"Ehhh, I didn't really wanna go there ANYWAY!"

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Mosep said:
I was put on the "Waitlist" at SIUE. Of course, I'm so low on the list that I really shouldn't even think about the possiblity of being accepted there. I also interviewed at Creighton on April 7 (campus-based). This is my last chance for acceptance this year and I really like the school. Good luck everyone!

Wow it is funny that we were in the same room a few days ago. How did your interview go? I am applying for the web-based program....do you have any idea how many slots are left for either the web-based or campus-based programs.

I really like Creighton and like you, this is sort of my last chance in a way (the other school I have been accepted to is having major problems). I wish you the best!

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So far... I've got my rejection letters from almost every place I didn't interview... mentioned a couple before but the list goes:
University of Georgia
University of Arizona
Univeristy of Iowa
UNC - waitlisted (didn't bother to stay on it, I know where I'm going)
Mercer - "waiting to make a decision"... they can decide to reject me

And I'm assuming the other couple schools are rejections as well. Who cares...
mph2pharm said:
Wow it is funny that we were in the same room a few days ago. How did your interview go? I am applying for the web-based program....do you have any idea how many slots are left for either the web-based or campus-based programs.

I really like Creighton and like you, this is sort of my last chance in a way (the other school I have been accepted to is having major problems). I wish you the best!

I thought I did decent on the interview but who knows how it turns out. I have no idea how many slots are still left in the program but at least they didn't tell us at the interview they are only accepting people for the waitlist. My GPA and PCAT are both a good bit above their average, so I'm certainly confident. Good luck to you and at least were not competing againist each other, right?
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mph2pharm said:
Hi starsweet,

I am sorry to hear about Creighton...but I am sure that you will be extremely happy at South or one of the other three schools that you are still waiting to hear back from (I'm jealous). I, like comopharm, interviewed on April 7th and I really have mixed feelings about how things went BUT I have faith that what ever is meant to work out, will work out for me. You certainly have a lot more options than I do!

btw...making you take Gen Chem I and/or II over again when you received As in both classes....that's pretty odd. :confused:

Thanks for the well wishes! I am sure you will hear good news from Creighton soon. Sometimes things turn out better than you expect!

Creighton was asking me to take Gen Chem I or II over again because my school gave us 5 credit hours each instead of the usual 6 on the quarter system. So, they wanted me to retake one of them at a different school to "make up" the measly 2 hours. Lame, huh? Not to mention that I took both those classes at an incredibly difficult and well-known university. It's too bad though, as the web-based program really appealed to me, oh well.
Mosep said:
I thought I did decent on the interview but who knows how it turns out. I have no idea how many slots are still left in the program but at least they didn't tell us at the interview they are only accepting people for the waitlist. My GPA and PCAT are both a good bit above their average, so I'm certainly confident. Good luck to you and at least were not competing againist each other, right?

I thought I did okay on the interview also, it was not really like an interview more of just a conversation. I have only applied to one other school (for location reasons) and Creighton's web-based pathway. The other school just had interviews April 1st, so now I am just waiting waiting waiting! It stinks!
Mosep- do you mind if I ask your stats?
Mosep said:
I thought I did decent on the interview but who knows how it turns out. I have no idea how many slots are still left in the program but at least they didn't tell us at the interview they are only accepting people for the waitlist. My GPA and PCAT are both a good bit above their average, so I'm certainly confident. Good luck to you and at least were not competing againist each other, right?

Yeah looking back, I guess I did o.k. It was just weird because I am used to interviews being more formal and high-pressure. It seems like they just want to get to know you face-to-face and see if you would be a good fit for their school. I really hope that we weren't interviewing for the waitlist though. It is hard to understand the process by which schools offer interviews and acceptances. Some people with great stats have been turned down while others with lower stats have made it through. It seems like at Creighton it is about a total package...they look at the person as a "person" and not just a "stat." I really like that philosophy.

If you did well on your interview and your stats are really high then that is a powerful combination so I am confident that the outcome for you will be positive! :thumbup:
comopharm said:
I thought I did okay on the interview also, it was not really like an interview more of just a conversation. I have only applied to one other school (for location reasons) and Creighton's web-based pathway. The other school just had interviews April 1st, so now I am just waiting waiting waiting! It stinks!
Mosep- do you mind if I ask your stats?

No Problem. GPA=3.6 PCAT=91%.

I do agree that the interview seemed more like a conversation. Very relaxed and informal.
Still waiting for that USC letter, but as far as rejections go...

