2009-2010 Case Western Reserve University Application Thread

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UP! sooo excited!!!

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Thanks! Anyone still looking for a roommate?

Also, is there a facebook group yet?
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Did you check out the Hessler Street Fair?:D Or the Adelbert book sale? :D :D

The weekend of Hessler Street Fair is one of my favorite of the year! It happens most years, the weekend before Memorial Day weekend. Yesterday was very busy with lots of good people and music! If you're in town when it happens, it's worth checking out. Okay, so I suppose I should have posted this BEFORE this past weekend. :smack:

Well, now you know for next year. :cool:
Hey all, I decided to decline my seat at CCLCM today, so unfortunately I won't be joining you guys next year. But that means one lucky soul will probably get a call sometime in the near future. Good luck guys! :D
Did you check out the Hessler Street Fair?:D Or the Adelbert book sale? :D :D

I saw both, actually, but I was on a 'buisness trip' scouting out locations to live. :( I did have fun 'after hours' at Night Town (They have my most favorite beer on tap: Bell's Oberon). They even have a place for rent above the bar....hmmmmm...that has disaster written all over it! :laugh:

Most rental places are 'by appointment only' on Sunday and limited open office hours on Saturday. I suggest people contact the larger management companies ahead of time and set a few appointments up before getting there. We did follow CCLCMer's advice and drive around town and randomly called people up, but you need to get out there early if you want the weekend to be productive. Better yet would be to do this on a weekday if possible!
Hey all, I decided to decline my seat at CCLCM today, so unfortunately I won't be joining you guys next year. But that means one lucky soul will probably get a call sometime in the near future. Good luck guys! :D

Good luck in NYC! I would expect someone else should be getting The Call very shortly! :luck::xf::thumbup:
Anyone know if an online copy of an immunization record is cool with Case's University Health Services? Haven't heard anything about it, but I also don't want to go through orientation with bandages all over my arms in case the physical record doesn't get to Case in time.

And when can we waive the health insurance?
Anyone know if an online copy of an immunization record is cool with Case's University Health Services? Haven't heard anything about it, but I also don't want to go through orientation with bandages all over my arms in case the physical record doesn't get to Case in time.

And when can we waive the health insurance?

I think it has to be signed by a health care provider of some kind.
I figured I would help with getting to the 5k mark by letting you all know I got the call today from Christian for UP. I'll be seeing everyone in July!

Keep the hope alive for those of you still waiting.
I figured I would help with getting to the 5k mark by letting you all know I got the call today from Christian for UP. I'll be seeing everyone in July!

Keep the hope alive for those of you still waiting.

Congrats! :D See you on the other side of summer!:D
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Hey all, The waitlist is still moving, got the call this morning!!

I figured I would help with getting to the 5k mark by letting you all know I got the call today from Christian for UP. I'll be seeing everyone in July!

Keep the hope alive for those of you still waiting.

Congratulations AmyB425 and tangerine1584!!
should we pretty much give up hope on the waitlist if we haven't sent in any LOIs?
should we pretty much give up hope on the waitlist if we haven't sent in any LOIs?

There are a number of people who have gotten off the waitlist without letters of interest/intent, but it couldn't hurt to send one.:luck:
What do the UPers think of the facilities that Case has? I remember seeing two (?) rec-kinda rooms, but wasn't sure if there were others. Are there study nooks around, or group study areas? Pleasant to work in? Or is all the work done in those large rooms? Also, how do you guys like the anatomy labs? I never got a chance to see them, so I'm quite curious...
What do the UPers think of the facilities that Case has? I remember seeing two (?) rec-kinda rooms, but wasn't sure if there were others. Are there study nooks around, or group study areas? Pleasant to work in? Or is all the work done in those large rooms? Also, how do you guys like the anatomy labs? I never got a chance to see them, so I'm quite curious...

