2010-2011 Harvard Application Thread

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I also think it's most likely a rejection or WL at this point based on previous years, though looking at this thread it seems like at least 2 batches were sent out already (one around 7 PM EST and one around 7:30 EST - am I reading this correctly?). So that already seems a little different from the one-batch thing it looks like they used to do (though we don't know for sure obviously). Also it looks like ~5 people have posted on mdapps that they were accepted, which is relatively small if all acceptances were released. But then again, it makes no sense as to why they would stagger the acceptances - wouldn't they just use a mail merge or something like that?

Anyway hope we all find out soon, one way or another! :luck:

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I also think it's most likely a rejection or WL at this point based on previous years, though looking at this thread it seems like at least 2 batches were sent out already (one around 7 PM EST and one around 7:30 EST - am I reading this correctly?). So that already seems a little different from the one-batch thing it looks like they used to do (though we don't know for sure obviously). Also it looks like ~5 people have posted on mdapps that they were accepted, which is relatively small if all acceptances were released. But then again, it makes no sense as to why they would stagger the acceptances - wouldn't they just use a mail merge or something like that?

Anyway hope we all find out soon, one way or another! :luck:

I'm realistically not expecting to get into HMS at this point, but I'm still hopeful. I wish everyone the best of luck!
^ I think the 30 minute difference is a reasonable time difference if they're using a program that automatically staggers sending email to avoid being marked as a spam source. We use that routinely when we contact over 1000 email addresses (I run a program for high school students) so that our emails don't end up in the junk folder. However, it is our experience that <300 or 400 emails you can still safely send out in one go without getting it marked as spam, so if they're only sending out ~250 I don't know why they would need to stagger it.

Either case, I personally think that the 30 minute difference is too short for it to actually be considered "two waves." For example, if another batch got in today, then I think definitely that's a distinct wave.

For people still concerned, they are not going by last name or first name order, and not by institution either. It's hard to know how many acceptances they sent out but I doubt so many from my school (top 5) will have already gotten in if this is still the "early round."
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Maybe they're staggering acceptances because they want to wait for people to accept or reject the offers, and then offer the acceptances that were turned down to other applicants who otherwise would have been waitlisted?
I have never seen a thread full of more unhopeful applicants!

CONGRATS to all of those who have been accepted!!!

and Seriously, all those who are waiting stop playing the doomsday song in your head and on SDN.
Maybe they're staggering acceptances because they want to wait for people to accept or reject the offers, and then offer the acceptances that were turned down to other applicants who otherwise would have been waitlisted?

I don't think this makes sense. Most people hold acceptances until May 15 or close to it, especially for top schools. Sending the emails a few days later would make very negligible difference there. Whatever the news is, I hope they'll send the rest of them out soon.
Cornell is a realllllllllllllly nice school, with lots of opportunities for research at sloan kettering and Rockerfellar, one of the best hospitals- NY Presbyterian, and in one of the most exclusive areas of manhattan. I’m not bias or anything, lol, but must say I’m a bit jealous :) congrats

Thanks a lot. I am seriously considering Cornell because I thought it was pretty awesome but UMASS is sooooo cheap that it's hard to turn down. The presence of SK and Rock and definite pluses. I am also sorta interested in ortho at this point so I like the presence of HSS. Again, money talks so we'll see. It's nice to have options:). Too bad Harvard won't be one of them :cry:

I don't think this makes sense. Most people hold acceptances until May 15 or close to it, especially for top schools. Sending the emails a few days later would make very negligible difference there. Whatever the news is, I hope they'll send the rest of them out soon.

Well that is assuming all acceptances weren't sent out yesterday. I know someone upthread called the admissions office and they said more will be released next week, but that could just be the standard response the staff is instructed to give.
I have never seen a thread full of more unhopeful applicants!

CONGRATS to all of those who have been accepted!!!

and Seriously, all those who are waiting stop playing the doomsday song in your head and on SDN.

It's not like we are being unhopeful for no reason. We are simply basing our unhopefulness on past threads.
Just got the waitlist email. Looks like the game's up for me.
Best of luck to everyone still waiting to hear back!!
Well that is assuming all acceptances weren't sent out yesterday. I know someone upthread called the admissions office and they said more will be released next week, but that could just be the standard response the staff is instructed to give.

Oh yeah, I'm not saying that all the acceptances were definitely sent out yesterday (who knows?). Just that the rationale that by waiting a few days to stagger acceptances, they'd get people to decline in those days so that they could offer it to someone else - I think that's unlikely. Most people will probably hold their acceptances for awhile even if they ultimately decide to go elsewhere.

Anyway, best of luck everyone!
got the waitlist email as well. 30 waitlisted for HST, 50 for NP.
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Just got the waitlist email. Looks like the game's up for me.
Best of luck to everyone still waiting to hear back!!

