I'm going to go insane


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Mar 21, 2017
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I thought I was going to make high honors, it's the first quarter of 9th grade. I made only honors. There are tons of students in high honors and academic excellence. Am I stupid? I feel inferior to everyone that gets better grades than me. I hate it, I'm not going to have a future at this rate. I'm going crazy.

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You'll survive. Remember, it's better to do well in difficult classes than to do incredible in easy classes. Right now I'm in college with a bunch of people who found high school easier than I did, and a bunch of them are failing b/c they never learned how to study or how to struggle.

Tell me how you are struggling and I can do my best to critique it. Try and keep your description as factual and devoid of emotions (esp. panic) as possible.
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I thought I was going to make high honors, it's the first quarter of 9th grade. I made only honors. There are tons of students in high honors and academic excellence. Am I stupid? I feel inferior to everyone that gets better grades than me. I hate it, I'm not going to have a future at this rate. I'm going crazy.

You are in your own head. You haven't even completed your first semester in high school...stop gauging your entire career off of your first few months in HS (plus you made honors - whatever that means - idk what you are worrying about). You shouldn't feel inferior to someone because they did better than you in the first few months. I'm assuming you are taking basic biology/english/some history course...and your success in the majority of these classes will NOT determine your future. Stop stressing. Work hard, and you'll be okay.

I would also advise seeing your school counselor, or academic advisor if these feelings continue. I think you will settle in, and adjust fine though.
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You are in your own head.


You are too early in this process to be so concerned about this stuff. This is a marathon to the finish, not a Sprint. If you let this trip you up now, it will only be worse later.
Make friends.
Have experiences and grow.
Become a well rounded person.
Stay passionate about all you do.

The success will come with hard work, yes, but not at the peril of your mental well being.

You're doing fine.
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All of your posts show a major tendency to catastrophize well beyond what the situation warrants. This lack of positive coping with life stressors and general anxiety level is going to be a bigger detriment to your future career than anything else you've brought up in any of your posts. Talk to your parents about getting some counseling ASAP. Find a therapist to help you sort all this out before you graduate high school or college will be harder than you can imagine.
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I thought I was going to make high honors, it's the first quarter of 9th grade. I made only honors. There are tons of students in high honors and academic excellence. Am I stupid? I feel inferior to everyone that gets better grades than me. I hate it, I'm not going to have a future at this rate. I'm going crazy.

Hey, Merry Christmas! How are you? You're okay? You survived this far in your first quarter of high school! I see you made honors, that's great lol ^_^ You probably have a high class rank. When I was starting high school, I was 277/600 and graduated at 61/501. I'm doing well in undergrad and am on my way to grad school soon lol. High school really does not matter much in the future. As long as you don't abuse substances and/or harm yourself, you'll have an amazing future.

Now, from what I see that you post on the high school forum (and I'm no psychologist, so I can be waaaaay wrong), you put such high expectations on yourself. Why? It can either be you were raised to be perfect, or everyone depended on you to be perfect, but please know it's okay to not be perfect. A lot of people may place a facade to make you think their perfect, but nobody is perfect. Don't try to be perfect, try your best to be great. You want to know what's great? The honors you made for your first quarter. Don't look at who made high honors, look at how many people didn't even make honors at all. However, no one is "inferior" because they didn't get it. The ones who didn't make honors at all may just have a bad quarter and will soon do great like you. Colleges don't even look at quarter grades.
Hun, high school, especially freshman year, is not going to determine whether or not you'll have a future. Your own thoughts will determine that. Don't drown yourself in doubt in your ability. There's something called "Learned Helplessness" and it's the idea that if one was told over and over that they can't do it, they actually won't do it. So, if you keep telling yourself that you won't have a future or you are inferior, you are training yourself to be such a person. If you want to stop thinking such thoughts, please, go to a professional psychologist. They can help you think positively of yourself and it will help you so much hun. Trust me. I used to compare myself to others and wonder why this or why that, and it only wastes time that can be used to study. For the new year, try to look in the mirror each morning and say "I'm going to try my best to be great".

But again I say like everyone else, please speak to your parents about these thoughts and tell then you need to see a psychologist. The last thing I want to see from a bright one like you is an article on the news for suicide.
As long as you get into college, high school doesn’t matter

What matters is learning how to study
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Hey, Merry Christmas! How are you? You're okay? You survived this far in your first quarter of high school! I see you made honors, that's great lol ^_^ You probably have a high class rank. When I was starting high school, I was 277/600 and graduated at 61/501. I'm doing well in undergrad and am on my way to grad school soon lol. High school really does not matter much in the future. As long as you don't abuse substances and/or harm yourself, you'll have an amazing future.