There are a number of study locations available to you at any given time. You could use the IQ rooms, sit at a desk in your society room, sit at a desk in someone else's society room, take up residency in the fishbowl, occupy the 5th floor conference room, take over any of the lounges, install yourself in one of the desks, tables, or group rooms in the library, camp out in the BRB, or lounge in the UH atrium.

If you're looking for rec spaces, there's the third and fourth floor lounges, Veale (free campus gym) across the street, 1-2-1 (not free, but supposedly worth it) more or less right next to it, the football and baseball fields on North Campus, and Wade Oval.

The anatomy labs are anatomy labs.:laugh: They are rooms with cadavers in them--nothin' fancy, but they serve their purpose well.
I hate Gray's anatomy with the frozen ire of a million supermassive black holes. But, some people love it to death, so there are a lot of ways you could go there. Also, they're all available in the library, so depending on when you do your reading, it could really work out well for you, economically. In terms of atlases, Thieme's is an all-around favorite, with Rohen's as the de facto photographic accompaniment. Both are totally worth it, but, again, try before you buy, if you buy at all. I'm pretty sure most people buy online, as the bookstore is a fairly typical BN-run operation (which is to say grossly overpriced). I think someone was working on revising the booklist to reflect which ones you would actually need, so I'll see if I can't find that for you.:thumbup:

Oh, and I'm sure there'll be a number of newly-christened second years anxious to sell you things.:)

(A lot of these books are online in one way or another through md consult, access medicine, etc.)

Iceman77_7 said:
I would recommend either buying the books from older students where you'll get a great deal, or going to allbookstores.com where you can compare book prices from all the major retailers (and some not so major ones too) in an apples-to-apples comparison with shipping included. I believe Code Blue has a whole section on the most recommended texts, I defer to that because it has more than just my input. However, for anatomy, I think the Moore text for anatomy is the best, in addition to Rohan (neither of which are the recommended texts this year).

Thank you for the input! So the "required" texts as listed by Case are more like "suggested" texts, where I may supplement other books if desired?

For Example:
Gray's for students 2nd edition is required. If desired, could I purchase the first edition, or even buy an entirely different anatomy book (such as moores)? What do you use for anatomy myuu?

I'm assuming we won't have assigned readings from the book (say: pages 85-115 of Grays), but more of a directed "learn about x,y and z in the cardiovascular system," is this correct? Do I NEED the "required" book to get my work done, or are other books equivalent?

If I can use other books instead, I'll have to check out some bookstores around my house and determine my fancy.

Also, have you guys purchased your First aid for the match / board prep books yet? Is that an end of the first year ritual?

Thank you for the input! So the "required" texts as listed by Case are more like "suggested" texts, where I may supplement other books if desired?

For Example:
Gray's for students 2nd edition is required. If desired, could I purchase the first edition, or even buy an entirely different anatomy book (such as moores)? What do you use for anatomy myuu?

I'm assuming we won't have assigned readings from the book (say: pages 85-115 of Grays), but more of a directed "learn about x,y and z in the cardiovascular system," is this correct? Do I NEED the "required" book to get my work done, or are other books equivalent?

If I can use other books instead, I'll have to check out some bookstores around my house and determine my fancy.

Also, have you guys purchased your First aid for the match / board prep books yet? Is that an end of the first year ritual?

Well, you could always hang out at the library and find out when you get here. If you don't have your ID yet, I could check them out for you. :hungover:

I really much prefer Moore's for anatomy, but everyone is different.:thumbup: And yes, I do have First Aid 2010, as do several other students. It's not great for primary learning, but it is an excellent review tool.:thumbup:
Now, if you said FLORIDA...you would laugh at our midwest humidity...I personally value my sleep. I will likely be getting a window unit (800 BTUs) just to keep the humidity down at night to sleep in the bedroom.
I can handle dry heat, but heat in Kansas = not-quite-Florida-(or Virginia)-swamplike-but-ewww. By this conversation, looks like I'm in for not much of a change, except that less heat = less horrid humidity.

