Midwestern University Post-bac question

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No interview yet. :(

I'll call and try not to sound too desperate. haha

Did they give you a reason for being on the waitlist? Was it your stats or a poor interview?

They didn't give me a reason.

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Sorry to hear about the xuelee. Do you have any other places lined up or were you hoping for AZCOM's program?

I didn't get into my first choice in SMPs, but I won't take this chance for granted. I hope that you make it in or to somewhere you hope for.
-)Do they inform you of their decision by mail, e-mail, or phone?

When I applied in late March of last year, they sent me an acceptance letter in the mail.

-)Also, do they interview everyone or only the applicants they're interested in. I've heard different things so just wanted some clarification. Thanks!:)

Heh, I never got an interview for the MBS program. I just showed up for the orientation in August and that's all.

I am a first year MBS student in the Glendale campus. So far I am happy that I have enrolled in the program. Just got my interview with AZCOM in May. I am planing to do a dual degree of MBS and DO, if I get accepted to the DO program in fall. The MBS is a good program because if you are planing to become a physician, you can get your first choice of residency in the feature, and 99% of the time other schools will take MWU MBS students who have completed the program.

Let me know if you all have questions.
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Hey, Lelouch, thanks for the notice. Most of us are in the MA program which just started this year, so I don't think it'll equate exactly to the MBS program from that chart I read earlier.

I have a question about your Interact Now! page though. I called and was told I was accepted, but did they update your page at all? It doesn't even show me as an applicant on there. I'm thinking it might just be for the DO applicants but it would be nice to know.

Anyway, that questions for the rest of you all too. If I don't get the snail mail today or tomorrow, I'll call them again because I seriously need to know.

On a side note, I'm loving Geass season 2. The pacing seems much faster than season 1.
Sorry to hear about the xuelee. Do you have any other places lined up or were you hoping for AZCOM's program?

I didn't get into my first choice in SMPs, but I won't take this chance for granted. I hope that you make it in or to somewhere you hope for.

Thanks! I have another program I'm waiting on and if none of those work out, I'm just going to take undergrad classes.
I have a question about your Interact Now! page though. I called and was told I was accepted, but did they update your page at all? It doesn't even show me as an applicant on there. I'm thinking it might just be for the DO applicants but it would be nice to know.

On a side note, I'm loving Geass season 2. The pacing seems much faster than season 1.

Well, the MA program just got added this year. It never existed before, so I do know the difference. ;)

Hmm, last year my account worked and it said I was accepted. But when I applied to both CCOM and AZCOM this year it wasn't showing anything right, so I called ITs and they took care of it. Their number is: (623) 572-3388

By the way, are you guys familiar with the MWU intranet? It can help and answer a lot of questions you may have. The URL is: http://mwunet.midwestern.edu/

And Code Geass is amazing! I finished the first season and every week watching R2. CLAMP is awesome.
Flushot, I have a question for you and/or anyone else that has been accepted to the one-year MBS program. How long did you have to decide if you wanted to accept once you received an acceptance? And how much is the initial deposit? Thanks for your help in advance!
Oh and one more thing, I have reading through this thread and there seems to be a linkage program with the DO school or at possibly an interview invitation, but does anyone know if there any linkage to the dental school as I'm pre-dental.
Oh and one more thing, I have reading through this thread and there seems to be a linkage program with the DO school or at possibly an interview invitation, but does anyone know if there any linkage to the dental school as I'm pre-dental.

If you are asking if the MBS program helps to get you to other professional programs, then yes. I know one student who got into the pharmacy program, another student got into the dental program, and others got into the DO program of our campus. Most see this program as a training to get you into your professional programs, unless you like to do research for the rest of your life.
The is no official word on whether or not predents will get a guaranteed interview but Dr. Bell (program director) said he's pretty sure there will be a guaranteed interview (he said this based on what the dean of the dental school told him)... hope that helps...
The is no official word on whether or not predents will get a guaranteed interview but Dr. Bell (program director) said he's pretty sure there will be a guaranteed interview (he said this based on what the dean of the dental school told him)... hope that helps...

If anyone is waiting to hear back from the program in Downers Grove, a spot will be opening up tomorrow. I will be calling to decline my spot after already accepting it. I received a late interview at KCUMB and just found out today that I was accepted!!! Kansas City here I come :)
Congrats axe!

Dental, I don't think there is a 1 year MBS program...it's technically the MA program now at the Glendale campus.

I received my paperwork today and I was accepted on April 16th. They gave me until May 2nd to pay the $750 deposit, so about 2 weeks.

You will also need to send them your transcripts that have your completed pre-reqs, but I don't know when. I think it is like 2 weeks before matriculation, but that seems way too close. Anyone know?

Yeah, and like Ehhhh said, I have no idea about the dental thing, but I wouldn't be afraid to call them up and ask. You can ask them what the minimum DAT score is to get an auto interview/offer too.

