Medical More than one letter of intent?

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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I've had a really hard time trying to decide which school to send my letter of intent to, between 2 options. I've been stuck on this for months, and time is now quickly running out to decide.

I've received advice from a few different parties now that it would be okay for me to submit two letters of intent, but I also get the impression that this isn't supposed to be the purpose of those letters, so I'm scared to actually do so.

Thus I'm asking for your expert advice. Would it be okay to send two, and what would happen if I did? What if I somehow got into both schools (which seems unlikely), and then have to turn one of them down after having sent them a letter of intent already? And could I theoretically get into trouble for sending two letters of intent?


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To concretely answer your question, probably nothing happens if you send two letters. If somehow the schools find out you sent two letters before they decide to offer you an A, that probably looks bad on you, but it’s also very unlikely to get out unless you tell them. If you got into both and had to turn one down, nothing bad would happen to you.

However, the reason you are even asking this question is why most schools (except for a few that notoriously love to have their egos stroked) don’t care about LOIs. Because a lot of them are lies. So do what you need to do to calm your anxiety, but recognize that the outcome is very unlikely to be due to whether or not you sent a letter of intent.
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