I am pregnant!!:(

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Abortion might give you nightmares if you do it for the wrong reasons. you aint gonna sleep at night.
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eek! I just found out that I am preganant! No, This is not planned. the pharmacy school I accepted this year will start on August. I think I am going to deliver approximately FEB 2009. Is it possible manage school work when I am pregnant? any advice? (abortion is not an option:( )
btw my school is three year program!! I guess the course load would be heavy though.

Why are you sad that abortion is not an option?

because if you are pro-life, you shouldn't be sad about not able to get an abortion, it'll just be your morals.

or do you have other reasons that you can't get an abortion but want one?
Is it possible manage school work when I am pregnant?

No, not if you want to maintain good and consistent grades, or at least succeed.
Umm... you misread what I wrote. The statistics I quoted were for safe, legal abortions compared to safe, medically-assisted childbirth. When medical care is involved, an abortion is safer than giving birth to a child. From that same web page, having an early abortion (less than 9 weeks gestation) is actually 33 times safer than carrying the baby to term. In other words, carrying that baby to term gives the woman a 33 fold increased risk of death.

I've heard this before from many sources, including ob-gyns, but I'm quoting exact numbers I found on the web page above.

And why do you think it is financially beneficial for women to have an abortion versus having the baby?? An abortion is cheaper than giving birth. When you have a child, you will buy things for that kid and spend lots of money. And that child will eventually become an adult and support the prior generation.

For being pro-choice, you have some odd ideas about the benefits and risks of childbirth.

You said
Pregnancy is more risky to a woman, especially without medical assistance, which is why women often give birth in hospitals. That's also why maternal death rates are still so high in developing countries.
You were clearly throwing in death rates from developing countries in your argument. But I'm sorry I didn't study the link you provided. It's because for every link you can add that supports that abortion is safer than childbirth, I can find you another link that supports the opposite. My point is that statistics are easily skewed based on what someone wants their reader to see. And I am less prone to believe statistics that help the interest of business.

And you misread what I wrote.
I said
You can't trust a statistic that combines the death rate of childbirth in a developing country with the death rate of abortion procedures done primarily in affluent countries. I guess if you google "abortion childbirth safer" you get various websites with different views using skewed statistics. Depending on how you use your data, either abortion is 9-10 times safer or 3-4 times more dangerous than childbirth. It is immensely financially beneficial for society to have women choose abortion than to have babies. Frankly, I would trust the statistics that has no vested interest in the outcome of the choice a pregnant woman makes.

I did not say that it is financially beneficial for women to have an abortion. Abortions take shorter time and are more likely to be paid for in cash, while childbirth takes hours or days and is more likely to be paid for by a governmentally funded insurance program. And of course, you said it right, that it costs a lot to raise children. And for society, there is a greater likelihood that a childbirth that overcame the option of an abortion will require further governmental assistance for the next 18 years. For financial benefit of society, abortions are the way to go. However, the potential trauma that a woman can go through from having an abortion, in my opinion is not worth it for the woman.

I am pro-choice because I care about women, their health, and their well-being, and a little less about the financial sturdiness of society. I definitely want women to have a choice in having a baby or having an abortion. My lean towards pro-life arguments stem from the fact that I would not have an abortion myself due to increased health risks correlated with abortion, so it's hard for me to suggest it to other people. There are many women who after termination, suffer quietly. I hate it when men try to coerce women to have an abortion, because the men want to flee from their responsibilities. And that is why I am upset when people try to convince others to get the abortion. If you're not going to suffer the consequences of the choice (abortion), then you shouldn't convince someone to suffer it for you. It's all about the Golden Rule baby. :hungover:

Let's not have anymore straw-man arguments please. We are both pro-choice. I would rather not lead women to choosing something with a confidence that is bolstered by statistics created by those who are benefiting from abortions.

P.S. I'm ENFJ.... just like Obama.
It's funny how some of the people being opportunists and talking about abstinence are flaming others for giving solutions. Meanwhile, abstinence is not a solution for the op's case, either.

