Shenandoah University

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Jsut curious, did u all send ur supplemental application in wit the main application. If u didnt did they mail u that they have received the first part and were awaiting the supplemental. the other schools my friend have applied to sent him e-mails but shenandoah seems to be holding out and he wants to get that email b4 sending in the supplemental. Do u think i should advise him to send the supplemental.

I am really anxious cos i am using his system of applying as a guide for mines next year so i am into all these also

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Jsut curious, did u all send ur supplemental application in wit the main application. If u didnt did they mail u that they have received the first part and were awaiting the supplemental. the other schools my friend have applied to sent him e-mails but shenandoah seems to be holding out and he wants to get that email b4 sending in the supplemental. Do u think i should advise him to send the supplemental.

I am really anxious cos i am using his system of applying as a guide for mines next year so i am into all these also

Shenandoah's application is through PharmCAS. You don't mail that; but do mail the supplemental.

They should send an email out to tell you that they got your pharmcas application.

I would not though, wait for this confirmation before sending the supplemental... the school is on rolling admission. Your friend should send everything in as soon as possible. If he/she is worried about his/her application, he/she could always just call them.
Thanks that was exactly what i told him, but hes using this school as a back up plan tho i'm beginning to like it.

he also says maybe they have a lot of pple submitting around this time which makes it take longer to process.
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Does anyone know of anyone who did not get accepted...and if they found out...also did u guys send a thank you email/card to teh school..and if u think its to late for me to send one if my interview was a week ago? thanks
Getting paranoid? lol

I personnally didn't send a thank you card, but I'm not saying you shouldn't. When the student and faculty member make their recommendations, they shouldn't consider a thank you card a deciding factor. They are making the recommendation based off of how you interviewed and whether or not you would be a good "fit".

So maybe what I'm saying is, it won't help your chances of getting in, but it is a nice gesture.
Does anyone know of anyone who did not get accepted...and if they found out...also did u guys send a thank you email/card to teh school..and if u think its to late for me to send one if my interview was a week ago? thanks

Yes, I didn't get in post-interview. :thumbdown: I found out two weeks later via e-mail. I didn't send a thank-you card, but I really doubt that was the reason I was rejected. A thank-you card is a nice gesture, but it should not affect the committee's decision either way. So, if it has been over a week, I would say you don't need to send a card.
Your interview is worth a certain number of points. The opinion of the faculty member and student who interview you is equally weighted. It is completely independent of your GPA or PCAT score. At the point that you interview all candidates are equal.
Not sending a card won't get you rejected but it is a nice gesture. I didn't send one but I'm sure it would be appreciated.
Good luck with finals peeps!!!!!
You didn't send one ndear? I thought was for sure how they let you in

Dr. N interviewed me.... THAT'S how I got in ;) hahahaha
I just had my interview on December 1. I'm kind of worried that I might not get in. I've been out of schoold for a while and now I'm just trying to return to school. I've been disappointed enough with waitlist on acceptance I'm stressing out. I hope I get accepted.
:) Thanks for your help guys. My interview is on monday...and I was wondering how long the whole process should take..if it starts at 9am? Also do they let teh people who did not get in know as fast as they let the people who did get accepted via email? Anyways thanks to everyone who tried to help me out.
I had my interview on the December 1st, the friday before your interview. They said that they would let me know in two weeks. I'm stressing out. If I'm correct they might meet every two weeks on a Friday which means tomorrow. Have you heard anything from them yet?
good luck..iknow how you really worried. I have applied to pharmacy school 4 times now! i need to get in....or get married boo....good luck
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We have finals this week and I haven't seen anyone interviewing at all. I 'm not sure if they will meet this week too. Just a heads up if you still don't hear anything. They will contact you either way.
For those incoming SU students or interviewees who are interested... we just opened up an online school store with shirts and stuff like that!
The site is
I know I wanted to buy a shirt when I came to interview and we don't have any gear in our bookstore- so check it out!
Good luck during the long wait, I know it's tough!
Enjoy your break from school!:love:
For those incoming SU students or interviewees who are interested... we just opened up an online school store with shirts and stuff like that!
The site is
I know I wanted to buy a shirt when I came to interview and we don't have any gear in our bookstore- so check it out!
Good luck during the long wait, I know it's tough!
Enjoy your break from school!:love:

I went to see these awesome shirts...and I had the hardest time seeing what was written inside the O. and I finally found a picture where I could read it (one of the baby shirts) and I started cracking up. You guys are dorks. :p
Wait until we add more of the design
Wait until we add more of the designs and you'll see just how whacked we really are.

I blame the mountain air.
Has anyone heard back from Shenandoah recently? I interviewed on December 1st and I was told that I would have heard something by Winter Break... has anyone heard any news???

