I am extremely terrified of Neuroanatomy

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10+ Year Member
Jun 18, 2013
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So as I mentioned before, I am one of the worst students in my class, and I actually (narrowly) failed Gross Anatomy. I have passed every class since then with average scores. But now we're doing Neuroanatomy, and it seems just as gay and horrible and memorization-intensive as Gross. And I'm worried that I will fail this one too.

Do you guys have any Neuroanatomy advice that helped you through the course?

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So as I mentioned before, I am one of the worst students in my class, and I actually (narrowly) failed Gross Anatomy. I have passed every class since then with average scores. But now we're doing Neuroanatomy, and it seems just as gay and horrible and memorization-intensive as Gross. And I'm worried that I will fail this one too.

Do you guys have any Neuroanatomy advice that helped you through the course?

Not cool, bro.
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Maybe your attitude is "gay."

On a non-DB note, many students struggle with anatomy because it is the first course of med school, and it can take some time to figure out how to study. If you've been passing your other classes, you should probably have the requisite skills to pass. If you're still concerned, you might want to notify the course director in advance to see if they have any advice/give them a heads up
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What kind of advice could we possible have? You have been a med student for several months now, this shouldn't be an issue anymore. Just sit down and STUDY!

Also, try to refrain from using offensive language, you might attract more helpful answers that way.
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Maybe there are still like 10 people left who use that word that way who just haven't dropped the habit from middle school and aren't actually bigoted and/or homophobic. I hope you are the former, but you should know that saying that makes you sound like the latter.

But, fine. This website got me through the course:
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thumbs up for not giving into PC and using gay in an appropriate context of colloquialisms.
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I don't know, I always thought the putamen looked at me kinda funny.
thumbs up for not giving into PC and using gay in an appropriate context of colloquialisms.

This is one of the dumber things I've seen on SDN in quite some time, and I read a lot of the premed forums.

Keep up the good work.
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Thanks to everyone who offered me advice! I've also requested a tutor and will talk to the course coordinator soon.

Oh, and regarding the "gay" thing, I meant no offense, just an old force of habit haha.

(Though admittedly, SDN readers from my medical school will know who I am now).
What's bothering you specifically about neuroanatomy? It's pretty good stuff if you're using good sources and material.
Neuroanatomy is pretty gay, neurons constantly wanting to hump other neurons of the same type. They really need some Jesus in their life.
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I hated gross and loved neuro. Neuro is more relating the anatomy to concepts/discussing lesions...but just as with gross, neuro can get pretty hairy if you don't stay on top of class
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I hated gross and loved neuro. Neuro is more relating the anatomy to concepts/discussing lesions...but just as with gross, neuro can get pretty hairy if you don't stay on top of class

I felt the same exact way. I bombed anatomy, but did fairly well in neuro. Draw out lots of charts. It makes learning the pathways way easier.
Is this still a thing

throwing fits over "gay"

Some people use it to refer to things other than homosexual activity

others don't

I don't see why we need to crucify people that do

Reminds me of people getting all uppity over the university of hawaii rainbow warriors. They actually stopped using that out of fear of offending gays, until people realized that was too goddam stupid (the implication being that only gay people can ever, ever refer to rainbows).


PC is pretty much the worst thing ever. Or maybe it's OK in moderation. Which it rarely is.
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Buy and read neuroanatomy made ridiculously simple. You could finish it in one day and it provides a helpful framework for the material you'll see in class. Then go through the Utah site a few times.

NMRS + Utah anatomy site >>>>>> crappy lecture slides from what sounds like a crappy anatomy department.
Is this still a thing

throwing fits over "gay"

Some people use it to refer to things other than homosexual activity

others don't

I don't see why we need to crucify people that do

Reminds me of people getting all uppity over the university of hawaii rainbow warriors. They actually stopped using that out of fear of offending gays, until people realized that was too goddam stupid (the implication being that only gay people can ever, ever refer to rainbows).


PC is pretty much the worst thing ever. Or maybe it's OK in moderation. Which it rarely is.

Can we stop derailing the thread to give middle school level analyses of why we think it's cool to use culturally insensitive vocabulary? The only reason it's "still a thing" is because of people like you.
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Can we stop derailing the thread to give middle school level analyses of why we think it's cool to use culturally insensitive vocabulary? The only reason it's "still a thing" is because of people like you.

Gay is not culturally insensitive. F-g is.
Gay is not culturally insensitive. F-g is.