UoP - Supplemental app incorrectly filled out
UCSF - Same thing as UoP
UWashington - One of my recommendation letters didn't fit their requirements and I didn't have time to send in another one since they notified me in the middle of winter break...ended up with an incomplete application. Kind of bummed since I will be attending classes there this summer
UCSD - Rejected
Albany - Rejected
Buffalo - Another letter of reference problem...incomplete app
Rutgers - Rejected
Western - Wouldn't have been able to finish prereqs in time...withdrew app

And no news from LIU, USP, or MCPHS yet :S

But hey, at least we know what we did wrong so we can fix those mistakes if reapplying the next year :)
darkangel77 said:
Still waiting for that USC letter, but as far as rejections go...

UoP - Supplemental app incorrectly filled out
UCSF - Same thing as UoP
UWashington - One of my recommendation letters didn't fit their requirements and I didn't have time to send in another one since they notified me in the middle of winter break...ended up with an incomplete application. Kind of bummed since I will be attending classes there this summer
UCSD - Rejected
Albany - Rejected
Buffalo - Another letter of reference problem...incomplete app
Rutgers - Rejected
Western - Wouldn't have been able to finish prereqs in time...withdrew app

And no news from LIU, USP, or MCPHS yet :S

But hey, at least we know what we did wrong so we can fix those mistakes if reapplying the next year :)

How exactly do you incorrectly fill out a supplemental application????:confused:
University of Washington.

I haven't been officially rejected, but I'm getting a really weird vibe. One of the interviewers seemed to take an intense dislike to me during the interview (I figured maybe she was just testing me). They say they encourage students to contact them if they get offers from other schools only to tell me today that I must wait until the adcom meets at the end of the month. Why encourage us?

My deposit to CU is due Friday. I think this is turning out as it should. I have a feeling entering UW would have been like purposely entering into an abusive relationship (at least in my case). UW seems like a excellent school, but CU is just as good (minus the vibe ) and now I don't have to move.

CU-SOP 2010
nonyagirl said:
That sucks... can interviewers do that-- Dislike an applicant just for no reason?? UW adcom meets so late compared to other schools =(... did they say (or does anyone know) how many spots are left in the class (since some ppl have already been notified)??

Well, she probably had her reasons. That doesn't mean I have to think they're valid. Adcoms have the right to only admit candidates that they think fit with their program. It doesn't matter, I win.

The email I got from UW said that they were still interviewing and I don't think all that many have been admitted. There's still hope for you, I suspect.
Creighton- you suck! essay questions about how a jesuit education is going to help me. . .
Palm Beach also a No but thats good, not really a fan of Florida
UACP- Interview
UNM, Vcu and LECOM. . . where are you? did we decide not to enroll students this year?
God waiting sucks!!!! :scared:
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twester said:
Well, she probably had her reasons. That doesn't mean I have to think they're valid. Adcoms have the right to only admit candidates that they think fit with their program. It doesn't matter, I win.

The email I got from UW said that they were still interviewing and I don't think all that many have been admitted. There's still hope for you, I suspect.

When I interviewed at UW- I do believe one interviewer may have been a little more aggressive. Maybe they play good cop/bad cop to see how you react. In any case, I just answered their questions confidently. I didn't feel intimidated- in fact I don't think many people felt intimidated at the UW interviews. Interviewers are usually very positive. Maybe you're just reading too far into it. I'm sure you did fine.
I got an e-mail today from VCU saying no. To add to the insult, they referred to me as Mister :scared: . I never heard anything from them until this e-mail. I know they took quite a few people early so my best wishes go out to everyone still waiting! I hope they take you all and get your gender right :laugh: !
RachGator said:
I got an e-mail today from VCU saying no. To add to the insult, they referred to me as Mister :scared: . I never heard anything from them until this e-mail. I know they took quite a few people early so my best wishes go out to everyone still waiting! I hope they take you all and get your gender right :laugh: !
lol, yeah, i thought they lost my application or something. I got the same email. :laugh:
Mosep said:
No Problem. GPA=3.6 PCAT=91%.

I do agree that the interview seemed more like a conversation. Very relaxed and informal.

Mosep, i have the exact same stats as you and I got in, so if you're interview was ok, you shouldn't have a problem getting in! i don't know how many spots are left though.... i got an email yesterday saying that there were still openings for the web-based, and i could switch if i wanted, but im gonna stick with campus-based!
Just received an email from VCU saying no. . . though they did get my gender right. :( I guess it's down to UNM, LECOM and UACP
just got the same email from VCU. :(
kynsik said:
did we decide not to enroll students this year?
lol apparently several schools will not be admitting at all this year. they should send letters out that say "sorry. after deciding that ALL applicants completely suck this year, we will not be admitting anybody. sorry but thanks for the $50 application fee anyway."
ginephre said:
Mosep, i have the exact same stats as you and I got in, so if you're interview was ok, you shouldn't have a problem getting in! i don't know how many spots are left though.... i got an email yesterday saying that there were still openings for the web-based, and i could switch if i wanted, but im gonna stick with campus-based!

