Wake Forest 2012 anyone?!

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How's research at Wake? I know they don't have it build into the schedule like other schools, but can you still participate in a research project? How hard is it to do so?

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I dont mean to hijack this thread or anything, but on the secondary I understand there is "what ec have you made the biggest impact, and what EC has made the biggest impact on you". I was just wondering how much detail ppl went into. Did you limit it to one maybe two sentences, a couple of paragraphs, pages???

I know which ones I am going to put down, but I dont know how much detail to go into. Thanks!
I am mentally trying to decide between wake forest and einstein... i can't choose....i am waiting of wf financial aid package to see if maybe that will help...for those of you at wake forest..is it possible to live there happily without a car??? i am from nyc and i don't drive now and i would hate to think I would have to buy a car to go to med school...that's another hige expense...
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That's a good question. I don't really have an answer, but coming from a similar-sized city I'm going to guess the answer is not really. Where I'm from it would be impossible to survive without a car, the public transport is just nothing like NYC, Chicago, or any city of size. I look forward to hearing a complete answer on this one.

A car doesn't have to be a huge expense. A few thousand dollars should get you a pretty decent ride. I just recently bought my motorcycle too- it was only $2,000 (not much good in snow though). Plus if you live in one of the more popular apartment buildings I'm sure you could always find someone around to give you a ride. NYC to W-S- that would be a big change for you >). I'd like to give NYC a chance some day, but I just can't imagine living in a city quite so huge! Also, everything about car ownership including purchase price would be cheaper in NC than NY, so it would be better to shop for a car once you get to NC.
How's research at Wake? I know they don't have it build into the schedule like other schools, but can you still participate in a research project? How hard is it to do so?

I know you have the first summer to participate in research (if you want), and given the huge volume of various reserach projects going on at Wake I doubt it would be hard to get involved...probably just hard finding the time.
just registered to say I'll be at WF c/o 2012 as well, woohoo! it's nice to see so many of the current students being so helpful. tells you a lot about the people there. btw anybody coming from the westcoast? los angeles by any chance?
just registered to say I'll be at WF c/o 2012 as well, woohoo! it's nice to see so many of the current students being so helpful. tells you a lot about the people there. btw anybody coming from the westcoast? los angeles by any chance?

Welcome! I'm from the west, but not that far west. I'm coming from Phx. It's going to be a long drive to NC :D!
Question for you current students- anyone know anything about the "Prematriculation Summer Preparatory Program?" I just got the email today, but it doesn't really say much about what it actually is. It's only two weeks, so I can't imagine there's much to be accomplished during that time, and it doesn't say anything about cost. Also, it mentions ".interdisciplinary exams may be given at appropriate intervals."- I'm not sure exactly what that means. Exams MAY be given? Does this somehow reduce the material we'll be responsible for later, and do the grades apply towards our totals or are they more of a self-assessment of some kind? Recommended, not recommended? Thanks.
NC Doc if you don't mind me asking how the heck did somebody with scores like yours get waitlisted at the state school? I can understand a Ca resident but it appears kinda harsh for Az... Is this common in your neck of the woods as well?
NC Doc if you don't mind me asking how the heck did somebody with scores like yours get waitlisted at the state school? I can understand a Ca resident but it appears kinda harsh for Az... Is this common in your neck of the woods as well?

Hahaha! Funny you should ask. This is really common for AZ. No one knows why, but it happens all the time. I was waitlisted at BOTH U of A schools (Phoenix & Tucson which have separate adcoms) but honestly it is a blessing. I wasn't impressed with the school at all and it really was not a good fit for me. Now I dont have to be tempted by the cheap tuition :rolleyes:! I am a Kaplan teacher and one of my students said that his friend just got into U of A, average grades, 25 MCAT....:rolleyes:. Oh well! I got into Wake, and I'll be infinitely happier there.

Sun Devils beat the Cats in football AND twice in basketball this year anyways.......
Hahaha! Funny you should ask. This is really common for AZ. No one knows why, but it happens all the time. I was waitlisted at BOTH U of A schools (Phoenix & Tucson which have separate adcoms) but honestly it is a blessing. I wasn't impressed with the school at all and it really was not a good fit for me. Now I dont have to be tempted by the cheap tuition :rolleyes:! I am a Kaplan teacher and one of my students said that his friend just got into U of A, average grades, 25 MCAT....:rolleyes:. Oh well! I got into Wake, and I'll be infinitely happier there.

