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5+ Year Member
Jul 11, 2017
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Hello, there!
Our Therapeutics prof told us that "Isolated Systolic Hypertension" or ISH is somehow "more dangerous" than the Isolated Diastolic Hypertension and it is a more reliable predictor of the development of future cardio-vascular diseases.
Why's that?
Is it because during systole the heart is contracting and therefore it would "get tired" too much and too quickly if the blood pressure's high?
Thanks so much in advance!

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I doubt that the mechanistic data exist, it's a matter of when you look at the patient-level data that the systolic hypertension is more correlated with eventual CV disease. The "why" is anyone's guess, but your idea makes as much sense as anything else.
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Also probably because isolated systolic htn captures/overlaps with age better as a confounding rf. I’m just speculating though
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Isolated systolic HTN is characteristic of atherosclerotic disease plus with isolated systolic you can only lower BP so much due to low DIA
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I feel like ISH is connected to coronary atherosclerotic diseases (Usually) so the general strain on the blood vessels is higher and they become less flexible so maybe that's why
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