I love the hypocrisy in this thread. This is a true display of the wide-ranging defects in the medical community. Such things as the hyprocritical dilemma pharmacists take against Plan B, for instance, yet they have no problems with contraceptive.
eek! I just found out that I am preganant! No, This is not planned. the pharmacy school I accepted this year will start on August. I think I am going to deliver approximately FEB 2009. Is it possible manage school work when I am pregnant? any advice? (abortion is not an option:( )
btw my school is three year program!! I guess the course load would be heavy though.

If you finished a bachelor's degree and are efficient with your schoolwork, things will be easier, but the most important thing is that you have a good support network. DO NOT TRY TO DO IT ON YOUR OWN! You will only be able to do it so long, and probably won't make it three years. If you have family where you are going to pharmacy school that can help you, you will be fine. The school will work with you (they have to), it would be a good idea to let them know right when school starts. If you do not have any family in the place where you are going to school, I would very seriously consider NOT going to that school, and reapplying next year for schools where you would have that support. The importance of having support when you have young children and newborns and are trying to go to school cannot be underestimated, even in a situation where both parents are present. I wouldn't worry about the school load so much, you should be OK with that, but only if you have a good support network. So make sure you will have this present, whether that means asking a parent/grandparent to come live there, not going to that school and reapplying next year, etc. If you got in one year, you should be able to get in the next. Good luck to you, your child will bring you much joy.

Its actually more then 100,000, but the point is thats BEFORE college tuition or/and private secondary school tuition. After you add that in it can cost easily 300,000 or more.

The point is you need to have SAVINGS before having a child or not have one at all.

It isn't really that bad. A child does cost a lot but the parents aren't necessarily doing the spending. For example, I have my parents only grandchild. She is now five and I almost never buy clothes or shoes for her. My mother loves to buy them for her and I'm happy enough to let her. Having a kid is a bit like taking on a car payment. At first, you notice the dent but then it just becomes a normal part of your spending patterns. You don't need savings up front. People manage it all the time without having a dedicated savings account for future children.
You said

You were clearly throwing in death rates from developing countries in your argument. But I'm sorry I didn't study the link you provided. It's because for every link you can add that supports that abortion is safer than childbirth, I can find you another link that supports the opposite. My point is that statistics are easily skewed based on what someone wants their reader to see. And I am less prone to believe statistics that help the interest of business.

And you misread what I wrote.
I said

I did not say that it is financially beneficial for women to have an abortion. Abortions take shorter time and are more likely to be paid for in cash, while childbirth takes hours or days and is more likely to be paid for by a governmentally funded insurance program. And of course, you said it right, that it costs a lot to raise children. And for society, there is a greater likelihood that a childbirth that overcame the option of an abortion will require further governmental assistance for the next 18 years. For financial benefit of society, abortions are the way to go. However, the potential trauma that a woman can go through from having an abortion, in my opinion is not worth it for the woman.

I am pro-choice because I care about women, their health, and their well-being, and a little less about the financial sturdiness of society. I definitely want women to have a choice in having a baby or having an abortion. My lean towards pro-life arguments stem from the fact that I would not have an abortion myself due to increased health risks correlated with abortion, so it's hard for me to suggest it to other people. There are many women who after termination, suffer quietly. I hate it when men try to coerce women to have an abortion, because the men want to flee from their responsibilities. And that is why I am upset when people try to convince others to get the abortion. If you're not going to suffer the consequences of the choice (abortion), then you shouldn't convince someone to suffer it for you. It's all about the Golden Rule baby. :hungover:

Let's not have anymore straw-man arguments please. We are both pro-choice. I would rather not lead women to choosing something with a confidence that is bolstered by statistics created by those who are benefiting from abortions.

P.S. I'm ENFJ.... just like Obama.

So I respect that you're pro-choice. I don't want to force anyone to have an abortion. I wish our society helped women raise children better. But neither do I want to force anyone to carry an unwanted child to term.

I question your use of statistics saying women are more at risk after an abortion than carrying a baby to term. These are usually stated by those who want to prevent a woman from having the right to choose.

I trust statistics I've heard directly from ob-gyns about the safety of early term abortions. I know how an early term abortion works. I've also heard very scary tales of pregnancy and women dying or almost dying after giving birth. It's anecdotal evidence, but I know of at least one woman who died from a blood clot after giving birth and one woman who almost died and had to be hospitalized. And those women were middle class and lived in SC and CA, respectively. Cases like these make me trust the statistics about early-term abortion being less risky than giving birth.
Believe me!!! If I can do it, so can you. I was pregnant with twins!!! I gave birth last year during the spring semester. It was a very heavy load. 17 credit hours if pure science and calculus and studying for the PCAT. Still was in school when they were born. Not only that but with the twins, that made five children! Went to the summer semester and haven't stopped. Now here I am on my way to my P1 year. It's definitely not easy. Not easy at all. I see my five children as my motivation for success. Please PM me if you have any questions or need advice. I am a very open person so don't me afraid to ask any questions. One good thing....your morning sickness will be over before you begin the semester. LOL. By the way, did I mention I am a single mother? You can do it!
wow what a liaar!!!
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Babies are so cute. You should have that baby. Just make sure you try to organise your schedule and be determined to take on some major hurdles
this thread was a mistake that should have been aborted long ago.
No, this thread is a precious gift from god and should be treated as such.

Every thread is precious. Even the waterheads.
Just abort. Babies are very easy to make so you can always make one when you're ready.

Its so easy to say abort. Believe me, Abortion is probably one of the toughest decisions a woman can make. The conscience is such a powerful thing. She also mentioned that abortion is not an option.
That's terrible advice to someone who already said abortion wasn't an option. I wonder how many of the people saying abortion is the best option have ever been pregnant. I wonder how many are men.

Also, I don't think anyone said this to the OP yet: congratulations! There is no greater joy than being a parent, and that applies even to "unplanned" miracles.

Sparda29 said:
Congratulations! I say keep the baby. Pharmacy school and pregnancy is definitely doable. We had 2 students at Touro who got pregnant and they are doing fine.

Ah, but you're wrong, I beat you to it.
You were clearly throwing in death rates from developing countries in your argument..
In the US, over the last decade or so, 3-12 women die yearly out of approx. 1 mill abortions, while 350-500 women die out of about 4.5 mill deliveries. Now, these numbers count any death from 1 mth before to 1 mth after birth, and includes traffic accidents, domestic violence etc. But at least 1/2 of these are perinatal complications, especially hemorrhaging and seizures.
That's another reason why I try to recommend abortions to ALL women as a viable alternative to having a child.
Why are you guys reviving this thread? It seems like any thread that deals with sensitive subjects, such as religion and abortion, always end up into a flame war.
Why are you guys reviving this thread? It seems like any thread that deals with sensitive subjects, such as religion and abortion, always end up into a flame war.

I don't even think this thread was ever meant to be about abortion, but unfortunately many posters turned it into that and used it as a tool to bash the OP and make incorrect and rude assumptions about her personal life.

I, for one, am pro-choice which means I fully support the OP's right to choose. I respect her choice to keep the fetus and wish her and her future family the best in pharmacy school. I have a few friends that purposely planned their pregnancies while in med school b/c they didn't want to be pregnant during residency or later. They are doing just fine b/c they've had incredible support systems (family and on-campus childcare).

Good luck OP, and don't pay attention to any of the negative stuff on this thread!
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That's another reason why I try to recommend abortions to ALL women as a viable alternative to having a child.

Nah man, Plan B pill is much cheaper and get the job done much faster. :thumbup: Although it does make you a bit sick everytime you take it...LOL..
I don't even think this thread was ever never meant to be about abortion, but unfortunately many posters turned it into that and used it as a tool to bash the OP and make incorrect and rude assumptions about her personal life.

How do you know they are incorrect assumptions? By this, you TOO are making incorrect assumptions. No one knows except the OP.

In fact, I'd have to say that you are probably more incorrect in your assumptions than the pro-abortion people are. If you read the OP's post, you'd noticed she didn't CHOOSE for the baby, and she included a :( face, which means she is not happy with this pregnancy.

If you are not happy with a pregnancy, than abortion IS a choice ... is what people are trying to say. I think, at least.

Of course, if she is happy about the upcoming child, then more power to her, and the best of luck to her in raising it. If she is happy.

How do you know they are incorrect assumptions? By this, you TOO are making incorrect assumptions. No one knows except the OP.

In fact, I'd have to say that you are probably more incorrect in your assumptions than the pro-abortion people are. If you read the OP's post, you'd noticed she didn't CHOOSE for the baby, and she included a :( face, which means she is not happy with this pregnancy.

If you are not happy with a pregnancy, than abortion IS a choice ... is what people are trying to say. I think, at least.

Of course, if she is happy about the upcoming child, then more power to her, and the best of luck to her in raising it. If she is happy.


Wow! What's your problem!?! Who care's if she chose to get pregnant or even that she's keeping the fetus? The point of her post was to ask for advice about how to deal with it and keep up with pharmacy school, which is a very real concern. Sure, she has an unplanned pregnancy, but this doesn't mean she's irresponsible as other posters have said. It also doesn't mean that her pregnancy is unwanted, that the baby will be unloved or neglected, or that she is not going to be a fit parent (as other posters have also said!). She may have included a :( face b/c she's scared, and I don't think anyone would blame her for that. And yes, I agree that abortion is a choice, but I support anyone who chooses to keep the fetus.
Just abort. Babies are very easy to make so you can always make one when you're ready.

wow...I just hope to God your are not going to be a doctor.
What you just said is, at worst, pure evil and at best, a complete lack of tact and compassion.
Wow! What's your problem!?! Who care's if she chose to get pregnant or even that she's keeping the fetus? The point of her post was to ask for advice about how to deal with it and keep up with pharmacy school, which is a very real concern. Sure, she has an unplanned pregnancy, but this doesn't mean she's irresponsible as other posters have said. It also doesn't mean that her pregnancy is unwanted, that the baby will be unloved or neglected, or that she is not going to be a fit parent (as other posters have also said!). She may have included a :( face b/c she's scared, and I don't think anyone would blame her for that. And yes, I agree that abortion is a choice, but I support anyone who chooses to keep the fetus.

It might not mean it ... but it can mean it. All I'm saying that it is a possibility, and one that should not be immediately ruled out. Maybe you live in happy-go-lala land where all children are beloved and cared for with the utmost responsibility but the fact of the matter is, there are many children born that are unwanted and end up either with miserable lives or whatever. There are parents who hold very bitter feelings toward their child because they feel that the child has "held them back" from whatever - education, career, anything that the parent had once dreamed of accomplishing.

On the other end, there are also many children who are raised happily and endearingly from an unexpected/unwanted pregnancy.

But just because of the latter, it doesn't mean the first possibility should be overruled.

In my earlier posts, I have only suggested that abortion might be a possibility, but if she really did not want it due to whatever moral reasons or whatever, or did decide she really wanted the baby despite its timing, I also offered advice including a very strong support system while she is in school. I am not saying abortion is the only way and of course there is always the option of having the child. Thus, in the end, we agree with each other ... just not on the very fine details of the situation. Which is pointless to argue about, really, because no one will really know what happened except the OP.
wow...I just hope to God your are not going to be a doctor.
What you just said is, at worst, pure evil and at best, a complete lack of tact and compassion.

Burnett's rule has been invoked. Thread is now null and void.
I say to the OP, make sure to take care of yourself well during the first few months of pregnancy, you want to provide the best environment while your little one is still in the womb. You can make pharm school and a pregnancy work, its just a matter of communication with your professors to let them know ahead of time so they can plan things accordingly. In a way, I kind of envy you as I recently lost a pregnancy, so don't feel scared, feel happy that you are starting a new chapter of your life.
I sure hope he doesn't become a doctor unless he wants to get shot while at church.

Its sad that you would say something like that because there are religious fanatics out there who can convince themselves that it is ok to kill abortion doctors, I think that happened very recently in Wichita. In fact, I dont know why I bother responding because based on your comment you probably are one of those religious fanatics...
Can we kill the topic already?

Actually, just kill the baby. I like this topic.
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