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Sep 6, 2018
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For the personal statement, does anyone know if it would be of value to include an opening paragraph introducing myself at all?

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Just the personal statement itself. The rest of the information is in your application.
Just the personal statement. Don't even write the question on it
Just write it as a traditional essay, and go right in. No title, just paragraphs. Think of it like your college essays, not a job application cover letter.

You can find examples with a Google search. Don't bother making it fancy, just keep it straightforward. Make sure it is appropriate to submit to all schools, not tailored to any specific school.

If you have not submitted yet, are you sure you want to now? If you are not a perfect applicant, I would rather consider this as a time to get a head start on your application for next cycle, and be ready to hit the submit button early next June.
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