Loyola University Stritch SOM Class of 2011!

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Well, I'd say that since she made it to the interview without mentioning you, she should probably stay away from mentioning that. Interviewers are probably inclined to think that that would be a horrible reason to choose a medical school. Think about it, what will happen if the two of your broke up and the only reason she went there was for you, she'd end up hating the place (though I find that hard to believe with Loyola!) Besides, when they ask why Loyola, they're probably looking more for "why Jesuit?" etc etc. These are my thoughts, but I could be completely wrong, so who really knows. Good luck to her though, and even if she loves Colorado, she'll have to love Loyola once it's all said and done!

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Woo! Page 2!

Sorry, I have nothing real to say, just trying not to study for genomics...
Hey guys, I'm a current M1 at Loyola. Interesting to see all the excitement about the school...ironic when we have exams next week. PM me if you guys have any questions...let the e-mail flood begin.
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I just got internet back after a boring few days without...and I was hoping that there would be a lot to read here, but no.

Two weeks until Christmas! I hope that you all are enjoying December, I know that I am enjoying the 40 degree weather in Chicago!

Current Loyola students, when do you get out for Christmas break? When do you go back to Loyola?
Current Loyola students, when do you get out for Christmas break? When do you go back to Loyola?

M1s and M2s have finals this week (yes, i should be studying)...last M1 final is thursday and M2 final is friday (december 14th and 15th, respectively). then we have off until wednesday, jan 3rd. so its a good couple weeks...
M3's are off the 22nd after our clerkship exams.
OH, man you guys--I wish I had two weeks off for xmas. Instead I have two days (the 22nd and 26th!)....

Another reason why medschool is going to RULE.

OH, man you guys--I wish I had two weeks off for xmas. Instead I have two days (the 22nd and 26th!)....

Another reason why medschool is going to RULE.


Yes, but Jackie, think about it, you don't have finals, papers, and projects to cram in these last few days before break . . . so take advantage of that break!
I just found this thread. I got in to stritch around mid october. Pretty nice. Has anyone gone shopping for places around stritch yet (possibly oak park..) wondering what the going rate is. Thanks.
houses!! i can't wait until we get more info and i can start thinking more about a life there. just little thoughts like looking for a neighborhood make me :D:D:D:D:D:D

My name is Maggie, I went to Loyola Undergrad and am proud to say that I got at Stritch!! :) I am super excited about starting school and I am definitely moving out of my house and somewhere into Oak Park or area. I currently live a bout 40 minutes north of Loyola with my fam but I totally want to move out. I might possibly be looking for roomates!!! and apartments and the works!! :)
Congrats on getting in- see you next year.
Congrats Maggie! Welcome to the Loyola thread!


~minijoy (Sarah)
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Congrats! I hope that we're all classmates next year. I think that I am going to start looking into housing soon, too!

If anyone wants advice on different suburbs, feel free to PM me. I grew up about 10 minutes from Loyola.

If I go to Loyola, I doubt I'll live at home. I'm never productive there. I need my own place to get stuff done apparently....
Hi. I'm a long time reader, first-time poster. AND I GOT MY ACCEPTANCE TO LOYOLA DEC 1ST!!!!!!!! Congrats to all of you!!!!!!! :)
Hey guys,

I havent been on here since I got in, but I wanted to say congrats to everyone who got in! I'm a M1 at loyola, we just got done with our finals last thursday (for someone who asked). You guys will love loyola, its a really good choice. If you guys have any comments/questions, feel free to pm me. I'm from the area also so if you guys have questions about housing or anything at all, dont hesitate to ask.

My only word of advice is relax from now til the first day of classes because once you start, you dont really get that many chances to relax.

again congrats!

congrats to all you guys!

but can i ask, what were your stats like??? i applied to loyola (kinda late) and just wondering what my chances are...
congrats to all you guys!

but can i ask, what were your stats like??? i applied to loyola (kinda late) and just wondering what my chances are...

you can check out my mdapps for stats, but i think that we vary a bit in mcat and gpa in this thread...:luck::luck::luck:

mdapps profile: 6827 (i think...)
Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukkah to everyone! Wishing everyone a safe trip home or wherever you are going, and that you have a great time with your families.


congrats to all you guys!

but can i ask, what were your stats like??? i applied to loyola (kinda late) and just wondering what my chances are...

