The Watering Hole (social)

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Oh no! Woooo girls :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I'm not the annoying one that walks around and woooos all night, but I have been known to wooo once or twice. It started when I used to make fun of my roommate in undergrad for doing it, and now it just happes :p

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I'm not much of a woooo-er in person, but I just think its a lovely way of expressing my tipsiness via text/fb/message board :laugh:

Good morning :D How are you feeling this morning? :p
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I was up at seven and have been outside most of the morning packing up my car :p Knock wood, I've never had a hangover, even after some pretty crazy nights. ;)

Jealous! I can get a hangover if I drink a glass of wine. Pretty sure that has to do with the fact that I only drink about 8 oz of water a week... on a good week :lame:
I was up at seven and have been outside most of the morning packing up my car :p Knock wood, I've never had a hangover, even after some pretty crazy nights. ;)
Not fair at all, really not freaking fair.

Jealous! I can get a hangover if I drink a glass of wine. Pretty sure that has to do with the fact that I only drink about 8 oz of water a week... on a good week :lame:

Me too, except I drink water all day (besides coffee in the morning). It really sucks. Sucks even more that sometimes I can be hungover all the next day from 2 drinks and sometimes I can drink way more than a sensible amount and be pretty ok the next day. Makes no sense!
Gah, went out last night with some friends and had four beers, FOUR!, and was staggering the rest of the night. Where have you gone tolerance!!? :(

I may potentially be posting on here later tonight. The gym I go to is having a summer kick off party after the 5 PM workout so there will be burgers, food and and flip cup!! It's kind of hilarious because I'm one of the youngest people who goes to this gym and many of them are in their 30s, 40,s and 50s but apparently last year people had to be practically carried out. Sounds like it will be a fun time.
HELLOOOOOOOOO Jameson! You know you have been playing drunk SDN. Keep me company!

It's memorial day weekend!
Only had one margarita tonight. Not feeling a thing, unfortunately. I went with one of my coworkers to a Mexican restaurant right after work so I had to drive home. If I had not had to drive home I could have downed 4 of those maragaritas in about 30 minutes...that margarita was delicious. :)
I loooooove margaritas!! Without a doubt my favorite drink. :D Thankfully a friend drove, so I had a few ($4 on happy hour!!). Delicious.

Also you're posting in stars in this thread. Haha.
I loooooove margaritas!! Without a doubt my favorite drink. :D Thankfully a friend drove, so I had a few ($4 on happy hour!!). Delicious.

Also you're posting in stars in this thread. Haha.

Obviously, you didn't read the rules.

Sober people post in stars. Drunk people can post without stars.

And they picked you to be the leader in the WW game...:rolleyes::p
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Obviously, you didn't read the rules.

Sober people post in stars. Drunk people can post without stars.

And they picked you to be the leader in the WW game...:rolleyes::p

Hahaha, nope! I didn't read the entire thread so didn't see the rules. That works though - sober people would be with it enough to read and know that, drunk people... not so much.

I hate drunk typos. So responses are taking waaaaay longer than normal. So. Much. Backspacing!
Hahaha, nope! I didn't read the entire thread so didn't see the rules. That works though - sober people would be with it enough to read and know that, drunk people... not so much.

I hate drunk typos. So responses are taking waaaaay longer than normal. So. Much. Backspacing!


I make lots of typos when sober. Probably because I type really fast and end up hitting the wrong button so many times so I have to backspace and retype. I tend to correct errors while I am typing. I will actually delete a full sentence to correct an error at the beginning rather than use the mouse because I can backspace and retype faster than stopping and clicking with the mouse.

I make lots of typos when sober. Probably because I type really fast and end up hitting the wrong button so many times so I have to backspace and retype. I tend to correct errors while I am typing. I will actually delete a full sentence to correct an error at the beginning rather than use the mouse because I can backspace and retype faster than stopping and clicking with the mouse.

Yeah I tend to make a lot of typos sober as well. But it's because I never learned how to type properly. I never took those classes in high school. It wasn't such a big deal back then and I didn't even own a computer until I was 17! And that was only b/c i had to for school. And I also will backspace a whole sentence rather than using the mouse!
I get really social when drinking. I'm the last posted in the top three threads - that never happens!


