MHA admissions Fall '14

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Same! So excited

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@Mha1991: yeah, I guess my interviewer just works quickly.

Received an email confirming the official acceptance to UM, btw. So check your email, guys.

Congrats! Just got the email too! This is so exciting! But tough choices up ahead!
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I just rejected the interview with UMich. Patiently waiting on the Columbia interview now..+pity+
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I just rejected the interview with UMich. Patiently waiting on the Columbia interview now..+pity+
Just curious but why did you turn down the Mich interview? It's one of the top programs.
Just curious but why did you turn down the Mich interview? It's one of the top programs.

The program at Michigan is indeed strong, however, I just can't see myself living in Michigan. I'm from NY and plan to stay on the East Coast for as long as possible. Also, I can't see myself turning down an opportunity to study at an Ivy league institution (may sound childish, but that's how I feel).:)
They send out rejection emails? Sorry to hear that. Hope it wasn't your 1st choice.

It was, I'm from the area and was going to live with my best friend who is going to be working for Hopkins hospital next year :/

I was rejected from Yale as well today

So there go spots 1 and 2 haha!
It was, I'm from the area and was going to live with my best friend who is going to be working for Hopkins hospital next year :/

I was rejected from Yale as well today

So there go spots 1 and 2 haha!
I'm so sorry to hear that. You'll hear great news soon!
I'm so sorry to hear that. You'll hear great news soon!
Thanks! Here's hoping :)

I've gotten into BU & Emory for HPM so i do still have solid choices in great cities :) really pulling for my others

I'm curious why - but obviously I'll never know & they're competitive.
Wait what?! When does Cornell want the deposit by? I'm waiting on Cornell, UCLA and Columbia to decide between those schools and Yale. o_O

My admissions letter said Feb 15 but don't worry, if you didn't hear back yet you should have a different deadline. My understanding is that they try to keep the number of students low, so they want to see how many plan to attend before they accept another batch. Anyway, good luck! Those are all really good programs to choose between.
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Congratulations to everyone who was admitted to Michigan! I'm sure you'll receive the official letter soon.

In other news, I withdrew my application from Columbia this morning. Good luck to everyone who has yet to participate in the informal interview!

Does this mean that you've decided where to go?
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Accepted to VCU and STL. Waiting on UAB, ah the stress!!
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I have an interview with trinity and almost want to cancel. Any opinions out there I can hear??
What other schools did you apply to and what prompted you to choose UNC?

Sorry for the late response. I also applied to GW and NYU but was really only considering UNC. I knew some alumni from the program and they seemed to have a much stronger national network. I think this is due to the dedicated health policy and management professional development and alumni relations directors. These people will be your biggest assets and have already done so much work for me, connecting me with internship opportunities all over the country. I also really liked the people at UNC - it's a smaller class size and everyone is really friendly. It's been a really great learning environment so far.
What do people in consulting and provider-side management organizations (ex. hospitals, clinics, not insurance) and whatnot think of MPH programs in Healthcare Administration (ex. Yale) vs. MHA programs? I can't seem to get a straight answer from anybody.

In my experience applying to consulting and provider side administrative internships, it doesn't matter as long as the MPH is in health policy or management. Pretty much all of the job postings that I have applied to have said: MHA/MBA/MPH/MSPH in healthcare management. Yale is a great program.
I just graduated in December with an Integrated Health Studies degree. I am applying to a few schools this week for MHA programs for the fall....Unfortunately my gpa wasn't the greatest and the same goes for my GRE scores...I guess I'm trying to gauge the chances of getting accepted into a program.

GPA:2.8 :/
Work: not a lot of experience but had an unpaid internship with a rehab department in a hospital.
References: professor, and two OTR's

Applying to: Pitt, Cal State, Scranton, NYU, and Chatham.
Yale's MPH in Health Care Management program isn't CAHME or AUPHA accredited. Did that impact anyone's decision in applying to Yale? Would you attend a program that wasn't accredited?
Hey everyone. I read these posts all the time and decided I'd post my credentials and hopefully get some feedback. I am applying right out of undergrad.

3.82 GPA at my university, but a total GPA of 3.78 as calculated by SOPHAS due to summer classes taken at community college
3.94 major (health administration) GPA
GRE is 151Q 150 V 4.0 AW
, pretty low I know
I have research experience with health admin professor, an internship at a hospital, volunteer experience at a hospice house, worked as a student assistant in the health sciences department, ACHE student member, and worked various other non-healthcare related jobs through school
LORs from two from health admin faculty members and one from a hospital CEO.

I applied to Iowa (MHA), UMich (MHSA), Ohio State (MHA), St.Louis (MHA), and UMinn (MHA). Do you think I have a chance to get in to any of the programs, particuarly Michigan (my clear cut top choice)?
Yale's MPH in Health Care Management program isn't CAHME or AUPHA accredited. Did that impact anyone's decision in applying to Yale? Would you attend a program that wasn't accredited?

