PharmD=Doctor not professional

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Yo, I'm really happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish and everything, but Beyonce has one of the best asses of all time.

And let the church say AMEN. :D

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Sweet! Got someone again. This is my favorite!!! Bring back an old topic and have people reply as if it were new. I have been duped before so it is okay.
As long as we're raising the dead, how about those 98 Yankees? God they were great.

Oh yeah, about this doctor crap no one cares about anymore: I'm sorry you were __________

a) born with a small ***** that serves as little more than a vestigial organ
b) born with a large ***** but an ass-ugly face that stymied your sex drive
c) kept in the cellar and beat while your father called you "worthless"
d) made fun of for being ugly and fat by the other kids, while no attempt whatsoever was made to disguise their contempt for your atrocious hideous grotesque figure
e) your physician chortles when you tell him you're going to be a Doctor of Pharmacy
f) that fat ass nurse chortles when you tell her you're going to be a Doctor of Pharmacy

Yes, no matter the reason, any reason at all, if you honestly feel the need to be called "Doctor" as a pharmacist, get a ******* life. And here I thought the only jackass with that mentality was the weird pasty kid at my school who spends 16 hours a day researching fluorescence quenching for a Ph.D. just to spite his fellow students.

...actually, screw it. For a mere 10% of your gross salary, I will address you as "Doctor _______", and give you all the ego you could possibly hope for. No, really. It's a deal.
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Right back at ya Adam!

any pharmacist (in 5 short months) who corrects me and says... Please call me DOCTOR Smith, not "ADAM" will be throughly patronized...

you want my respect? earn it!

don't even suggest that a stupid degree entitles you to it

and i know all of you are talking about how rphs have no respect.... honestly if you're a good pharmacist respect comes with the territory... and i have never had a problem with it
I am posting my reply from another thread as I feel the same thing applies here.

Some of you guys really need to grow up! If you receive a doctorate, regardless of what subject area the doctorate is in you have the right to use the word doctor before your name. Likewise a PharmD reserves the right to have the title PharmD after their name. I see nothing wrong with signing PharmD after my name. I worked hard to earn my doctorate, and it’s something that no one can take away from me.

A PhD pharmacologist cannot be licensed to dispense drugs. A PhD in biomedical sciences cannot prescribe medicines. If you have a doctorate you can call yourself doctor. If someone mistakes you for a medical doctor and you are not you simply clarify, "I'm not that kind of doctor." It isn't that hard to do.

Saying that a PharmD working at a retail pharmacy is less qualified to answer drug questions than a pharmacology PhD is equally absurd. First of all, like all health care professionals pharmacists and physicians are required to participate in continuing education. At many pharmacy schools throughout the country (such as Ohio State) pharmacy students take classes right alongside the medical students.

If you have such an inferiority complex that you must attack the expertise of anyone and everyone who has a doctorate in an area other than your own are of expertise, then you have a problem. You need to work it out with a psychologist (who also has a doctorate-by the way), a psychiatrist, and possibly a psych pharmacist (yes they exist).

I initially started this thread to inquire about the differences in clinical training received by PharmD candidates and medical students. I wanted to bring us together as health care professionals working to ensure that our patients get a fair shake. Instead it has turned into an all out war. Grow up, and act your age!

It has been said that lawyers aren't called doctor, but that is of their own choice. I have addressed several attorneys as doctor, and I believe that it is a sign of respect. Honestly, you may think law school is a joke, but I wouldn't trust a physician or pharmacist with ANY of my legal problems. To say that you are a better expert in your field than any other expert is in any other field is absurd.

My take home message is going to be short and sweet: If you can't work with a team of health care providers then you should not be licensed to practice in any healthcare setting.

I can take a little bit of disagreement, a little bit of good fun giving each other a hard time. But afterwards, you need to show the other side that you have respect for them and what they do.

No one is an expert in everything.

I wish I could show an excerpt of an article my pharmacy school pharmaceutics professor showed me. The page told a story about Einstein who frequently had to call his university to ask them where he lived. The message my professor was trying to get across is no one is an expert at everything.

When I created the original post I wanted it to bring us together instead it has turned into a battle.
As long as we're raising the dead, how about those 98 Yankees? God they were great.

Oh yeah, about this doctor crap no one cares about anymore: I'm sorry you were __________

a) born with a small ***** that serves as little more than a vestigial organ
b) born with a large ***** but an ass-ugly face that stymied your sex drive
c) kept in the cellar and beat while your father called you "worthless"
d) made fun of for being ugly and fat by the other kids, while no attempt whatsoever was made to disguise their contempt for your atrocious hideous grotesque figure
e) your physician chortles when you tell him you're going to be a Doctor of Pharmacy
f) that fat ass nurse chortles when you tell her you're going to be a Doctor of Pharmacy

Yes, no matter the reason, any reason at all, if you honestly feel the need to be called "Doctor" as a pharmacist, get a ******* life. And here I thought the only jackass with that mentality was the weird pasty kid at my school who spends 16 hours a day researching fluorescence quenching for a Ph.D. just to spite his fellow students.

...actually, screw it. For a mere 10% of your gross salary, I will address you as "Doctor _______", and give you all the ego you could possibly hope for. No, really. It's a deal.
okay:rolleyes:... you know that IF you get into a program your professors will expect to be called doctor and I guess fall into one of the categories a-f. So that is something you might consider before you walk through those doors hotshot.