Thanks for the reassurance but I don't want to get my hopes up to much. At least I'm only a junior so their's always next year.
ginephre said:
Mosep, i have the exact same stats as you and I got in, so if you're interview was ok, you shouldn't have a problem getting in! i don't know how many spots are left though.... i got an email yesterday saying that there were still openings for the web-based, and i could switch if i wanted, but im gonna stick with campus-based!

They didn't happen to mention how many web-based openings they still had did they?
My number one choice...UT-Austin. :(
starsweet said:
Same here, I'm going to South for now until I hear from UGA and UT-Austin and Mercer! :)

Sorry to hear about Creighton... I would not want to take G-chem again either.... :scared: When will you know about UGA, UT and Mercer?
Smilescali said:
Sorry to hear about Creighton... I would not want to take G-chem again either.... :scared: When will you know about UGA, UT and Mercer?

Probably all around the same time, later this month. I feel like a time bomb waiting to go off. :oops:

Rxbound, I am really sorry to hear that... :( Are you still waiting on other schools?
Rxbound said:
My number one choice...UT-Austin. :(

Sorry to hear about that...stay encouraged and believe that there is an even greater plan for you. :) Hopefully you are still in the running for other schools...I am sure that something will work out!
starsweet said:
Probably all around the same time, later this month. I feel like a time bomb waiting to go off. :oops:

Rxbound, I am really sorry to hear that... :( Are you still waiting on other schools?

Yeah, I will know about UAMS next week, and I have an interview with Shenandoah in May...still pretty bummed, for now. :(
ginephre said:
.... i got an email yesterday saying that there were still openings for the web-based, and i could switch if i wanted, but im gonna stick with campus-based!

Wow that's pretty scary seeing that they are giving campus-based students the opportunity to switch to the web-based even before they have finished interviewing candidates for the web-based program. I am starting to get a sinking feeling :(

Btw...congrats ginephre on your acceptance! :thumbup:
Rxbound said:
Yeah, I will know about UAMS next week, and I have an interview with Shenandoah in May...still pretty bummed, for now. :(

I know what you mean. When I first started the application process, I really wanted to do Creighton's web-based program. You could say it was my first choice. I even spent weeks on the supplemental essay just so it sounded perfect. And, I was almost going to take Gen Chem I or II over again just for them. But since I was rejected (and accepted to a different school, and still in the running for 3 other schools) I just have to be happy with what I have, which is a lot! I am sure you will realize the same. :)
Rxbound said:
My number one choice...UT-Austin. :(
If you don't mind me asking, did you interview/when, and how did they inform you?
mph2pharm said:
Wow that's pretty scary seeing that they are giving campus-based students the opportunity to switch to the web-based even before they have finished interviewing candidates for the web-based program. I am starting to get a sinking feeling :(

Btw...congrats ginephre on your acceptance! :thumbup:
Well, there's going to be one more opening for web-based - I finally sent in my letter to them today requesting a deposit refund (the part they will give me back).
rxlynn said:
Well, there's going to be one more opening for web-based - I finally sent in my letter to them today requesting a deposit refund (the part they will give me back).

Where are you going instead? Just curious.
rxlynn said:
Well, there's going to be one more opening for web-based - I finally sent in my letter to them today requesting a deposit refund (the part they will give me back).

Thanks rxlynn...I remember you telling me that you decided to attend a school closer to your home. I am not sure how much that will help me as they will likely be making decisions on the candidates they just interviewed before they receive your letter BUT at least that will open up another spot for the group interviewing towards the end of this month! ;)
comopharm said:
They didn't happen to mention how many web-based openings they still had did they?

no, they just said they still had openings if i was interested.
Great. Just got rejected from USC! :thumbdown:
mph2pharm said:
Wow that's pretty scary seeing that they are giving campus-based students the opportunity to switch to the web-based even before they have finished interviewing candidates for the web-based program. I am starting to get a sinking feeling :(

Btw...congrats ginephre on your acceptance! :thumbup:

thanks! i'm excited and i wish it were august already! i don't really know why they asked me that because i never really expressed interest in the web-based program, they told me to let them know by the 14th (tomorrow). maybe they were trying to open up some spots in the campus-based?
mph2pharm said:
Wow that's pretty scary seeing that they are giving campus-based students the opportunity to switch to the web-based even before they have finished interviewing candidates for the web-based program. I am starting to get a sinking feeling :(