Sun Devils beat the Cats in football AND twice in basketball this year anyways.......

AZ is the biggest joke when it comes to their admissions committee decisions. I think they actually screen for people who may be acceptable at other schools...and then pick someone else to accept. I am not bitter in any way though...I will be attending a much better program in the fall...Wake Forest!
Question for you current students- anyone know anything about the "Prematriculation Summer Preparatory Program?" I just got the email today, but it doesn't really say much about what it actually is. It's only two weeks, so I can't imagine there's much to be accomplished during that time, and it doesn't say anything about cost. Also, it mentions ".interdisciplinary exams may be given at appropriate intervals."- I'm not sure exactly what that means. Exams MAY be given? Does this somehow reduce the material we'll be responsible for later, and do the grades apply towards our totals or are they more of a self-assessment of some kind? Recommended, not recommended? Thanks.

I am not totally sure how WF runs their "prematriculation" course, several schools run them. They generally offer you a quick review of the sciences (at least what you need to know to get started in medical school), teach you some student habits/techniques, and may in some cases give you a little heads up on what to expect in the coming block of instruction. It can be a big help to someone who had some time out of the classroom between graduating and starting medical school, or someone who feels the need to gain a little extra confidence prior to starting. It more than likely will not reduce the material you will be responsible for once schools starts.

If you ping the school about the program, let us know what else you find out. Cost/additional topics covered/etc
I've got a neuro midterm in two days but this will be a good way to procrastinate.
How's research at Wake? I know they don't have it build into the schedule like other schools, but can you still participate in a research project? How hard is it to do so?

Regarding research, Wake doesn't push and prod you into it, but if you're interested a multitude of options exist. A few months ago they sent us first-years a spreadsheet with tons and tons of Wake biomedical and clinical labs looking for summer researchers. There were options in all the major areas of medicine as well as more peripheral ones – clearly enough to suit anyone's research interests. However, while options were aplenty, there was no guarantee that all interested med students would get a paid position. We had to complete an application (I'm guessing about 60 of us did – or less) and 40-something of us will get a summer stipend after they review which ones were the best. However, most people who don't get funding through this program will still probably get funded regardless, since most of the labs on the list are up to their necks in grant money and paying a measly summer research stipend isn't going to shave too much off. So basically, for anyone who wants to research at Wake it's quite doable. I don't feel like I've been limited at all.

Also, for those who don't want to stay in Winston-Salem over the summer, many classmates of mine have been successful in securing research positions for the summer elsewhere around the country (Washington DC, Yale, etc.).

If you want publications, don't worry a bit. I was talking to a 2nd year med student the other day who's already looking at about 4 pubs at various stages of development.

I am mentally trying to decide between wake forest and einstein... i can't choose....i am waiting of wf financial aid package to see if maybe that will help...for those of you at wake forest..is it possible to live there happily without a car??? i am from nyc and i don't drive now and i would hate to think I would have to buy a car to go to med school...that's another hige expense...

I can't tell you which is a better school (though of course I'm biased towards Wake), but I can tell you that a fellow classmate of mine had the same decision to make and came to Wake. It's really quite subjective though: do you want NYC and its rich cultural offerings, but also all the craziness that comes with a big city? Or do you want a small-to-medium city that's easy to live in, but could never hold a candle to the nightlife and cultural offerings of NYC? That's really a temperament choice, and it all depends on you.

Regarding a car, I came here without one (I left mine in another state that was far, far away). It's quite feasible to live here, attend school - and even get your groceries without a car. However, if you want to go anywhere outside of the small sphere of medical school (which you'll want to do), it most definitely helps to have one. Thing is, you could get a used car for a few grand or less. Putting 3k into the grand scheme of med school debt (~200k), and I'd hate for that to be a deal breaker.

If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to answer them -- just PM me.
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just registered to say I'll be at WF c/o 2012 as well, woohoo! it's nice to see so many of the current students being so helpful. tells you a lot about the people there. btw anybody coming from the westcoast? los angeles by any chance?