Loyola seems to like to pick people from all over the chart. There are people who have 28's and 29's on the MCAT, up to people with 37's and 38's. GPA's are usually around 3.4-3.8, though there are obviously always exceptions. I think Loyola is looking more for the "total package" - people who have done pretty well academically, while still managing to do some good volunteer work, have leadership activities, and get some clinical experience.

(A Festivus, for the rest of us. And now, the class of 2011 will have their airing of grievances and the FEATS OF STRENGTH!!! Haha. :laugh:)

Just kidding kids...

What's everyone doing for New Year's Eve? I'm going to the Bears game tonight! Woo! Should be exciting.
Yeah, the Packers/Bears game was a good one...did you enjoy it Jackie?

I watched on tv, but now I'm all worried about if Brett will come back next year or not...it's already going to be a year with lots of changes starting medical school...hopefully I'll still get to watch Brett on Sundays :)

Happy New Year everyone!!
So I got the FAFSA in the mail today from Loyola...so I've got to get started on that soon...I can't wait for all of this to start, though I'm sure my last semester of college will go quick enough

I hope you all are doing well in this new year!
So I got the FAFSA in the mail today from Loyola...so I've got to get started on that soon...I can't wait for all of this to start, though I'm sure my last semester of college will go quick enough

I hope you all are doing well in this new year!

Same day for me Leah! Just gotta wait on the W2s...
So I was reading in one of the other threads today someone say that you should pick the school where you'll be the happiest, and I'm pretty sure that that's Loyola for me. Maybe I already asked this, but are any of you considering going back and sitting in on classes (again, maybe) and making sure that Loyola is where you want to be? Asking more questions and such? I feel like I can't make a wrong decision at this point...

I need to start putting together lists of things I want to know when I go back...do you know if Loyola (and other med schools) are open to this type of thing (coming in for another day of shadowing a med school student when you can start picturing yourself there and not fretting about your interview...

Also, I would like my family to see why I love Loyola so much, do you think it would be possible to schedule a "campus tour" or something at Loyola? I don't know how these things work....I am so pumped though, guys...I hope July gets here quick!
So I was reading in one of the other threads today someone say that you should pick the school where you'll be the happiest, and I'm pretty sure that that's Loyola for me. Maybe I already asked this, but are any of you considering going back and sitting in on classes (again, maybe) and making sure that Loyola is where you want to be? Asking more questions and such? I feel like I can't make a wrong decision at this point...

I need to start putting together lists of things I want to know when I go back...do you know if Loyola (and other med schools) are open to this type of thing (coming in for another day of shadowing a med school student when you can start picturing yourself there and not fretting about your interview...

Also, I would like my family to see why I love Loyola so much, do you think it would be possible to schedule a "campus tour" or something at Loyola? I don't know how these things work....I am so pumped though, guys...I hope July gets here quick!

I'm sure some of the M1s will back me up about this, but when I was there, Dean Norstrom, Rosemary, and several students reiterated to me that applicants are always welcome to sit in on classes, eat lunch with students,bg meet with the dean, etc etc. I'm not sure about a guided tour (again, everyone is sooo nice that I'm sure you could ask a student for help). I would just take a campus map and show your family around. Rosemary said to just call ahead and let them know you would like to come in for another look. I am going to do this with my husband as the time gets closer to when we have to make a final decision. I want him to be able to see how amazing the environment is at Loyola. I agree with the fact that you should base your choice of med school on where you will be the happiest (i.e. curriculum, family support, location) and secondarily on financial packages (depending on your willingness to take out loans). For me, Loyola is my choice because I know I will be happiest there (and I am a Midwest girl). :D


I shadowed a student a few weeks after my interview. I was home for thanksgiving break and figured it'd be good to see the students "in action." I just called Rosemary and she set me up to shadow Maura, my tour guide on my interview day.