Waitlisted as well. Oh well, at least it's not a rejection, so I don't feel as bad. Cornell MD/PhD is looking pretty good to me right now. :) Overall, feeling much better now that I know than I was yesterday. Congrats to everyone who got in!
Yeah a WL is still a great job! So would you require movement off the list before May 15th to avoid losing other acceptances? Anyone know how that would work? hmm...
Yeah a WL is still a great job! So would you require movement off the list before May 15th to avoid losing other acceptances? Anyone know how that would work? hmm...

I *thought* the way it works is that you can only hold one acceptance on May 15, but you could stay on the waitlist somewhere, but I would have to look into it if I do decide to stay on this waitlist.
I agree...I really hope they don't wait to send out rejections until next week...
Oh come on Harvard...don't make me wait out the weekend...:(
Yes, reading over last year's thread shows all SDN acceptance activity happening on the same day (although that was March 15th and this year was March 3rd), with no further reported acceptances after that. No one can know for sure, obviously. I'm sure 2011-2012 will be watching this thread intensely when it comes time for them to find out. Hello people from the future :laugh:

I could make a guess to say that the vast majority of us yet to be notified have acceptances elsewhere? It might do us some good to look at the programs/opportunities at those schools that inspire us, because bottom line is the same - we're gonna be doctors, baby! An acceptance is a victory, without a doubt :thumbup:

You are awesome! I am with you 100%! :thumbup: :)
I *thought* the way it works is that you can only hold one acceptance on May 15, but you could stay on the waitlist somewhere, but I would have to look into it if I do decide to stay on this waitlist.

I believe the AAMC Traffic Rules is that you can only take ONE acceptance, but you can stay on as many WLs as you like past May 15.
They're probably waiting till after 5 to send the rejections so they don't have to deal with anyone calling the office crying

LOOOOL so true. The fact that waitlists are out probably means that the acceptances are done completely too.
LOOOOL so true. The fact that waitlists are out probably means that the acceptances are done completely too.

I don't understand why admissions would throw out a BS answer. It's not really revealing anything of national security status to say that all acceptances have been sent out. It seems like they did the same thing last year too =/. Kinda mean/douchy of them to not be straight up with us despite us waiting for months and months. :(
Just got an email saying, "You have been selected!.... for Paypal Rewards"

Haha... oh the horror.
I don't understand why admissions would throw out a BS answer. It's not really revealing anything of national security status to say that all acceptances have been sent out. It seems like they did the same thing last year too =/. Kinda mean/douchy of them to not be straight up with us despite us waiting for months and months. :(

called, all acceptances/waitlists are already sent. rejections will be sent out by monday. Good luck with the other schools guys :)
called, all acceptances/waitlists are already sent. rejections will be sent out by monday. Good luck with the other schools guys :)

Could someone confirm this? I'm not by a phone.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

- Theodore Roosevelt.... A Harvard Man ;), so give it your all, acceptees :thumbup: & Congratulations!
i called the admissions office and was told that they hope to have all decisions out by the end of today if everything holds up. I asked to clarify if any would be sent on monday and he replied as i said we hope to have them out by the end of today but he would not specify what time that was.
Naijaboi!!! where are you at? lol I dont think you fasted enough.... hahaahaha
Rejected 4:57 EST...the dream lasted as long as it could have I guess. Interviewed 9/17
Rejected as well.

Interviewed 1/20. Good luck to everyone else still in the running.
hmm, when are they going to send the preinterview rejections?
Rejected as well - interviewed 10/2. Oh well - it was fun while it lasted!
REEEEEEJECTED. Apparently, they were waiting for 5pm so people wouldn't call to cry lol. email was postmarked 4:54 pm. Goodbye HMS thread and congrats to all acceptees. I am peacing out.
Rejected. :( At least they didn't make us wait until next week. It was fun while it lasted, Harvard.

Congrats to the accepted students! Good luck to the waitlisters!
I was rejected as well. Thank you Harvard for not prolonging this state of uncertainty by holding out on us till next week. As someone said upthread, it's now time to start focusing on other schools and start making concrete plans.

Finally, hearty congratulations to all those who were accepted! I am sure you folks worked very hard for this. Good luck!
Rejected via email. Disappointing, of course, but good luck to other applicants who are still waiting.
Rejected!!! Disappointing, but hey thanks Harvard for even considering I guess that's good enough for now. Good luck everyone wherever you go and to everyone who got accepted, great job and congrats you all deserve it!
DENIED! Got the email around 5 too. It was fun to think it could happen though. Congrats to all those who get in!
The waitlist is actually the most prestigious of all. Fewer people get selected for the waitlist than the actual class
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