Thanks!!! ;)
no i havent heard anything, i interviewed around the same time as you
No I haven't heard anything yet either...I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.
omg i just received an acceptance email from shenandoah! :D
I'll see you guys there. I was just accepted this morning. What a relief.
congrats to you all- now you can get to know Dr. Richard and come to parties n stuff. Oh yeah, and study too. :)
Yes congrats to you all! We get to feed you pizza next year lol
hey so for those of you who got accepted, when are you guys going to get an official letter saying your accepted and further directions?
all they said was that they would send an official letter with specific details "soon"
i got accepted too yeaaa!!!
after receiving an acceptance email, how long do we have to make the deposit and receive the official letter?
hey how many current pharmacy students live on campus? Do you guys think its better to live on or off campus? I am not sure if I want to fill out a housing form.

(thanks to all of the people who helped me on this thread because I finally got accepted to a pharmacy school)
we have about 5-6 people who live on campus.... you live in the graduate dorms, but i'd still suggest getting an apartment because well, a dorms a dorm

ndearwater actually started a yahoo group for all of my class to join and it was a great way for us to talk over last summer/spring and it's how several of us came to get housing together. I'm from MD and my roommate is from KY for example
Does anyone need a roommate? I will be a first year pharmacy student, looking for a female pharmcacy student to live with. I do not want any pets, and want an environment where I will be able to study. I am from Florida. I do not want to live on campus, because the dorms do not even have a kitchen. If anyone wants to start a yahoo group let me know? thanks
hi, i think we should definitely start a yahoo group. that would be a lot of help. i am also a female in need of a roommate but will most likely be bringing a pet..
sorry ladies, male here, but yeah i like the idea of a yahoo group, but have never opened one, and dont know how . . . once someone opens one let me know how to join thanx
I'm not completely sure if I will be attending SU (since I'm waiting on Maryland) but in the meantime....

I thank ndearwater ( because I copied his format of the yahoo group :p )

I believe you have to join Yahoo in order to post messages. (someone check that for me please? :))
thanks for making the yahoo group :)
Hey guys, I had a quick question. By the time I start pharmacy school in the fall i would have been out of school for almost 2 years..I want to know if anyone has any suggestions on any material or subjects I can review to prepare for pharm. school. In these 2 years off I have gained a lot of experience working in a pharmacy, but as far as academics are concerned I have not looked at a text book in awhile. :confused:
I called the Wellness Center about the meningitis vaccination if it was required. She said it was highly recommended, are you guys going to get it? I do not know if I am plus its 102 dollars.
Thanks for your wonderful post in our thread....

And Helster, brush up on your calculator skills
calculator skills? why cant we all just get along?
I have started considering reading my anatomy book from kind of refresh on some things, because i have been out of school for almost 2 years. Has anyone that has been accepted for next year found a place to live or a roommate yet? Also is anyone getting the menigitis vaccine? Ok thanks again.
Hello! Congrats to all of you that have received acceptances! I was just wondering if you think that it's too late to apply to Shenandoah or any other Pharm school with a later deadline.

I know that their deadline is Feb. 1 but somehow I have a feeling that I'd just be wasting my money since it's so late in the game. I don't know, I guess I'm also just feeling frustrated with the lack of interview invitations received so far...I've already applied to like 10 schools and nothing yet!

Anybody have any experiences applying near the deadline to schools with later deadlines and getting interviews/accepted?


I wouldn't apply to Shenandoah now this late. I received a call from them last Monday, returned their call the following day...and didn't hear back from them until Friday I think. They basically told me that there are no more interview dates available. However, they did say that there were a handful of applicants like me, competitive but responded too late, and that they were going to talk with the dean to add another interview date. They added one more (on Jan 31)...but there seems to be no more interview slots with Shenandoah.

My friend applied beginning of January to UACP, and he heard back from them within a week or so for an interview!

Hello! Congrats to all of you that have received acceptances! I was just wondering if you think that it's too late to apply to Shenandoah or any other Pharm school with a later deadline.

I know that their deadline is Feb. 1 but somehow I have a feeling that I'd just be wasting my money since it's so late in the game. I don't know, I guess I'm also just feeling frustrated with the lack of interview invitations received so far...I've already applied to like 10 schools and nothing yet!

Anybody have any experiences applying near the deadline to schools later deadlines and getting interviews/accepted?

For those of you who got accepted for this fall....when are you going to start looking for a place to live/roommate? I am thinking of going up to the school in March to start looking for a place.
Does anybody know what kind of laptop we are given at Shenandoah? I know we don't have to buy our own, because they give them to us, but I was curious....

Does anybody know what kind of laptop we are given at Shenandoah? I know we don't have to buy our own, because they give them to us, but I was curious....


CO 2010 got the IBM Thinkpad.
Does anybody know what kind of laptop we are given at Shenandoah? I know we don't have to buy our own, because they give them to us, but I was curious....


oh you buy it all right, but you turn in your first one after 2 years and keep the new one when you graduate