Official Interview Invites C/O 2015

This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. Thank you.
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS)

University of Glasgow:
goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University:
cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University:
sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London)
: caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29)

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Now that my hands have stopped shaking long enough to type...

kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS)

University of Glasgow:
goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University:
cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University:
sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London)
: caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD)
Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Alright, now you have two interviews:thumbup: Now you just have to choose which school to pick after your accepted!
Members don't see this ad :)
Fantasmic, TT! I hope OK State loves you as much as we all do. It would sure save you some buckage on tuition.

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Yeah! Congrats, TT! And everyone else that's received good news over the past couple days. Best of luck with your interviews!

Yay TT, they were just saving all the good news to come at once! Next up, two acceptances! :)
Hooray TT! This year is your year for sure!:luck::xf:
so pumped! Just updating interview times since I FINALLY booked flights/hotels. WSU, here I come! Ps. thank you for draining me of my savings already!

and congrats TT and everyone else, florida has been blowing up too!!!

kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS)

University of Glasgow:
goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University:
cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University:
sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London)
: caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD)
@ BLancellotti...

Congratulations on the Western invite! :woot: If you don't mind my asking, when did you receive the 'complete application' e-mail? Fellow applicant among the infamous "last 200" here, and I'm eagerly (neurotically?) awaiting some form of (hopefully positive) correspondence from them. :laugh:

I'm wondering if, at this point, they even bother with the confirmation e-mail, or if they're just skipping straight to interviews/rejections.
AHHHHH TT!!!!!! You got this! Now rock it!!! :D
@ BLancellotti...

Congratulations on the Western invite! :woot: If you don't mind my asking, when did you receive the 'complete application' e-mail? Fellow applicant among the infamous "last 200" here, and I'm eagerly (neurotically?) awaiting some form of (hopefully positive) correspondence from them. :laugh:

I'm wondering if, at this point, they even bother with the confirmation e-mail, or if they're just skipping straight to interviews/rejections.

I got my application complete e-mail on Nov 22nd. If you haven't received yours, I would definitely e-mail them to check on it. I had checked in with Lacey in the admissions office after they posted the "last 200" message, and she told me my file was out for review and I would hear back by the end of the month. She also said that a lot of the applications have course issues that require them to do research and dig through course catalogs. Good luck and I hope you hear soon!!
Members don't see this ad :)
I got my application complete e-mail on Nov 22nd. If you haven't received yours, I would definitely e-mail them to check on it. I had checked in with Lacey in the admissions office after they posted the "last 200" message, and she told me my file was out for review and I would hear back by the end of the month. She also said that a lot of the applications have course issues that require them to do research and dig through course catalogs. Good luck and I hope you hear soon!!

I would say call, but my understanding is that they're going to be finishing up processing applications for a few more days. Did you submit your application on the last day? I think they go in the order that they received them at Western.

Also, someone from admissions made a post in the Western forum of SDN a week ago. Can't remember exactly what it said.
I think it might be random for Western. I didnt submit my supplemental until 2 days before the deadline and I didnt get my application complete until the first week of Decemeber but I got my interview invite December 17. Try to hang tight and think positive thoughts.

Good luck to everyone!
Thanks for all the Western responses!

(Apologies for temporarily hijacking the thread and interrupting the celebration. ;))

I've spoken with admissions, and as of the beginning of last week, they were still processing my application. I'm pretty sure I'm the only applicant they've had from my undergrad, so I am wondering if the wait has to do with course investigation.

(That, and the fact that my application may have been sent out 45 minutes before the post office closed on 10/15... :oops:)
Sorry for the late post!! I'm kinda new, but I'm catchin on. Still wanted to contribute to this thread :) Congrats/good luck to everyone!

Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow:
goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University:
cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University:
sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London)
: caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow:
goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University:
cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University:
sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London)
: caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow:
goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University:
cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University:
sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London)
: caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12)
Sooo happy right now! I think I scared my parents/coworkers because even when I cry because I'm happy I look like I just got bad news haha. I'm so close to achieving my dreams!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow:
goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University:
cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University:
sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London)
: caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12)
Congrats withoutane! The first SDN interviewee for Oregon!
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12)
Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)

Congrats! You give me hope for an interview invite to apparate into my box come Monday (or any day really...) But, I'm IS....hrm.... Rock that interview!!
Congrats everyone!! So exciting. AND, way to go TT with OK!!!!!!!!!!!! Go get 'em!
Congrats to everyone who has gotten an interview!!

Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida:
Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)
University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)
University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)
University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)


VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)
University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS), Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)
University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)


VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)


VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)


VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD), LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD),LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11), bonaparte (IS, email 2/8/11, I TBD)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)[/QUOTE]
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD),LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11), bonaparte (IS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), CuriousRACC (OOS, email 2/8/11, I TBD)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), CuriousRACC (email 1/26, I: 2/19 OOS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11), bearby (international(USA), email 2/9/11, I 2/16/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD),LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11), bonaparte (IS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), CuriousRACC (OOS, email 2/8/11, I TBD)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), CuriousRACC (email 1/26, I: 2/19 OOS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11), bearby (international(USA), email 2/9/11, I 2/16/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD),LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11), bonaparte (IS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), CuriousRACC (OOS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), tigerkitten (IS, email 2/9/11, TBD)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), CuriousRACC (email 1/26, I: 2/19 OOS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11), bearby (international(USA), email 2/9/11, I 2/16/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD),LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11), bonaparte (IS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), CuriousRACC (OOS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), tigerkitten (IS, email 2/9/11, TBD), thedogisgreen (IS 2/9/11, I 2/28)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), CuriousRACC (email 1/26, I: 2/19 OOS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11), bearby (international(USA), email 2/9/11, I 2/16/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD),LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11), bonaparte (IS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), CuriousRACC (OOS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), tigerkitten (IS, email 2/9/11, TBD), thedogisgreen (IS 2/9/11, I 2/28)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), CuriousRACC (email 1/26, I: 2/19 OOS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10)Interview 2/12, dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
updating my interview date
Last edited:
Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11), bearby (international(USA), email 2/9/11, I 2/16/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD),LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11), bonaparte (IS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), CuriousRACC (OOS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), tigerkitten (IS, email 2/9/11, TBD), thedogisgreen (IS 2/9/11, I 2/28), savethewhales (IS , email 2/9/11, I: 3/4)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), CuriousRACC (email 1/26, I: 2/19 OOS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Yippee!! Here's to hoping I have my interview skills down pat by the time I get to this interview!

Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11), bearby (international(USA), email 2/9/11, I 2/16/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD),LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11), bonaparte (IS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), CuriousRACC (OOS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), tigerkitten (IS, email 2/9/11, TBD), thedogisgreen (IS 2/9/11, I 2/28), savethewhales (IS , email 2/9/11, I: 3/4), heylodeb (IS, email 2/9/11, I: 3/2)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), CuriousRACC (email 1/26, I: 2/19 OOS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
Last edited:
Yay! Congrats Heylodeb!!

Auburn: kiakia(oos, email 12/09/2010), oakave (oos, email 12/9), sabriel777 (oos, email 12/9), goldnretivrgrl (oos, email 12/9), thevetvetvetvet (oos, email 12/14, i:2/4), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 1/4/11 i: 2/3/11), alhazred (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/3/11), goatherd (oos, email 1/6/11 i: 2/1/11), tonkamoo (OOS, mail 1/14, I 2/9),ceg0002 (OOS, email 1/23, I: 2/9), BuggerDoodle (OOS, e-mail 1/28/11, i: 2/4/11),DogsDays14 (OOS, email 1/19, i:2/9/11)

AVC: ninjacat (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/17), RoRoVet (international(USA), email 1/20, I 2/25), that redhead (international [US], email 1/25/11, I 3/2/11), bearby (international(USA), email 2/9/11, I 2/16/11)

UC Davis: catscatscats (OOS, email 2/8, I TBD),LivestockDoc (OOS, email 2/8/11), bonaparte (IS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), CuriousRACC (OOS, email 2/8/11, I TBD), tigerkitten (IS, email 2/9/11, TBD), thedogisgreen (IS 2/9/11, I 2/28), savethewhales (IS , email 2/9/11, I: 3/4), heylodeb (IS, email 2/9/11, I: 3/2)

University of Florida: Chinola (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), ceg0002 (email 1/26, I 2/19, IS), Bearby (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), momo23 (email 1/26, I 2/12, IS), IthacaIsGorges (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), eagles (email 1/26, I 2/19, OOS), CatCrazy2 (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS), vdrandal (email 1/26, I: 2/12, IS),Shadow23 (email 1/26, I:2/19, OOS, declined interview 1/30/11), Knockout 4 (email 1/26, I: 2/19, IS), CuriousRACC (email 1/26, I: 2/19 OOS)