I also walked around campus a bit with my Mom yesterday, and went in to talk with the financial aid lady about first year expenses.
its definitely ok to come back, bring your whole family or sit in on some classes or take another tour or whatever you want to do. if, as unlikely as it is, you weren't going to want to attend loyola, we'd much rather you decided that now rather than 3 weeks into your first semester. personally, i think you'll just like the school that much more once you tour it again. :) if you need any help or a tourguide or whatever, you can just ask rose or matt in admissions or you can pm me and i'll walk ya around if our M2 schedule overlaps when you're around. best of luck. get excited. :)
AWESOME! Thanks! I am getting excited, I wish it would come sooner! Once I get into the swing of things next semester I will plan a return trip to Loyola with my mom and anyone else who wants to come. I'll let you all know once I plan it...and maybe I can meet some of you. Hopefully I'll be meeting all of you come July!!
Happy New Year Future Stritchers!! 2007 is our year, baby!!! :hardy:
Future Loyolians:
I thought you might get a kick out of this bit of trivia. The day I interviewed at Stritch, I stopped by the library and adopted a few books that were being discarded from their collection. One of these was a book that was just too quaint and too propitious for me to pass up. Entitled "How to Become a Doctor", it was published in 1949, and has this bit of historical wisdom to offer concerning the "financial burden" of medical school:

During the year 1948 - 49 "2 schools charged from $100 - $200 per year, 7 from $200 - $300, 8 from $300 - $400, 7 from $400 - $500, 10 from $500 to $600, and 37 charged $600 or more for one year . . . The highest annual fee at any medical school was at Harvard University, $830 per year."

FYI, the price tag at our beloved Loyola during this time was a whopping $675 per year, or $2,700 for the whole four year program! Ah, the good old days. While I am no economist, it appears that the massive increase in medical school tuitions certainly exceeds that which could be attributed to inflation alone. I'd be interested to know what the average physician's salary was at that time, and if the rates of increase in tuition vs. earnings have run in parallel since. I found this an interesting look backward, especially as we concurrently begin to look forward to setting up our financial aid plans. Well, back to more fun with my FAFSA app!
Hey 2011 Stritchers:

Who else feels terrified about the loan paperwork?? Holy cow! Medical school is going to cost a lot of Citibank's $$$$!!!!

Hey 2011 Stritchers:

Who else feels terrified about the loan paperwork?? Holy cow! Medical school is going to cost a lot of Citibank's $$$$!!!!


me! my mom called saying that the information on lenders had arrived...i'm not looking forward to looking over that...I wish that I'd get an orientation guide or something exciting to balace it...I guess that the accpetance letter should still count for that!
Hey all- I got my letter last week and am going back to Loyola next Thursday to sit in on classes and see what I missed on my tour. (I interviewed over Christmas break so I didn't see much in action). I really liked the school- the programming, curriculum, and of course the gym- and at this point it is my top choice. I'm still debating whether I should turn in a deposit for Rush or not...Loyola just seems like such a great fit for me. Well- hopefully I'll see you all in July!
Service over self:
If you can afford the (what, $100?) to hold your place at Rush, I'd do it just as a backup plan since you're still trying to decide. My understanding is that they have to refund you the deposit if you ultimately decide on another school... I got this from the folks at Rush the day I inteviewed there. Isn't it nice of us to make all of these interest free loans to our prospective medical schools?! :laugh:
Service over self:
If you can afford the (what, $100?) to hold your place at Rush, I'd do it just as a backup plan since you're still trying to decide. My understanding is that they have to refund you the deposit if you ultimately decide on another school... I got this from the folks at Rush the day I inteviewed there. Isn't it nice of us to make all of these interest free loans to our prospective medical schools?! :laugh:

Yeah, we are nice people. I ended up sending in the deposit a couple of days ago, just for peace of mind. I do so like Loyola.... Just wondering, are you also deciding between Rush and Loyola?
Yeah, we are nice people. I ended up sending in the deposit a couple of days ago, just for peace of mind. I do so like Loyola.... Just wondering, are you also deciding between Rush and Loyola?

yes, this is something that I am deciding... I am having a tough time deciding because I dont know if I want to drive 13 miles to go to school every morning. Rush is 2.0 miles from my house. Also, with the block class schedule I am wodnering what would be better. Loyola showed me some real love... the people I interviewed with were really nice. Rush really got their act together for interview and my interview day was seamless; interviewers were great.
congratulations on being accepted at stritch to all of you!!! high fives all around:thumbup:
i just opened an account on sdn...should have done it earlier though...i learned a lot from this site during the app process...especially jackie's thread!