I wish I could have drank enough tonight to get a little tipsy at least. Just be aware... I will probably get really drunk on July 7th. I am going out with a bunch of old friends that I used to work with to celebrate my acceptance to vet school/good bye party. I honestly haven't been really drunk in a long time and my tolerance level has probably significantly decreased so July 7th will probably be a really interesting night. :xf: That I don't end up with a bad hangover.
Yeah I tend to make a lot of typos sober as well. But it's because I never learned how to type properly. I never took those classes in high school. It wasn't such a big deal back then and I didn't even own a computer until I was 17! And that was only b/c i had to for school. And I also will backspace a whole sentence rather than using the mouse!

Same here! I got a computer at fifteen, but I used to draw digitally a lot so I would use my tablet + pen as a mouse; this resulted in my learning to type my right hand taking about 3/4 of the keyboard and left only covering a small amount. Slows me a lot but it's hard to change!

Had a couple drinks so I can finally post here without stars hehe. :)
In the coupld of years before vet school I could say I went a long time btw getting drunk. But then vet school happened. Esp second year :laugh: Wine is my new BFF.

Trilt - glad I'm not alone!! My friends marvel at how SLOW i type, haha. It makes it hard to keep up during lectureS! I've thought about doing one of those online typing classes.
I am one of those people that can type without looking at the keyboard and can get in 80+ words in a minute. My coworkers make fun of me all the time because I can type up a pet's history or log a super long phone converstation very quickly. They are always like, "Go ahead, type away."
I actually type pretty quickly (I just tested myself online at 72wpm, with several drinks in), but I definitely type weirdly compared to someone who took a keyboarding class and learned properly.
80+?? 72 with several drinks??

I just tested myself online and got 45. :eek: And yes, I am pretty tipsy, but don't think it would be much faster than that while sober. Maybe I should take an online class after all!
80+?? 72 with several drinks??

I just tested myself online and got 45. :eek: And yes, I am pretty tipsy, but don't think it would be much faster than that while sober. Maybe I should take an online class after all!

Typing classes were required in middle school for me. Apparently my typing is not quite as fast as it was back in high school.... I got a 65wpm but I had 0 errors. :cool:
I wish I was drunk right now. Would have helped getting through that ridic awks date with the ONLY boy in Scotland who does not drink way better....

I wish I was drunk right now. Would have helped getting through that ridic awks date with the ONLY boy in Scotland who does not drink way better....


Are you really not gonna share the story of this awkward date? Stories like that are the best! :laugh:
I wish I was drunk right now. Would have helped getting through that ridic awks date with the ONLY boy in Scotland who does not drink way better....


I would really like to hear this story.

Also I just took an online typing test because of everyone's talk about it. Now I am unhappy with my typing.
I just took an online typing test too. 2 beers in, sitting on the couch with the computer in my lap, I got 95 words per minute. Best I've done is 115, but that was at a desk, minus the alcohol :laugh:
Are you really not gonna share the story of this awkward date? Stories like that are the best! :laugh:

I don't even know if being so ridiculously bored out of my mind counts as a good story, but let's just say him talking about accounting and politics for 2 hours, with no chance of an escape because he was on the same side of the table as me and I couldn't find a good break to just text my friends to save me or go to the bathroom, does not make for a fun time. Accounting sounds like a miserable job btw.

And apparently he just "doesn't like the taste of alcohol" you've tried all 5 billion kinds then???? He just sat there with his water and me with my vodka. And was like yeah being sober and watching drunk people is hysterical. Yeah ok...maybe the first time...after that it's just annoying....

"So what do you do for fun when not working?" watch football, anything else?? No? Ok glad we had this chat.

I had to suppress yawning, andddd pretty sure the woman in the booth next to us noticed my face of sheer boredom and took pity on me....

So I came home and cracked open the Bailey's, and have been happy ever since.
I don't even know if being so ridiculously bored out of my mind counts as a good story, but let's just say him talking about accounting and politics for 2 hours, with no chance of an escape because he was on the same side of the table as me and I couldn't find a good break to just text my friends to save me or go to the bathroom, does not make for a fun time. Accounting sounds like a miserable job btw.