Whaaat up west coast! Coming from Orange County/Bay Area...should be a pretty intense move. When are you planning on going out to W/S to do the whole housing thing?
I am mentally trying to decide between wake forest and einstein... i can't choose....i am waiting of wf financial aid package to see if maybe that will help...for those of you at wake forest..is it possible to live there happily without a car??? i am from nyc and i don't drive now and i would hate to think I would have to buy a car to go to med school...that's another hige expense...

You need a car. The Winston-Salem Transit Authority just isn't up to par nor is it very well utilized. You might be able to get through your first two years without one. You would have to take the bus every day during your clinical practice experience (CPE) but that's very doable. However, during your third year you it will be more difficult as you will have about 4-5 days of night shift at an outside hospital as well as outside clinics for Gyn/Psych/Peds/Family/and Ambulatory. And we haven't even discussed shopping.
Whaaat up west coast! Coming from Orange County/Bay Area...should be a pretty intense move. When are you planning on going out to W/S to do the whole housing thing?

wait are you bay area or oc? because they are kinda far from each other. anyway I think we should get a caravan of us Ca/Az people driving out there. I'm planning on leaving July first and taking my time driving. probably stay at a hotel in W-S for a few days while i secure housing then move in; and if things go as planned it should be before the first day of orientation =X
wait are you bay area or oc? because they are kinda far from each other. anyway I think we should get a caravan of us Ca/Az people driving out there. I'm planning on leaving July first and taking my time driving. probably stay at a hotel in W-S for a few days while i secure housing then move in; and if things go as planned it should be before the first day of orientation =X

I'm originally from the Bay Area, but I went to school at UCI and currently live/work in Irvine. So are you looking to go OOS or the cali-competition got to you too?
I'm originally from the Bay Area, but I went to school at UCI and currently live/work in Irvine. So are you looking to go OOS or the cali-competition got to you too?

yea i'm going oos b/c of the damn smart people here. I actually welcome a break from LA though. the older i get the more i realize the media projection of the "hollywood" ideal in LA is pretty true and it's kinda tiring. I'm going to be driving out of Pasadena (currently work at UCLA)
For those who are anxious to hear from Wake about Financial Aid, I spoke with fin. aid over the phone today and they said that "for the most part" the award letters were sent out this morning. Only a few more days of waiting! :hardy:
For those who are anxious to hear from Wake about Financial Aid, I spoke with fin. aid over the phone today and they said that "for the most part" the award letters were sent out this morning. Only a few more days of waiting! :hardy:
I wonder if that's need-based scholarship/grant stuff, or just loan info... If it's everything, that's pretty good...wasn't the submission deadline just on 4/1?
I wonder if that's need-based scholarship/grant stuff, or just loan info... If it's everything, that's pretty good...wasn't the submission deadline just on 4/1?

I am not sure, but when I had called a few weeks ago they told me that their goal was to get the finanical aid awards sent between April 1-15. I guess we'll know in a few days!
i just got home from wake's second look and ms stevens said the packages have all pretty much been sent out...and it is everything...from the students that i spoke with they seem to be really good with grants and scholarships!!!! i didn't know that until this weekend! I am really happy with wake..the weekend was incredible..the students, the deans, the hospital is beautiful...winston salem isn't nyc but is a nice little city...southern, friendly, in expensive....it reminds me of upstate ny but with much nicer weather!!!

thanks for all of the advice regarding the car situation... i plan on living near the school..but you are right..for the clinical experiences... i can probably take taxis for the beginning block but i am going to need to get a car when i get down there... i will wait until i get to nc though... i think it will be cheaper and it will be easier driving in winston salem than it would be driving in nyc... i think i can handle it!:)

but i did meet ppl who don't have a car and they said they get around okay...it isn't the easiest thing to do but it isn't impossibe either...and not having a car shouldn't be a reason not to go!

the pre matric program i believe is free...the school sponsors you...the amount of space is limited but ppl did reccommend it...they said u get used to the school, u make friends, u get your computer and u r settled before everyone comes on campus...you don't feel as lost... and i have been out of school for a while...so i think i am going to do it...u go over some sciences....some case based learning sessions...study habits... i don't think it is intense at all

we did a mock clnical case this weekend...which they said was based on the case based learning sessions...and it was so much fun.... i can't wait to start school this summer...

i got alot of info this weekend...and answers to questions that i needed in order to decide between schools so if u want to know anything in particular i can tell you what i know...just pm me or ask...

i think i have made up my mind!!
i just got home from wake's second look and ms stevens said the packages have all pretty much been sent out...

What is this about a second look weekend? I didn't think that there was one?
What is this about a second look weekend? I didn't think that there was one?

i knew i forgot to clarify when i wrote that.... i just got home... i don't think everyone was invited to this one because it only had a couple of ppl there and some of them were still on the waitlist.... i think they invited the waitlist ppl because u have a great chance of getting off the waitlist at wake... i don't know why wake doesn't have one for all students...it is very helpful and it was alot of fun....but it was sponsored by the offices of student diversities and develoment...and by the snma....(student national medical association)...so it was geared towards their prospective minority students...they scheduled it the same weekend as the pre med conference too, which was also aimed at increasing the amount of minority applicants...so there were alot of ppl around....and we had a chance to hear from all of the deans and interact with many of the staff... so if u have any questions i can try to answer...

but i was so wrapped up... forgot to get a copy of the match list....oooh i will email the school now and ask!!...i'll post it if i get it...or can one of the current students post it?? because i know u received a copy recently too...
Assuming I'm understanding you correctly..... How is it not discriminatory to offer a second look weekend only to a few choice applicants based solely on their race?! Alright, so I don't really care...but still! >) I'm glad you found what you were looking for. Did you, by any chance, get an official date for the start of classes? Your post makes me more interested in the premat program, but it appears to be the first two weeks of July, which would mean moving sometime mid-late June at the LATEST. That cuts my time horizon down to 2 1/2 months rather than 3 1/2 if classes don't start until the end of July. There's so much that has to come together before then!

I thought your mention of "taking a cab" was rather funny >). Coming from a city a little larger than W-S I wouldn't even know how to get a cab! Phone book under "cab" maybe? Spotting a cab in ::my city:: is like spotting motorcycles. You see them, but they're very rare. And I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as "hailing a cab." They don't stop for crazy people waving at them.
I'm a second year, wait no - recently promoted from 2nd to 3rd year - medical student at Wake and to my knowledge there is no official second look put on by the school. I didn't even know that a club/group/whatever put on a "second look" for minority and/or waitlisted applicants. That's news to me. If you (the reference to "you" is not meant to single out anyone - it is an all-encompassing "you") really want to come for a second look - I'll offer up my house to anyone and I'll throw in another tour (besides the one "you" got during your interview day) for free. How's that? In light of the proposed discrimination of the possible second look mentioned before - I do retain the right to refuse to house/give a tour to anyone who got over a 42 on their MCAT or who did not get accepted to their state school but still managed to get into Wake (Yes, I am from AZ and UofA didn't like me either). Heck, I'll even drive anyone who wants a second look to a nice restaurant after the fun filled day of your own personal "second look" as long as you pay for your own meal and mine. So it may not be the best second look, I know, but the offer is out there.

it is not discriminatory if a certain student group decides to host a second look... that group has to find funding...pay for your meals....find the staff to chat with you...the snma is a national medical association whose mission is to increase the number of under represented minorities in medicine...they can invite who ever they want to.... alot of schools offer second look weekends for minority students...it's there to make u feel more welcome... there is no way i can explain to you in an internet post why there is a need for a group like snma or the need to offer a second look weekend to address the concerns of minority applicants...but trust me...one of my factors in deciding between schools is the amount of support in place for minority applicants...i am not alone in my way of thinking

my jewish friends look for schools which allow them to celebrate the sabbath without being penalized for leaving clinical early or re scheduling an exam which may be held later on a friday night

i wish there were two second looks...most schools offer a general one and a snma one...i would love to see wake in a more realistic setting...but judging from my interview day...i think the ppl are generally laid back and friendly
i don't want to turn this thread or the second look weekend into some racial clash...i think its fair...you don't...we can just agree to disagree about this one!:)

it was actually very nice and helped solidify why wake is such a great school...

if u want to go visit wake again... i am sure all u have to do is call the admissions office and ask them...and take five other ppl from here with you...or go by yourself... i am sure they will let you meet with deans, meet the director of financial aid...and chat with students...they are very friendly...

they didn't give me the exact dates regarding the start of class...they said the end of july... but i heard u get one week off between pre matric and the start of classes...and the pre matric program runs july 7th-18th....

that is funny that u wouldn't know how to get a cab... i interviewed at a school in west virginia (DO) where there was no taxi service... and i was lost.... i ended up taking a limo to my interview!!! i couldn't survive without a taxi or two:)
Taxis - Actually, you see them all over, and there are at least 3 decent sized companies.