At the open house they said that they are in the process of getting it. I spoke to a few current students and have also spoken to a few alumni and most have nothing but good things to say about the program and its collaboration with the YSOM.
They send out rejection emails? Sorry to hear that. Hope it wasn't your 1st choice.

Most programs do do that unfortunately..I just wish JHU decided on the applicants and sent out emails at once..We have a member here who is in and another who didnt make it, while most of us are waiting for a decision :(
At the open house they said that they are in the process of getting it. I spoke to a few current students and have also spoken to a few alumni and most have nothing but good things to say about the program and its collaboration with the YSOM.
I agree with this. I spoke with current students who were accepted to UMich, Columbia etc. and gave it all up to attend Yale. Also, in looking at the fellowship placements which prefer students from CAHME accredited schools, I still always happen to see a Yale student, which shows a lot about the strength of the program.
Regarding CAHME accreditation, I found this from last year's thread. Link attached.

Isn't CAHME accreditation mostly only important if you want to go into hospital administration specifically?

EDIT: for reference, I did a little research, and most top schools of public health do not have MPH programs in health management and policy that are CAHME accredited. Harvard, Johns Hopkins, UNC, Emory, UWashington, UC Berkeley, UMinnesota, BU, Yale... None of them have an MPH in HPM that is CAHME accredited, though some of them offer a CAHME accredited MHA. In fact, the only ones that really seem to have CAHME accreditation for the MPH are UCLA, Columbia, and Michigan. As such, I think saying you should never go to a non-CAHME accredited MPH in HPM is a bit alarmist... If that were true, the vast majority of the MPH HPM grads in the country would be in trouble. If you know you specifically want to do hospital admin, then yes, CAHME accreditation might matter, but if you know you specifically want to do hospital admin, you should probably just go MHA in the first place.
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Hello everyone! I will be interviewing at VCU, Columbia and Georgetown soon and I was wondering what are some issues currently in health care. Are there any resources that cover health care issues? Any advice on interviewing also would be great. Thanks!

Major: Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise
GPA: 3.90
GRE: 154 Q, 155 V, 4.5 W
congratulations hey can u please tell me when did you submit your application and did you have to interview for it ?

I submitted it near the beginning of December, and yes I had to interview for it. Not everyone gets an interview, but you must have one in order to get admitted.
Does this mean that you've decided where to go?

Nope! I would just rather attend one of the other schools on my list so I feel interviewing wouldn't really be a good use of time for them and me. I'm waiting on financial aid packages and planning to attend Yale's admitted student's day before I decide. Have you decided yet or are you still waiting on one?
Interviewed with Columbia..A quite informal interview, which was pretty much as relaxed as one can expect. Basic questions (Quite routine if you have been through the MBA interviews like I have) ..Why MHA? Why NOW? Why Columbia? Goals? And then she allowed me to ask questions. I think they just wanted to get a feeling on "fit".

I'm waiting on financial aid packages and planning to attend Yale's admitted student's day before I decide.

Any idea when Yale decides on FA packages?

I submitted it near the beginning of December, and yes I had to interview for it. Not everyone gets an interview, but you must have one in order to get admitted.

Are you 100% on that? Because their FAQ's do not refer to that..only that an interview MAY be required..I have heard nothing since submitting my application in late just want to know whether their is still hope :)
Yeah, if anyone has ideas re: when financial aid packages start spilling out from UM/UMN/Columbia/USC etc..., please share them.

Columbia would require to fill out an additional form which would only be available post-decision. We were only required to fill out the FAFSA before the feb. 1 deadline. Yale requires both forms by march 1 iirc.
Nope! I would just rather attend one of the other schools on my list so I feel interviewing wouldn't really be a good use of time for them and me. I'm waiting on financial aid packages and planning to attend Yale's admitted student's day before I decide. Have you decided yet or are you still waiting on one?

Not yet. I'm debating whether to attend Yale's open house.

BTW, did you receive an acceptance package from Yale? I haven't received anything other than the emails, I'm wondering if they are waiting until the financial decisions are made before sending out the official letter.
I've gone over acceptance packages received from other schools (MBA"'s mostly) and they basically include the printed version of the letter of acecptance and financial aid data. I think Yale had that attached in the email..We'd get a formal communication from them when we've put forward the deposit and when they come to a decision regarding FA. Just my 2-cents.
Interviewed with Columbia..A quite informal interview, which was pretty much as relaxed as one can expect. Basic questions (Quite routine if you have been through the MBA interviews like I have) ..Why MHA? Why NOW? Why Columbia? Goals? And then she allowed me to ask questions. I think they just wanted to get a feeling on "fit".

Any idea when Yale decides on FA packages?

Are you 100% on that? Because their FAQ's do not refer to that..only that an interview MAY be required..I have heard nothing since submitting my application in late just want to know whether their is still hope :)

I'm not sure when Yale will have the FA packages finalized, though getting decent funding from them is pretty rare :( I did send Andre an email asking him about this today, so I'll let you know what he says.

