Low GPA, chances of getting into optometry


7+ Year Member
Apr 14, 2014
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Hey guys,

I'm about to go into my fourth year of my BSc and really worried.

I have a GPA of 2.75. I know its really bad but right now my only choice is summer classes and I am planning to take my OAT in July so if I take a chemistry course in June from 8am-4pm I don't think I will be able to study for the OAT. I am really bad at Chem so that is one of the reasons as to why its so low. I got a C- in general chem and organic chem. The requirement for most schools is a C or above so I am having trouble deciding if I should retake them. Do they accept retakes? Will they overlook the C- in any way?

I'm not sure about the extracurricular that I have as well. I have worked in retail the summer after first year and last summer I worked in an optometry clinic. I shadowed a couple of Optometrists. I am part of the Optometry club at our university (I am planning to running for an administrative position in the optometry club as well come September). I have volunteered at a couple hospitals for almost 5 years now. I am also going to volunteer abroad for 2 weeks this summer. I feel like more is better, but is what I have good enough? What could I do to get more?

I am planning to apply to various schools 2 of which are NOVA and IAURP. Do I have a chance?

Is Inter American University of Puerto Rico, School of Optometry (IAUPR) really that bad? I read a few of the posts here and there are a lot of negative things being said. Is it required that you speak Spanish upon admission? I took Spanish for two years in high school, most of which I forgot. They said that you have to be able to do eye exams in Spanish but the school exams are in English? Is it a lot of self-teaching? Are the lectures that bad with misinformation and are they difficult to understand? Are you really going to get treated like an underdog (as one of the posts said) if you graduate from here and come back home to practice?

Your honest opinions please!

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Definitely re-take the chem. The C- means you didn't pass the course aka you're not meeting their admission requirement. Yes they accept re-takes, failing one class isn't the end of the world, but do try and get at least a B on the re-take...
The GPA is low and I don't know if that gives you much chance, but you better DESTROY the OAT if you are to stand a shot at getting an interview. Applying with a 2.75 and a OAT of 300 (example) is almost certainly not going to cut it.
The extracurricular look sufficient/good enough for sure though.

Good luck