2019-2020 East Tennessee (Quillen)

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The Real PG
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May 10, 2012
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Please tag a pre-allo moderator when the second prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: East Tennessee (Quillen)

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Anyone receive a secondary app yet?
Just a friendly heads up from last year's cycle (current M1 at Quillen). One person on SDN reportedly got their secondary around this time in July. Not sure if they were Early Decision or not, but everyone else got them the first week in August so stay patient. Tag me with any questions you guys have good for the public and message me with anything else! Good luck to you all.
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Just a friendly heads up from last year's cycle (current M1 at Quillen). One person on SDN reportedly got their secondary around this time in July. Not sure if they were Early Decision or not, but everyone else got them the first week in August so stay patient. Tag me with any questions you guys have good for the public and message me with anything else! Good luck to you all.

Thanks for the heads up. How are you liking it there?
Thanks for the heads up. How are you liking it there?

Loving it. Chose it over other MD acceptances and feel more and more confident in that decision every day. White coat ceremony tomorrow to formally conclude orientation then diving into embryo Monday! Can’t recommend Quillen enough.
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Loving it. Chose it over other MD acceptances and feel more and more confident in that decision every day. White coat ceremony tomorrow to formally conclude orientation then diving into embryo Monday! Can’t recommend Quillen enough.

Thanks for the input and congrats on the white coat ceremony.
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Just a friendly heads up from last year's cycle (current M1 at Quillen). One person on SDN reportedly got their secondary around this time in July. Not sure if they were Early Decision or not, but everyone else got them the first week in August so stay patient. Tag me with any questions you guys have good for the public and message me with anything else! Good luck to you all.

Do I even have a chance? this is my top choice!

AA female
cGPA :3.4, sGPA :3.1 upward trend for both and drop in gpa well explained in personal statement.
lots of leadership, volunteer (clinical and non-clinical) experiences
over 1000 clinical hours
MCAT: 492 ( I know it's terrible) retaking Aug.9th hoping for >500
Do I even have a chance? this is my top choice!

AA female
cGPA :3.4, sGPA :3.1 upward trend for both and drop in gpa well explained in personal statement.
lots of leadership, volunteer (clinical and non-clinical) experiences
over 1000 clinical hours
MCAT: 492 ( I know it's terrible) retaking Aug.9th hoping for >500
You wont know unless you try!
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Do I even have a chance? this is my top choice!

AA female
cGPA :3.4, sGPA :3.1 upward trend for both and drop in gpa well explained in personal statement.
lots of leadership, volunteer (clinical and non-clinical) experiences
over 1000 clinical hours
MCAT: 492 ( I know it's terrible) retaking Aug.9th hoping for >500

are you IS?
Also haven’t taken the Casper test. I take it tomorrow.
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I have not received a secondary, but I did get an email on July 23rd that said they had received my application.
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Hoping and praying I get into this University. It's in my home state and vet friendly, which helps!
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Mine lets me login but the questions aren't showing up in Safari or Chrome. Anyone else have this problem?
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I have the same issue. Were you able to figure out what’s going on?

No but I'm assuming today is the first day they sent out secondary invites (could be wrong tho) and there's on a bug on their end they need to fix. It almost looks like they didn't upload the questions maybe? Probably need to call the office if multiple people are having the same problem
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No but I'm assuming today is the first day they sent out secondary invites (could be wrong tho) and there's on a bug on their end they need to fix. It almost looks like they didn't upload the questions maybe? Probably need to call the office if multiple people are having the same problem
That was my guess, too. Thanks for posting something on this thread! Glad I’m not the only one with this issue
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If anyone ends up figuring out the way to actually see the questions or if someone emails/calls the office, post an update on here please!
IS, same here. I paid the application fee through and am worried I won't be able to fill out the questions
Anybody else not get a secondary, but got a survey instead?
Have you taken the Casper yet? I just did on the 30th, so it’s not scored. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Took my Casper early June.
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Questions up!

Must answer 3 out of the 5

Edit: All 750 Characters

QCOM Training:
Why do you believe training at Quillen College of Medicine would be of particular benefit to you?

Today's PCP:
Why is the primary care physician important in today's world?

Background Impact:
How will your background, life experiences, and so forth, affect the way you choose your future practice of medicine?

Rural Health Issue:
What do you view as the largest health issue(s) impacting rural or underserved communities?

Community Role:
Apart from treating patients, physicians play important roles in their community. What roles would you see yourself playing in the community you will eventually serve?
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Anyone else having trouble deciding which 3 questions to answer?
Anyone else having trouble deciding which 3 questions to answer?

I assume it’s an at least 3 of 5 right? I haven’t got the secondary yet, but want to pre write.
I didn't see the three out of five part and answered them all.... Submitted.
I only wrote 3 out of 5 and I submitted this morning.
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Any OOS receive secondary yet? I have competitive stats and I'm a veteran, so I was hoping to at least get a secondary from East Tennessee. I'm OOS though, so maybe that's why?
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Any OOS receive secondary yet? I have competitive stats and I'm a veteran, so I was hoping to at least get a secondary from East Tennessee. I'm OOS though, so maybe that's why?
I'm OOS and haven't recieved a secondary either. I'm hoping they just send OOS a little later because if I remember correctly, on the MSAR it says they accept OOS applicants.