Now, from what I see that you post on the high school forum (and I'm no psychologist, so I can be waaaaay wrong), you put such high expectations on yourself. Why? It can either be you were raised to be perfect, or everyone depended on you to be perfect, but please know it's okay to not be perfect. A lot of people may place a facade to make you think their perfect, but nobody is perfect. Don't try to be perfect, try your best to be great. You want to know what's great? The honors you made for your first quarter. Don't look at who made high honors, look at how many people didn't even make honors at all. However, no one is "inferior" because they didn't get it. The ones who didn't make honors at all may just have a bad quarter and will soon do great like you. Colleges don't even look at quarter grades.
Hun, high school, especially freshman year, is not going to determine whether or not you'll have a future. Your own thoughts will determine that. Don't drown yourself in doubt in your ability. There's something called "Learned Helplessness" and it's the idea that if one was told over and over that they can't do it, they actually won't do it. So, if you keep telling yourself that you won't have a future or you are inferior, you are training yourself to be such a person. If you want to stop thinking such thoughts, please, go to a professional psychologist. They can help you think positively of yourself and it will help you so much hun. Trust me. I used to compare myself to others and wonder why this or why that, and it only wastes time that can be used to study. For the new year, try to look in the mirror each morning and say "I'm going to try my best to be great".

But again I say like everyone else, please speak to your parents about these thoughts and tell then you need to see a psychologist. The last thing I want to see from a bright one like you is an article on the news for suicide.

Hello, thank you for the response. :) I am okay now. I have to work on myself, I see. I really appreciate your response, it helps. All of the responses do. I don't know why I put such high expectations of myself, I wasn't even raised to be perfect and no one depends on it at all. My parents say they just want me to be healthy and not worry to much. They said they're okay even if I come home with a C average. I think I do it because I don't like seeing people I don't like doing better than me. Students at my school are awfully judging when it comes to grades, and if they ask you and you deny to tell them you will be ridiculed. It's interesting that you brought up learned helplessness. Everyday I tell myself that I'm going to get there. And that it will happen. And that helps, most of the time. Sometimes (like last night) someone would say something that would just cut a bit too deep, and I'd fall. But I'd pick myself up again reminding myself that this person is just trying to ruin my spirit and tear me down and that I shouldn't listen to them because I am going to get there. I hope college isn't like this. I don't like dealing with people that are this rude. I can put up with it, but it really sucks.

And thanks it makes me glad I made honors. And it seems like everyone else is perfect though? I try to tell myself they're not but it's difficult when that is all I see of them. There's a ton of students with academic, physical, emotional, and intellectual perfection. But that's impossible. Because it's all subjective. I don't see them as perfect. I would not want to be them at all, I'd only want to be me. I wouldn't trade lives with anyone.

I am happy now though. I got a torso anatomy model, pig dissecting kit, and many biology books for Christmas, so it will be a busy week for me. :) Thank you for your response.
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Hello, thank you for the response. :) I am okay now. I have to work on myself, I see. I really appreciate your response, it helps. All of the responses do. I don't know why I put such high expectations of myself, I wasn't even raised to be perfect and no one depends on it at all. My parents say they just want me to be healthy and not worry to much. They said they're okay even if I come home with a C average. I think I do it because I don't like seeing people I don't like doing better than me. Students at my school are awfully judging when it comes to grades, and if they ask you and you deny to tell them you will be ridiculed. It's interesting that you brought up learned helplessness. Everyday I tell myself that I'm going to get there. And that it will happen. And that helps, most of the time. Sometimes (like last night) someone would say something that would just cut a bit too deep, and I'd fall. But I'd pick myself up again reminding myself that this person is just trying to ruin my spirit and tear me down and that I shouldn't listen to them because I am going to get there. I hope college isn't like this. I don't like dealing with people that are this rude. I can put up with it, but it really sucks.

And thanks it makes me glad I made honors. And it seems like everyone else is perfect though? I try to tell myself they're not but it's difficult when that is all I see of them. There's a ton of students with academic, physical, emotional, and intellectual perfection. But that's impossible. Because it's all subjective. I don't see them as perfect. I would not want to be them at all, I'd only want to be me. I wouldn't trade lives with anyone.

I am happy now though. I got a torso anatomy model, pig dissecting kit, and many biology books for Christmas, so it will be a busy week for me. :) Thank you for your response.
Lol, I'm genuinely happy to see you replied lol. It's a lot of self growth and realization in high school, so I completely feel you with everything. It's harsh.
My grandma used to tell me "a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth a million, a life's worth is priceless. What are the odds 'perfect' can describe it?" She used it for everything lol, and it's still applicable today.
Glad to see you doing well! Happy new year!
Had an 80% average in high school, crushing it in med school rn. Don’t worry about it