When to Submit ERAS?

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20+ Year Member
Apr 2, 2002
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in talking with some classmates, we couldn't agree on the degree of benefit to submitting ERAS v early (i.e. Sept 1) or just on the early side (Sept) versus just before the deadlines of the programs. any perspectives specific to RadOnc programs in general? is there an advantage? does it follow the addage of "apply early, interview late"?

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Submitting an application on 9/1 > 9/30 >>> before deadlines of programs.

Many programs offer rolling interviews, why delay for more than a couple of weeks? Don't procrastinate w/ something like this.

Things you can finish quickly include your CAF and personal statements. Nobody will have all their LORs on the first day but be on the ball for things you can control. Good luck.
in talking with some classmates, we couldn't agree on the degree of benefit to submitting ERAS v early (i.e. Sept 1) or just on the early side (Sept) versus just before the deadlines of the programs. any perspectives specific to RadOnc programs in general? is there an advantage? does it follow the addage of "apply early, interview late"?

absolutely as soon as you possibly can. do NOT wait. Even if the app is incomplete. they start looking right away and interivew spots start filling with promising folks eary. This can be a difference between acceptance or not.
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as in incomplete meaning without LoR's, correct? are there other parts of the app that might not be looked at which can be added later?
in talking with some classmates, we couldn't agree on the degree of benefit to submitting ERAS v early (i.e. Sept 1) or just on the early side (Sept) versus just before the deadlines of the programs. any perspectives specific to RadOnc programs in general? is there an advantage? does it follow the addage of "apply early, interview late"?

I would suggest applying after the deadline. Give them the impression that they need you more than you need them. ;)