Ok last post then hopefully we can stop this nonsense. I am not trying to get into an argument but I'll give my .02

Gay, used as a colloquial term in this sense, is culturally insensitive because it implies that being a homosexual is lesser, or something to be looked down on. When you use gay as a synonym for lame, you are equating people who are, in fact, homosexual with being different in a negative way. Think about when gay was first used as stupid or lame-- it was used exactly in this context. Even if you are not homophobic or against gays at all, it can still be offensive in this way.

Alright that's it. Hopefully OP has gotten some advice he can take to the bank and we can end this nonsense.
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This thread gave me gay AIDS
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So as I mentioned before, I am one of the worst students in my class, and I actually (narrowly) failed Gross Anatomy. I have passed every class since then with average scores. But now we're doing Neuroanatomy, and it seems just as gay and horrible and memorization-intensive as Gross. And I'm worried that I will fail this one too.

Do you guys have any Neuroanatomy advice that helped you through the course?
If you failed just one course (narrowly) and then got average scores in all the rest, how could you possibly think that you are one of the worst students in the class?
The math just doesn't add up.
You'll be fine. Take the advice from everyone else. I didn't do great on neuroanatomy so don't want to give my advice.

As to the whole 'gay' thing.... I personally think people are over-reacting but are allowed to have their own opinions.
Reminds me of people getting all uppity over the university of hawaii rainbow warriors. They actually stopped using that out of fear of offending gays, until people realized that was too goddam stupid.

Please don't use the Lord's name in vain; to me that is much more offensive than the term "gay".
But now we're doing Neuroanatomy, and it seems just as gay and horrible

Do you guys have any Neuroanatomy advice that helped you through the course?

Try smoking some fags while studying; the stimulation might help.
That's a reference to nicotinic stimulation, for those unfamiliar with British slang
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Please don't use the Lord's name in vain; to me that is much more offensive than the term "gay".

It's about context, sir. The term gay is not offensive itself, but using it to describe something in a negative fashion may be offensive to others, much like the other poster and the way he was offensive to you. How about you be consistent in your anger and discourage offensive language all together?
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OP, have you never heard the song "Same Love" or watched an episode of "Glee"? You need to be more attuned to popular culture and let the idiocracy mold you so you don't make mistakes like that in the future. Less, the internet-mob will grow angry and destroy your life for the sake of "fairness".
as long as you study you'll be fine. In fact neuroanatomy is quite different from gross anatomy.

edit: and what all about this gay comments about gay culture?
Neuroanatomy was actually fun for myself. But that's because our professor LOVES Neuro and loved to go through brains/brain slices in lab. She never hesitated to help give advice about how to remember certain structures.
Neuroanatomy made simple = win
Know the pathways = win
Know all = win for clinicals. You have to know this stuff. Neuro seemed way more clinically applicable than regular anatomy.
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So as I mentioned before, I am one of the worst students in my class, and I actually (narrowly) failed Gross Anatomy. I have passed every class since then with average scores. But now we're doing Neuroanatomy, and it seems just as gay and horrible and memorization-intensive as Gross. And I'm worried that I will fail this one too.

Do you guys have any Neuroanatomy advice that helped you through the course?

Yes, you'll be top of your class and honoring in no time. You sound more like you're in middle school.
when someone calls someone a "dick" or "prick" do you get upset that they are negatively portraying men and reducing them to their genitals?

strong liberal double standards
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in OP's defense, the brain is probably the gayest organ of them all.
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when someone calls someone a "dick" or "prick" do you get upset that they are negatively portraying men and reducing them to their genitals?

strong liberal double standards

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Yes, you'll be top of your class and honoring in no time. You sound more like you're in middle school.

Did you come here to make derogatory remarks, or give me advice about a subject I'm having trouble in?
For what its worth, my experience is that you should plan to review the testable content a minimum of five times before the exam. This seems very daunting but each subsequent trip through is much faster because you have seen and understand the interrelationships of the content sections. I struggled to do this at first, and had to set a time limit per page and set a timer. When the timer went off, regardless of how far down the page I was I turned and started on the next page. I also had to limit the number of sources I used to study from to a dictionary, anatomy atlas, and the recommended syllabus (it was a bound set of provided pages back then). At the top of each page I made a hash mark each time I had reviewed the page. By the fourth, fifth, and sixth time through, I could flip the page at about a ten second clip and recite the core material per page. You will need to be able to draw the three main tracts, the cranial nerve pathways and recite their functions, describe the axonal transmission at a chemical level, etc. As others have said, its not hard to know how to achieve success in these classes, it is hard to do it though. In my experience repetition is key.