Btw...congrats ginephre on your acceptance! :thumbup:

Yeah I think that stinks asking the campus-based if they would like to go web-based.....but I guess I am a little biased being I am waiting to hear acceptance/rejection for the web-based! Anyways, congrats to you ginephre! :)
comopharm said:
Yeah I think that stinks asking the campus-based if they would like to go web-based.....but I guess I am a little biased being I am waiting to hear acceptance/rejection for the web-based! Anyways, congrats to you ginephre! :)

i wouldn't imagine too many students switching over from campus to web, unless something has changed that would make it impossible to move to omaha. since we have a choice when we apply, i would guess that most of us campus-based kids have a reason for wanting to be on campus! best of luck to both of you guys! i'm rooting for ya! :luck:
Their seemed to be more students interviewing for the web based program on April 7 than campus based. So it does seem odd for them to ask you if you would want to switch to the web based. I wouldn't think they would have any trouble filling the 55 spots.
lola69r said:
Yes it is LOL...no I didn't have an interview at PBA, so I knew that one was coming

Stupid PBA put me on their alternate list after my interview. I interviewed with 19 other people and half were from their undergrad. Their undergrad get in automatically. How can I compete with that?? I called them and they told me that they ran out of seats. Come to find out, Other people got in weeks after me. They lied to me....and they call themselves religous!! (___Y___) <~~PBA can kiss
hotties said:
Great. Just got rejected from USC! :thumbdown:
That's okay! You got into a better school anyway! ;)

Just kidding to all of you Trojans out there! I love USC! Go Trojans! :love:
Mosep said:
Their seemed to be more students interviewing for the web based program on April 7 than campus based. So it does seem odd for them to ask you if you would want to switch to the web based. I wouldn't think they would have any trouble filling the 55 spots.

Hey Mosep,

Actually on the print-out we were given with everyone's name, designation (web vs. campus) and who they would be interviewing with, there were more campus-based students interviewing on April 7th (22 campus-based and 18 web-based). But you are right, it does seem odd that they are giving campus-based students already accepted into the program the opportunity to switch to web-based even though they are only accepting 55 web-based students vs. 100 or so campus-based students. I guess if they don't want me then it really doesn't matter how many slots are left. :(

Good luck comopharm...I know that we are both hoping for one of those ever dwindling web-based slots. I really feel sorry for those interviewing on April 21st. I wonder if there will be any web-based slots left!
So I just got my official rejection from U-Buffalo. The heading said "Denial"... Wowww. How insensitive... especially since it took them so long to get back to me.

Has anyone received rejections from New Mexico or Florida yet?
dcupharm said:
Where are you going instead? Just curious.
Mercer - it's 20 minutes from my house. It's going to be around 20K cheaper over the 4 years.
SO...I got rejected from FAMU today. That's great - I didn't want to go there BUT, I got rejected because my "application materials were not recieved as of the Feb. 1st deadline." Hmm...I sent everything in 1 big envelope and requested signature conf. from the post office. It was all signed for Jan. 20th. It's one thing if they rejected me because of my stats but it's another to say they didn't get my stuff, even after I spoke with someone at the school who confirmed they got everything by the deadline. And I LOVE how they wait till mid-April to date and send this letter. Something is up at that school...
GatorRxGirl said:
SO...I got rejected from FAMU today. That's great - I didn't want to go there BUT, I got rejected because my "application materials were not recieved as of the Feb. 1st deadline." Hmm...I sent everything in 1 big envelope and requested signature conf. from the post office. It was all signed for Jan. 20th. It's one thing if they rejected me because of my stats but it's another to say they didn't get my stuff, even after I spoke with someone at the school who confirmed they got everything by the deadline. And I LOVE how they wait till mid-April to date and send this letter. Something is up at that school...

I know someone else who had a similar problem. On top of that, they require all prereqs done by Spring. This is tough on people who can't take every class they ask for in time. Best of luck on going where you really want to go! :luck: Go Gators!
Just received a rejection by email from Pittsburgh :laugh:
Currently, I am an offical rejectee of the following:

UofKentucky (who referred to me as Mrs in their email titled "Rejection Letter")

Albany (who had the infamous grammatical error in their 1 sentence-long letter)

UofPittsburgh (today, long "E-Reject" letter that said a whole lot of nothing")

Arizona rejection...in a way not surprised (along with UCSF)...but even with 3.6 GPA, 92 percentile PCAT it's dissapointing, I really wanted to go to the U of A...gotta move on to UW, Butler possibly... :(