Having failed part 1

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Apr 9, 2015
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So I failed NBDE part 1 with a score of 74 last year and I took it again a couple months ago and passed. I am planning to apply to a bunch of GPR/ AEGD's this summer and as far as I know scores from previous attempts would show up in the score report that is sent to the programs. I am wondering now would I still have any chance to get an interview or would my application get rejected right away because I have failed part 1in my first attempt? I would appreciate to know what the program directors think about this if there is any of them on this forum.
lol as long you are fine with ANY gpr/aegd, you will get in. Just don't get kicked out.
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If you are from a P/F school it will make no difference at all. If you are from a school with class rank and GPA and you are in the 5th quintile it will. Just my opinion. With that said there is a spot for you somewhere.
If you are from a P/F school it will make no difference at all. If you are from a school with class rank and GPA and you are in the 5th quintile it will. Just my opinion. With that said there is a spot for you somewhere.
@setdoc7 Thanks for the reply.My cGPA so far is 3.5 and we don't get ranked at our school. Have you happened to accept applicants who had failed either their part 1 or 2?
I have a pal who failed part 2 and was in the 5th quintile and matched man! It’s gravy apply broadly!
I recently failed part 1 and I am an average dental student grade wise. Are my chances of applying to GPR residency programs gone?
I recently failed part 1 and I am an average dental student grade wise. Are my chances of applying to GPR residency programs gone?
I think you certainly have a chance. There are tons of GPR programs, some might not consider your application but I think there are very many who would accept you. I wouldn't lose a chance to apply.
I think you certainly have a chance. There are tons of GPR programs, some might not consider your application but I think there are very many who would accept you. I wouldn't lose a chance to apply.
thank you so much for your response
I am currently reading applications and took a break to peak at SDN. The breadth and scope of the applicant pool is really amazing. There are some that I have read who will be receiving a rejection next week. I send those as early as possible in order to give applicants a chance to apply to other programs. There are some I cannot wait to interview. Each year brings a new and different type of applicant, and if the class I have this year is any indication, a much more thoughtful and well trained class than let's say 10 years ago. The class this year is a very dedicated group, who work well together. I have never worked harder than this year, they are pushing me to do more and more, which works well for the patients, the residents, and me.
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