Embrace the Madness - Hannibal WW Part Deux

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My guess is double SK. Odd night/even night.
Although with sporty dead if this is true I’d assume they become the living even night becomes an every night.

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Oh noes.

If I die my legacy is to treat Lucy as lock-V duento my meta knowledge tyvm

That and revisit Samac-genny and Mighty. Don't just roll over and go for Clem because its Clem
Oh noes.

If I die my legacy is to treat Lucy as lock-V duento my meta knowledge tyvm

That and revisit Samac-genny and Mighty. Don't just roll over and go for Clem because its Clem
I hope I die just so I can say I told you so
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Oh noes.

If I die my legacy is to treat Lucy as lock-V duento my meta knowledge tyvm

That and revisit Samac-genny and Mighty. Don't just roll over and go for Clem because its Clem
At this point why shouldn’t we unless he starts contributing significantly? We have basically nothing to look back on for info with him, not good if he’s around at endgame.
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Night 2



With all my knowledge and intrusion... I could never entirely predict you. I can feed the caterpillar and I can whisper through the chrysalis, but... what hatches, follows its own nature and is beyond me.

Will awakens in a cold sweat. He had been standing over a man in his dreams, an evil man. He knew this man had killed dozens of women, and he would kill more. He held a gun in his hand. He could end the man's life, prevent future suffering. But then Hannibal was there, Hannibal who was dead, but still haunted his unconscious mind. And it was Hannibal who stopped him, who took the gun. In a strange turn of events, Hannibal spared a life, and saved Will's soul in the process.

Will blinks as the dream fades, not understanding what it means.

No, he thinks, I set myself free. I am alone in this darkness now.
"You're not alone, Will," says Hannibal's voice in his head, "I'm standing right beside you."




Will dreams of killing Hannibal again. He is awakened by his dogs, barking in agitation. He turns on the lights and realizes they are barking at something outside, something in the woods behind his house. He peers out a window, the anxiety in the dogs' barks making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

A beast lurks in the darkness, its gaze steady and unblinking. Watching Will with intent. Waiting.

Will grabs his shotgun and turns off the lights. He crouches. Breathes in. Breathes out. Waiting for the attack. But it never comes.




The meat is bitter about being dead

Enough time had passed that it seemed safe for Will Graham and Mason Verger to meet in person. The man had done Will a favor, after all. The least he could do was pay him a visit. Or at least, that is what Mason believed. So when Mason summoned him, Will went to see the pigs, the same ones that had ended Hannibal's reign as the Chesapeake Ripper.

Will did not regret using Mason's services to rid himself of Dr. Lecter, but he did regret being in the man's debt. Even moreso now that he had met his sister, Margot, and learned of the pain she had endured at her brother's hand, and because of his cruelty. He had broken her much as Hannibal had come close to breaking Will.

Are you breaking, Will? asked Hannibal's voice in his head, Or are you becoming?

He shuddered and turned back to Mason, now lounging in one of the many sitting rooms of his grand house, a martini glass in his hand. He sees behind his eyes what he has seen in so many of the killers that he has caught.
This man is a psychopath, he thinks. He may even be worse than Hannibal.

Will watches as Mason drops a wet piece of paper into his glass. He notices Will's quizzical glance and smiles.

"Tears enhance the flavor."

No one has died

8 players remain

1. @Santygrass
3. @lucy.
4. @Clem J
5. @SARdoghandler
6. @genny --> @samac
7. @Stagg737
8. @mightyrunner7
10. @Zenge142

2. @potentialsheltervet - The Truth Serum - 1x seer
14. @SportPonies - The Stag - 1x PGO Odd Night Serial Killer


1. @Dinashadow
3. @holdthemayo
4. @WonderingStudent
5. @Animal Midwife

1. @Lawpy
2. @chicandtoughness
3. @miranda920
4. @VeggieTrex
5. @Viscernable
6. @PlumPoppy
7. @Wondalfy
8. @matthirten13
9. @futuredogtor614
13. @Barkley13
utc. @supershorty

It is now Day 3. Vote closes TOMORROW at 10pm EST.
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Okay, cards on the table: I was trying to be coy with Samac and imply that I had already used my ability (to make it less likely I would be the NK). However, I had saved it for last night.

Unfortunately, nothing came of it, and I don't see how it would have led to a no kill night. I watched SAR to see if anyone would act on them, but nobody did.

I'm now very curious if SAR or Clem have any theories, since they are the last two players without a declared ability

I also think it's in the best interest of Village to start revealing more information, since it can help identify lies and resolve the game. But if a more experienced player has a counter argument for information sharing, I'd love to hear it
no it’s the correct decision, mass claim at this point when the other 6 have claimed -> can see the sketchy claims easier
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btw i’ve enjoyed playing with you runner

don’t see this as pocketing or something thanks
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Okay, cards on the table: I was trying to be coy with Samac and imply that I had already used my ability (to make it less likely I would be the NK). However, I had saved it for last night.

Unfortunately, nothing came of it, and I don't see how it would have led to a no kill night. I watched SAR to see if anyone would act on them, but nobody did.

I'm now very curious if SAR or Clem have any theories, since they are the last two players without a declared ability

I also think it's in the best interest of Village to start revealing more information, since it can help identify lies and resolve the game. But if a more experienced player has a counter argument for information sharing, I'd love to hear it

So to be clear, what’s your ability claim?
Someone didn’t feel that my no kill last game was genius and decide to copy it did they?
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I feel like I am a very interested watcher target. Since I've been on a few sus lists, I don't like this ability usage. +Wolf points

I thought about this concern. The problem is too many people (Santy, Zenge, Lucy, and to a slightly lesser extend Stagg and Samac) have strong village points. I feared watching one of them would be essentially a game of chance with poor odds

My rationale is the killer, knowing there are a lot of strong village cases, would instead want to go after one of the undeclared abilities. They had just seen sporty get yeeted due to an ability-based accusation. If they chose me, I'd be dead, so any choice is pointless. That left SAR vs. Clem. Since Clem had much more sus, I went with SAR
I thought about this concern. The problem is too many people (Santy, Zenge, Lucy, and to a slightly lesser extend Stagg and Samac) have strong village points. I feared watching one of them would be essentially a game of chance with poor odds

My rationale is the killer, knowing there are a lot of strong village cases, would instead want to go after one of the undeclared abilities. They had just seen sporty get yeeted due to an ability-based accusation. If they chose me, I'd be dead, so any choice is pointless. That left SAR vs. Clem. Since Clem had much more sus, I went with SAR

But why would a wolf kill someone who has a high chance of being yeeted over someone who is more locked village?

Idk, this argument still skeeves me out but the fact you outed it yourself makes it less wolfy.

Once again, stuck in the new-player-who-thinks-different-to-majority-consensus or wolf debate
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I thought about this concern. The problem is too many people (Santy, Zenge, Lucy, and to a slightly lesser extend Stagg and Samac) have strong village points. I feared watching one of them would be essentially a game of chance with poor odds

My rationale is the killer, knowing there are a lot of strong village cases, would instead want to go after one of the undeclared abilities. They had just seen sporty get yeeted due to an ability-based accusation. If they chose me, I'd be dead, so any choice is pointless. That left SAR vs. Clem. Since Clem had much more sus, I went with SAR
I am very confused.
Why would they kill within the POE at all.

Also, I guess it’s okay to assume a second serial killer but I am interested that your voice has shifted entirely away from wolves to the term killer.
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I don’t know what to say other than my Poe hasn’t changed since last night.
Sar quick do something super village-y
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