This was my experience…yours may be different:
Barely one time through the content = barely pass
two times through = pass to slightly above average
three times through = above average to high pass
four times through = high pass to honors
five times through = honors to top three scorers
six plus times through = top three scorer
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Did you come here to make derogatory remarks, or give me advice about a subject I'm having trouble in?

Here's some advice: we're not your personal counselor so log off and start looking at your notes.
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Meeting with tutor tomorrow and course coordinator soon after.

What the meetings are probably going to go like:

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Meeting with tutor tomorrow and course coordinator soon after.

What the meetings are probably going to go like:

Why do you put yourself down so much? You're going to be a doctor. Start acting like one.
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Why do you put yourself down so much? You're going to be a doctor. Start acting like one.

I dunno, I guess you could call it learned helplessness or something like that. I came into med school thinking everything would be great and wonderful and amazing, I would work hard and get through it and (within reason) match into whatever I wanted to match.

Never had I dreamed that I would be one of the worst, if not the worst, student in the class. Now, I'm just hoping to limp through the next decade of my life and match into any FP or Peds place.

Oh, about the meetings. The tutor basically told me that, unlike in Biochem and Immuno and Physio, there was nothing that could be done to help me in this Neuroanatomy. The course coordinator did a double take when he saw my exam results from Anatomy, and just told me to read the textbook.
I dunno, I guess you could call it learned helplessness or something like that. I came into med school thinking everything would be great and wonderful and amazing, I would work hard and get through it and (within reason) match into whatever I wanted to match.

Never had I dreamed that I would be one of the worst, if not the worst, student in the class. Now, I'm just hoping to limp through the next decade of my life and match into any FP or Peds place.

Oh, about the meetings. The tutor basically told me that, unlike in Biochem and Immuno and Physio, there was nothing that could be done to help me in this Neuroanatomy. The course coordinator did a double take when he saw my exam results from Anatomy, and just told me to read the textbook.

Nothings ever that helpless when you're gay.
I dunno, I guess you could call it learned helplessness or something like that. I came into med school thinking everything would be great and wonderful and amazing, I would work hard and get through it and (within reason) match into whatever I wanted to match.

Never had I dreamed that I would be one of the worst, if not the worst, student in the class. Now, I'm just hoping to limp through the next decade of my life and match into any FP or Peds place.

Oh, about the meetings. The tutor basically told me that, unlike in Biochem and Immuno and Physio, there was nothing that could be done to help me in this Neuroanatomy. The course coordinator did a double take when he saw my exam results from Anatomy, and just told me to read the textbook.
I don't know what is wrong with your study style but your attitude definitely needs to redevelop whatever confidence you must have had before.

Do you segment your studies? Try breaking each section you guys are studying into palatable sections. A topic or a chapter...designate to study that specific thing for a preset amt of time and then explain it to someone. Note every important detail in bullet points and explain it to yourself. Schedules are brilliant.

Oh, and forget about everyone else in your class. This is about understanding material, not about where you sit among others. Good luck.
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Arkangeloid, I think what Anastomoses is really trying to say is...are you hot? Because she definitely is.
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Blumenfeld's Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases..

Otherwise, it's pretty damn simple. You have downward tracts and upward tracts. They go through certain spaces. Just memorize. Anatomy has not changed in the last 50 years.
I've only had a short experience with neuroanatomy involving the spinal cord pathways so far, but I actually enjoyed it. To me it was much more logical to follow than regular anatomy. Other than that I'm not sure what kind of advice you are looking for, work hard and you should be okay.

On a side note, Im surprised by how sensitive most people in this thread are.
I've only had a short experience with neuroanatomy involving the spinal cord pathways so far, but I actually enjoyed it. To me it was much more logical to follow than regular anatomy. Other than that I'm not sure what kind of advice you are looking for, work hard and you should be okay.

On a side note, Im surprised by how sensitive most people in this thread are.

Wait till you get to special senses and vascular brainstem injuries, then tell us how much you enjoy neuroanatomy.
Do you mean gay as in happy or gay as in homosexual? Or both?
Is neuroanatomy homosexual?
Is neuroanatomy happy?
Is neuroanatomy happily homosexual?

I'm confused.