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Jul 20, 2017
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Hey guys, I'm looking for input (pros and cons of each) when comparing these schools (assuming the cost of both is equal).

What I have so far is...

Ouwb pros: affiliated with its own strong hospital, avg cost of living
Ouwb cons: location (cold weather) , lack of diversity.

Fiu pros: location, very diverse
FIU cons: I saw on an old thread that rotation sites arnt the best, high cost of living

Does anyone have any points for or against either school? Also if anyone currently goes or went to FIU can you please let me know your opinion on the rotation sites.. thanks yall!

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I will be honest i do not know much about the schools other than OUWB is a newer school. However, Miami>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Michigan
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So I have some insight into both programs from my opportunity to interview at them/ knowing med students at both schools, although I don't attend either.

I personally would pick OUWB if costs were equal.

General Thoughts between the two.
Cost of living in miami sucks but tuition is cheap if in state (although were considering prices equal). OUWB is cheaper living, but out of state tuition for all.

Diversity: FIU is incredibly "diverse" but I would argue at OUWB is by no means monolithically white/non-minority. In fact most of the student I know at OUWB would be classified as underrepresented minorities.

Location: While Miami can be fun, its also can be incredibly crappy. Hot 24/7 which is awesome when you're enjoying your post-exam party on the beach, not fun when you have to be professionally dressed in a coat while the heat index is at 101. Miami also has the worst traffic I've ever seen meaning what is a 15 minute commute in other parts of the country becomes 45 minutes. Michigan is beautiful during spring and fall, but you'll have to deal with snow.

OUWB location is about 30-45 minutes from downtown detroit which is a very cool area to have access too. Normally I wouldn't consider this a short drive, but seeing as driving times in miami seem to be double the norm, it really isn't that bad compared to opportunities in miami.

Rotations:FIU's aren't terrible but aren't nearly as good as OUWB will be. OUWB healthcare systems is their own and they offer nearly every residency program available, FIU has limited sponsorship of residencies, and shares their hospitals with MANY SCHOOLS including Nova, Lecom, FAU, and several carribean schools. As such quality of M3/M4 year go to OUWB.

Step: FIU has some of the highest step1 scores in the nation, which is due in part to taking the step later than normal (M3 vs M2) as well as a overly oppressive review of students progress. What this means is that if your at the top of your class, you'll likely kill the Step and be set up well for competitive residencies. Those towards the bottom of the class may be forced to repeat a year of medical school even if they have all passing marks (this is what I was told by several med students during my interview at FIU). While this forces all their students to do incredibly well on step, it can be a disservice to someone wanting to attend a less competitive residency like family medicine as they will essentially incur an extra year of school for nothing. OUWB doesn't have this rigorous review but i'm 99% sure their scores aren't anything super extraordinary like those touted by FIU. In short, FIU is gonna make you a superstar step taker whether you like it or not, OUWB perform competently and are average compared to other schools.

Curriculum/grades: slight differences. Pretty sure no gross anatomy dissection at FIU, def is dissection at FIU. I remember everyone at FIU hated the ethics/ diversity/ social inequality courses because at the end of the day it boils down to the same few concepts and takes an enormous amount of time out of your day. Most at FIU also expressed frustration with the community program because, although it is incredible in concept and has the potential to truly serve the public good, the realities of treating these populations are much more difficult in practice and faculty/administrative support isn't as strong as it should be.
Grades at FIU are exact (you get an 88 in anatomy, not an Honor/pass or A,b,c.) furthermore FIU passing marks aren't preset but based upon statistics i.e. they pick a standard deviation below mean and make that the cut off. OUWB has hard cut offs (i.e. everyone who gets a 70 passes.) Some like this because what you get is what you get. and theres no rounding out. "Why should your 88 in anatomy be equivalent to someone else's 75 or even 86 shouldn't you get acknowledgement for your hard work instead of receiving a passing grade like everyone else."
One thing i dislike about OUWB is that they have an Honors, Pass, Pass with remediation, fail scale and require attendance to get Honors.

Other stuff: both programs have some sort of capstone/research outreach built into curriculums. Both facilities are pretty nice. (I may like OUWB slightly more but simply because they have that giant lounge area).

FIU does have a Cool Hogwarts like program that sorts you into a "house." Love the student body relationship and collaborative environment this program fosters.

Overall your choice. Both seem to be doing very well in residency placement for how new they are. Can't go wrong either way.
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So I have some insight into both programs from my opportunity to interview at them/ knowing med students at both schools, although I don't attend either.

I personally would pick OUWB if costs were equal.

General Thoughts between the two.
Cost of living in miami sucks but tuition is cheap if in state (although were considering prices equal). OUWB is cheaper living, but out of state tuition for all.