And apparently he just "doesn't like the taste of alcohol" you've tried all 5 billion kinds then???? He just sat there with his water and me with my vodka. And was like yeah being sober and watching drunk people is hysterical. Yeah ok...maybe the first time...after that it's just annoying....

"So what do you do for fun when not working?" watch football, anything else?? No? Ok glad we had this chat.

I had to suppress yawning, andddd pretty sure the woman in the booth next to us noticed my face of sheer boredom and took pity on me....

So I came home and cracked open the Bailey's, and have been happy ever since.

That falls under painful not just awkward. :scared: Makes me fully appreciate the fact that I don't have to date anymore. Accounting + Politics + No hobbies + No Alcohol = BORING!
I don't even know if being so ridiculously bored out of my mind counts as a good story, but let's just say him talking about accounting and politics for 2 hours, with no chance of an escape because he was on the same side of the table as me and I couldn't find a good break to just text my friends to save me or go to the bathroom, does not make for a fun time. Accounting sounds like a miserable job btw.

And apparently he just "doesn't like the taste of alcohol" you've tried all 5 billion kinds then???? He just sat there with his water and me with my vodka. And was like yeah being sober and watching drunk people is hysterical. Yeah ok...maybe the first time...after that it's just annoying....

"So what do you do for fun when not working?" watch football, anything else?? No? Ok glad we had this chat.

I had to suppress yawning, andddd pretty sure the woman in the booth next to us noticed my face of sheer boredom and took pity on me....

So I came home and cracked open the Bailey's, and have been happy ever since.

This may be the best date I've ever heard. :laugh: Sorry, SnS. :p
* * * * * * * *
Drinking a Bloody Mary! Yum!
(used less stars as I'm not drunk, but definitely not sober)

* * * * * * * *
I'm a wineaux, definitely.

This is glass....#4?

I love not having class.
Life's too short to drink bad wine, right? ;)

That's after a margarita. Since I made mexican tonight. Hehehe.:laugh:
Let's see...

The best stories I have are from my senior year of college. I'm not a huge fan of alcohol, but this one time it was completely and absolutely necessary. After finals, I still had a week left before graduation, dubbed Senior Week. As I fondly remember it, my friends and I attempted to stay in a perpetual state of drunkenness the entire week. I'm pretty sure we went through about 4 bottles of vodka (including cupcake vodka which I HIGHLY recommend), 5 full cases of beer, god knows how many bottles of wine, 2 bottles of rum, and I don't even remember how much champagne...between about 3 of us for like 5 days. And this is just Senior Week before the graduation ceremony.

I also remember my last night at college. All of the seniors in my class had a huge rager on the front steps of main building, which we were finally allowed to walk up (tradition, long story...). It was pretty much a police-don't-care-bring-whatever-you-want party. All alcohol and drinking games normally banned on campus were completely legal while security police could do nothing but watch. So. Much. Alcohol...Oh, good times...
Poor foxhunter is stuck at home in Texas. No going out for me recently. My mom always asks if I want a glass of wine at dinner, apparently, "its just not worth the calories if I'm not gonna get drunk" was not the response she wanted to hear. Why'd all my friends get jobs and move away? Don't they know staying in school is where it's at? Who wants a disposable income anyhow? Depressing sober rant over.
Poor foxhunter is stuck at home in Texas. No going out for me recently. My mom always asks if I want a glass of wine at dinner, apparently, "its just not worth the calories if I'm not gonna get drunk" was not the response she wanted to hear. Why'd all my friends get jobs and move away? Don't they know staying in school is where it's at? Who wants a disposable income anyhow? Depressing sober rant over.
Apparently you need to move to Scotland or Ireland ASAP.:cool:
Apparently you need to move to Scotland or Ireland ASAP.:cool:

Pretty sure I got an international drunk dial Monday night. My old TA who lives in London just called me to chat after he got home from the pub. It was 1 am there and 7 pm here. He also told me I have a place to stay if I ever want to visit. Alas I don't think its his couch that he wants me sleeping on. Boys.
I so badly want to go to Ireland and Scotland. Maybe one day when I make the big bucks. Vets do that right?