just really confused. What should I tell my family and friends when they ask what medical school I am going to? Regardless, I'm still excited for August to roll around!

I have been telling everyone UTCOM but I really have no idea. I just prefer that because it much easier to say than the Medical University of Ohio: The Health Science Campus of the University of Toledo.
Did anyone else find the "what to wear to class" section on the latest newsletter amusing? It made me laugh...sorry to all the guys that can't wear hats...haha :p
Hey - Just so everyone knows, I called the College of Medicine and Sandy told me that the official name of MUO will be the University of Toledo College of Medicine, and that the location with the medical school and the hospital will be called the Health Science Campus. The current location for UT will be called the Main Campus. So we went from MCO to MUO to UTCOM in a year.
BlondieMD said:
Did anyone else find the "what to wear to class" section on the latest newsletter amusing? It made me laugh...sorry to all the guys that can't wear hats...haha :p
Yeah that is ridiculous. I had some professors in college from the deep south who wouldn't let us wear hats during class but i didn't figure I wouldn't be able to wear them at UTCOM. Oh well.
kskuwik said:
Yeah that is ridiculous. I had some professors in college from the deep south who wouldn't let us wear hats during class but i didn't figure I wouldn't be able to wear them at UTCOM. Oh well.

I actually found everything to be pretty reasonable (considering I really have problems dressing down-at least I won't feel like a complete freak now! haha) I understand the concerns especially if patients will see us...the dress code at the Cleveland Clinic (where I work) is a lot more strict-the reason being the patients-do you really want to see your doc in ripped up jeans, a backwards hat, and a shirt that says "I dig yo momma"? Probably not! ;)

BUT I thought the whole proctor escorting you out of a room when you are taking an exam if you need to remove a sweater/ sweatshirt pretty crazy...never heard of that before! :rolleyes:

Oh, only 47 days left or so until Orientation...maybe I should work on finding a place to live...
People wear hats to class all the time. I wouldn't sweat it at all. The only time you really need to dress up is when you do interviews with standardized patients every month or so.
What did the newsletter say about the dress code? People wear whatever they want for the most part to class. Obviously, any time you're with patients you need to dress up, but that rarely happens. Most people wear jeans, a lot of guys wear hats, and when it's warm several people wear shorts and sandals. They (administration) had mentioned getting rid of denim last year, but they backed off of that. There's really no one there to enforce the rules either. The faculty members couldn't care less for the most part, and the administration isn't going to take the time to check everyone's dress out.

The name will be UTCOM. They threw around various permutations of MUO, UT, and Health Science campus for a while and sent out various surveys and polls to students and faculty to get our input. Some of those rejected names made it into the local media outlets, so there was a lot of confusion for a while.
Has anyone gotten off the waitlist recently? Just wondering. We are still waiting....
Well well, I haven't checked in on here in a couple of weeks because I've been out of town on work, and there are quite a few new comments. Yay! Makes me feel a little closer to being at UTCoM... I'm getting excited.

As far as my lengthy commute goes, I just signed a lease in Trenton, which makes the drive 40 minutes approximately. I'm fine with that, that's what I drove for part of my undergraduate experience. I'm sure there will be days where I just want to roll over in bed and shoot myself rather than make the drive, but oh well. I want to make life easy on my wife-to-be as well, and as she is going to Wayne... plus, since we had to push the wedding back a year, we still want to be able to live together. It was a rough decision to not get married this August.

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you. In response to the people asking about wait list removal... I got off the high-priority list on June 15th. So... at least that is one confirmed for you. I don't know how many have actually popped off of that list.

I hope all of you are having a great summer. I know that the amount of paperwork and packing I have had to undergo in the last week has been voluminous to say the least, between signing for the apartment, getting vaccinations and preparing to move and start school. It's keeping me busy and keeping me less anxious. Also, Alisha and I will be taking what would have been our honeymoon cruise the last week in July, so that will also take my mind off things. Well, I've chatted enough. If anyone has any questions for me or just wants to talk about the upcoming year or whatever, feel free to call at 810-923-6510. Otherwise, I'll catch ya on here!

- Coop
Hey everyone! Greetings from Israel! I have internet access here intermittantly (relatives and such) so I figured I'd post and say hello. I had to tell my mom over the phone what to put on the forms that UTCoM sent to my house this past week since they're due before I get back. It's hot over here, so I look forward to going to Toledo and getting less heat... we'll see how I feel about the cold in a few months :) Looking forward to seeing all of you in under 50 days! Peace.
If we get off the waitlist we are coming from CA....
38 days until orientation...

Just so you are all aware. ;)
I am going up to Toledo tomorrow with reedgw to look at apartments. Is anyone else headed up to Toledo this weekend?
kskuwik said:
I am going up to Toledo tomorrow with reedgw to look at apartments. Is anyone else headed up to Toledo this weekend?

I believe I will be headed up there tomorrow as well...happy hunting everyone! :)
reedgw said:
I'm sure that there are some others out there looking to get a computer for this school year. To the current MS1's, would you suggest a laptop? I'm leaning that way. Also, do macs work well with the network on campus, or is PC the way to go? I'm considering getting the macbook but I don't want to have issues with it or be the only one with a mac.

Any advice from future MS1's or current students would be great. Thanks!

They had some Mac issues at the begining of last year, but they have been worked out. I have an iBook and it works great all over campus. Welcome to UTCOM.
To all current and future UTCOMers who might have an idea...

How much can I expect to pay in utilities every month? I know this is variable based on the size of the apt, month of the year, but if you've lived in Toledo before or are about to I'd appreciate your input. I'm wondering because I'm looking at a couple of 2 bedroom apts (1000 sq feet each), one with utilities paid and the other without (the one without is $60/mo cheaper). Either way I'll have to pay electric, internet, and cable, so how much do trash, water, and (most importantly) gas run a month?

Good luck to everyone looking for a place to live in Toledo. There are some really nice places for really reasonable prices, all pretty close to the school.
reedgw said:
To all current and future UTCOMers who might have an idea...

How much can I expect to pay in utilities every month? I know this is variable based on the size of the apt, month of the year, but if you've lived in Toledo before or are about to I'd appreciate your input. I'm wondering because I'm looking at a couple of 2 bedroom apts (1000 sq feet each), one with utilities paid and the other without (the one without is $60/mo cheaper). Either way I'll have to pay electric, internet, and cable, so how much do trash, water, and (most importantly) gas run a month?

Good luck to everyone looking for a place to live in Toledo. There are some really nice places for really reasonable prices, all pretty close to the school.

You can probably count on spending about $20-25 a month on electricity a month, $12 for basic cable (obviously more for a better package), $20-30 a month for high speed internet, and all of the places that I know of have had the water and trash already paid for.

Go for the more expensive place that pays your heat!!!! The peace of mind you will get when you don't have to worry about the bill or keeping your place cold to cut costs when you are out of the house IS WORTH THE MONEY. (Trust me on this. Empower had to employ the "55 to stay alive" temperature control system for a while this winter after I had one bad heating bill).

We are ridiculously lucky to be going to school in a city that is so inexpensive and easy to get around in!