So since I'm currently fervently house/apt hunting I'm really curious about this conversation. I'm all for A/C, even if it's not as hot as here. But I’m not sure about central vs window units, as I haven’t had a window unit since freshman year, circa 1929. (KC summer heat makes central A/C almost mandatory.) Do they do a decent job in Cleveland summer weather? Are they enough for all rooms, even upstairs? Are they all obnoxiously loud (like the lawnmower-motor one my dorm had in our window)?
UP! sooo excited!!!
I figured I would help with getting to the 5k mark by letting you all know I got the call today from Christian for UP. I'll be seeing everyone in July!
Congratulations guys! Looking forward to meeting you in July :D

If you haven't gone through it already, there are a lot of juicy bits of info about apartments and laptops in this thread....just have to wade through some post-counting wars +pad+ and vc7777's 18 page soliloquy (or perhaps schizo enough for it to be considered a dialogue at that point?:smuggrin:) which btw was Oscar-worthy in its self-reflection!

Meh...can't complain...I have been given too much to whine about a few bumps in the road...Donkeys...lot's of pack mules...and a llama.
I aspirated on my lemonade laughing at that one. I've been working on moving logistics too, trying to figure out how many feet of movingtruck our 2BR will need. (We would need an entire herd of llama, so I'm going for automobiles.) It's like playing complex mental Tetris without a clear concept of the dimensional layout inside the truck T_T I'm just going to have to overshoot it, in the end, lest my bed end up not fitting or something tragic.

I decided to go with UPack like someone suggested. Anyone have experience moving with them before? I'm curious how it ends up working out space-wise and time-wise.
In case you UPers haven't looked at iapply recently, theres a new link on the very bottom that has a ton of information. Of that information presented, we have a summer reading assignment, "Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science." I got a copy off amazon for $5 shipped, check them out.
Nerd alert inc. With that being said, I'm going to the RENAISSANCE FAIR later today. No outfit, but I'm STOKED. / nerd
I am so happy that my classmates are openly displaying their nerdocity. I feel at home already. Renfests are a blast - I particularly love trying archery and throwing knives :D Tho I suck, TBH, thwarting my ability to be an effective ninja. Med school was my backup plan.

I just snagged one off of Amazon too, thx for the price quote!
*self-high-five for 3 consecutive posts!*
Watch, it will be one of us less-obsessed posters who steals the 5k >:3
My intention is to only use a window unit for the few weeks of the year to keep the bedroom less-humid. I suspect that they haven't changed much in years since my youth...that is, they are still loud and obnoxious eye-sores. :(

As for the 5k comment...:shifty: I am SURE there are plenty of lurkers hoping for that spot on the thread...[/paranoia]
My intention is to only use a window unit for the few weeks of the year to keep the bedroom less-humid. I suspect that they haven't changed much in years since my youth...that is, they are still loud and obnoxious eye-sores. :(

As for the 5k comment...:shifty: I am SURE there are plenty of lurkers hoping for that spot on the thread...[/paranoia]

Certain places have central air (or so I've been told). Some of the newer window units aren't too bad. They no longer weigh half a ton and aren't too noisy. Fans really are pretty popular and a lot of apartment have built-in ceiling fans. Some apartments are in buildings built in the 1920's with older wiring. I see plenty of window A/C units in these buildings, but it is something to keep in mind.

Hope this helps.

Oh, and I guess I'd be considered a "lurker." So, to allay your concern, I won't even THINK about posting near the 5K mark.

Probably. :D
Certain places have central air (or so I've been told). Some of the newer window units aren't too bad. They no longer weigh half a ton and aren't too noisy. Fans really are pretty popular and a lot of apartment have built-in ceiling fans. Some apartments are in buildings built in the 1920's with older wiring. I see plenty of window A/C units in these buildings, but it is something to keep in mind.

Hope this helps.
Yup it does...I've got a place now (almost) lined up. It has ceiling fans and no central air, but I think I might suffer the first summer to see if I can stand it (watch me break down the first week of August and buy one. - I'm such a pansy :) )
musictomed said:
Oh, and I guess I'd be considered a "lurker." So, to allay your concern, I won't even THINK about posting near the 5K mark.