2nd look - As Jimmy Steele offered (and I have also offered - this would be #2) make your desire known, send us a time and we'll hook you up. It's unofficial, but honestly more productive than being herded through an organized 2nd look.

Car in WS - You will need one 3rd year. Buy a Toyota POS (Tercel, Corolla, Prizm) and you're fine. During your 1st two years bike or walk = good stress relieving exercise.

PreMatric Class: Good for meeting other students and getting your computer early... = FREE, but limited space.

Step 1 isn't that bad.

Did I miss anything?

Oh yeah, your fortune: " A cynic is only a frustrated optimist." & lucky numbers: 4, 12, 23, 26, 41, 49
Oh yeah - research... I didn't do research my 1st summer, but I'm probably going to be doing some this year.

WakeForest answered well before, the school doesn't force it on you, at the same time, it's fairly low-hanging fruit, plenty to go around if you get off your butt. ;)
I didn't mean for my post to be taken so seriously... I loved Wake Forest so much I'm completely uninterested in a second look visit, and I didn't realize your visit was organized/sponsored solely by a student group. But again, I'm happy you found what you were looking for....and it seems we'll be classmates in a few short months!

I got my financial aid letter today and I'm totally blown away. For current students receiving grant amounts- the back of the letter states that thank-you letters are required before amounts are credited. The second letter (from donor relations) says she'll meet with us during orientation and give us more info about the donor and how to contact them. Am I to assume I don't need to do anything (other than sign and mail this back) until after school starts? Also, I'd really like to find out more about the grant amount....selection criteria, donor background, how long (many years) it's good for, if it's conditional on anything, etc. Any idea how I'd go about doing this? I couldn't reach the financial aid office today....

(Also, it's not listed at http://www1.wfubmc.edu/FinancialAid/Scholarship+Funds.htm)
I didn't mean for my post to be taken so seriously... I loved Wake Forest so much I'm completely uninterested in a second look visit, and I didn't realize your visit was organized/sponsored solely by a student group. But again, I'm happy you found what you were looking for....and it seems we'll be classmates in a few short months!

I got my financial aid letter today and I'm totally blown away. For current students receiving grant amounts- the back of the letter states that thank-you letters are required before amounts are credited. The second letter (from donor relations) says she'll meet with us during orientation and give us more info about the donor and how to contact them. Am I to assume I don't need to do anything (other than sign and mail this back) until after school starts? Also, I'd really like to find out more about the grant amount....selection criteria, donor background, how long (many years) it's good for, if it's conditional on anything, etc. Any idea how I'd go about doing this? I couldn't reach the financial aid office today....

(Also, it's not listed at http://www1.wfubmc.edu/FinancialAid/Scholarship+Funds.htm)

Just a few questions...do you live near NC? i'm in Cali and wondering how long I should gauge my aid to be coming.

Blown away..in a good way? haha just wanted to confirm.

I don't understand what you mean, you want to understand the grant amount? Was that not included in the letter?

Did you specifically apply to any scholarships/grants or was that all done by the FA office?

Thanks man i appreciate your help.
Just a few questions...do you live near NC? i'm in Cali and wondering how long I should gauge my aid to be coming.

Blown away..in a good way? haha just wanted to confirm.

I don't understand what you mean, you want to understand the grant amount? Was that not included in the letter?

Did you specifically apply to any scholarships/grants or was that all done by the FA office?

Thanks man i appreciate your help.
It's all done automatically, IF you did the needaccess thing, and included parent info. Yeah, blown away in a good way >). The postmark on my letter is 4/7, and I'm in TN, so quite close...I'm sure CA will be a few days more. The name of the fund/grant is listed, but other than that there's nothing specific to it aside from the amount. It doesn't even say whether it's for all 4 years or not (although hope it is). The back of the letter does say that awards may vary from year to year, so.....
I got my financial aid letter today and all I got were a list of the loans I can take out. Yay, southeast US! Apparently there's a way to appeal your financial aid award, which I'm going to try and do.

Otherwise I may have to say goodbye to being a doctor. :(
For current students receiving grant amounts- the back of the letter states that thank-you letters are required before amounts are credited. The second letter (from donor relations) says she'll meet with us during orientation and give us more info about the donor and how to contact them.

That is pretty impressive that they expect you to send thank you notes.
That is pretty impressive that they expect you to send thank you notes.
Why the sarcasm? I never said anything to indicate I had a problem with sending a thank-you....I am only trying to figure out WHEN and HOW to do this. I would love to do it right now, but since I know NOTHING about it...I can't.

Also, it seems odd to me if they aren't looking for the thank you until after orientation, but meanwhile you have an outstanding balance on your account and you're already in school.....
congrats on your scholarship/ grant offer... wake is a great school... i don't think he was being sarcastic and i don't think he was doubting your enthusiasm either... i think he was complimenting the school... it is very impressive for a school to require thank you notes..it means they take their donors seriously which a good thing on their part...and we know that u realize that too...

i would just try to call the financial aid office again tomorrow... u can also call ms. stevens and leave a message...email them...or call the donor relations office ...those are all valid questions you have.... congrats again!!!
Why the sarcasm? I never said anything to indicate I had a problem with sending a thank-you....I am only trying to figure out WHEN and HOW to do this. I would love to do it right now, but since I know NOTHING about it...I can't.

Also, it seems odd to me if they aren't looking for the thank you until after orientation, but meanwhile you have an outstanding balance on your account and you're already in school.....

No sarcasm intended. When you get to know me next fall, you will find me to be rather sarcastic...but not in regards to being thankful for the help other people give me.

I really am impressed that Wake Forest requires thank you notes. I think that there are too many people out there (not saying you are one of them) who would just take the money and run...so to speak, not even being grateful for the private donations made by the many people who establish these scholarships. So...I am really impressed in a good way.

PS They don't have you send thank you notes before school has started because their is likely a lot of changes between now and then as to who will actually be attending and taking that specific scholarship. If you decide not to go, or take some other scholarship instead, then that would free up those funds to go to someone who is currently on the waitlist. Would be kind of odd for the donors to receive 2-3 thank you notes for that one scholarship.
I guess this is a question for a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year student.

Are their generally more or less scholarships offered to 1st year students? Or in other words if you were awarded X amount in scholarships your first year, is it reasonable to assume you would get X your second year if all the other factors stay the same?

Hope that makes sense.
I guess this is a question for a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year student.

Are their generally more or less scholarships offered to 1st year students? Or in other words if you were awarded X amount in scholarships your first year, is it reasonable to assume you would get X your second year if all the other factors stay the same?

Hope that makes sense.

i second this question. just got my fin aid letter, and it has a substantial per year scholarship, which i'm super pumped about, but i didnt catch anything about thank you notes?? hmm...
For current students receiving grant amounts- the back of the letter states that thank-you letters are required before amounts are credited. The second letter (from donor relations) says she'll meet with us during orientation and give us more info about the donor and how to contact them. Am I to assume I don't need to do anything (other than sign and mail this back) until after school starts? Also, I'd really like to find out more about the grant amount....selection criteria, donor background, how long (many years) it's good for, if it's conditional on anything, etc. Any idea how I'd go about doing this? I couldn't reach the financial aid office today....

(Also, it's not listed at http://www1.wfubmc.edu/FinancialAid/Scholarship+Funds.htm)

When I got a scholarship from my sorority, a thank-you note was required to accept the scholarship, so I don't find this too strange. If fin aid says they'll give you the info at orientation, I would say wait until then and one day at orientation, go ahead and write it.

I used a nice card for mine. :)
I didn't take the time to scroll through the thread, but I'm a first year at Wake and I'd be glad to answer any questions. Feel free to post here or send me a private message.

Congrats to those who are coming here. It's a great school.
Ms. Stevens told me my scholarship was good for four years...so i am sure that applies to everyone...but you can call them to ask...congrats...last weekend the students i met told me wake gives their students very impressive financial aid award packages... i think their financial aid office works very hard to make school affordable....they are ranked as one of the most expensive schools...but i am soo happy they try to alleviate some of that financial burden with scholarships and grantes....
I got my financial aid letter today and all I got were a list of the loans I can take out. Yay, southeast US! Apparently there's a way to appeal your financial aid award, which I'm going to try and do.