Diversity: FIU is incredibly "diverse" but I would argue at OUWB is by no means monolithically white/non-minority. In fact most of the student I know at OUWB would be classified as underrepresented minorities.

Location: While Miami can be fun, its also can be incredibly crappy. Hot 24/7 which is awesome when you're enjoying your post-exam party on the beach, not fun when you have to be professionally dressed in a coat while the heat index is at 101. Miami also has the worst traffic I've ever seen meaning what is a 15 minute commute in other parts of the country becomes 45 minutes. Michigan is beautiful during spring and fall, but you'll have to deal with snow.

OUWB location is about 30-45 minutes from downtown detroit which is a very cool area to have access too. Normally I wouldn't consider this a short drive, but seeing as driving times in miami seem to be double the norm, it really isn't that bad compared to opportunities in miami.

Rotations:FIU's aren't terrible but aren't nearly as good as OUWB will be. OUWB healthcare systems is their own and they offer nearly every residency program available, FIU has limited sponsorship of residencies, and shares their hospitals with MANY SCHOOLS including Nova, Lecom, FAU, and several carribean schools. As such quality of M3/M4 year go to OUWB.

Step: FIU has some of the highest step1 scores in the nation, which is due in part to taking the step later than normal (M3 vs M2) as well as a overly oppressive review of students progress. What this means is that if your at the top of your class, you'll likely kill the Step and be set up well for competitive residencies. Those towards the bottom of the class may be forced to repeat a year of medical school even if they have all passing marks (this is what I was told by several med students during my interview at FIU). While this forces all their students to do incredibly well on step, it can be a disservice to someone wanting to attend a less competitive residency like family medicine as they will essentially incur an extra year of school for nothing. OUWB doesn't have this rigorous review but i'm 99% sure their scores aren't anything super extraordinary like those touted by FIU. In short, FIU is gonna make you a superstar step taker whether you like it or not, OUWB perform competently and are average compared to other schools.

Curriculum/grades: slight differences. Pretty sure no gross anatomy dissection at FIU, def is dissection at FIU. I remember everyone at FIU hated the ethics/ diversity/ social inequality courses because at the end of the day it boils down to the same few concepts and takes an enormous amount of time out of your day. Most at FIU also expressed frustration with the community program because, although it is incredible in concept and has the potential to truly serve the public good, the realities of treating these populations are much more difficult in practice and faculty/administrative support isn't as strong as it should be.
Grades at FIU are exact (you get an 88 in anatomy, not an Honor/pass or A,b,c.) furthermore FIU passing marks aren't preset but based upon statistics i.e. they pick a standard deviation below mean and make that the cut off. OUWB has hard cut offs (i.e. everyone who gets a 70 passes.) Some like this because what you get is what you get. and theres no rounding out. "Why should your 88 in anatomy be equivalent to someone else's 75 or even 86 shouldn't you get acknowledgement for your hard work instead of receiving a passing grade like everyone else."
One thing i dislike about OUWB is that they have an Honors, Pass, Pass with remediation, fail scale and require attendance to get Honors.

Other stuff: both programs have some sort of capstone/research outreach built into curriculums. Both facilities are pretty nice. (I may like OUWB slightly more but simply because they have that giant lounge area).

FIU does have a Cool Hogwarts like program that sorts you into a "house." Love the student body relationship and collaborative environment this program fosters.

Overall your choice. Both seem to be doing very well in residency placement for how new they are. Can't go wrong either way.
Thank you so much! this was incredibly detailed and helpful. I appreciate it!!
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I'm going to second two points made above:

As someone who lives in South FL, the comments about the weather and traffic and COL are real. Miami seems like a "super cool" place until you live here....and then you realize, it's really just a semi-cool place to vacation every now and then. Driving in the traffic here is insane and whenever I am driving to/from school I basically want to die because the traffic is so bad....

Second: look up the point made above FIU forcing the bottom half of the class to repeat a year even without any failing grades. I did my homework on this and it's real and absolutely terrifying to me that they have a policy like this in place.
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I'm going to second two points made above:

As someone who lives in South FL, the comments about the weather and traffic and COL are real. Miami seems like a "super cool" place until you live here....and then you realize, it's really just a semi-cool place to vacation every now and then. Driving in the traffic here is insane and whenever I am driving to/from school I basically want to die because the traffic is so bad....

Second: look up the point made above FIU forcing the bottom half of the class to repeat a year even without any failing grades. I did my homework on this and it's real and absolutely terrifying to me that they have a policy like this in place.
Do you have a link with information on it?
@Sidthekiddd Some posts are scattered throughout this thread...they're made by Neu305 2016-2017 Florida International University Application Thread
Thank you

You can also find information about the process in general from the FIU college of medicine student handbook which is open online.

fldoctorgirl, im glad someone can finally back up how miserable south florida living can be at times cause my northern friends just don't seem to realize it.
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I'm going to second two points made above:

As someone who lives in South FL, the comments about the weather and traffic and COL are real. Miami seems like a "super cool" place until you live here....and then you realize, it's really just a semi-cool place to vacation every now and then. Driving in the traffic here is insane and whenever I am driving to/from school I basically want to die because the traffic is so bad....

