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ooo how can i get to the 2009 page haha. i wanna get in there!

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michaeld- you have to add UMDNJ-GSBS to colleges attended section first, then you can add it to the inprogress/planned section of your coursework.

userah-sorry bro, unless you printed out your 2009 app i dont think its possible. enjoy the alaskan cruise, heard its amazing!

also guys..check out the pre-dental forum, lot of help over there.
michaeld- you have to add UMDNJ-GSBS to colleges attended section first, then you can add it to the inprogress/planned section of your coursework.

ok cool, but if i decide to go to another Masters will i be able to change it after i submit, or during academic update? gracias
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I'm pretty sure but not 100% so I think you should just call AADSAS people tomorrow morning. I don't want to mislead you.
ya word, i just did my planned for fall and spring at umdnj but imm gonna call em tommorow anyway,

fund biosci
fund of nueroscience
dental phys

oral micro
dental biochem
fund bio sci 2
oral immunolgy

i could well not take any of these but I thought it would be a good starting point for my planned schedule
Alaska that's pretty cool. I'm jealous that's actually where my brother and I was gearing up to go untill I found I got in and needed to consereve cash to pay for an apt. Have fun.

As for the application I need to get on the ball. Anyone else feeling overwhelmed? Applications, mcats, financial paper work for umdnj and medical forms plus work. Can't wait for July to relax before the real fun begins.

On a ligher not so much complaining note. I am visiting umdnj next Friday and meeting with dr. Wagner if anyone has any questions they would like answered.

just to clarify matters a bit, we don't have to make up our schedule until orientation in August right. I just want to make sure, lol
As for the application I need to get on the ball. Anyone else feeling overwhelmed? Applications, mcats, financial paper work for umdnj and medical forms plus work. Can't wait for July to relax before the real fun begins.

I feel you on the overwhelmed part. I am neck deep in MCAT studying right now. I've been alternating with taking practice exams then going over prep date is coming up soon, the 18th :scared:. And I still need to rewrite my AMCAS personal statement then go to the HPO and release my letters to the schools. Ay tis a stressful time indeed!
You are correct, we don't have to make our schedules till orientation in August. Good luck with the MCAT!
ya sorry i just put my schedule cause we have to put our planned schedule for dental apps that started yestarday. go Lakers
where's everyone living? im thinking about the ironbound section of newark.. its supposed to be nice there. let me know if anyone is looking for roomates. an apt or townhouse of 3 serious students would be nice.:laugh:
where's everyone living? im thinking about the ironbound section of newark.. its supposed to be nice there. let me know if anyone is looking for roomates. an apt or townhouse of 3 serious students would be nice.:laugh:

Hi Guys, I got accepted into UMDNJ-GSBS. As for living in Newark, I have been licing in Newark for 20+ years and its not as bad as everyone is saying. In terms of living arrangements, I would recommend not living at University Center or anything too close to UMDNJ because it will cost you well over $1000, maybe $1500 or more a month. That's tough to pay, if you need to concentrate on schoolwork and can't work many hours. The best, since I know Newark well, is to live a few miles away from UMDNJ, such as in the Ironbound section or North Newark (where I live). You can rent a private house/apartment for maybe less than $1000 a month, maybe even $800, which is great! There is lots of public transportation, so getting to UMDNJ won't be a problem.

Any more questions, just ask. I'll see some of you at orientation in August! :)
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Just called AADSAS they say put whatever school/classes you want for planned coursework casue at academic update you can edit the school as well as the classes, seeek just submited application and dat scores just dropped 2 Grrr and i still have to send in like 600 bucks in app fees to schools. got to love it
Just called AADSAS they say put whatever school/classes you want for planned coursework casue at academic update you can edit the school as well as the classes, seeek just submited application and dat scores just dropped 2 Grrr and i still have to send in like 600 bucks in app fees to schools. got to love it

Thanks for the clarification...yea i feel your pain dude.
This has turned into dental-central huh? lol

Yes it has lol..pre-meds are the minimum in this program..not surprised though since NJDS is there. Any other pre-meds out there...hello...can you hear me?????? :D
Hi Guys, I got accepted into UMDNJ-GSBS. As for living in Newark, I have been licing in Newark for 20+ years and its not as bad as everyone is saying. In terms of living arrangements, I would recommend not living at University Center or anything too close to UMDNJ because it will cost you well over $1000, maybe $1500 or more a month. That's tough to pay, if you need to concentrate on schoolwork and can't work many hours. The best, since I know Newark well, is to live a few miles away from UMDNJ, such as in the Ironbound section or North Newark (where I live). You can rent a private house/apartment for maybe less than $1000 a month, maybe even $800, which is great! There is lots of public transportation, so getting to UMDNJ won't be a problem.

