I feel like my GP isn't being entirely honest with me. Any tips? Details in question.

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Apr 1, 2019
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I feel like my GP is lying to me on purpose. Either that or he's a really bad doctor, but I get the feeling that he's not being honest. So my CRP has been elevated, as well as leukocytes on three separate occasions that I've seen him.

The first time I told him that I'd had violent diarrhea and abdominal pain that kept me up at night for the last week or so. I had also had pelvic pain and had recently had an UTI (wihtout urinary symptoms, just pelvic pain), so I mentioned to him that I had done a test for UTI at home and that two of them were slightly positive and one was very positive for leukocytes, but that I thought the last test was a false positive as there was very little urine there and it might have had contact with the inner labia before going in the jar (wasn't a mid stream sample). He asked me to do another urine test without asking when I had emptied my bladder, which I found to be strange, because I know that the test is really supposed to be morning urine and that it's very unrepresentative if it has just stayed in your bladder for a very short time. Sent me home with the reply that I didn't have an ongoing infection because the urin stix test was negative. He didn't say anything else.

When I checked my CRP and leukocytes later in the day along with some other tests, the result came back that they were elevated, so was ESR. So I went to an ER doc just to get an explanation. He thought I had gastroenteritis. I think he just blaimed the pelvic pain on my period. I don't usually have pelvic pain before my period (came two days before, at the same time as the diarrhea, then later the pelvic pain went away and I had mainly lower abdominal pain). Anyway it passed so I didn't investigate further or ask any more explanations. Of the leukocytes only lymphocytes and monocytes were increased.

I had a little sore throat for a while, just upon waking up. Usually when I have that it's associated with a mild increase in CRP. I also had a severe headache upon awakening and might have had a slightly congested nose (though that's fairly normal for me). Didn't think much of the headache. Went to GP after this had gone on for maybe 2 weeks and CRP was elevated again. At that time symptoms were better. Some time after the symptoms got a little worse, more sore throat and headache in the morning, maybe a little pressure over sinuses and pressure in the head during the day. Next week CRP was higher. GP told me 'well, you don't have any specific symptoms' after I had already told him about the sore throat/pain upon swallowing (I think that classifies as a symptom of some kind of throat inflammation which is common with many viral illnesses, and other things). I didn't tell him about the head pressure or other symptoms. Because of his own reasoning (didn't ask me) he said that the CRP must be related to my chronic back pain and be caused by a rheumathological disease.

I later checked my leukocytes again which were abnormal this time to, but this time only neutrophils and monocytes were increased, lymphocytes were normal. Leukocytes are most commonly increased with infections, of course there are other illnesses, but. Neutrophils are as I know more commonly associated with bacterial infection.
Went to an ear-nose and throat specialist and I got the impression he thought I had acute bacterial sinusitis following a viral illness, but he wasn't very clear. He just said that's what one get's (without me having asked), told me I had some mucus on my exam said that he didn't think it was necessary with a CT scan of the sinuses and prescriped steroid nasal spray.

I have told my doctor that my leukocytes are high. I've also told him that I have a history of frequent respiratory tract infections and throat inflammations. i have also told him that my CRP is not constantly elevated, but has been elevated along with infections. My chronic back pain has not varied in intensity in relation to the increases in CRP.

It seems very strange to me that he would suggest that my increased leukocytes, high CRP and ESR that comes in periods along with specific signs of an infection as instead being caused by a rheumatic disease that is causing my back pain. I would be extremely happy if they found the cause of my back pain as it's very severe and constant, but this seems like nonsense. I've had the back pain for two and a half years. The CRP and leukocytes have always increased alongside specific symptoms like a sore throat, clogged nose, cough, diarrhea and abdominal pain, fever (not all these at once usually) and the CRP has later gone done at the same time as these symptoms passed.

It seems like such a far fetched hypothesis that I feel like his just leading me on for unknown reason.

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