It's funny that we're talking about both campuses since I figure most of the people here are interested in the 1 year program, which is the MA program only. The MBS at CCOM and AZCOM are both 2 years, but you can jump ship if you get into a program while doing this. Like Lelouch said, it is still an SMP so it'll buff any resume aiming for professional school.
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I received my paperwork today and I was accepted on April 16th. They gave me until May 2nd to pay the $750 deposit, so about 2 weeks.

$750? That's too much. Are you planning to live on campus or something? Of course they will give you the money back for first quarter tuition, but still. >.>
Ya 750 is a lot. Since I am declining my acceptance offer, I am only getting 100 back :(
Goodluck Flushot! Once I get my official letter in from KCUMB, I will be calling UNTHSC to decline their offer. Maybe you will get my seat!!!
Anyone know of the success rates of the MBS program (Downers Grove) of students getting into medical school. Also couldnt find much information regarding if we are able to take courses at the medical school. Only a little footnote saying we can take our basic sciences courses at CCOM with program directer permission or something of the nature.

edit: also anyone know of how many courses were able to take with the med students in the MBS (IL). It only states on the website, at program coordinators discretion. I called a counselor at Downers grove and said that Dr. Fay, program coordinator, sits down with each student at matriculation, and talks bout what your goals for the programs are, and sets you up with the schedule.
I need to know how many courses were able to take, or if there is a limit or so we can take with CCOM. I got accepted to Tulane's pharm SMP, and they have only one course your able to take with med students. Anyone know?
Ya 750 is a lot. Since I am declining my acceptance offer, I am only getting 100 back :(
Goodluck Flushot! Once I get my official letter in from KCUMB, I will be calling UNTHSC to decline their offer. Maybe you will get my seat!!!

Thanks axe and congrats again about KCUMB. You must be excited.

I doubt I'll get into TCOM from their waitlist, but I'm sure someone really deserving will get it.

Lelouch, yeah, oos tuition for the MA program is $28,000 so this is definitely a major decision. I mean they have seats to fill too so $750 makes sense to me.

I'm working out living arrangements with Ehhhh and dentistin2011, but seriously, if anyone else if curious about AZ living, just let us know. We can work something out, as I would love to have the MA class near each other for some support :)

I haven't really started looking heavily so I'll do that once I finish this coming test week.

By the way, rose, have you heard anything from them yet? Try calling Dr. Bell's secretary.
Hey whats going on Flushot? I am also figuring out my living arrangements. I live in Connecticut and will be taking a trip to Arizona soon. The game plan is to get a place in either Sage Stone or San Lagos apartments. Both seem like nice places to live and thats why I'm going there in the next few weeks to see which one has the better deal.

It seems that including me there are 4 people looking for places to live. I was thinking that we should get two 2-bedroom apartments near each other. A 4-bedroom would have been awesome but unfortunately they only offer up to 3-bedroom places.

Let me know if you guys are game to do this. If so, I can look into everything when I take my trip down there. If you guys are able to come out there when I do, it would be cool to meet my future classmates. :D
I'm also looking for a place to live as my lease is up in a month. If any of you guys want to communicate and try and live together, email me at [email protected] and we can look for a place together. Im finishing up my first year here so I know the layout pretty well.
hey all I need a place too!! San Lagos looks real nice but do u know how far it is from campus because I don't plan on bringing my car. also if u all are interested in getting a place near each other or with eachbother PM me. Thanks
Hey DocPearl! Could you add Arrowhead apartments to that list when you're touring?

Well, I'm sure like some of you, finals for undergrad are approaching and I haven't really given much thought or effort into this until I graduate, so I feel kinda bad just leaving people hanging right now, but I'm also glad to see so many people interested in a place or complex where we can all get together.

There's basically a few key factors some of us are looking for:

1. Close to campus, like walkable
2. Close to some form of sustinance (ex. grocery)
3. Reasonable pricing (I think $700 a month per person is the max for most people interested, I could be wrong)

That's what I'm getting. Feel free to add to the list.

I'm actually thinking about setting up a Facebook group so once I start getting into looking, I can contact everyone at once and post pictures as well among other things. What do you guys think?
Im thinking about moving into San Lagos as soon as my lease is up, which coincidentally is the same time as my first year in the Masters Program is ending. Shoot me an email at [email protected] and we can communicate about this.
Hey Everyone I just created a Facebook group for us... Hopefully Flushot didn't created one too... I read his post a little late... If you did, I'll delete the one I made if it's possible... But either way here is the Link:

Heh, an 08 group.... I created an 09 group.
Anyways, I moving on to campus, luxury apartments, 2 bedroom and $510 a month with all utilities excluding electricity. I live 40 mins away from campus and it's killing me. Unfortunately, I have no idea who my roommate is.

And this is funny, I figured who SBK is. XD
Hey guys,

I will be going to Arizona in the next couple of weeks. I will post all the information you need in order to choose between these apartments. I will be mainly looking at the two places that are in walking distance of the school. These are the Arrowhead apartments. I will be taking a lot of pictures and I will email them to anyone who wants to see them when I get back. Let me know if there is anything else that you guys would like me to do when I am chillin in Glendale. :)
Sounds good Doc Pearl!

