USMLE Step 1 Study Plan: ~50% UFAP, ~50% UWorld?

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Jan 9, 2016
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So I'm planning my step 1 study schedule and I'd guess I'd like a sanity check to make sure I don't miss anything important. I'm taking my test in early June, so I should have about 22 weeks before the test (5 of which are my dedicated study period). I have USMLERx Flash Facts and QMax, UWorld, First Aid, and Pathoma. I've read bits and pieces of FA and watched some of Pathoma, but let's assume I'm starting fresh.

How does this plan sound:
  • Phase 1: 9 weeks doing FA, Pathoma, and QMax (each day: ~2hrs FA, ~1hr Pathoma, ~1hr QMax).
  • Phase 2: 8 weeks taking and thoroughly reviewing one UWorld block per day (it sounds like this will take ~4 hours/block).
  • Dedicated study: Try to rip through FA one more time, review weak areas in Pathoma, and redo some of UWorld.
Is this going to be too little time to really understand FA/Pathoma/my class material? I hear a lot of people recommend saving UWorld for the dedicated study period. But there's 55 blocks of UWorld, which works out to 220 hours of work if I spend around 4 hours doing each one - that's a lot to compress into 5 weeks.

What's everyone's thoughts on this plan? Also - any opinions on whether Cramfighter is worth the $99?

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