Random non-pre-allo and only peripherally related to pre-allo-isms thread

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Depakote said:
Most Hobos are at their summer homes in the Hamptons this time of year...
I wonder how they got there from oklahoma. :laugh:

Blasted hobos.

Oh and sev, there are some cats I need help rounding up. Care to fly out here?
Haven't seen it in a few days and I needed to post pad. I'm searching for a new avatar. Any ideas?

I enjoy working with photoshop. If you have any ideas/requests... I could design one for you. I made my own to fit my personality, so I could prolly make one for you without too much work.

Just give me time (i'd be doing it as a break between work and secondaries, but it'd be a nice diversion).
Ladies and Gentlemen. I give you...



It's sized to fit for a non-donor. I can resize it if needed.

I won't feel bad if you don't use it either.
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Shameless post pad. I'm closing in on 1g!
That's too funny. :laugh: :laugh: Did he have the "Doc" tatoo as well?

i didnt see any tattoos but he had a surgical scrub hat with flames on it. i'm telling you, like he dressed up as todd for halloween or something. :laugh:

i mentioned it to my chief resident on OB/Gyn and he said that if you pay attention you'll see a bunch of todds walking around the hospital through your residency.
i didnt see any tattoos but he had a surgical scrub hat with flames on it. i'm telling you, like he dressed up as todd for halloween or something. :laugh:

i mentioned it to my chief resident on OB/Gyn and he said that if you pay attention you'll see a bunch of todds walking around the hospital through your residency.

That is great!:laugh:

glad you like the avatar, man.

Man, I hate packing and moving. It is teh suxx0r. On the other hand, watching night matches at the US Open is always a good time.

Dude. Waiting for interviews is weak. Where are my and Depakote's interviews?? Seriously.
Word. I am so tired of checking my status pages and e-mail like 453 times a day. :rolleyes:
The app process blows in a big way.

That said, I'm feeling a little nostalgic for the days of racing to meet the mailman. If nothing else, the adrenaline rush and the running up and down the stairs was more of a workout than I usually get.
So, I had no afternoon class today so I headed over to the hospital to do some volunteering (for the record, volunteering for me pretty much means sitting on my ass).

While watching TV and doing homework, a nurse came in asking if anyone spoke French --- now, I'm not an excellent French speaker but I did study it in Middle Scool and High School and I was tired of watching ER reruns, so I jumped up and volunteered.

I made my way to the patient in question and she started speaking to me and I was completely flabbergasted as to what she was trying to say. It was French, but a dialect of French that I haven't heard in over 10 years, I could speak traditional French and she'd understand me but I could barely understand her replies. Then it hit me, she was speaking the French that my Uncle was raised on ... Cajun.

It became really interesting to understand her, but I got my Uncle on the phone and he translated for me and we were fine from there. Thank goodness it was nothing serious, her son had broken his arm falling from the barn that they were building b/c they had just moved to Iowa from Louisana.

I was amazed though, I didn't know there were people in Louisana that spoke only Cajun and didn't know English but according to the lady there are entire communities of such people.

Anyway ... this is random but I thought I'd share it. It reminds me of the Spanish thread going and why we need multilingual doctors.

O/T from this O/T thread, I found out today I've been approved to travel to Guatemala for 3 months and study the Spanish language and literature. Should be an interesting experience for me.
Glad to see this thread back. Let us not ignore it again.

(last post in thread for 3 weeks)

Bump for the thread.
bumping from the very depths of SDN.

You should find the Hogwarts school of medicine thread and bump it up. I started reading the first book of Harry Potter at the clinic where I volunteer since they had it and I was bored since no patients were around today.

Now I'm addicted. Without realizing it, I already got to chapter 5 in no time. I'm not usually that way.
You should find the Hogwarts school of medicine thread and bump it up. I started reading the first book of Harry Potter at the clinic where I volunteer since they had it and I was bored since no patients were around today.

Now I'm addicted. Without realizing it, I already got to chapter 5 in no time. I'm not usually that way.

I know someone will bust on me if I don't put this disclaimer in here first, so I'm going to be a total tool and say that, while Harry Potter is in no way high-brow adult literature.....

..... man it's still pretty entertaining. If you think the first two books are good, wait until you get into the third and fourth (my favorite). And yes, Snape is mine... don't even try me Guju. ;)
I know someone will bust on me if I don't put this disclaimer in here first, so I'm going to be a total tool and say that, while Harry Potter is in no way high-brow adult literature.....

..... man it's still pretty entertaining. If you think the first two books are good, wait until you get into the third and fourth (my favorite). And yes, Snape is mine... don't even try me Guju. ;)

hahahaha yea definitely not adult literature considering its lack of higher vocabulary and severely complex sentence structure. But still, neither was the C.S. Lewis series but it was still entertaining and some adults still read it. :laugh: :laugh:

Yeah I'd seen the movies but only finally started reading the book today and was just reading it cuz there was nothing to do due to lack of patients to play with at the clinic. But now I am going to finish reading them all.
So do you think Snape turns out to be a good guy? Or is he really in line with the death eaters? Murkey does his loyalty seem now.
This is so funny this thread just appeared again, last night I bought Goblet of Fire and am going to start reading it today. I'm excited!:hardy:
I think sometime next year, maybe? I'm pretty sure that there is a movie coming out in 2007. The next book... who knows? She keeps having kids. YARGH!

bane of my existence. I'm tryin to polish off the research essay this week so i can just submit Stanford, Haaaahvaahhrd, UCSF, and UMich. I will then be COMPLETE!!!! *dances around*

How are things in the dustbowl? Are the Mistytown hobos acting up?
YAY for complete!

Dude, the hobos are MIA. I've hardly seen many of them around town. I wonder if T-town decided to get rid of most of them :eek: I'm sure they'll be back soon though. Any new stalkers *cough* I mean hobos in your new place?
So do you think Snape turns out to be a good guy? Or is he really in line with the death eaters? Murkey does his loyalty seem now.
I think Snape will be a good guy in the end. But the character still creeps me out!
Not to sound arrogant or anything, but I think I will run around campus with my shirt off later on. Give the ladies a little eye candy. I feel like I should return the favor.
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