How many predents are going to this program???

I know there is me(Ehhhh), dentistin2011, and Doc pearl so far... Anyone else???
Sounds good Doc Pearl!

How many predents are going to this program???

I know there is me(Ehhhh), dentistin2011, and Doc pearl so far... Anyone else???

Me too....if I get in. :oops:
Hey guys,

I will be going to Arizona in the next couple of weeks. I will post all the information you need in order to choose between these apartments. I will be mainly looking at the two places that are in walking distance of the school. These are the Arrowhead apartments. I will be taking a lot of pictures and I will email them to anyone who wants to see them when I get back. Let me know if there is anything else that you guys would like me to do when I am chillin in Glendale. :)

That's nice of you to offer. I'd like to see your pix if you don't mind. I'm super curious about the area surrounding the school.
hey, those who are accepted,
has anyone received any further correspondence from the school?
I made $750 deposit and sent official transcript in the early-April but haven't received any letter from the school.
Well, I made the deposit and I'm assuming they will send the financial aid package like they said in the letter. Also, I haven't sent my transcript yet; when it is due?
One month before classes start...
Hey ehhhh, I just joined the facebook group. I suggest that everyone joins. It would be cool to see everyone before game day.

I also wanted to let everyone know that I will be arriving in Arizona on the 12th of May. If anyone wants to meet up, let me know.
One month before class starts? Don't you start in August?
Yeah, so I'm guessing I have time to send them a final, graduate transcript rather than the one I have now.
how do we add this MA program information when we fill AADSAS application out?
Hey whats going on guys? Well I was just accepted into BU medical science program. This program has always been my number one choice. I was going to buy tickets to go to Arizona today and I was going to pay my $750 deposit today. I definitely lucked out. Well sorry to get your guys hopes up on going to Arizona and looking at the apartments in advance. Good luck with Midwestern and I hope you all achieve your goals through the program. :)
Hey everyone. I just sent in my 750 deposit for the MA program and was wondering what everyone was thinking about for living situations and what apartments everyone is thinking about
So which one of you guys is coming down on May 8th? We got an e-mail to give a student tour.
The on-campus housing is full and usually they only take like 5 people off the waitlist (for housing)... Apartment right around Midwestern are pretty expensive for cost of living in glendale... So Im looking into renting a house probably three bedroom because it ends up being much cheaper than the other options... I just need to find two roommates now... If anyone is interested...

Hi, Ehhhh
I got accepted to Midwestern program today if you didn't find roommate count me as of one of your roommate.

Thank you
I just had my phone interview with Dr. Bell today. About how long does it take after this point to find out about acceptance? Anyone know?
Is it too late to apply now? I was waiting on my GRE scores so I did'nt totally apply yet? Or do I still have a chance?
I just had my phone interview with Dr. Bell today. About how long does it take after this point to find out about acceptance? Anyone know?

He should have told you but mine took 4 days to figure out.
You'd better call his secretary at 623-572-3620.
I interviewed on Monday and called her on Friday and got an mail on next Wednesday.
Good luck.
So which one of you guys is coming down on May 8th? We got an e-mail to give a student tour.

Is that for accepted students? I haven't received any e-mail as yet. I don't think I can go there though.
If any of you go there, let rest of us know how it's like.
Is that for accepted students? I haven't received any e-mail as yet. I don't think I can go there though.
If any of you go there, let rest of us know how it's like.

Not sure. I assume it's also for people who are applying.

Is it too late to apply now? I was waiting on my GRE scores so I did'nt totally apply yet? Or do I still have a chance?
I know someone who applied late in May and got in. It doesn't hurt to try, plus they will accept people until all the seats are filled.
Well, whoever goes to it tomorrow, let us know how it goes and some pictures would be cool too if possible.

We're still amidst finals (at least I am) so I plan to give this heavy research and consideration once I'm done with graduation and all that jazz.

And congrats to DocPearl! So I guess that counts out your AZ visit, but thanks again for the offer and the well wishings.
Deb never e-mailed me back. The tour things are like a first come first serve basis. Someone must have replied back to her before me, so I am not giving the tour. I will be taking an 8am final.
Did anyone interview with Dr Jones for the MBS program at Glendale?
Quick question-- for the undergrad 3.0 that you need for the automatic acceptance and automatic interview for the MA in arizona, is that with all the grades averaged together or are the re-take grades only used. The reason i'm asking is cause my undergrad is a 2.9 but if I only count the courses i have re-taken, it's 3.3

Thank you!:)
Hmm, I have no idea about the re-take GPA. You'll have to call them for that kind of information.

On a separate note for housing, I'm pretty much done with everything, so I'll begin the delving for info this coming week, along with med apps. Has anyone found any new complexes of interest?