study plan

  1. S

    Overwhelmed: help figuring out where to start

    I've started and stopped multiple attempts at a MCAT study schedule and am having a hard time figuring out what will be best for me. I'm a non-trad who has been out of school for quite some time to take care of a disabled family member. I tried Kaplan's online course and had trouble keeping up...
  2. C

    Oral Board Study Plan - Ultimate Board Prep

    Does anyone have advice on how to actually move through Ultimate Board Prep? What study schedule did you use? How much time did you take to prepare? Did you do one case a day? Two? Did you read through the case first then practice out loud? Did you practice out loud first then read through? Did...
  3. U

    USMD step 1 where to start...?

    hi, So I’ve been lurking around here a little bit, and I’ve just finished my first year in medical school. A little bit about me: I got into an MD school through a BS/BAMD program that didn’t require a minimum MCAT. Although I studied very hard and scored pretty high/consistently high on my...
  4. F

    MCAT Study Plan Question!

    Hey y’all! I would love your feedback and advice on this! A few things to note before: - I have a pretty solid science background - test is on July 28th - my goal is 510-514 I have been studying for the MCAT for 1.5 weeks and it’s been going well. I’ve been using tpr and finished 2 books and...
  5. stressedandpremed

    Should I void my June MCAT after taking it and immediately reschedule?

    Hi everyone! Long-time SDN lurker here finally making a post because I desperately need advice. I'm currently scheduled to take the 6/1 MCAT. Today I scored a 510 on my AAMC FL 2 (128/129/128/125). My studying as a whole was admittedly poorly structured -- I took a Kaplan course over winter...
  6. psyflgirl

    Content Review. Rereading chapters?

    Hello, I have been studying fro 3 months now, I have been doing flashcards as I go but I have not practiced them as much as I would want to. Last week I sat down with all my flashcards and I realized that except for the ones I did within the last two weeks I can barely remember any content from...
  7. MCAT Self Prep

    MCAT 5 Key Elements of a Good Study Plan

    I believe that one of my most important jobs as a tutor is helping my students develop good study plans, and some of my students have followed their plans to achieve scores in the 100th percentile. In this MCAT tip, I want to share 5 of the most important elements of a good study plan...
  8. radmikeli

    AFK 2018 exchange of info, resources and everything else

    Hi to all AFK enthusiasts, I'm starting with my preparation for the AFK exam and gathering all the info and study material that I can get my hands on. Since I'm in a situation that I've finished my education more than 8 years ago and, consequently, forgot all the small print and details...
  9. D

    6 month step 1 study plan with P/F 1.5 precinical?

    My school is P/F with 1.5 preclinical years in organ systems. I currently have 4ish more months of class and then 2 months of dedicated. I have tried to follow along this year with pathoma, FA, and some USMLERx questions, but it has been patchy. I really want to get serious about studying now. I...
  10. M

    6 month Study Plan MCAT

    Hi Everyone!! I'm looking for a 6 month MCAT study plan using TPR and AAMC materials mainly. I plan on taking the MCAT in May and I'm going to start studying in November, giving me six months. If anyone has a plan they would like to share I would really appreciate it. Any tips will help too...
  11. PapaGuava

    Reviewing for the MCAT twice?

    Hi everyone, I wanted to ask the community about a brief plan i had thought about in regards to studying for the MCAT. I plan the take the MCAT at the end of Spring in 2018, so I was thinking I could do some content review in sections i haven't seen in a while. For example, I was thinking...
  12. N

    Please critique my self-study plan

    Hi guys. I'm a long-time lurker here and the time has come for me to make my own self-study plan. I fell in love with the schedule posted by @littlebear92 for its incorporation of many FLs, break days, and official AAMC materials. Without further ado, you can access my study plan below (only...
  13. A

    Step 1 Preparation Material/Method Inputs

    I'm currently a 3rd year IMG so I have another 2 years until I write my Step 1. I was planning on snailing my way now until I finish medical school and then into dedicated studying for 5 months. For starters, my basics are really not that great. Instead of reading the comprehensive books again...
  14. freedoctor17

    Kaplan Materials for study plan

  15. MCAT Self Prep

    MCAT MCAT Tip: How to Prepare for the MCAT Behavioral Science Section

    How can I best prepare for the behavioral science section of the MCAT? When the AAMC remade the MCAT in 2015, they added a new section, the behavioral science section. The section covers both sociology and psychology. Becase there is no resource out there that covers every single term you might...
  16. MCAT Self Prep

    MCAT MCAT Tip: How to Start Studying for the MCAT

    How should I start studying for the MCAT? The first thing you will want to do as you start studying for the MCAT is to set an MCAT goal. Setting an MCAT goal will give you needed direction as you decide how much time to devote to studying. It will also help you as you make your MCAT study plan...
  17. MCAT Self Prep

    MCAT MCAT Tip: The Best MCAT Prep Books

    Which MCAT prep books are the best? After analyzing the experiences of over 50 students that scored between the 95th and 100th percentile, we came to the conclusion that there isn’t a “best” MCAT prep book. We came to the conclusion that the students that score well on the MCAT tend to use a...
  18. P

    Study Plan for MSI/MSII and Boards

    Hey everyone! I've been perusing SDN since getting accepted to DO school last September, and have been looking through various study plans that were used by successful students on here. I ended up combining the ones I liked and thought would work well with my learning style into one big study...
  19. Doctor or bust

    Study Planning and exercise

    So I have begun planning my summer as I'll be taking the MCAT at the end of this summer and due to my heavy current course load I won't begin studying until the summer. Therefore, this summer I plan to study the MCAT as if it is a full time job between 40-50 hours a week until I take it. I was...
  20. N

    When to incorporate AAMC material into study plan?

    Hello all, I got access to the question pack 1, Online Practice Questions from The Official Guide to the MCAT Exam, section banks, along with the sample and the two scored FLs. I am planning to take the MCAT at the end of April. I am currently doing content review. My question is, when you...
  21. J

    Need help a$ap rocky

    Hey guys, I apologize if I can easily find this information elsewhere but I'm super stressed right now. Due to circumstances out of my control, I have to take the MCAT on Jan 19th and I don't really have a choice for a later date. Please let me know best content review materials for each of the...
  22. FutureDrOcean

    Prepping for a 522 - an alternate way...

    Hey all, So I've read a lot of threads and posts on here about students worried about their performance on an upcoming MCAT. I know many students take a fairly ubiquitous route of cramming for a summer before taking the MCAT end of summer or beginning of fall. Since I took a less-traveled route...
  23. CavsFan2016

    27 (1st try) to 35 (re-take) - What I did

    Hey guys, I always thought it was really helpful when I saw other user's study schedules for the MCAT, so I thought I would share my story as well. I took the old MCAT in January 2014 and got a 27 (10/9/8) 60th percentile. I was a little depressed, thinking my chances of getting into an MD...
  24. X

    4 Months to study with Kaplan class, suggestions for building a study plan?

    So, I just registered for the Kaplan in-person MCAT prep. I currently have access to prep materials like Kaplan ebooks, practice questions, the flashcard app, and the MCAT channel. Actual classes start May 25th and end July 27th, there are 12 sessions. I would like to begin studying as soon as...
  25. Asclepius293

    1 Month left till MCAT! Prep Plan?

    Hey SDN family, For the last 3 months, I've been enrolled in a Kaplan course and have been doing light review. I am currently at the one month mark with my MCAT scheduled for May 20. Here is my plan for the home stretch. Week 1: Do 2 full lengths and do a final review of the...
  26. I

    DAT in 2 months and I haven't started... Help!

    Hi there, I am scheduled to take DAT in two months and I still don't have a study plan. I need suggestions from you guys. I am currently taking 8 credits (orgo 2 and physics 2) and working on weekends. My classes will end around 20th April that will leave me with a month only. I know its...
  27. R

    just passed Maryland MPJE

    Took the MD MPJE 3/16, got my results 3/21. Passed with a 90. I studied using Reiss Guide to Federal Pharmacy and the MPHA pharmacy law book. I also bought the 150 Maryland practice questions along with 300 federal questions. I read Federal twice and MPHA book twice. I read...
  28. Formation

    Study plan feedback?

    Hi! So I'm taking the MCAT in May and I'm trying to figure out the best practice study plan now that I've finally finished content review (which I admit, I didn't put a whole lot of effort into due to being busy with school and ECs). I have 8 FLs (3 TPR, 3 Kaplan, 2 AAMC). Finals end on May...
  29. D

    USMLE Step 1 Study Plan: ~50% UFAP, ~50% UWorld?

    So I'm planning my step 1 study schedule and I'd guess I'd like a sanity check to make sure I don't miss anything important. I'm taking my test in early June, so I should have about 22 weeks before the test (5 of which are my dedicated study period). I have USMLERx Flash Facts and QMax, UWorld...
  30. D

    MCAT Books vs text books

    Hi! I am currently making a study plan to study for the mcat. Here is my situation now. I graduated as a bio major last May. I have not taken psych in college because I took AP psych in highschool. I did one semester of soc in my sophmore year but don't remember much of it because it because...
  31. tws1994

    MCAT Preparation

    I have been generously gifted MCAT 2015 review books from Princeton Review, Kaplan, and Exam Krackers, however I'm having a terribly difficult time developing a study plan for myself. I feel like I have so many materials I don't know how to use all of them. Does anyone have any tips for how to...