How we met stories


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I feel hopelessly romantic these days in light of my recent engagement and love hearing "how we met stories".

I met my future husband this past december at a university alumni event. It was funny timing because my heart was still mending from some recent heartbreak. :( Actually, what happened was we have this friend (a friend from my undergrad years) in common who introduced us to each other at this event. We hit it right off. :) We started to instant message each other and text message each other like crazy nearly every day since we met.

It's been 7 months now that we met and we got engaged only a little over a month ago. :love: I never thought I would get hitched so quickly but with him I knew it the moment I met him "this man is going to be special". He says likewise about me.

Any other "how we met stories" to share?

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I met my girlfriend while working at a hospital in Michigan. One of her relatives was one of my patients and introduced us. The rest, as they say, is history! :love:
DropkickMurphy said:
I met my girlfriend while working at a hospital in Michigan. One of her relatives was one of my patients and introduced us. The rest, as they say, is history! :love:

Aww how sweet ! I can`t believe no one else here has " how we met" stories to share! Come on people...
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We met on the ' a chatroom. (It wasn't a singles/pick up/meat market kinda room)I lied about how we met for about 8 months. We were married a year later. Couldn't be happier...we will have been married 5 years Sept.1 ! :love: :love:
oldbearprofessor said:
We met at religious services. She was the one conducting the services. I thought she looked rather nice doing that and eventually talked a member of the congregation (it was not my usual place of attendance for religious services) into fixing us up! They hesitated for a while (who fixes up their clergy on dates??), but I finally convinced them. :D

Before we got married (8 months after our first date), I had to "meet the congregation." That was an experience :scared:

Married 19 yrs in August.



She was a member of the clergy ? :laugh: I suppose she thought she could find the "divine path" in other ways...You showed her the way, didn`t you ? ;) :laugh: How did you lure her away from the Divine One ?
My partner and I met in highschool physics class. It was strange because I knew almost everyone from my highschool, but somehow had never met him prior to that class. He and I sat in opposite corners of the room (I was the front left and he was the back right). I remember thinking he was cute! We never really had the chance to talk to eachother though because the class was so structured and the teacher NEVER missed class. One day there was a death in the teacher's family, and low and behold, he had to miss class. The boy and I hit it off and started dating soon after. We've been together through highschool, undergrad, the time off between undergrad and grad school, and are still going strong now that I'm going for the Phd! Obviously, he's a very patient man;)
Haha, this might sound a little nerdy :oops:, but here goes. My boyfriend and I actually knew each other from an online video game we both played, but we never really knew each other more than just another player. About 7 months later, the company of that video game just happened to hold a convention in which we both attended, although with different people. We talked a little bit, but nothing else happened until we both went back home 2 days later.

A few days after that, I sent him a message saying it was nice meeting him, and our conversation just went from there. We started talking more and more, and come 3 months after the convention, it was New Year's and we were both drunk, so he called me and blurted out that he liked me. I didn't think twice about it and went to sleep...the next day we had a talk and learned the feeling was mutual. He asked me to be his girlfriend, and we've been dating for almost 7 months now, long distance, with several meetings in between. Now I'm spending the summer at a school 2 hours away from where he lives =)
My fiance and I met through a collegiate community service organization called Circle K. It is the college level of Key Club and Kiwanis. He was President of the club at Ithaca College and I was just a first year member. We started talking at the first service project I went to...a few days later we went on our first date...and a few years later we are engaged! Over the years we have both been VERY involved with this organization. It has given me a fiance, my best friends, and helped me get into med school. :)
I worked in the ICU, hubby worked in medical records as a coder (insurance biller). He came to the floor sometimes to collect a chart that was MIA.
DrCandyBarr said:
Any other "how we met stories" to share?