Any more questions, just ask. I'll see some of you at orientation in August! :)

Yes the UCs pricey...I just loved the proximity..walking distance to everywhere :)
North Newark is cool too..also you guys that are interested in housing should check craigslist..
Yes it has lol..pre-meds are the minimum in this program..not surprised though since NJDS is there. Any other pre-meds out there...hello...can you hear me?????? :D

Sorry dont want to alienate the Pre-meds you guys rock, just a busy time for Pre-Dents cause our application started yestarday, hopefully we can not let these difference get between us when we are studying together lol!
GRAAA this personal statement. why was i so stupid and wait so long haha. I thought about just taking my old one and sprucing up a bit but now that i think bout it, it's prolly a bad decision to do so. I'm thinkin of just startin from scratch and writing a new one and incorporating what i learned in the past year and how that will help me in dental school and all that jazz. bah! should've started this long ago =( Thankfully I have pretty much all of tomorrow and thursday. Should be able to whip out 2 or 3 revisions in that time. I know what to write about anyway. It's just a matter of being eloquent while doing so haha.
So how does the dental application work..similar to AMCAS??
Similar, personal statement, research activities, enter your courses -verify transcripts, letters of rec, designate schools, cross your fingers and pray haha.
DrChuck are me and you the only pre-meds around here? And are we the only ones not applying this year? lol
I'm pre-med, still debating when to apply. eeek!
Yup, it looks like the dents are outnumbering us though. Which isn't what I'm used to at all lol.
haha no need for a distinction guys. Goals might be different but we're all gonna have to go through the same thing next year. :)
Pre med. Applying this year.

For those of you that live around Newark. How easy or difficult is it for an outsider to navigate? I will be there next Thursday and Friday.
haha...yeah def not applying. Did you finalize on between UMDNJ and UPenn??
It's going to be MCAT dependent - i get my results back on June 23rd. If its good 32+, i'll go to UPenn as I believe it'll give me the best opportunity to get in. If its sub-32, i'll go UMDNJ as i believe i'll have a smaller chance of getting into MS but at least ill have an MS if I dont get in.
No point going to UPenn, if I have a lesser MCAT

Userah - no distinction, just cant contribute to filing our dent applications, thats all

biochem - its really easy, very straightforward; drchuck can attest to it more than I, but everytime I go, i never have any problems
what are the attendance dates for this program? so we can put anything in for the planned courses.. anyone find a place yet? i think now is a good time to start searching. by midsummer all the convenient places like society hill are gonna be gone...
damnit... this kinda bothers me knowing umdnj might take 1.5 years to do well... i was also accepted to tulane which is only 1 year, not 1.5 years.. a lot of tulane students are accepted to prof schools... i dunno what to do...

check out their stats
You can finish UMDNJ in 1 yr if you so wish. Apparently one needs permission if you wish to earn a MBS/MS, but I have a friend who did it and go into UMDNJ-DO and didnt actually earn either the MS/MBS
Thanks for the info. That makes the trip a little less stressful.
hey, has anyone started trying to make a class schedule ? I know that class times aren't posted/we can't register for them now. Also, do you know when registration starts? I called the registrar but no one picked up, and haven't heard back via email from a professor. (I heard we registrar after orientation but that seems really late..) ?????
Yah I think you can take upto 6 extra credits - you're really going to have an empty 3rd semester? I did a quick mock up and didnt seem to have any troubles filling it up

I've never heard of anyone needing special permission to do so, but I did switch my degree at the beginning of the spring semester - I registered as a non-thesis based M.B.S. student, then switched to the thesis-based M.S. program. My first semester, I took MGM, Pharm, and a required research seminar. Second semester, it was Immuno, Toxicology, Cell Bio, another pharm course, and Developmental Biology, while starting my work in the lab. I also studied for and took the MCAT that semester. Summer 2008 I finished up my thesis, and it got published several months later.

Biggest pro would be the people - I made some very close friends in both the grad school and the med school. Everyone is extremely helpful and supportive. The NJMS dean of admissions was also open to meetings about my upcoming application.

Biggest con? Location... I did fall in love with both Manhattan and Hoboken, NJ, though; both about a 20 minute commute by train. And Newark does have its positive points, especially in the Ironbound District.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any more questions!

haha except my sci gpa wasn't > 3.0 =( which is why im doing this whole masters thing in the first place haha. that's why i'll likely just end up applyin to a few schools as opposed to a whole lot of them; this year anyway.

Applying is madddd expensive but i think if your undergrad gpa cum/sci >3.0 and DAT scores of 21-27 range you should go ahead and apply. The DAT will have gotten their attention, now u just need to do well in your masters to get that interview.

When dental schools calc your science GPA from undergrad and grad, as far as the undergrad classes they calculate into it--is it all the sicence classes you've taken or just the predent : physics i and ii, chem i and ii, bio 1 and 2, organic chem plus labs????.. iwas apsych major, and took some bio courses ..... really worried because my classes above gpa is >3.0, but not the random bio classesi took..... also, when are you predents applying to dental school ( I know early, but what month?)
live in newark. i went to rutgers newark for three and a half years. i lived there for three years. commute sucks. while studying hard, the less travelling you have to do as possible the better. im living in 180 west market street. i know some dental and medical students who lived there. everyone's pretty quiet since they're all workaholics studying around the clock.
Pre med. Applying this year.

For those of you that live around Newark. How easy or difficult is it for an outsider to navigate? I will be there next Thursday and Friday.

ir you mean living there, well, it's really easy because it is so small, that's why i chose umdnj. i lived there for three years. much easier to be close, as i said in a post two seconds ago, when your studying so hard. plus, everything's close by---research opportunities, work, library, many libraries to study at including the Rutgers LAw, where i practically lived, ate, slept, defacated-just kidding lol.....even made friends since i was there so much.. anyway, it's close to the city too, and there's never any temptation or distraction to do anything else beside study since the Newark is not picturesque. i recommend living there 100%.
When dental schools calc your science GPA from undergrad and grad, as far as the undergrad classes they calculate into it--is it all the sicence classes you've taken or just the predent : physics i and ii, chem i and ii, bio 1 and 2, organic chem plus labs????.. iwas apsych major, and took some bio courses ..... really worried because my classes above gpa is >3.0, but not the random bio classesi took..... also, when are you predents applying to dental school ( I know early, but what month?)

Firstly, they will be two separate GPAs at least for med school it is, and id imagine for dent its the same. And all classes in that level (UG or Grad) that they define as science go into it.
hey predent333. in regards to applying to dental school, most of us have already begun the application process. I know albuterol is planning on getting his out by the end of the week. I finished most of mine but i'm tweaking my personal statement so it might take some time. I'll definitely be finished by end of nex week though. I'll work on it during my vacation if i have to haha.
whats going on guys?? any new news? i got to go take my ppd shot again..supposedly its not good enough from last year sucks..anyone get any financial aid love? i'm still waiting for something
havent filled out any financ aid yet.. am i behind
hey predent333. in regards to applying to dental school, most of us have already begun the application process. I know albuterol is planning on getting his out by the end of the week. I finished most of mine but i'm tweaking my personal statement so it might take some time. I'll definitely be finished by end of nex week though. I'll work on it during my vacation if i have to haha.

So you guys are planning on hearing back from them spring 2010?... I figure I would apply next June, so that I can find out during my last semester at UMDNJ's GSBS program. Basically Im flling it out June 1 2010, an d hoping to hear from them Fall 2010 or spring 2011. Why is everyone filling it out this year? there an advantage? I read that AADAS doesn't keep your app on file for the next year.... ??
havent filled out any financ aid yet.. am i behind
I finished my denta lschool personal statementa month ago... am not applying for next year, but that's financial aid though.. nope.. haven't done that yet.. watchig the season premier of Royal Pains.... ha
I tried logging on to the UMDNJ system and its having some technical difficulties, so i'll logon next week and check for financial aid info. I doubt we'll hear anything until Aug/Sept.
So you guys are planning on hearing back from them spring 2010?... I figure I would apply next June, so that I can find out during my last semester at UMDNJ's GSBS program. Basically Im flling it out June 1 2010, an d hoping to hear from them Fall 2010 or spring 2011. Why is everyone filling it out this year? there an advantage? I read that AADAS doesn't keep your app on file for the next year.... ??

If you fill it out June 2009, you will be applying for entry into Fall 2010
If you fill it out June 2010, you will be applying for entry into Fall 2011.
I tried logging on to the UMDNJ system and its having some technical difficulties, so i'll logon next week and check for financial aid info. I doubt we'll hear anything until Aug/Sept.

Cool, let me know...thanks rob.
mm kay i'm off guys. i'll be back in a week. if there are any exciting developments, email me so i can stay in the loop haha. =)
I tried logging on to the UMDNJ system and its having some technical difficulties, so i'll logon next week and check for financial aid info. I doubt we'll hear anything until Aug/Sept.

yeah systems going to be down until the 8th..I have everything finalized..just waiting for them to show me the money...:laugh:
If you fill it out June 2009, you will be applying for entry into Fall 2010
If you fill it out June 2010, you will be applying for entry into Fall 2011.

thanks albuterol. i dind't take organic lab or DAT yet. if i take organic lab spring 2010, and DAT summer 2010, i can just send my materials after ? still waiting for my advisor to get backto me and AADSAS, but are any of you guys doing that?

Another pre-med here. Got a question...I've heard there is no academic update for the AMCAS, so if i'm gonna apply to like 15 schools it would be awefully hard to update them on grades. You think it's worth it to apply to lots of schools? Got my mcat on june 18 (score should come july 20) should i submit my amcas now or wait up until i get my score?