Otherwise I may have to say goodbye to being a doctor. :(

Why wouldn't you take out loans like everyone else that goes to medical school? You will be a doctor in 4 years...making a lot of money after residency...provided you are single with no kids, then living on the cheap shouldn't be that hard.

Or join the military or the Health Service Corps or something like that? There are also hospitals that you can sign up with once you get into residency that offer loan repayment in addition to your salary.
The letter I got from Temple today was just that- a list of loans. Actually, for some reason it only provided sub/unsub numbers and didn't even mention other sources like grad plus. Absolutely no (free) aid whatsoever.
Why wouldn't you take out loans like everyone else that goes to medical school? You will be a doctor in 4 years...making a lot of money after residency...provided you are single with no kids, then living on the cheap shouldn't be that hard.

I'm an MPH student, currently writing my second policy paper. It's covering the three basic models of enticing physicians back into primary care (loan forgiveness programs, building supportive primary care centers, and finding ways to improve financing for medical school) Lots of fun.

(aside: right now I'm reading an interesting paper by Barbara Starfield about how the residency programs are set up to depend on foreign medical graduates, i.e. not the best way to increase our numbers of primary care physicians.)

The financing stuff is scary. Looking at the percentage of income your loans will make up is very worrying to me, especially knowing that my loans will be over $200,000. It doesn't help that I'm the first person in my family to complete an undergraduate education, much less get two graduate degrees. It also doesn't help that I've been financially independent since I was eighteen, paid my own way through two degrees, and still get hit with having a too high EFC. I understand why they use it, but it still sucks.

However, things are looking better now. I talked to my wonderful life partner (as I feel too old and settled for the word boyfriend) and he's willing to help me out with the cost of living while I'm in school and when I get out so I can get these loans paid off fast! :love:

Signing on the dotted line is still going to make me throw up.

PS: kypdurron5, that makes no sense!
PS: kypdurron5, that makes no sense!
I don't know what you're referring to, but if it's my last comment I'll restate. My financial aid letter from Temple (school of medicine) offered no grant/scholarship money and instead only provided Stafford numbers. It was kind of odd; WF's financial aid letter made perfect sense, they listed grants/scholarships, loans, and then accounted for tuition, fees, R&B, etc. The Temple letter just listed Stafford maximums and didn't say anything else about how I might pay for everything (and it didn't even list what the "everything" number was). Their financial aid talk was the most memorable of my 7 school circuit. Most schools take a "you can do it, we'll make it happen" approach. Temple's presentation was more of a "this is really bad and you might be able to scrape enough together..." Heck, even NYMC went with "We're looking at a quarter of a million here, but it's an investment in your future." Anyway, suffice it to say it was a very depressing speech.

Have you decided on WF or are there still other possibilities? You sound like you may have a case for appeal that's not reflected in FAFSA numbers; it's at least worth a try...best of luck!
PS- Saturday morning I mailed my 3 acceptance withdraws, picked a lender, mailed my financial aid letter back, and completed my MPN online. I am officially 100% WF committed! :)

For current students, and out of curiosity, did any of you choose CFNC as your lender? I did quite a bit of research, and they seemed to be the best offer with no origin fees, 2.5% interest reduction at repayment, no prepayment penalties, they're non-profit, they guarantee their benefits (the 2.5% off- apparently some lenders can/do cancel these reductions), and they say they don't sell their loans to other companies. Unless I'm missing something, I haven't found another lender that comes close to all that.
PS- Saturday morning I mailed my 3 acceptance withdraws, picked a lender, mailed my financial aid letter back, and completed my MPN online. I am officially 100% WF committed! :)

For current students, and out of curiosity, did any of you choose CFNC as your lender? I did quite a bit of research, and they seemed to be the best offer with no origin fees, 2.5% interest reduction at repayment, no prepayment penalties, they're non-profit, they guarantee their benefits (the 2.5% off- apparently some lenders can/do cancel these reductions), and they say they don't sell their loans to other companies. Unless I'm missing something, I haven't found another lender that comes close to all that.

Welcome to Wake :).

I chose CFNC, their benefits have changed since my first year but they continue to be the best. I can't tell you what it's like to deal with them when it matters (A year and a half from now when I start paying them back), but so far I couldn't be happier.