University of Glasgow: goldielocks137 (email 10/26) jollybluejay4 (email 10/26), sirbuckie (email 10/27, i: 01/31), kibootsy (email: 10/26; i: 1/31),kem9987221 (email 12/18,i: 2/9), tryptophanatic (email: 12/18; i: 2/9) awaring1 (email 10/27/10 i; 02/7)

University of Illinois: greenmouse (IS, snail mail 1/15/11), kelly0814 (IS, snail mail: 1/15/11, i: 2/21), woodinator15 (IS, snail mail 1/18/11), squibby (OOS, status change 1/18/11), thedogisgreen (OOS, status change 1/18/11), anthrovet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), tuckervet (OOS, status change 1/19/11), BuggerDoodle (OOS, status change 1/19/11), ilovemycandy (OOS, status change 1/19/11), Horsingaround31 (OOS, status change 1/19/11), midnight89 (OOS, snail mail 1/21, I: 2/21), tigerlily726 (OOS, status change 1/18, I:2/21)

Iowa State University: cubby38 (contract, email 10/28/10), thedogisgreen (oos, email 11/18/10), whir (contract, email 11/18/10), bonaparte (oos, email 12/16/10), kelly0814 (oos, email 12/16/10, i: 1/8 or 1/9), gone2dogs (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/16/10, i 1/8 or 1/9), drforwhiskers (oos, email 12/22/2010, i 1/9, 1/22, 1/23), sunnyshine (oos, email: 12/22/2010, i: Tbd), horsingaround31 (oos, email 12/22/10, i: 1/22/11), farmgirl12 (oos, email 12/27/10, i: 1/22 or 1/23) awaring1 (oos, email 12/22/10, i; 1/9)

Kansas State University: arabianrider32 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), gone2dogs (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), turquoisewolves (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10 oos), nico5923 (email 11/8, i: 12/18/10), vetme(email 11/8, I: 12/18/2010, IS) drksomeday (email 11/8, i: 12/19/10, is), kelly0814 (email 11/9, i: 12/19/10, oos), brookethecook (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), whir (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), tuckervet (email:11/16, i:1/9/11, oos), kodabear (email 11/16; i: 1/8, oos), nothing (email 11/16; i: 1/9 oos), catcrazy2 (email 11/16, i: 1/9), buggerdoodle (email 11/16, i: 1/9, oos) RoRoVet (email 11/16, i: 1/8, oos), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 11/17; i: 1/22), squibby (email: 11/17, i: 1/22 oos), cubby38 (email: 11/17; i: 1/22), milkmaid (email: 11/17, i: 1/23 oos), chinola (email: 11/16, i: 1/8 oos), sunnyshine (email: 12/01, i: 1/9 oos), kibootsy (email: 11/16, i: 1/9 oos), ceg0002 (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos),fromthebox (email: 11/16, i: 1/8/11, oos), fleurnoire (email 11/17, i: 1/22, oos), raidertxgirl (email 12/21, i:1/9, oos), goatherd (email 11/17, i: 1/9, oos), heylodeb (email 1/4, i: 1/22, oos), dvmdream (email 1/4, i: 1/23, oos), alibeth87 (email 1/5, i: 1/22, oos), broncogal12 (email 1/6, i:1/22, oos), cacoco (email 12/2, i:1/39), Knockout 4 (email 11/16, i: 1/22, OOS)

LSU: BrooketheCook (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), ninjacat(OOS status change: 1/11, I:2/5), PendantWorld (status change 1/11, I: 2/5, OOS), hunterjumper12 (status change 1/11, 1:2/5, OOS)

University of Minnesota: zumazoom (email 1/6, i:tbd), chinola (email 1/6, i: 1/28, OOS), goldnretrivrgrl (oos, email 1/6, interview: Tbd), ithacaisgorges (email 1/6, oos), cautionary tail (e-mail 1/6, i: 2/11, oos), catcrazy2 (e-mail 1/6, oos, date tbd), squibby (email 1/6, oos, date tbd), midnight89 (e-mail 1/6, oos), buggerdoodle (email 1/6, oos), tuckervet (e-mail 1/6, oos declined interview), gone2dogs (e-mail 1/6, oos), cubby38 (email 1/6, oos), woodinator15 (email 1/6, oos), sirbuckie (email 1/6, OSS),schrodingerr (email 1/6, I:2/5,OOS)

