Rearview Mirror: Still haven't dropped and still not gettin lucky

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said that was duplicate...
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I worked so hard for that page too....
Do you do actual calculations for IV fluids on kiddos or do you just give them a bag and let the admitting people figure out what drip they want later?
clouds and rain are definitely sleepy times for me. Been like this all week though. Not meant for Seattle. I wouldn't function there.
I hope you are trying to find a really good picture and didn't just come in and snipe and leave.
waking up now...maybe I should go back to trying to figure out how to do these IV things again...
Right now they are discussing changing the date of our final...which would mean I would have to change a flight. Not good when you aren't supposed to be able to do this. Hopefully they will keep it as they have it on the schedule or just offer it at 2 different times (the new and the old).
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What are the chances of a drink coming to me instead of me to it? I'm wishing that were possible right now.
I hope you are trying to find a really good picture and didn't just come in and snipe and leave.

sorry. Hubby leaving for airport soon. He is in the shower now.
Do you do actual calculations for IV fluids on kiddos or do you just give them a bag and let the admitting people figure out what drip they want later?

you have to calculate the bolus and maintenance. Kids are so tiny, you can't wing it unless they are nearly adult-sized teens. And if they are to a point where you need IVFs, you'd better know you are giving enough.
sorry. Hubby leaving for airport soon. He is in the shower now.

excuses excuses...don't want to know what you left to do before he went to shower either.
you have to calculate the bolus and maintenance. Kids are so tiny, you can't wing it unless they are nearly adult-sized teens. And if they are to a point where you need IVFs, you'd better know you are giving enough.

darn...I guess it's another thing they are teaching us that we need to know. Something else to learn now. And here I thought they were teaching useless stuff.
hmmm...thinking I have the apt to myself again this weekend. would be great!
Finally got up to get some fluids. Maybe they will fill me up so I don't have to get up to get some food for a while.
Is there a quick and easy way to know the IV stuff? If so, want to help?
Is there a quick and easy way to know the IV stuff? If so, want to help?

well, bolus is usually 10-20ml/kg over 1hr, and maintenance follows the 4-2-1 per 24hr rule:

4ml/kg for first 10kg
2ml/kg for 2nd 10kg
1ml/kg for the rest
well, bolus is usually 10-20ml/kg over 1hr, and maintenance follows the 4-2-1 per 24hr rule:

4ml/kg for first 10kg
2ml/kg for 2nd 10kg
1ml/kg for the rest

The first part matches what we learned...the second part is much easier, but doesn't match. :( Guess it'll take some time to learn it, then adjust it later in rotations.
The first part matches what we learned...the second part is much easier, but doesn't match. :( Guess it'll take some time to learn it, then adjust it later in rotations.

what did they teach you?
After the emergent phase, 1st 8 hours do 50% deficit + maintenance, then the next 16 hours do the remaining 50% deficit + maintenance

(which is lots of calculations to remember and understand)
oh and maintenance as:

100mL/kg for first 10kg
50mL/kg for 2nd 10kg
20mL/kg for rest over 20kg
that sounds like adult :confused:

hmmm...maybe. It was a peds guy giving the lecture. Maybe he forgot to give us the info that we were treating adults. Actually, I take that back...his sample problems at the end of the lecture are all kids (10mos, 10 years)
Man, if I used this then, that would mean I'd probably hydrate the kid too much and kill them (we learned that part).
well, bolus is usually 10-20ml/kg over 1hr, and maintenance follows the 4-2-1 per 24hr rule:

4ml/kg for first 10kg
2ml/kg for 2nd 10kg
1ml/kg for the rest

oh and maintenance as:

100mL/kg for first 10kg
50mL/kg for 2nd 10kg
20mL/kg for rest over 20kg

4-2-1 gives hourly rate, 100-50-20 gives 24 hr rate (ie divide by 24 to get the hourly rate)
what's spiderman have to do with 15?
40 kg using 4-2-1 --> 80 cc/hr

40kg using 100-50-20 --> 1900 cc/24 hrs --> 79 cc/hr
whatcha doin'?

decided to cook up some stuff before the numbness wears off. Started feeling the tingling, so I know it's coming. And I know I won't want to be up for too long. I've had the munchies a lot lately too. Not good for the figure.
thanks for clarifying. Looks like you can use it afterall EM2BE

Thanks for helping! Now I have 2 ways to figure it just in case I forget one of them.
Thanks for helping! Now I have 2 ways to figure it just in case I forget one of them.

It's finally starting to make some's just a matter of memorizing all the formulas and things to do in different situations.
40 kg using 4-2-1 --> 80 cc/hr

40kg using 100-50-20 --> 1900 cc/24 hrs --> 79 cc/hr

wow...didn't even pay attention to realize another person jumped in. Thanks for helping too!
Nice reviews h24g. Very much appreciated! :love:
I keep looking at my sig and wondering where iatros is. Maybe I'll have to bug him in the next few days to see if he is surviving okay.
how do you figure the deficit volume? (for IV fluid replacement) it looks like you are online...are you waiting to snipe?
let me try again...
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