Second: look up the point made above FIU forcing the bottom half of the class to repeat a year even without any failing grades. I did my homework on this and it's real and absolutely terrifying to me that they have a policy like this in place.
They make half of each class repeat an entire year? This sounds highly improbable, I dont think the LCME would allow that....
Also, coming from south Florida and after living in and driving around the northeast I would say my experience with Miami traffic is about on par with cities like Boston but not as bad as NYC, the only trouble is you probably will have to drive more in Miami than Boston would necessitate
They make half of each class repeat an entire year? This sounds highly improbable, I dont think the LCME would allow that....
There's a thread floating around on here by a current (or former, I think he wrote it as an M4) highlighting some sketchy policies. Supposedly, this is done to all students who have 2 or more low passes, even though technically a low pass is still a pass. I don't recall exactly the specifics, but he said it was an attempt to boost the average Step. If you search you can probably find the thread and read it....I don't want to say 100% it's true, but if you do your digging some of their policies seem..questionable. I still think overall they are a good school.
They make half of each class repeat an entire year? This sounds highly improbable, I dont think the LCME would allow that....

From what I remember discussing with students and reading about, it wasn't half the class, closer to 5-10%. we could absolutely be wrong and if you are considering FIU I would strongly encourage you contact current students/ administration about their policies for specifics.
When I inquired with administration during my application cycle they confirmed that they do request students who, although may have passed, didn't perform exceptionally well to repeat a year. This is a request however the impression I received from students was that administration could tank your LOR for residencies if you didn't heed their recommendations. The number of students do vary and is solely reliant on performance. My only concern was that FIU utilized specific grade marks, not pass, fail, etc, and grades were determined by percentiles including the failing marks. I thought this was absurd because no matter what someone fails every exam.

As for driving, absolutely Miami isn't the worse place ever for driving. But unlike the other metropolitan areas you mentioned which admittedly are terrible for driving, Miami is severely lacking in public transportation. Do they have it, sure, but transport is no where near as widespread or reliable as areas like DC, NY, etc.

Compared to OUWB, which is what this thread is considering, Miami will provide much more traffic congestion and much longer driving times for comparable distances. Even when factoring winter weather conditions to OUWB, I'd still assert my personal opinion that Miami driving is a nightmare compared to auburn hills/rochester Michigan, especially given the in-land location of the school in hialeah. For students thinking about living in downtown/ coral gables or any of the more coastal regions of miami, the drive isn't exactly a dream.
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From what I remember discussing with students and reading about, it wasn't half the class, closer to 5-10%. we could absolutely be wrong and if you are considering FIU I would strongly encourage you contact current students/ administration about their policies for specifics.
When I inquired with administration during my application cycle they confirmed that they do request students who, although may have passed, didn't perform exceptionally well to repeat a year. This is a request however the impression I received from students was that administration could tank your LOR for residencies if you didn't heed their recommendations. The number of students do vary and is solely reliant on performance. My only concern was that FIU utilized specific grade marks, not pass, fail, etc, and grades were determined by percentiles including the failing marks. I thought this was absurd because no matter what someone fails every exam.

As for driving, absolutely Miami isn't the worse place ever for driving. But unlike the other metropolitan areas you mentioned which admittedly are terrible for driving, Miami is severely lacking in public transportation. Do they have it, sure, but transport is no where near as widespread or reliable as areas like DC, NY, etc.

Compared to OUWB, which is what this thread is considering, Miami will provide much more traffic congestion and much longer driving times for comparable distances. Even when factoring winter weather conditions to OUWB, I'd still assert my personal opinion that Miami driving is a nightmare compared to auburn hills/rochester Michigan, especially given the in-land location of the school in hialeah. For students thinking about living in downtown/ coral gables or any of the more coastal regions of miami, the drive isn't exactly a dream.

As a Miami native, I absolutely agree that traffic is a nightmare here, especially during rush hour. I would just like to clarify that FIU is definitely not located in Hialeah. It’s actually located in Sweetwater and neighboring Doral, not the same area whatsoever.
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As a Miami native, I absolutely agree that traffic is a nightmare here, especially during rush hour. I would just like to clarify that FIU is definitely not located in Hialeah. It’s actually located in Sweetwater and neighboring Doral, not the same area whatsoever.
Thank you, you are absolutely right. I mixed up the location of the campus with where several medical students I know were living.