How about a nerdy how we met story? My boyfriend and I met when he moved into my tiny town; he was a grade ahead of me. We were in the gifted and talented program together. We were friends for about 4 years. We started dating a few days after my 16th birthday, and I will be 23 this September. We spent my senior year 300 miles apart, and then spent 4 more years of college about 25 miles apart (he was in a 5 year program). I am starting medical school and he is getting a job about 1150 miles from me... I know that the next few years will be hard on us both, but I know that we can make it because we have a good foundation for our relationship. That, and it will give me someplace to visit during breaks that is not my hometown or my apartment :laugh:
I met my wife when I was dating her best friend.

The friend was recently a bridesmaid in our wedding, haha.
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Wow, I feel right at home after reading everyone else's posts!

I met my fiancé in my sophomore science class. Actually, it's a funny story and one of those weird situations that just make you think: it was a class neither of us should have been in.

Why do I say that? I took the honors course (I) in ninth grade. And I signed up for the honors course (II) for tenth. What happened? Good question; I got screwed over every year in high school when it came to schedules. But I wound up in the regular class (II), and when I complained, they said they had no open spots in the honors - so I was stuck in a class I didn't want to be in, and shouldn't have been in anyway.

He, on the other hand, because he was a junior, should have been in the III class - but he failed his first year out of spite, so he was a year behind. (Yes, he chose to fail. :rolleyes: Don't get me started.)

But when you think about it, it's strange - two bad things (me getting stuck in a class I didn't want and him purposefully failing) came out to be one very, very good thing. We're getting married January 1st, 2008.

(Just for a giggle: I'm going to be a podiatrist, and he delivers pizza and plays guitar. :laugh: Interesting combination, ne?)
Go ahead and poke fiance and I met on the internet. It was on a college website, I saw his picture and thought he was pretty cute. I read his profile and was pretty impressed with his "bio-chemistry" major, I completely missed the pre-med part. Me being an art student I didnt really know what bio-whatever was :laugh: the point is he was cute and responded. A year later we are engaged and on our way!!!! Wish us luck
Oddly enough, I met my wife when she was pregnant! We were friends for a while, although, I must admit, there is something sexy about a fit pregnant woman, (is that just me?), and we grew to like then love each other. I was the only father figure in her sons life for a long time and I love him like I love my biological daughter, only he'll be able to go fly fishing with me sooner than she will! Anyway, we got married after 5 years of mostly-on sometimes-off dating and I couldn't be happier! Now all four of us are going away to med school.
I met my husband in the military and we dated about 5 months and married at 18yrs of age....8yrs later we're still together.....
Picked up my wife in a bar... I caught her eying me up across the dance floor, so I went in for the kill.
Hubby and I met on Memorial day of 1994. I was going into my jr year of highschool he was heading off to his soph. year at UAF (fairbanks, alaska).
I was camping at the lake with several of my girlfriends when a carload of guys they knew pulled up. Out stepped this quiet, adorable and very built guy. He sat on a log and I eyed him all night...finally ended up giving him a back rub by the campfire. Turns out his mom was my 7th grade science teacher and since we were both floating around in the gymnastics world I'd known of him for a long time. We'd just never met before that night.

I gave him my number and waited nervously for a week and a half for him to call me. He'd left the day after I met him for a rock climbing extraveganza with several of his friends for the week. He called me when he came back home and we met at my house the next day. He was a pure sweet.

The summer passed and he had to leave back to school. Fairbanks was a whole world away and I was devestated but we agreed to pursue the relationship even if it was long distance (my mom's phone bill!!!- maybe i should offer to pay her back!). He wrote me every day...i was a schmuck and wrote him several times and only once sent one letter to him. We talked every night on the phone or he'd call me before school.

When he came back at Christmas it was like the greatest gift. He gave me a teddy bear a small emerald ring. It was during this Christmas break that we got pregnant. **** hit the fan.

Mom kicked me out in Jan when she found out and so in Feb. He drove down the Cassiar highway so we could be together. So there we stoodd,, a 17 year old and a 19 year old with a baby on the way- we were clueless. We found coaching positions, moved and settled into a different town. We lived in this 8ft wide X 30ft long, ant infested, no insulation, sketchy trailor by the river and he proposed one night. We were both scared out of our minds.

We were married in July and in Sept, three days before his birthday our son was born. In nov. I turned 18- a legal adult.

Here we are 12 years later with a 10 year old boy and a 6 year old girl - we are as happy as ever. Yes, we pursued our lives backwards- pregnancy, marriage, then school...but it worked for us. He is working on his masters in Tox. and just took his mcat. I am proud of him beyond belief- for being the man he is- from the beginning. :)

And that, is the story of how we began.

My husband and I met floating around an airplane.

Yup, you read that right - floating.
we met at a rugby tournament. tee hee.
at the end of the tournament we ran around the field naked.
it was love at first streak.
they cancelled the tournament after that, the community objected to my naked butt.-- or maybe his very white naked but.
but we have been together for 4 wonderful years now- and both still play rugby.
we met at a rugby tournament. tee hee.
at the end of the tournament we ran around the field naked.
it was love at first streak.
they cancelled the tournament after that, the community objected to my naked butt.-- or maybe his very white naked but.
but we have been together for 4 wonderful years now- and both still play rugby.

The only thing i can think of is grass stains in obscure places :) you know it's love after a night like that!
Hubby and I met on Memorial day of 1994. I was going into my jr year of highschool he was heading off to his soph. year at UAF (fairbanks, alaska).
I was camping at the lake with several of my girlfriends when a carload of guys they knew pulled up. Out stepped this quiet, adorable and very built guy. He sat on a log and I eyed him all night...finally ended up giving him a back rub by the campfire. Turns out his mom was my 7th grade science teacher and since we were both floating around in the gymnastics world I'd known of him for a long time. We'd just never met before that night.

I gave him my number and waited nervously for a week and a half for him to call me. He'd left the day after I met him for a rock climbing extraveganza with several of his friends for the week. He called me when he came back home and we met at my house the next day. He was a pure sweet.

The summer passed and he had to leave back to school. Fairbanks was a whole world away and I was devestated but we agreed to pursue the relationship even if it was long distance (my mom's phone bill!!!- maybe i should offer to pay her back!). He wrote me every day...i was a schmuck and wrote him several times and only once sent one letter to him. We talked every night on the phone or he'd call me before school.

When he came back at Christmas it was like the greatest gift. He gave me a teddy bear a small emerald ring. It was during this Christmas break that we got pregnant. **** hit the fan.

Mom kicked me out in Jan when she found out and so in Feb. He drove down the Cassiar highway so we could be together. So there we stoodd,, a 17 year old and a 19 year old with a baby on the way- we were clueless. We found coaching positions, moved and settled into a different town. We lived in this 8ft wide X 30ft long, ant infested, no insulation, sketchy trailor by the river and he proposed one night. We were both scared out of our minds.

We were married in July and in Sept, three days before his birthday our son was born. In nov. I turned 18- a legal adult.

Here we are 12 years later with a 10 year old boy and a 6 year old girl - we are as happy as ever. Yes, we pursued our lives backwards- pregnancy, marriage, then school...but it worked for us. He is working on his masters in Tox. and just took his mcat. I am proud of him beyond belief- for being the man he is- from the beginning. :)

And that, is the story of how we began.


aww this is such a bittersweet story with a happy ending! congratulations!, i should so be studying right now rather than reading these how we met stories, but i can't help it - they're all so cute :oops:
Last September my bf saw my profile on some website or another and sent me an e-mail saying I was cute. We started talking on the phone....for 3-4 hours at a time. The 3rd night, he said, "I'd like to take you to's Friday?" So he drove 5 hours to take me to dinner and that was that.

Our relationship is still in its infancy considering our distance and his workload, but we both hope for the best.
I also met my spouse in anatomy lab as a first-year med student. We were assigned by our last names, and probably would never have gotten to know one another if our names weren't alphabetically proximate.

As were we. However, we still would have met, because our class size wasn't that big.