I think that you're right regarding Hopkins' interview policy. Based on last year's thread, it looks like they sent out quite a few admits in Feb/March. There's probably plenty of spots at this point, but still, I hope you hear from them soon!

Not yet. I'm debating whether to attend Yale's open house.

BTW, did you receive an acceptance package from Yale? I haven't received anything other than the emails, I'm wondering if they are waiting until the financial decisions are made before sending out the official letter.

I think the Email was their official letter. Hopkins and UNC didn't mail out acceptance packages either- just the electronic letters in their online application.
I'm not sure when Yale will have the FA packages finalized, though getting decent funding from them is pretty rare :( I did send Andre an email asking him about this today, so I'll let you know what he says.

Are you reffering to institutional aid? From your research on Yale F.A. what is a decent ammount one can expect ? I assume that the bulk of the FA would then be directed towards direct plus loans?
Are you reffering to institutional aid? From your research on Yale F.A. what is a decent ammount one can expect from the Federal Direct loans? I assume that the bulk of the FA would then be directed towards direct plus loans?

Yes. I talked to a current student last week and he said he has a few thousand in scholarship money and the rest is the grad plus loan.
Yes. I talked to a current student last week and he said he has a few thousand in scholarship money and the rest is the grad plus loan.
Thanks..I guess doctoral students get a bulk of the scholorship..I hope I get a bulk of the aid from the direct loan before I have to sekk plus loans...
Thanks..I guess doctoral students get a bulk of the scholorship..I hope I get a bulk of the aid from the direct loan before I have to sekk plus loans...

Isn't it a Direct PLUS loan? I didn't realize they were separate.
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Isn't it a Direct PLUS loan? I didn't realize they were separate.

The plus loans are @ 6.41% while the unsubsidized federal direct loans are @ 5.41..The direct loans also have a lower initiation fees. We are required to (for yale) fill out 2 seperate forms for each of these categories on the yale FA form.
The plus loans are @ 6.41% while the unsubsidized federal direct loans are @ 5.41..The direct loans also have a lower initiation fees. We are required to (for yale) fill out 2 seperate forms for each of these categories on the yale FA form.

Oo the Stafford loans? Yes! Irregardless of politics, thank you Obama for decreasing the interest rate on those for us! Not sure what the 2 separate forms are, though. I just filled out the pdf and sent in my FAFSA (although this reminds me that I need to send in the tax return transcripts!)
The two options we had (Yale FA Form.pdf) were the direct unsubsidized loans and the direct plus loans. I am yet to fill out the pdf but we need to select the ammount for each of these loans. I think we can take out a maximum of 33,000 $/per year of "low(er) interest" unsub direct loans. The rest of the ammount would have to come from the direct plus loans which are at a higher rate. I have never applied for any student loan in the US so don't know exactly how the eligibility and grant is calculated but I would pretty much like to have the entire 33K per year :) ...
The two options we had (Yale FA Form.pdf) were the direct unsubsidized loans and the direct plus loans. I am yet to fill out the pdf but we need to select the ammount for each of these loans. I think we can take out a maximum of 33,000 $/per year of "low(er) interest" unsub direct loans. The rest of the ammount would have to come from the direct plus loans which are at a higher rate. I have never applied for any student loan in the US so don't know exactly how the eligibility and grant is calculated but I would pretty much like to have the entire 33K per year :) ...

I feel like I'm going crazy because the form I faxed in does not ask for those things. It does require a list of prior academic debt, but doesn't ask how much money we expect to take out through each loan service :/

Completely covered tuition is the dream, isn't it?! I think you have a pretty good chance of getting enough federal loans to cover everything (on the off chance that Yale doesn't offer you a full ride :))
Didn't your Financial aid application have the "financial aid office authorization to process a federal direct unsubsidized loan" - Page 4 and a "Financial aid office authorization to processs a direct plus loan" - page 5?

BTW did you wait till you filed your income tax before faxing or emailing the Financial aid form to yale?
No. It's only 3 pages.

I submitted my FAFSA and faxed in Yale's form before filing my taxes. I did file my taxes last Thursday, though, just in case. Since the IRS hasn't processed my tax return yet I still don't have the transcript to send in. Not sure how soon they need that, but I'm sure it can't be that pressing since it can take a while to process tax returns.
Completely covered tuition is the dream, isn't it?! I think you have a pretty good chance of getting enough federal loans to cover everything (on the off chance that Yale doesn't offer you a full ride :))

A full ride would be nice, but i don't see this happening :)..I don't think they'd have trouble sanctioning a full federal loan as really Yale doesnt have any liability here.

No. It's only 3 pages.

I submitted my FAFSA and faxed in Yale's form before filing my taxes. I did file my taxes last Thursday, though, just in case. Since the IRS hasn't processed my tax return yet I still don't have the transcript to send in. Not sure how soon they need that, but I'm sure it can't be that pressing since it can take a while to process tax returns.

I see that their website does not have pages 4 and 5...I have uploaded the form with the page 4 and 5 for you, so just print out paged 4 and 5 and fax it over to their office.


  • YALE Financial Aid Form.pdf
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