Mississippi State University: sunnyshine (oos email 12/17/2010 i: 2/16) animals2x2 (oos email 12/17 i: 2/15), hunterjumper12 (oos, email 12/17 i: 2/16), sabriel777 (oos email 12/17), chinola (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), pendantworld (oos, email 12/17: 2/14), pdjy (oos email 12/17 i: 2/14), alibeth87 (oos, email 12/17, i: 2/16), hkt8646 (oos, e-mail 12/17, i 2/16), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), runningonfaith (email 12/17, i: 1/31, oos-contract), dvmdream (email 12/17, i: 2/14, oos), ceg0002 (email 12/17, i: 2/15), vdrandal (email 12/17 oos i: 2/16), nothing (email 12/17 oos i:2/15), qwerty85 (email 12/17, oos, i: 2/16), buggerdoodle (email 12/17, i: 2/2, oos), lovinglife10 (email 12/17, i:2/16, oos), arc99 (email: 12/17, i: 2/15, oos), annemal22 (email 12/17, i:2/15, oos), goatherd (email 12/17, i: 2/15, oos) schrodingerr (email 12/17, I:2/16,OOS), Knockout4 (email 12/17, I:2/16, OOS)

University of Missouri: sabriel777 (email 11/18), arabianrider32 (email 11/18; i: 1/9 oos), woodinator15 (email 11/18 oos), breenie (email 11/18, interview 1/9), caromax (email 11/18 oos), zumazoom (email 11/18, i: 1/8), RoRoVet (email 11/18, i: 1/7 oos), scb44f (snail mail 2/10, i: 2/23 IS)

The Ohio State University: woodinator15 (email 11/10); livestockdoc (oos, email 11/10), cmog (email 11/10), caromax (email 11/10), goldnretrivrgrl (email 11/16), jakesmom (email 11/16), gone2dogs (oos, email 11/16); science247 (email 11/08), elliegirl89(is, email 11/19; i: 12/16), squibby (email 11/22, i: 12/16, oos) thereservoirdog(oos,11/29 email) momo23 (oos, 11/29 email, i: 12/15), azarael (oos, email 11/18), nothing (oos, email 11/22), sirbuckie (oos, email 11/29), favhrnstr (oos, phone call 12/3, i: 12/14), lovemydobies (is, phone call, 12/8), pennyonthefloor (is, phone call 12/9; i: 12/17), fleurnoire (email 11/18, i: 12/10, oos), goatherd (email 11/18, i: 12/15, oos), steph812 (email 11/16, I: 12/17 oos)

Oklahoma State: twelvetigers (snail mail 1/26, I: 2/17)

Oregon State: withoutane (email 1/28, I: 2/15)

Penn: science247 (email 12/15, oos), catscatscats (email 12/15, i: 1/7, oos), tigerlily726(email 12/16, i:1/14, oos), caromax (email 12/15, i: Tba,oos), shadow23 (email 12/15, oos, i: 1/7), niteangel (email 12/22/10, is, i:1/28/10), favhrnstr (oos, email 12/22, i: 1/28), anthrovet (email 12/17, oos, i: 1/14), goldnretrivrgrl (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), lilluc (is, email 1/5, interview 2/4), jl123 (OOS email 1/5 interview 2/4), mes041 (OOS and LA email 1/13 interview 2/11), SouthJerseyBell (OOS, LA, email: 1/13, I: 2/11) Midnight89 (OOS, phone call and e-mail 1/28, I 2/18), Ehkehfemal (email 1/28, I: 2/18, OOS)Pugs1123 (IS, email on 2/4 for interview 2/28)

Purdue: zumazoom (email 12/17, oos), whyevernot55(email 12/17, i 1/21, oos), breenie (email, 12/17, oos, interview: 1/28), gsi924(email 12/17, oos, interview 1/28), chatter07 (email 12/17, oos, interview 1/21), boilercowgrl (email 12/17, is, interview: 1/21), pdjy (oos email 12/17), horsingaround31 (email 12/17, i 1/28, oos), catcrazy2 (email 12/17, i: 1/28, oos), tator17 (email 12/17, i 1/29, is), tonkamoo (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), nothing (oos email 12/17 i:1/28), wildlifewannabe (email 12/17, i: 1/28 is), SouthJerseyBell (email 12/17, I: 1/21 oos), steph812 (email 12/17, I:1/29 oos)

Ross University: imnotthatgirl (10/28/10), caromax (10/22), jlm179(1/19 offical e-mail interview??), Brumleyvet (01/19/11), steph812 (email 11/8, I:12/13)

Royal Veterinary College (London): caromax (email 10/08; accepted), ckd816 (email 10/26; dates tba), goldielocks137 (email 11/1), tuckervet (email 10/20; ny 1/24-1/28), cookiethecat (email 10/8) laitmanvet (email 11/17), futurevet3000 (11/17 also!), kibootsy (email: 12/7; i: 2/3) , tonkamoo (email 11/17, i: 2/4)