Probably. :D

I KNEW IT! AH-HAH! :smuggrin:
Yup it does...I've got a place now (almost) lined up. It has ceiling fans and no central air, but I think I might suffer the first summer to see if I can stand it (watch me break down the first week of August and buy one. - I'm such a pansy :) )

How are you going about house / apt. hunting? Are you doing the legwork in person? Do you live close?

How are you going about house / apt. hunting? Are you doing the legwork in person? Do you live close?


I'm apartment hunting right now too, but from a distance. I called up a few students and asked them if they knew of any openings in good areas, and got a lot of good landlord references from them. I'm flying in tomorrow night to check out a few places. I set up appointments to see seven apartments on Thursday, and I'm hoping to drive around and check out other places before flying out Friday. I can't wait to have a good idea of where I'll actually be living! (I don't know if you wanted to know that, but I thought I'd chip in anyway.)

BTW--Clostridium research? (I know, I'm an MDapps stalker.) Some of my labmates just started working with C. Diff. Today was my last day, and leaving that stuff behind was one of the only things that made leaving bearable! Worst... Smell... Ever...
You ever get the feeling that you're driving around Cleveland in the middle of May and people on the street are staring at you like you're wearing an adorably odd fleece penguin hat?

Apparently, I was driving around Cleveland in the middle of May with people staring at me because I was wearing an adorably odd fleece penguin hat.

(...and didn't realize it until I was parked again. S'what I get for showing my friends what I got at Hessler.:laugh::laugh::laugh:)
How are you going about house / apt. hunting? Are you doing the legwork in person? Do you live close?


Took my llama and rode into town last weekend. Many of the larger apartment complexes around town are managed by a small number of companies. Sort of one stop shopping. Set up meetings in advance before I got into town. Plus, I drove around town and called names of places off the signs. It works OK. If you can to it during the week you will have more success than me. Many of the places has limited hours on Saturday and only show apartments by appointment on Sunday. So it is probably best to be there during the week.
Took my llama and rode into town last weekend. Many of the larger apartment complexes around town are managed by a small number of companies. Sort of one stop shopping. Set up meetings in advance before I got into town. Plus, I drove around town and called names of places off the signs. It works OK. If you can to it during the week you will have more success than me. Many of the places has limited hours on Saturday and only show apartments by appointment on Sunday. So it is probably best to be there during the week.

I can't really muster the funds to fly out + rent a car + hotel for 2-3 nights to look from CA, so when I throw all my stuff into the back of my explorer and drive to Ohio in a month, I'll have to look for an apartment then.

I hope I can find a place late June / early July, but then again, there were a LOT of "for rent" signs up during second look.
I'm apartment hunting right now too, but from a distance. I called up a few students and asked them if they knew of any openings in good areas, and got a lot of good landlord references from them. I'm flying in tomorrow night to check out a few places. I set up appointments to see seven apartments on Thursday, and I'm hoping to drive around and check out other places before flying out Friday. I can't wait to have a good idea of where I'll actually be living! (I don't know if you wanted to know that, but I thought I'd chip in anyway.)

BTW--Clostridium research? (I know, I'm an MDapps stalker.) Some of my labmates just started working with C. Diff. Today was my last day, and leaving that stuff behind was one of the only things that made leaving bearable! Worst... Smell... Ever...

Ya, all my Clostridium homeboys smell just god awful. But honestly, I miss the fragrance sometimes, it really redefines the term intoxicating.
question for CCLCM students:

did anyone else get the email about preceptors earlier today? thing is I am waitlisted..does that mean I was accepted? I was never informed...or maybe they sent the email to people on the waitlist as well??
question for CCLCM students:

did anyone else get the email about preceptors earlier today? thing is I am waitlisted..does that mean I was accepted? I was never informed...or maybe they sent the email to people on the waitlist as well??

Yes, we received the same email today. However, I am not sure what the means for you?:confused:
Hmmm... I'm accepted and I didn't get that one...

check your spam folder because the subject line is "FYI"...maybe my email was meant for you..ill email them back and let them know that I am waitlisted
check your spam folder because the subject line is "FYI"...maybe my email was meant for you..ill email them back and let them know that I am waitlisted

Nope, not in spam... BTW, has Case stopped sending out email newsletters? I haven't gotten one of those in well over a month.

*Enters paranoid "what if I was accidentally dropped mode" :scared:
Nope, not in spam... BTW, has Case stopped sending out email newsletters? I haven't gotten one of those in well over a month.

*Enters paranoid "what if I was accidentally dropped mode" :scared:

just want to clarify this is for CCLCM not UP...haha i was hoping i was accepted but its looking like the email was meant for you!! I just sent them an email
just want to clarify this is for CCLCM not UP...haha i was hoping i was accepted but its looking like the email was meant for you!!

:thumbup: CCLCM. I hope your accepted--that would be sweet. But you can't have my spot!
:thumbup: CCLCM. I hope your accepted--that would be sweet. But you can't have my spot!

The e-mail shows all 32 e-mail addresses that received the e-mail (they didn't BCC). You can PM me with your e-mail address and I can let you know if your name appears on the list or if you feel more comfortable you could contact someone that you know is already accepted to see if your name appears on the list. By any chance does your g-mail address end with 686? because there seems to be a typo because its typed as "@agmail.com" I am assuming they meant to type @gmail.com

haha i am over-analyzing this wayy too much
The e-mail shows all 32 e-mail addresses that received the e-mail (they didn't BCC). You can PM me with your e-mail address and I can let you know if your name appears on the list or if you feel more comfortable you could contact someone that you know is already accepted to see if your name appears on the list. By any chance does your g-mail address end with 686? because there seems to be a typo because its typed as "@agmail.com" I am assuming they meant to type @gmail.com

haha i am over-analyzing this wayy too much

Thanks, I just PMed you.
Phew! Just a typo... SDN has made me paranoid... :eek:
Phew! Just a typo... SDN has made me paranoid... :eek:

yeah there seem to be a few typos in the e-mail addresses so if you didn't receive an email about preceptors and are accepted to CCLCM then you should contact them to let them know
question for CCLCM students:

did anyone else get the email about preceptors earlier today? thing is I am waitlisted..does that mean I was accepted? I was never informed...or maybe they sent the email to people on the waitlist as well??

Since there are only 32 email addresses, my highly speculative guess is that you are going to be accepted, particularly since no one has reported getting a call yet after Cowaabungaa dropped his spot. Check your voice mail, maybe? :)
Phew! Just a typo... SDN has made me paranoid... :eek:
Hahaha! Me too... My original (UP) email came with someone else's name on it. Dear "insertsomeothergirl'snamehere", Congratulations!"
but I didn't even notice until my husband mentioned it later. I was just floating in joyshock from the words "CWRU Acceptance!"

A few PVCs later, I checked my phone and it had the voice message from Dr. Mehta on it. I emailed Christian just to be sure, and yes it was a typo. He was so apologetic and sweet about it! He sent me another email and sincere apologies ^_^ hahaha

I thought it was hilarious, I understand how easy it is to make a mistake after sending out a ton of standard msgs where you change the name on them - I have to do that frequently at work and I've sent out the wrong name before myself >_<

So now I know the name of the student who was accepted prior to me :laugh:
Just out of curiosity..how many extra years does it take to do a PhD for CCLCM? Can it be done in 2 extra years (7 years total)?
Which laptop did you guys decide on?
PC for me, but can't decide btw 14" and 15"
I read Meat's digest (lol) on the models, but I'm still torn heh
(I plan to buy it from Case for the warranty etc.)

I was a little bummed that they weren't tablets. Those are sweetness.
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