Studying Methods


Rah Virginia Mil.
10+ Year Member
May 21, 2013
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How do you guys study for important exams? I'm not talking SAT/ACT here; but finals and midterms, etc.

I'm trying a new method for this AP Bio test. It's over 3 chapters and is Friday, so tonight I am studying the first chapter only, tomorrow I will study the second chapter, Wednesday I study the third, and use Thursday night as a review night for all 3 to make sure I have it all down. Then look over the material here and there on Friday before Bio class, all the way up until we start the test.

Anybody else have any unique ways to study?

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I make concept maps for the conceptual courses and I play teacher lol. In AP bio last year, these are the only two methods I used and it helped me a ton.
I always tell myself I'll go home and review my notes from class right after school (which really does help when I actually do it) but what usually ends up happening is cram studying 1-2 nights before, especially when there's tests in multiple classes the same week.
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To be honest, I am an infamous crammer. But since this is my senior year, I'm trying to change my habits before college, by reviewing my notes from each class every day and doing assignments the day they are assigned. Also, I'm trying to stay super organized. I think studying is just putting in the work every day rather than cramming, but sometimes we go for the "easier" route. It'll just take time to change everything, lol :)
Good notes, flashcards, or whatever method you choose will work best. I reccommend getting away from loud places unless you cant handle quiet areas to study. I've also tried listening to classical music. Such as, Mozart, Bach, etc. It helped me study in a flow and was more enjoyable personally.

Give any of these ideas a try, but ultimately it is up to your personal preference.