Anyway, i will be a classmate next year (cant wait)!!! Im reallly looking forward to med school and to meeting all of you wonderful people.

GO BEARS sunday!!!
me! my mom called saying that the information on lenders had arrived...i'm not looking forward to looking over that...I wish that I'd get an orientation guide or something exciting to balace it...I guess that the accpetance letter should still count for that!

The financial aid stuff can be very daunting. I can't stress enough how willing the staff at Loyola are to help you sift through the information and weigh your options. I called Donna Sobie half a dozen times before I started at Loyola and she was incredibly patient and helpful. I still ask for her help a few times a year. Bottom line is that you don't need to go it alone. They're there to help.

On a side note, it's really wonderful to pop back on SDN every once and a while and see the love/excitement for Loyola. As others have said, relax and enjoy the rest of the year. This is a really exciting time in your life and you are going to have some really great, but also challenging years ahead of you. You won't believe how much you'll learn and how close you'll get with your classmates.

Good luck!
Hey everybody,

Is there room for one more in here?

I'm totally feelin' the Loyola love!

Hey everybody,

Is there room for one more in here?

I'm totally feelin' the Loyola love!


:D:DYAY!!!! YAY!!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! I'm so happy!! Your acceptance makes my day!!! Congrats!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

:D:DYAY!!!! YAY!!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! I'm so happy!! Your acceptance makes my day!!! Congrats!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


HEY!! I'm pretty happy, myself! Thanks for the encouragement. It has meant a lot!
Hi Kids:

A few things: DA BEARS!!! WOOO!! Who's EXCITED!!!!! :clap:

Congrats BuckerPark, you going to join us? Loyola is the best. I am so excited we are all going to be classmates. :hardy:

Seriously I am waiting for my W-2's from work so I can knock out the FAFSA!

Big hugs to you all,
Are we excited about the Bears going to the Super BOWL or what?!?

It's going to be awesome going to med school in a city with a super bowl victory!!!!!!! GO BEARS next week!!

Anyone start looking into loan stuff yet?
Are we excited about the Bears going to the Super BOWL or what?!?

It's going to be awesome going to med school in a city with a super bowl victory!!!!!!! GO BEARS next week!!

Anyone start looking into loan stuff yet?

go bears.

id like to add a small anecdote: my parents have a video of me doing the 'superbowl shuffle' in 1985 (at age 5). the video is still on 'beta'. do you guys remember those 'beta' videotapes? man, the 80's were fun.

loan stuff:
a little confusing. ive started looking at it but without much luck. applied for that fasfa pin but thats about it. i wont lie: im definitely a little worried about where all this money is going to materialize from. supposedly it all works out in the end, right?

go bears. :thumbup:
Congrats BuckerPark!

I too am rooting for Da Bears [a la Superfans, just need my grass skirt and polish sausage, heh heh loved those SNL skits]

I could use some good thoughts for my husband. He has a phone interview with a company in Chicago on Friday morning. If it goes well, it could lead to an in-person one and perhaps, with luck, an offer. We want to be in Chicago more than anything, but it completely depends on my husband getting a job before May 15.

And yes, I'm scared and confused about the Fin Aid stuff too. But the hard part is getting into med school, and we've done that. We'll get through loans and whatever other hoops we need to jump through.

I'm excited at the prospect of meeting everyone--we have by far the friendliest, warmest thread out there!:love:


Here's what I think we should do so we can all get together a few times before school starts--

Send me a PM with your:
First Name and Email
Where you live in the city (What El Stop, Name and Color is closest!)
Your Age

And I will put together an Evite for us to all meet up for drinks one night soon--maybe once a month until school starts. Maybe we can find potential roomies, etc!

If there are any current Stritch students who want to hang out with the M0's you are certainly welcome and invited to join us and will get an Evite too! Send me a PM with your info an indicate that you already go to Stritch but you want us to buy you a beer. :laugh:

Let's do this thing! :clap: