How to remove a previously attended college after submitting application

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Feb 18, 2019
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So for some reason there is a college under my "transcript entry" that I never attended. I don't know how it got there and it's making me worried that it might hinder my application in some way. There doesn't seem to be any way of removing it from my application. I called ADEA and they told me that I have to get a letter of non-attendance from the college in question. However, the college says that they can't write me a letter because they don't write those kinds of letters. They said the only way for them to confirm that I didn't go to that school is if ADEA called them. On the other hand, ADEA said they don't call anyone and they need an official document on file to remove the school. I'm at a total loss because both institutions are standing firm that they can't do anything about this situation until the other one acts. Do you think this might hinder my application in any way? Does anyone have any ideas on how I can resolve this issue?!

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Institutions at their finest. That’s ridiculous, sorry to hear.
I am in a slightly similar situation in which I have a school that I am not attending on my transcript. Only difference was I did add it - during applications I was deciding between two schools to complete my physics and English prereqs as I didn’t do them in my bachelors... but course selection wasn’t open for either so I listed both. I honestly emailed every school I applied to to update them regarding the school that I am at and not at and explained why. A couple have responded back saying they would update my file. Hopefully this helps!