What are my chances of passing the drug test?

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Jan 19, 2009
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Ok, I took a urine drug test on 6/11 (friday). CVS was supposed to get my result last monday but I still have not gotten a call back from the pharmacy manager. I am actually worried that I might have failed the test because I recall smoking VERY LITTLE weed about 35-40 days before I took the drug test. That was the only time I have ever smoked in my life (i know it was dumb. I was forced by a bunch of idiots). I had actually been drinking lots of water and exercising prior to the drug test. Does anyone think they haven't called me yet because I failed the test? I am planning on dropping by tomorrow to see the pharmacy manager.

thank you.

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Ok, I took a urine drug test on 6/11 (friday). CVS was supposed to get my result last monday but I still have not gotten a call back from the pharmacy manager. I am actually worried that I might have failed the test because I recall smoking VERY LITTLE weed about 35-40 days before I took the drug test. That was the only time I have ever smoked in my life (i know it was dumb. I was forced by a bunch of idiots). I had actually been drinking lots of water and exercising prior to the drug test. Does anyone think they haven't called me yet because I failed the test? I am planning on dropping by tomorrow to see the pharmacy manager.

thank you.

You should probably talk to this guy: http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?p=9831526#post9831526
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I hate to be judgmental, but you're going to run across this opinion I'm sure, and best on an internet forum: If you abuse/(d) illegal drugs, why should we feel comfortable with you working in a pharmacy?
I have never consumed any illegal drugs in my life. I was just forced by a bunch of idiots and there were girls there so I did not want to be a coward. I seriously only smoked very little not even 1/4 of a blunt.
Well if pharmacy is your dream, get into something else, put that behind you, and I hope you could get a clean slate. :thumbup:

Good luck
Marijuana is not a bad drug and OP, you should be fine.
Marijuana is not a bad drug and OP, you should be fine.

It's often called 'the gateway drug'. Which means there's a chance to go on to worse drugs. But it also means there's a chance to turn back. It's definitely not the worst drug out there (but that's an opinion), and in the business world, legal world, etc, it is a world of policy and it's actually a schedule I substance (completely banned) by DEA. (And perhaps ironically, cocaine- in medicinal form of course- is schedule II). That's just the way the world works and a pharmacist has to stay away from all of that without rationalization or mitigation.
I have never consumed any illegal drugs in my life. I was just forced by a bunch of idiots and there were girls there so I did not want to be a coward. I seriously only smoked very little not even 1/4 of a blunt.

So you smoked it so you would look "cool" in front of some girls? How old are you dude, like 17? Oh wait...I'm 17.........
Not to sound mean, but I hope they did detected that nastiness in your urine. Let alone the fact that you did smoke, what matters most is that you actually gave in to people trying to force you to smoke. Shame, shame, shame...
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Use is different from abuse. Get your terminology straight.

It's often called 'the gateway drug'. Which means there's a chance to go on to worse drugs. But it also means there's a chance to turn back. It's definitely not the worst drug out there (but that's an opinion), and in the business world, legal world, etc, it is a world of policy and it's actually a schedule I substance (completely banned) by DEA. (And perhaps ironically, cocaine- in medicinal form of course- is schedule II). That's just the way the world works and a pharmacist has to stay away from all of that without rationalization or mitigation.

Pharmacist should work towards successful patient outcomes, even if it means advising patients that medical marijuana may be the best drug to alleviate nausea and invigorate the appetite after hard rounds of chemo, regardless of what outdated Federal Laws say. Medical practitioner would tell the Feds to take a chill pill and recommend it themselves if it weren't any draconian punishments. Even in states where Medical MJ is legalized, some Doctors are still afraid of the repercussions so won't even talk to their patients about it when it's brought up.

BTW, MJ is only called the gateway drug because proponents of the hypothesis say it is. That's right, it's only a hypothesis. The gateway drug hypothesis lacks the evidence needed to be called a theory. I don't need to lecture anyone what the difference between a hypothesis and a theory is. So to clarify marijuana is not a gateway drug. Anyone who calls it that is a tool.
Diverting the conversation back on topic (because we've never had marijuana debates on this forum before):

Ok, I took a urine drug test on 6/11 (friday). CVS was supposed to get my result last monday but I still have not gotten a call back from the pharmacy manager. I am actually worried that I might have failed the test because I recall smoking VERY LITTLE weed about 35-40 days before I took the drug test. That was the only time I have ever smoked in my life (i know it was dumb. I was forced by a bunch of idiots). I had actually been drinking lots of water and exercising prior to the drug test. Does anyone think they haven't called me yet because I failed the test? I am planning on dropping by tomorrow to see the pharmacy manager.

thank you.

Just give the pharmacy manager a curt follow-up call tomorrow. Keep the message short and ask for an update on your application. It's quite possible that you simply missed a phone call, or perhaps they just have the wrong contact information.

As for your other dilemma, I actually don't think that THC would last that long in your body, but don't quote me on that. In either case, you'll find out soon enough if you give them a call. You don't have a lot to lose from calling, at least.

For as much as you were freaking out about this job interview, I'm surprised you would have risked something like this.

I thought you were immature before, this only reinforces that notion.

That being said from what I remember correctly is that if you don't usually smoke weed it can last in your system up to 60 days. I'll have to dig to verify that though.
wow. drugs users can get a pharm tech opportunity? what am i doing wrong?
People, stop criticizing the guy. Everyone made mistake, and it is meant for them to learn. It does not always mean he will not become a good pharmacist. Give him a chance to change, so that others will give you a chance to change when you make a serious mistake.

I suggest the OP calls CVS and find out. Whether it is a good news or bad news, it is a lesson that you should learn: stay away from drugs if you are an healthy person.
Ya, I'd give a call. It may feel like 6/11 was a long time ago, but it was only 6 working days ago. The results of my drug test were delivered to my CVS after 8 business days and I've never done any sort of drug.
Ok, I took a urine drug test on 6/11 (friday). CVS was supposed to get my result last monday but I still have not gotten a call back from the pharmacy manager. I am actually worried that I might have failed the test because I recall smoking VERY LITTLE weed about 35-40 days before I took the drug test. That was the only time I have ever smoked in my life (i know it was dumb. I was forced by a bunch of idiots). I had actually been drinking lots of water and exercising prior to the drug test. Does anyone think they haven't called me yet because I failed the test? I am planning on dropping by tomorrow to see the pharmacy manager.

thank you.

Forced? What an interesting choice of words. That isn't really taking responsibilities for your choices on that day.

OP, I sense you are likely stretching the truth about how long ago you smoked. If I am correct, you should be very worried. THC can remain in your system for quite awhile.

The fact that you gave into peer pressure is worse than the fact that you lit up a joint. What are you going to do when, or more like if, you get hired by CVS and your pothead buddies want you to slip some Oxycontin for them? Will you give in then? You shouldn't be in pharmacy.

OP, I sense you are likely stretching the truth about how long ago you smoked. If I am correct, you should be very worried. THC can remain in your system for quite awhile.

The fact that you gave into peer pressure is worse than the fact that you lit up a joint. What are you going to do when, or more like if, you get hired by CVS and your pothead buddies want you to slip some Oxycontin for them? Will you give in then? You shouldn't be in pharmacy.

Wow. 100% of that post is bull**** you made up.

Here's a hint: peer pressure is bad but lighting up a joint isn't. It's certainly a better activity than drinking and that's legal.
Wow. 100% of that post is bull**** you made up.

Here's a hint: peer pressure is bad but lighting up a joint isn't. It's certainly a better activity than drinking and that's legal.

When it jeopardizes your chances for employment, it's not a better activity. When you're actively trying to become as competitive a pharmacy school applicant as you can be, it's an idiotic activity.

Bottlecap, if this is really your situation, cross your fingers and hope for the best. No matter what happens, learn from this.
When it jeopardizes your chances for employment, it's not a better activity. When you're actively trying to become as competitive a pharmacy school applicant as you can be, it's an idiotic activity.

Bottlecap, if this is really your situation, cross your fingers and hope for the best. No matter what happens, learn from this.
What's going to happen? If he says he smoked a little weed over a MONTH ago, he'll be absolutely fine. I've heard of heavy smokers passing a urine test with only a two week notice.
What's going to happen? If he says he smoked a little weed over a MONTH ago, he'll be absolutely fine. I've heard of heavy smokers passing a urine test with only a two week notice.

I am not heavy smoker. That was the only time I have ever smoked in my entire life. I admit I was also curious what it was like. I didn't feel I was addicted to it or anything. I know I passed the test.
Not to sound mean, but I hope they did detected that nastiness in your urine. Let alone the fact that you did smoke, what matters most is that you actually gave in to people trying to force you to smoke. Shame, shame, shame...

I don't blame you. I know it was a stupid thing to do but I still hope for the best.

I just found out that if I had indeed failed the drug test. Lab Corp would have called me to let me know and asked about any medication I am taking. It has been over a week and I had not received a call from them so I guess I passed :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I just found out that if I had indeed failed the drug test. Lab Corp would have called me to let me know and asked about any medication I am taking. It has been over a week and I had not received a call from them so I guess I passed :laugh::laugh::laugh:

And why exactly should I be happy for you?
Wow. 100% of that post is bull**** you made up.

Here's a hint: peer pressure is bad but lighting up a joint isn't. It's certainly a better activity than drinking and that's legal.
I guess this is the next candidate for a failed drug test. Brace, drug advocate.
I guess this is the next candidate for a failed drug test. Brace, drug advocate.

I don't use recreational drugs. But I'm defending him against the irrational hate displayed in this thread. It probably has to do with the fact I live in a free country where simple possession of small amounts won't land you in jail. :laugh: Or maybe I'm not as sheltered as most of the people here. I haven't seen this much anti-marijuana hate since elementary school.

Very few of you even bothered to answer his question anyways. Duh: The marijuana most definitely wouldn't show in a urine test that long later. You only need a simple Google search. I wonder if anyone here knows the real harms of marijuana. It's not bad stuff, unless you're a teetotaler.
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Laboratory Detection of Drugs, Marijuana:

Occasional use...1-5 days
Regular Use...30 days (urine pH dependent)

So yeah bottlecap, there is 0% chance you failed your drug test. Stop freaking out!
Laboratory Detection of Drugs, Marijuana:

Occasional use...1-5 days
Regular Use...30 days (urine pH dependent)

So yeah bottlecap, there is 0% chance you failed your drug test. Stop freaking out!

THANK YOU .:smuggrin:
Didn't realize the pharmacy crowd are a bunch of buzzkillingtons. Its JUST weed...and occasional at that (if the OP can be believed). What's the big deal?
it is a bad drug. I was just an ignorant piece of crap at that time.
You're still "an ignorant piece of crap" (Your words, not mine).

You keep on making new threads, even though we told you to stop, because it's annoying, and we told you to make a blog, because you can rant and ask all you want without annoying the majority. Is the search function not working on your computer, or are you just too "blunt" to know how to use it?

Hah, see what I did there?
Really don't give a **** about the weed. The attitude on the other hand..

How the hell does someone 'force' you to smoke?

People here are right, I don't want someone who cannot make decisions and choices on their own working next to me.
OP, you probably did pass, but I'll have you know that Marijuana is not necessarily a bad drug, we use it for medical use. I'm surprised that this forum isn't using their knowledge of chemistry. MJ is better than alcohol, but studies have shown that the effects of marijuana can still stay to your brain weeks after using it, effecting your mood and choices. I think Peer Pressure is a logical underpinning for why you smoked, however, you're a big kid now soo be more mature learn frorom those mistakes
Really don't give a **** about the weed. The attitude on the other hand..

How the hell does someone 'force' you to smoke?

People here are right, I don't want someone who cannot make decisions and choices on their own working next to me.

I agree. What if a patient FORCE you to refill their CII? Would you do it anyways?
"forced by a bunch of idiots"??
the only idiot is you for smoking weed.
no one wants a druggy for a pharmacist, and if you failed it i hope you learn your lesson. you have the free will to know how serious this is, than to get carried away in folly by smoking drugs.
"forced by a bunch of idiots"??
the only idiot is you for smoking weed.
no one wants a druggy for a pharmacist, and if you failed it i hope you learn your lesson. you have the free will to know how serious this is, than to get carried away in folly by smoking drugs.

I'm pretty sure trying it once doesn't label someone as a druggie, i'm surprised so many people are quick to judge the matter. Nobody second guesses a health professional who goes out drinking on the weekend. A weekend of binge drinking is so much worse (not counting legality) than a hit of weed. Yet a young probably easily influenced pre-health student who made decision to try something once that in general is relatively harmless gets torn apart. What if it was legalized? I bet you wouldn't care what he did then.
I'm pretty sure trying it once doesn't label someone as a druggie, i'm surprised so many people are quick to judge the matter. Nobody second guesses a health professional who goes out drinking on the weekend. A weekend of binge drinking is so much worse (not counting legality) than a hit of week. Yet a young probably easily influenced pre-health student who made decision to try something once that in general is relatively harmless gets torn apart. What if it was legalized? I bet you wouldn't care what he did then.

The problem is not that he did try it - the problem is he is a loser who is blaming others for his own mistake. No one can FORCE him to do anything - unless they tied him down, and force fed him brownies or something, he is wrong in saying his friends "forced" him to do it. It'd be better if he admitted it was a mistake in judgment, and he'd be more careful in the future. But instead of says he was "forced by a bunch of idiots." Basically saying that 1. his friends are all idiots (and by extension, he probably is himself), and 2. to reinforce that he is indeed an idiot, claims peer pressure as "forcing" him to. Let's take the alcohol example. What if he came into work totally drunk off his butt, because he binge-drank the whole night - and what's his excuse? "But my idiot friends forced me to!"
I passed:love:

But I was told to start my training after I come back from vacation(july 9-20)
LOL do you think they could hire someone else when I am away? I will be going to a different CVS store for first stage of training.
The problem is not that he did try it - the problem is he is a loser who is blaming others for his own mistake. No one can FORCE him to do anything - unless they tied him down, and force fed him brownies or something, he is wrong in saying his friends "forced" him to do it. It'd be better if he admitted it was a mistake in judgment, and he'd be more careful in the future. But instead of says he was "forced by a bunch of idiots." Basically saying that 1. his friends are all idiots (and by extension, he probably is himself), and 2. to reinforce that he is indeed an idiot, claims peer pressure as "forcing" him to. Let's take the alcohol example. What if he came into work totally drunk off his butt, because he binge-drank the whole night - and what's his excuse? "But my idiot friends forced me to!"

I obviously wasn't trying to defend why he did it, it's a stupid excuse definitely. Maybe it was just a poor choice of words. I was touching on the issue of actually doing it under generalized circumstances once out of curiosity, that's all.
I passed:love:

But I was told to start my training after I come back from vacation(july 9-20)
LOL do you think they could hire someone else when I am away? I will be going to a different CVS store for first stage of training.

Just don't make any more bad decisions while you're on vacation. :sendoff:
The problem is not that he did try it - the problem is he is a loser who is blaming others for his own mistake. No one can FORCE him to do anything - unless they tied him down, and force fed him brownies or something, he is wrong in saying his friends "forced" him to do it. It'd be better if he admitted it was a mistake in judgment, and he'd be more careful in the future. But instead of says he was "forced by a bunch of idiots." Basically saying that 1. his friends are all idiots (and by extension, he probably is himself), and 2. to reinforce that he is indeed an idiot, claims peer pressure as "forcing" him to. Let's take the alcohol example. What if he came into work totally drunk off his butt, because he binge-drank the whole night - and what's his excuse? "But my idiot friends forced me to!"

Everyone should stop making judgment on people. You do not know how it feels until you are in their shoes. Yes it is not wise to use drugs, but it already happened to him. I rather answer his question and leave than staying here and criticize the guy. It is easy for you to sit down and criticize people than you are being in the situation he was. It can be "peer pressure" or "forced" or whatever he called, but I know this guy is in great worry, and needed comfort. When you are a good caring pharmacist, you care for people. Not only you give them knowledge, but also words of comfort for many of them are in great distress because of the diseases they are bearing. Imagine the next time you are committed a serious mistake, how would you feel if anyone is telling you a *****?
I called this, didn't I? Way back when, I said something about you making a "passing a drug test thread". haha

I love when I am right. Maybe you made this thread just for me? Or maybe I should try my hand at fortune telling...
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