St. George: chyactnate (email 11/12), qwerty85 (email 11/20)

Texas A&M University: atx00 (email 12/20, interview 1/14), raidertxgirl (email 12/20, interview 1/14)su_grad2007 (email 12/20; interview 1/15), anthrovet (email 12/20; interview 1/15) fightinaggievet (email 12/20; interview 1/15), AggieHorseVet (OOS, email 12/20; interview 1/14)

Tufts University: smilesoup (oos, email 11/24), jl123 (oos, email 11/24), anthrovet (oos, email 11/24), eagles (oos, email 11/24),Ehkehfemal (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), TheEvilShoe (IS, snail mail 1/7, I 2/2), phaedraeos (IS, snail mail, 1/7, I 2/2), ninjacat (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/8), IthacaIsGorges (OOS, snail mail 1/8, I: 2/7), catscatscats (IS, snail mail 1/8, I 2/2), Axel123 (oos, snail mail 1/8, 2/8), PendantWorld (OOS, snail mail, 1/10), Whyevernot55 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), midnight89 (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/9), bonaparte (oos, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), SouthJerseyBell (oos, snailmail 1/8, I: 2/3 rescheduling), canis13 (OOS, snail mail, 1/11, I: 2/8), oakave1 (OOS, snail mail still MIA, I: 2/8), tigerkitten (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/7), kaydubs (OOS, snail mail ?-received as fwd'd mail today, I 2/8), Tonkamoo (OOS, snail mail 1/10, I 2/8)

TUSKEGEE: TUWEST2011 (PORTAL update) 2/25/11

VMRCVM: favhrnstr (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), roscoe8121 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28), tigerlily726 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/29), bclove21 (is, email 12/21, interview 1/28) welelu (is email 12/21, interview 1/28), alibeth87 (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), betweenusgurls (is, email 12/21, i: 1/28), ninjacat(12/21, interview 1/28), animals2x2 (is/md, email 1/5, i: 1/28), Fleurnoire (oos, email 1/6, declining interview) , jl123 (oos email 12/21 declining interview), SouthJerseyBell (oos, email 12/21, I: 1/28), Horsingaround31 (OOS, email 1/13, I: 1/28),schrodingerr (email 12/21, I:1/29,IS)

Washington State University: iheartmycorgi (snail mail 12/6, i:2/8 if no wiche funding), fcc (snail mail, i:2/7 if no wiche funding), lareinesoleil (is, e-mail 12/17, i: 01/24) broncogal12 (email 12/17, 1/28), tonkamoo (is, email 12/17, i: 1/25), heylodeb (oos, email 12/27; snail mail postdated 12/22, i: 2/11), livestockdoc (oos, email 12/28), fleurnoire (oos, snail mail 12/27, i 2/9), futurevet3000 (oos, email 12/28; I 2/11), idahoequestrian (idaho resident, so is; email 12/17; i: 1/27 at 1:45), eagles (oos, email 12/28, I 2/7)

Western University: tech2vet (email 12/10), bearby (email 12/10, i:1/29), tuwest2011 (email 12/10), dvmdream (email 12/10, interview: 2/5) radio2020 (email 12/10, interview tbd), gsi924 (email 12/10; i: Tbd), fleurnoire (email 12/10, i: 1/29) jmms (email 12/10 i: 2/12) hawaiivet2011 (email 12/10, i: 1/29) savethewhales (email 12/17, interview tbd), cacoco (email 12/10, i:1/29), marsala (email, 1/12, interview 1/29), thevetvetvetvet (email 1/19, i:TBD), twelvetigers (email 1/19, i: 1/29), BLancellotti (email 1/26, i:TBD), Knockout4 (email 12/10, i: 2/12), Silvane (email 12/12, i: 2/5), millyt (email 1/26, i:2/15)
YAY, SCB98734987398739875748f. :)

I can't wait for you to have your interview!! :) AND. I think we can do this sharing suits thing. If I put it in the mail tomorrow afternoon and you put in the mail directly after yours. kaching - we save a BUTTLOAD!

ok. maybe not.
YAY, SCB98734987398739875748f. :)

I can't wait for you to have your interview!! :) AND. I think we can do this sharing suits thing. If I put it in the mail tomorrow afternoon and you put in the mail directly after yours. kaching - we save a BUTTLOAD!

ok. maybe not.

Hahaha it might be better than me wearing Mizzou's colors :laugh: